The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 585

Gu Jiao and long Yiwu return to the forest. Princess Xinyang's carriage and her subordinates are still there.

Princess Xinyang found that the Dragon had disappeared, so it was not surprising to see the dragon and Gu Jiao come back together.

"Why have you been so long?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Longyi puts Gu Jiao into the carriage.

Gu Jiao's gills were numb again by the cold wind, and it took a long time to regain consciousness.

Gu Jiao did not answer the words of Xinyang princess, but said: "can you let longyi not clip me?"

Longyi is too fast. It's like a big blower blowing in front of him.

Princess Xinyang curled her lips: "he is obedient and only listens to half a sentence. I told him not to clamp you in the future. All he hears is" clamp you. "

Gu Jiao

One day she's going to walk around with longyi!

Gu Jiao then just the question way: "out of a bit of situation, beat grass to frighten snake."

"Not hurt?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Gu Jiao said: "longyi and I are OK. The others are bitten by poisonous insects. They are not ordinary poisonous insects. They are specially used for Fu longyingwei. Qin Fengyan used this kind of poisonous insects in the imperial study that day."

Princess Xinyang lifted the curtain and looked at the four Dragon shadow guards on their horses.

They wore masks and could not see whether they were pale or not.

"Is it serious?" She asked.

Gu Jiao said: "I cleaned up the poisonous insects in time, but there is still a little poison left in my body."

"They are not afraid of poisonous snakes. They are afraid of poisonous insects," she said

Gu Jiao thought about it and said, "one thing comes down to another. Sometimes the more powerful it is, the less prominent its natural enemies are."

"So it is." Xinyang Princess put down the curtain, "you and the dragon have not been bitten?"

Gu Jiao shook her head: "those insects don't bite us."

If you don't bite Gu Jiao, Princess Xinyang can understand. If you come to Fu longyingwei, Gu Jiao is not in the range of poisonous insects' preference, but longyi——

Princess Xinyang looked at longyi, who was sitting on the outside seat, and muttered, "is it really a random entrance..."

She pressed her eyebrows and asked, "the antidote is in hand?"

Gu Jiao took the burden off her body and said, "all the medicines that can be found are here. I just don't know which bottle is the antidote. I have to take it back and let Nanshi Niang have a look."

Princess Xinyang has heard of Nanshi Niang, who is the wife of the carpenter master Xiao Heng found for Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan through fenglao's contacts.

It's just that she hasn't met each other.

Princess Xinyang pondered for a moment and asked, "what if Qin Fengyan lied to you and the antidote is not in the hands of those Yan people?"

Gu Jiao said frankly: "after she said that, I interrogated her again with hallucinogen, and the answers were the same. She didn't lie."

Princess Xinyang asked suspiciously, "what is hallucinogen?"

Gu Jiao explained: "a kind of magic drug for inquiry."

Princess Xinyang looked at her and said, "does it work?"

Gu Jiao then said: "some people work, some people will be immersed in the illusion, unable to communicate with the outside world, so there is no effect."

Princess Xinyang said faintly, "give me some back."

Gu Jiao: "OK."

Think of what, Gu Jiao busy said: "time is pressing, I long story short, there are two things."

Xinyang princess looked at her: "you say."

Gu Jiao said: "there is a general named Nangong in the Yan kingdom. Also, today, a man from the state of Zhao dealt with the general Nangong. When he left, he said to him, "thank you, general Nangong."

Princess Xinyang frowned suspiciously: "general Nangong? General Nangong, thank you very much? "

Gu Jiao wants to send the antidote back to the palace quickly. Princess Xinyang asks longyi to accompany her.

They chose the two strongest horses.

Riding on her horse, Gu Jiao told Princess Xinyang, "they're four poisoned. It's better not to ride a horse in case something happens on the way. I'll detoxify them when I get back to Beijing."

Xinyang Princess zhengse way: "know, you go quickly, must save small seven!"

Gu Jiao pulled the reins tightly, turned the horse around, looked back at the carriage and said, "also, those Yan people may catch up. Be careful."

Princess Xinyang said, "don't worry about this! Let's go

Gu Jiao and long Yi raced into the night.

At this moment, just after Zishi, it is reasonable to say that time is abundant. Unfortunately, the Dragon shadow guard of the state of Yan has caught up.

There is only one official way. No matter how Gu Jiao and long Yi get rid of them, they are still getting closer and closer.

Dragon one reined in the horse.

Gu Jiao looked back and exchanged a tacit understanding look with him.

Gu Jiao continued to ride the horse forward.

As soon as the Dragon turned around, he blocked the way of the group with his own strength.

Gu Jiao raised the horse's speed to the extreme.

This is the official road that Qin Fengyan once ran through. Ten miles ahead, you can see the Phoenix Pavilion.

It will be soon after the Phoenix Pavilion.

Cangbei mountain is less than 20 li away from the west gate of the capital.

But when it was near the Phoenix Pavilion, an arrow suddenly shot from the side of the hillside and hit Gu Jiao's horse. The horse hurt, roared and fell forward.

Gu Jiao also followed to rush out.

It was too late to draw the gun. She protected the burden in her arms, rolled on the ground for several times, and finally stabilized herself.

However, without waiting for her to stand up, another arrow came whizzing.

It was not that she was quick to react and moved half an inch to the side, and the arrow nailed her whole arm to the ground!

Gu Jiao's eyes were burning in the direction of the hillside.

There, an expert in black robes stands with a bow. His broad sleeves are blown by the cold wind. Gu Jiao still feels the killing in his eyes across the distance of mountains and rivers.

His breath is not weak, Sirius!

He came up from the path, so he didn't match the dragon on the official road.

It seems that we can't go without killing him today.

With her current situation of strength recovery, she is not too embarrassed to meet Sirius. If she plays well, she may be able to draw, but it is almost impossible to kill the other side.

Gu Jiao coldly raised her hand and held the red tassel gun behind her.


Kunning palace, with bright lights.

Qin Chuyu was in a coma, and the palace people did not dare to breathe.

Empress Xiao and Nanxiang stay in the house until now. Duke Su sees that empress Xiao is so haggard that even the red blood under her eyes has come out, but he doesn't dare to persuade her at all.

Empress Xiao's eyes were swollen and her voice was hoarse.

She took Qin Chuyu's hand, stroked Qin Chuyu's little face, and choked in her throat: "Xiao Qi, You must insist... You must have nothing to do... As long as you wake up... The empress will promise you everything... The empress will not force you to endorse... Nor will she force you to practice calligraphy... You don't want to go to the Imperial College... The empress will not send you to the Imperial College... How many snacks do you want to eat... The empress will depend on you... You don't have anything to do... "

Qin Chuyu's body twitched.

Nanxiang quickly stood up and pulled up Qin Chuyu's sleeve. She saw that the white mark on Qin Chuyu's wrist had spread to the palm of her hand. When it reached his fingertips, he would never be able to turn back.

"Dr. Nan! How's Xiao Qi? " Asked queen Xiao, crying.

Nan Xiang said: "his situation is worse than I expected! My poison won't hold! I can't wait for daylight

She looked at the hourglass on the wall with a complicated look and said, "at most... At most, there is still an hour. If you can't bring back the antidote at the ugly time..."

I'm afraid... The immortal daruo can't be saved.

Empress Xiao pours on Qin Chuyu and wails: "Xiao Qi! Xiao Qi -- "

Outside the Phoenix Pavilion, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Gu Jiao and the black robed man have been fighting for 100 rounds. As time goes by, Gu Jiao's physical strength is disappearing.

She underestimated the realm of Sirius. Last time on the snow mountain, she cheated, and didn't let Sirius play his real strength.

Now when she meets the second Sirius, she knows how terrible the master of this realm is.

Gu Jiao's arm and waist and abdomen were slightly injured. This is the blessing of her red tassel gun. Otherwise, she would have been cut as hard as mud by the opponent's long knife if she had changed her ordinary weapons.

The black robe master cut down again with a long knife.

Gu Jiao's spear is like a dragon, wring his long knife!

Weapons together, in the dark to wipe out a series of fire!

Two people who also don't let, the eyebrows and eyes are all in close proximity, even the murderous air of the eyeground is in each other fierce fight.

Gu Jiao kick in the past, he offset with shoes, two people back, Gu Jiao back more.

It's time.

If you go on fighting like this, you can't kill him at dawn.

Gu Jiao knelt down on one knee, supported her nearly overdrawn body with a long gun, and looked at him breathlessly with her fishy red eyes.

Suddenly, Gu Jiao stood up and showed her eyes like a ferocious cub.

She raised her left hand, fingertips a hook, seized the neck of the peace charm.

She pulled down the peace talisman that Princess Xinyang had given her, with her fist facing down. As soon as her fist loosened, the peace talisman slowly fell to the ground.

The man in black looked at the boy in front of him strangely and didn't understand what he was doing.

The boy stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the blood on his lips.

The next second, the youth breath suddenly soared!

Come back!