The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 583


Huangfuxian took Nanxiang into the palace.

Along the way, Nanxiang was obsessed with the child, which attracted many eyes from huangfuxian.

"Can you show me something in your arms?" After getting out of the carriage, Nan Xiang pushed Huang Fu Xian's wheelchair and asked, looking at the little bundle in his arms.

Huang Fu Xian came out of the room and held it. He didn't know what was in it. He didn't let it go on the way.

"I won't show you." Huang Fu Xian said haughtily.

Gu Jiao said that with this pair of things, his stump can be connected to his leg. Now that he is still in a bad condition, he can't wear it. But he thought that he would cultivate feelings with them in advance.

Nanxiang smiles instead of anger. This child is lovely. It's so lovely. It's lovely when he's angry!

When they arrived at Kunning palace, Huang Fuxian told the palace people to inform empress Xiao that they had brought a doctor to treat Qin Chuyu.

Empress Xiao quickly invited people in.

Empress Xiao had already known about the rescue of Qin Chuyu by Huangfu Xian that night, and changed her view of Huangfu Xian.

"How are you? Isn't it in Bishui Hutong? How did you enter the palace? " Although she was exhausted, she still cared about Huang Fu Xian.

Huangfuxian said, "I'm ok. I brought a doctor here. She was the adoptive mother of Dr. Gu's younger brother. Her surname was Nan. Dr. Gu asked her to come and see the injury of his seventh highness."

Jiaojiao's younger brother's adoptive mother, this relationship is a bit of a detour.

At this juncture, empress Xiao didn't have the heart to break off these relatives, but since it was introduced by Gu Jiao, it must be reliable.

Xiao Heng has gone to the Ministry of punishment. There are only empress Xiao and Duke su.

Empress Xiao looked expectantly at Nanxiang and said, "doctor Nan, do you really have a way to treat my son?"

Nanxiang shook his head: "I can't cure it. I can only suppress the toxicity in his body for a while. Jiaojiao has to bring back the antidote to cure it."

Empress Xiao was stunned: "poison? Is Xiao Qi poisoned

When Gu Jiao left, he only asked Duke Wei to take the medicine.

Nanxiang secret way, just two people were anxious, did not give a good confession, but said, and then back is impossible.

She had to truthfully say: "yes, a very rare poison. Don't worry too much, empress. Jiaojiao has gone to get the antidote."

Empress Xiao asked nervously, "well, if you can't get it back..."

Nanxiang took a deep breath and said slowly, "if you take it back before dawn, your highness will be saved."

"Do you mean... Xiao Qi can only last until dawn?" Empress Xiao only felt the whirl of heaven for a while, and everyone almost fell down.

Duke Su helped her in time.

Nan Xiang came to the bedside, took out a bottle of pills, pulled out the cork and put one under Qin Chuyu's tongue.

It's actually a poison.

Fight with poison to suppress the poison in his body.

But we must grasp the quantity, light no effect, heavy will directly poison Qin Chuyu.

So she had to stay and watch.

"Niang Niang, don't fall down by yourself. What will your seventh highness do if you fall down?" Duke Su exhorted him with great care.

Empress Xiao tried to calm herself down. She choked back her tears, closed her eyes, and said to Duke Su, "go and arrange a room for xian'er to have a rest."

"Yes." Su Gong pushed Huang Fuxian out.

Empress Xiao calms down and sits down beside the bed.

Nanxiang sat on the stool opposite the bed.

Queen Xiao sat a little higher than her.

When Xu's mood calmed down, empress Xiao looked at Nanxiang carefully.

Nanxiang wore a veil and could not see her face clearly, but because of the angle, empress Xiao still saw a trace of disfigurement in the gap of the veil.

Empress Xiao said nothing and looked away.

But she turned her eyes back.

This time, she looked into Nanxiang's eyes.

She felt that her eyes were familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere.

On the bed, Qin Chuyu groaned and interrupted empress Xiao's thoughts.

Empress Xiao went to see what happened to her son. Nanxiang stood up, stepped forward, hugged Qin Chuyu and asked him to sit up and lie down.

The next second, Qin Chuyu vomited a mouthful of black blood.

Empress Xiao looks pale: "Xiao Qi!"

Nanxiang gives Qin Chuyu a smooth breath, then slowly puts Qin Chuyu back, and adds another black pill to his tongue.

Empress Xiao said anxiously, "doctor Nan, what's wrong with Xiao Qi?"

"The poison in his highness seven's body has broken out." Nanxiang looked out at the window and hung the night sky. "I hope Jiaojiao can find the antidote as soon as possible."

Under the wall, Gu Jiao looked at this neat string of long Ying Wei sugar gourd, and for a moment she was speechless.

She didn't even know how they were following.

Is it too late to send it back now?

Forget it. Get the medicine.

Gu Jiao didn't feel how big the Chuang Tzu was when she looked at it from a distance. After walking in, she found that there was another cave in it. No wonder she could live in a small army of dragon shadow guards.

It is reasonable to say that Chuang Tzu, who is so big and lives in so many people, should not be able to hide so well.

Gu Jiao shakes around and finally understands why there are so few people here. This Chuang Tzu is actually built on a graveyard. Behind Chuang Tzu, there are a lot of tombs, but it seems that they have been deserted for a long time. No one comes to worship them. The grass on the tombs is two meters high.

The people of Yan are very vigilant. Even if they live in such a poor place, they are still well prepared. At twelve o'clock, there are guards composed of guards of Yan and longyingwei patrolling back and forth in Zhuangzi.

Gu Jiao did not confront them head-on, carefully avoiding their line of sight.

Chuang Tzu has three large courtyards and seven or eight small courtyards. Most of the small courtyards live in the Dragon shadow guards and bodyguards. The big courtyard is Gu Jiao's Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao and long Yiwu advanced to the east courtyard.

Gu Jiao is in charge of searching, and long Yiwu is in charge of covering.

It has to be said that it's really thanks to long Yiji who can travel freely in such a large number of Yan dragon shadow guards.

They perfectly hide Gu Jiao's breath with their own breath, and they are not alerted to a large extent because they are dead men with the same breath as Yan Guolong Yingwei.

The patrolman walked over and thought it was his own person in the room, so he would not go in to check.

There is nothing in the east courtyard.

Gu Jiao shook her head at the dragon and went to the West courtyard.

There are several counsellors of the state of Yan living in this courtyard. Gu Jiao doesn't know the identity of each other, so she calls each other this way from the aspect of dress and temperament.

It's strange that so many people came here, both literate and martial, just to deal with the son of a female slave?

"It's our carelessness this time."

A middle-aged man's voice came out of his study. He spoke Zhaoguo dialect, but his voice was not right. He was from Yan!

With the gradual recovery of strength, Gu Jiao's five senses also improved a lot.

She was separated by a whole room, in a state of concentration, she could still hear the voice there.

Gu Jiao held her breath, listening to the man continue to say: "but also blame Qin Fengyan too anxious, if she is willing to listen to our order to act, will not expose themselves early."

After another person in the room said something, but the voice was too small, Gu Jiao really didn't hear clearly.

But Gu Jiao guessed that the other party was saying something like "you overestimate her", because the Yan man replied: "don't we also want to be better than blue? Who would have expected that she was a little worse than her mother. "

After that, they switched between Yan dialect and Zhao dialect. When they spoke Zhao dialect, their voice was too small. When they spoke Yan dialect, Gu Jiao couldn't understand it. It really made Gu Jiao regret that she didn't learn more foreign languages.

Gu Jiao understood one sentence: "general Nangong, thank you very much."

Is the Yan in the room a general?

After that, the people in the room came out one by one. They were surrounded by a large group of dragon shadow guards. It was difficult to see their faces.

One of them left Chuang Tzu and the other went to the compound.

The latter should be the Nangong general.

What he said to his subordinates was all in Yan dialect. Gu Jiao didn't understand it, but long Yi seemed to understand it. He picked up Gu Jiao and went to the rear of the compound!

There is a small courtyard hidden behind the courtyard.

There was no one in the courtyard.

Every corner of the village is heavily guarded, except here.

Either there's nothing here, it's empty; Or, there is a lot of danger here, and no one needs to guard it.

Gu Jiao is inclined to the latter.

As soon as the Dragon stepped forward to explore the way, one foot just stepped into the yard, then an arrow shot out in the air!

As soon as the Dragon grabs, it steps back and protects Gu Jiao behind.

Gu Jiao is OK.

Gu Jiao looked at the pebble pattern on the ground in the yard again. This time, she understood it.

She lightly pulled to pull lips Cape: "eight trigrams array."

The first thing her Godfather taught her was array.

Gu Jiao takes the lead and is familiar with the road, just like entering a place of no one.

After she broke through the array, she planned to remind longyiwu to follow her steps.

But when I look back, I'm gone!

Once again, five people stood in front of her!

Gu Jiao: forget you are the Dragon shadow guard, light function fly.

Wait a minute. If this array can't stop the Dragon shadow guard with excellent martial arts, what's the significance of its existence?

Are all the people who break into the yard ordinary people?

Gu Jiao thinks something is wrong.

At this time, a few small black spots flew out of the house, whizzing on the back of several people's necks and hands.

It's bugs.

Gu Jiao pats away the insects on the back of her hand.

She didn't matter, but the next second the four Dragon shadow guards who were bitten by insects fell to the ground.

Gu Jiao suddenly remembers what happened in the imperial study. Qin Fengyan puts down his Majesty's Dragon shadow guard with a wave of her hand.

Is that the little poisonous insect?

Are they the enemy of the Dragon shadow guard?

Gu jiaoshua looks at longyi!

Longyi has the most poisonous insects!

The Dragon looked at Gu Jiao and his brother who fell on the ground. He was in a circle for three seconds.

Then he fell face down in the same position.

Gu Jiao

Gu Jiao helps forehead: "Long Yi, you are OK."

The Dragon felt blind with one or two hands, pulled out a handful of grave grass and put it on his head.

As if to say.

People are dead, something to burn paper.

Gu Jiao said once again