The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 582

Qin Fengyan's original intention is to leave a way of life for herself. Once Qin Chuyu's life and death are bound with her, she doesn't believe they will kill her.

This is a seamless plan, but it happened that... She met a Gu Jiao who didn't play according to the routine.

If she sincerely repents and begs, Gu Jiao may consider letting her live two more days, but she even threatens Gu Jiao with the life of a child.


From the chamber of secrets, Gu Jiao is covered with blood, not a drop of her own.

Duke Wei had been a eunuch for many years, and he punished countless palace people by lynching, which was not as good as the scene he just experienced.

"Gu Gu..."

He didn't know whether he was scared or excited, but he stuttered.

Without waiting for him to finish, Gu Jiao took off her isolation clothes and gloves and left without expression.

From the palace, Gu Jiao went back to the blue water Hutong.

She plans to put on her clothes before going out. As soon as she enters the courtyard, she finds Nanxiang's mother and Lu's father are also there.

The three little boys in the family went to school. It was Yao who sat in the main room chatting with them.

"Jiao Jiao is back?" Yao's one eye saw Gu Jiao who enters the door.

Gu Jiao greets the three.

"What happened to Jiao Jiao? Are you in a hurry to go out? " Yao noticed that Gu Jiao's steps were in a hurry.

Gu Jiao said: "there's something wrong. I need to go out for a while."

"Madam, Xiao Bao is hungry!" Yu ya'er comes with Gu Xiaobao in her arms.

Yao said to Nanxiang's mother and Lu's father, "excuse me."

Nanxiang nodded with a smile: "go."

Yao took Gu Xiaobao back to the house to feed her.

Lu's father continued to sit in the main room drinking tea. Nanxiang's mother hesitated for a moment and then knocked on Gu Jiao's door.

"Jiaojiao, it's me." She said.

"Nanxiang, come in." Gu Jiaogang changed into a light man's clothes, picked up the red tassel gun hanging on the wall, and tied the loose cloth.

As soon as Nanxiang saw Gu Jiao's posture, she knew that it was not easy for her to go out. Now that she was all her own, Nanxiang's teacher would not turn a blind eye to her: "what's the matter with you in the daytime?"

Gu Jiao asked: "the seventh Prince has been poisoned by a strange poison. I'll get him the antidote."


Tangmen are good at concealed weapons and poisons. Nanxiang asked, "what's the symptom, can you tell me?"

Gu Jiao will Qin Chuyu and Qin Fengyan symptoms said, Qin Chuyu is more serious, has been unconscious.

"This is not the poison of our Tang clan..." Nan Xiang frowned and murmured.

"What?" Gu Jiao looks at her.

Nan Xiangshan said with a smile, "it's nothing. I mean, I haven't seen this poison with my own eyes, but I've heard that it's a kind of voodoo. Is the seventh Prince still young this year? "

"I'm eight years old," Gu said

Nan Xiang nodded and said, "that's it. This poison is very toxic. It can't be used on children. It's easy to go if you can't stand it. This kind of poison can be divided into child and mother witches. Once the person who has been poisoned by the mother witches dies, the child witches will also die suddenly. If the person who has been poisoned by the son witches dies, the mother witches will be fine. The seventh prince should be the son of voodoo. "

"This kind of voodoo can only be found in shangguo. Did shangguo attack the royal family of Zhaoguo?"

Gu Jiao said, "it's a long story."

Nanxiang was not interested in the Royal dispute. Instead, he said, "the person who poisoned the seventh Prince probably doesn't know that an eight year old child can't bear its poison."

This kind of poison is usually used to control people, but if you die, you will lose the meaning of control.

"Does Nanxiang Shiniang know what the antidote looks like?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I haven't seen that kind of antidote. I have to take it back first." Nanxiang asked, "by the way, how long has the seventh Prince been poisoned?"

Gu Jiao said: "the poison in the noon."

Nanxiang's expression was dignified: "he can't last for half a day."

It's been a long time. Gu Jiao can't get the antidote back in time even if she flies.

Nanxiang thought for a moment and said to Gu Jiao, "you find someone to take me to the palace. I have a way to stabilize his toxicity for the time being, but... It won't last long. You must bring back the antidote before dawn."

Gu Jiao nodded: "thank you Nanxiang Shiniang."

My aunt, Xiao Heng and Jingkong are not here, neither are my grandparents. Now only huangfuxian can enter the palace.

Gu Jiao comes to Westinghouse and wakes up Huangfu Xian who is sleeping.

Master Lu pulled Nanxiang into the front yard, looked back and said in a low voice, "do you really want to enter the palace? You don't remember what empress Xiao did to you in those years... "

Nanxiang said with a smile, "that's all in the past. The seventh Prince is a friend of Jingkong. Have you forgotten?"

Lu Shi's father said: "of course, I didn't forget. Jingkong always mentioned him, and the one named Xu congee."

Nanxiang said: "if the seventh Prince has an accident, the clearance will be very sad."

Master Lu sighed, "that's what I said, but I don't want you to go back to that place."

Nanxiang touched his disfigured face across the Veil: "if I am like this, who will recognize me? Even if you recognize it, no one cares, does it? "

Master Lu: "I'll go with you."

Nan Xiang: "you don't go. Please wait for me here."

Master Lu: "but..."

Nanxiang: "be obedient."

Lu Shifu had no choice but to surrender.

Gu Jiao pushed Huang Fuxian out.

"Jiaojiao..." Nanxiang turned around and saw Huang Fuxian sitting in a wheelchair. Huang Fuxian just woke up from his sleep and leaned impatiently on the wheelchair. He got up with a little sick air. His eyes were red and his eyes were surly.

Nanxiang's eyes suddenly stare straight!

What a beautiful child!

I want to turn back to Xiaoshun as my brother!

Master Lu opened his mouth: "I think I'm still with you..."

Nanxiang swung him away with his backhand: "go away."

Master Lu, who was suddenly despised: --

Huangfuxian takes Nanxiang to the palace, while Gu Jiao turns over and takes Xiaojiu out of the city to the nest of the Yan people.

The way that Xiaojiu conveys information is like this: he tracks first. If he loses it, he will cover the bird's head with a pair of wings when he comes back home, and he is especially depressed.

If you don't lose it, you will come back with a dead branch near the destination and show it to everyone bravely!

That day, it showed several times, probably knowing that it had done a lot.

Gu Jiao took out the dead branch that it brought back that day.

Small nine excited to puff Chi a wing, swish of fly up high altitude!

Gu Jiao followed Xiao Jiu out of the west gate and went all the way to the southwest.

As the night fell, Gu Jiao came to a Chuang Tzu by the mountains and rivers.

Small nine circled in the sky for a while, then fell back to Gu Jiao's shoulder.

"Is that it?" Gu Jiao said.

Small nine fluttered to flutter a wing: "cackle cackle Da!"

Gu Jiao: "that's a hen."

Small nine: "gu!"

Gu Jiao: "that's a pigeon."

Small nine: "Ji!"

Gu Jiao

How many birds do you know?

Gu Jiao secretly estimated that she had walked here for an hour and a half from Bishui Hutong. It was easier to get on the road during the day, and it might take more than an hour to go back at night.

To be on the safe side, she'd better get the antidote before time.


Little nine suddenly blew up.

Gu Jiao feels very powerful. She holds the red tassel gun on her back with her backhand. The next second, a tall black shadow comes in the air. She steps on the horse and swishes her away!

Gu Jiao

Gu Jiao was caught in a nearby forest.

There is a carriage parked there.

Gu Jiao's face was black, and her cheeks were blown up by the cold wind, like a sad frog that couldn't close her mouth.

When people fly in the dragon area, it is very rough, but the action of putting people into the carriage is extremely gentle.

He also smoothed Gu Jiao's messy hair with his internal power, especially the small hair who didn't admit defeat.

Princess Xinyang looked at Gu Jiao and said carelessly, "who asked you to follow?"

Gu Jiao said seriously, "I didn't follow you."

Princess Xinyang hummed coldly: "hard to reply."

Gu Jiao: "well, I'll follow you."

Princess Xinyang took a sip of tea: "Oh, how can you follow me?"

Gu Jiao

Princess Xinyang poured a cup of tea for Gu Jiao: "are you here to kill people, too? Don't waste your time. You can't kill it. "

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao took the hot tea.

Princess Xinyang said, "I've been observing here for a day. A hundred dragon shadow guards, let's die."

If the dragon is strong again and again, it's also a fight. It's catching up with a small army, and it's also exhausting physical strength in the wheel fight.

Gu Jiao Wu said: "so many dragon shadow guards?"

Princess Xinyang said, "longyingwei is the name of Zhaoguo. They are called dead men, but they are equally powerful."

Princess Xinyang brought people here today, just to carry the strength of Yan country, so as not to make Xiao Heng's idea. Unexpectedly, there are so many of them.

Princess Xinyang said, "don't act rashly. I'll go back and have people come to suppress them."

A hundred dragon shadow guards have amazing fighting power, but they still have no chance of winning against ten thousand armies.

Gu Jiao said: "as soon as I go, it's dawn. The seventh prince can't wait that long."

The princess of Xinyang frowned: "what do you mean? What happened to Xiao Qi? "

Gu Jiao tells the story of Qin Chuyu's poisoning.

Princess Xinyang was so angry that she patted the table: "damn Qin Fengyan! And so is your majesty! I left for a day! He made such a mess for me! That pillow is really light! "

Gu Jiao: "I lead the poison in Qin Fengyan's body into your Majesty's body."

Princess Xinyang: well done

Gu Jiao: Well, he's your brother.

Gu Jiao said: "I first find the antidote, do not fight with them."

When she thought of something, Princess Xinyang asked, "why didn't you bring the family boy here? Isn't that the guy who specializes in this? With him, it's faster to steal. "

Gu Jiao said quietly, "no, I'll do it myself. His martial arts are too good."

Gu Jiao takes Gu Chengfeng with confidence. If the risk factor is too high, she will only come by herself.

"You." Where can Princess Xinyang not understand? She said, "don't go by yourself. Take longyi."

Gu Jiao refused: "they have the means to pay the Dragon shadow guard, or don't take the dragon one."

What's the wrong way to deal with Fu longyingwei? Can Princess Xinyang understand Gu Jiao's mind?

Gu Jiao is worried that if something happens inside, she will be in danger here, so she wants to leave the most powerful person to her.

Gu Jiao doesn't matter. Other people can make decisions. No one can change what Gu Jiao wants to make decisions.

Gu Jiao turns over and dismounts, puts on a mask, and orders a dark guard of the princess mansion to approach Chuang Tzu quietly.

The dark guard followed Gu Jiao, followed, Shua, and was taken away!

Dark Wei was forced to press on the ground by a tall figure, Shua Shua Shua picked his clothes!

The next second, the dragon also shuasha shuasha to pick his own clothes!

And then——

Dark Wei looks at Long Yi in horror, arms embrace chest, I would rather die than follow!!!

Long Yiquan stuns him, puts on his clothes, puts on his trousers with a satisfied face, and goes out swaggeringly.

The remaining four Dragon shadow guards came out from behind the big tree to see their eldest brother and the dark guard lying on the ground. In a trance, they understood something.

They rushed to each other and caught a dark guard from Princess mansion. They pressed each other to the ground and stripped each other's clothes in spite of each other's tears and struggles!

Then, the four put on their trousers and bravely kept up with their boss!

Gu Jiao sneaks into the courtyard wall of Zhuangzi.

There's a sign behind the wall.

It's safe. You can come here.

Then Gu Jiao saw it.

A "dark guard" is coming.

Two "dark guards" are coming.

Three "dark guards" are coming.

The five dragon shadow guards headed by longyi are in a string like sugar gourd.

Gu Jiao