The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 580

Gu Jiao comes out of the east room before dawn. Huang Fu Xian is resting in Westinghouse these days. Xiao Heng and Xiao Jingkong are supposed to rest in the east room, but they are caught next door.

There was already a big and a small quarrel coming from the next room, and it seemed that it had started.

Gu Jiao went to wash in the backyard. Just after wiping her face, she saw a shadow on the ground illuminated by a lantern under the corridor.

She turned around and fixed her eyes. Then she saw Huang Fuxian come out of the study with a wheelchair.

There is no threshold for the study, and the wheelchair can go in and out freely.

But how did he get out of Westinghouse?

"You wake up early?" Gu Jiao asked.

"It's not too long. Let your dark guard help me."

It's about having the Dark Armor get him and the wheelchair out of Westinghouse.

This boy, he also called the dark guard.

Gu Jiao said, "wait a minute. I'll make breakfast after I wash my face."

Huang Fu Xian looked at her calmly: "listen to little mushroom, do you have a way to make me stand up?"

Little... Mushroom?

Gu Jiao blinked in consternation. It took a long time for her to reflect that he was referring to the small clearance.

Gu Jiao looked at him: "have you figured it out?"

Huang Fu Xian dropped his eyes, pinched his cold fingertips and said, "I've figured it out."

He wanted to live, not like a walking corpse, but like a real person.

Stand tall even if you don't have legs.

He will visit all the rivers and mountains of Zhao state and measure the territory of Zhao state with his feet. He will live with his mother's hope all the time.

"It's hard work."

"I'm not afraid."

"It's still painful. It's more painful than scraping."

"I'm not afraid of pain."

Gu Jiao scratched her head. Now it's not a problem you're not afraid of. It's that I don't have the material for the reception cavity.

Forget it. I'll cut the resin when spring comes.

Gu Jiao washes her face and returns to the east room. She takes out a small medicine box and prepares to take out the liquid medicine and gauze to change Huang Fu Xian's dressing. However, she is surprised to find that the weight of the small medicine box is not right.

When she opened it, she saw a pair of new receptive cavities on top of the emergency medicine.


The story of Princess Jing's mother and daughter taught the emperor a bloody lesson. He didn't mention who to hide the crime for. Of course, even if he wanted to hide it, she couldn't hide it. Princess Xinyang had already publicized Princess Jing's crime to the public in front of the civil and military officials in the Jinluan palace, and she couldn't take it back.

As for Ning'an's life experience, we must also tell the world, and all kinds of false Ning'an's crimes will also be made public.

All these matters are left to the Ministry of punishment.

Xing Shangshu was acquitted this morning.

Xiao Heng and Li Shilang went to Dali temple to pick him up.

Li Shilang arched his hand at Xing Shangshu and said with a guilty smile: "Mr. Xing, I was really helpless to slander you for acting that day. I offended you!"

"You son!" Xing Shangshu raised his hand to give Li Shilang a big slap in the face.

Li Shi Lang shrinks his neck in fright.

Xing Shangshu finally held back and just gave him a kick: "don't say hello to me in advance! I said that I treat you well on weekdays. How can you turn your head and pour dirty water on my head? "

Li Shi Lang grinned, looked at Xiao Heng and said, "isn't this LIULANG who won't let me tell you? LIULANG said, "it's dangerous enough for me to pretend to be bribed by her. I'm afraid that if more people know it, I'll show up."

"Why? If you can do it, I can't do it? "

Li Shilang said with a bitter smile: "you... Just can't act. You are so honest..."

This flattery, Xing Shangshu's anger instantly fell by half, he looked at the two, seriously said: "only this time, next time is not the case, any plan in the future, remember to inform me in advance, don't keep me in the dark!"

"Yes, yes! Yes Li Shilang answered with a smile.

While talking, several people left Dali temple, and the carriage stopped by the side of the road.

Li Shilang personally helped Xing Shangshu into the carriage. Then he turned around and walked to Xiao Heng with a look of chat. He lowered his voice and said, "LIULANG, this time... Thank you very much."

Li Shilang was not bribed by xianleju young master, he was really bribed.

After the east window incident, it was Xiao Heng who came forward and said that Li Shilang had taken his advice and played tricks with others in order to attract fish.

Xiao Heng said: "Li Shilang is polite."

Li Shilang said with embarrassment: "this time I'm bewildered. I'll never dare to do it again. I'm deeply impressed by your help. If you need me in the future, just tell me, I'll do anything for you!"

Xiao Heng light smile: "polite."

It doesn't matter whether Li Shilang is really grateful to be willing to do anything for him. The important thing is that if he has the handle in his own hands, Li Shilang will be very loyal to him.

From this moment on, Xiao Heng began the first step of cultivating power.

Princess Xinyang gave the account book of Princess Jing to Xiao Heng. Xiao Heng understood what Princess Xinyang meant. If he wanted to, he could hand in the account book or choose to hold it in his own hands.

With those handles, the contacts that Princess Jing has managed for so many years have become his leeks.

After returning to the Ministry of punishment, Xing Shangshu immediately asked Xiao Heng to bring the case file.

Xiao Heng combed it very clearly, and Xing Shangshu was very satisfied.

He felt that after this, Xiao LIULANG should be promoted.

While looking through the file, Xing Shangshu said: "I will leave the matter behind Sun Ping to Li Shilang to deal with. You should concentrate on the case. By the way, Ning'an..."

In the middle of the story, Secretary Xing Shang said that it was a fake Princess Ning'an. He changed his words and said, "since this matter has been handed over to the Ministry of punishment, you will send someone to Dali temple to escort the young master of xianleju."

Xiao Heng said, "the young master of xianleju was taken away by his Majesty's people. His majesty said that he would deal with her personally."

"So?" Xing Shangshu nodded, "... OK."

Your majesty is the boss. What can he say?

"My Lord! My Lord

During the conversation, a jailer came in in a hurry and reported: "Mr. Xing, a father-in-law surnamed Su came to the palace. He said that he was looking for Xiao Shuling for something urgent."

"I remember that there was a father-in-law surnamed Su around the queen..." Xing Shangshu didn't know Xiao Heng's life experience, but he also understood that Xiao Heng was deeply loved by the two masters of the Imperial Palace, but when did even the queen join in?

Xing Shangshu looked at Xiao Heng: "OK, go, don't let people wait for a long time."

Xiao Heng left with a salute.

At the gate of the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment, he saw Duke Su who was anxious to get angry.

"Duke su." He said hello.

"Ouch!" Su Gong trotted towards him busily, grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "little Marquis, it's not good. There's something wrong with his seventh highness!"


Xiao Heng went to the hospital, picked up Gu Jiao and drove to the palace as fast as he could.

"What's the situation?" Gu Jiao asked.

Xiao Heng said: "I fainted. I said that I was a little listless after I was rescued that day. The queen asked the imperial doctor to examine him. It was no different. I just thought he was too frightened. But at noon, he suddenly fell from his chair. I don't know if it's fainting before I come down, or if it's falling down before I fall dizzy. "

Gu Jiao pondered: "what does the imperial doctor say?"

Xiao Heng shook his head: "the imperial doctor can't diagnose the problem."

When they entered Kunning palace, they heard empress Xiao's cry.

The prince has gone to court, but it is not clear what happened to his brother.

Empress Xiao didn't send anyone to inform him.

"Master, Mr. Xiao and Dr. Gu are here!" Su Gonggong reported outside the door.

Empress Xiao retreated, leaving only Duke su.

"Ah Heng!" Empress Xiao choked.

As the queen of a country, empress Xiao has always been dignified and self-sustaining, rarely so impolite.

Xiao Heng said softly, "take care of your body, aunt. Let Jiao Jiao show Xiao Qi first."

Empress Xiao said to one side: "Jiaojiao, you must cure Xiaoqi..."

Gu Jiao nodded: "I try my best."

Gu Jiao put down the small basket, opened the small medicine box and took out the stethoscope. There was no murmur in her lungs and her heart beat a little too fast.

She gave Qin Chuyu another pulse, which was so strange that she had never seen it in her two lives.

Gu Jiao asked empress Xiao: "can you give a detailed description of the scene when the seventh Prince fainted?"

Empress Xiao recalled: "at that time, Xiao Qi was eating. He said he didn't want to eat green vegetables, so the Palace said to him. Suddenly, he covered his heart and planted it askew."

"Cover your heart? Angina? " Gu Jiao murmured and said, "does he usually do this?"

Empress Xiao choked and shook her head: "no, he's been fine all the time. He's been a bit depressed since he was abducted by that woman once. Our palace thinks he's scared, so does the imperial doctor. But the child is too young to take medicine indiscriminately. The imperial doctor said that he would be OK for a while, but who ever thought... "

Gu Jiao opens the quilt, unties Qin Chuyu's clothes, and carefully examines whether there are hidden wounds on his body.


Xiao Heng suddenly said: "Jiaojiao, his right wrist."

Gu Jiao looks at Qin Chuyu's right wrist and doesn't see anything. She changes her angle and stands beside Xiao Heng. This time, she sees clearly.

Qin Chuyu's wrist has a gray print, the light is too bright and too dark to see.

Gu Jiao rubbed her fingertips and couldn't wipe them off: "did he have this before?"

Empress Xiao thought about it and shook her head: "it seems not."

Gu Jiao: "how about these days?"

Empress Xiao: "this... Didn't notice."

Is it related to this white print?

Gu Jiao pondered for a moment and said to Xiao Heng, "where is the master of xianleju? She should know what it is. "

Xiao Heng said, "she was taken away by your Majesty's people. Your majesty said that she would be dealt with personally."

Empress Xiao quickly told Duke Su, "go to your Majesty's place and ask for someone!"