The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 579

Princess Xinyang came out of the palace and got into her carriage.

Yujin said beside her, "princess, do you want to go to Zhuque street?"

Princess Xinyang thought about it and said, "go to Bishui Hutong."

When the carriage arrived at Bishui Hutong, Gu Jiaozheng and Xiao Heng were digging the ground in the front yard. They were doing a good job with hoes. They were really like a couple of farmers.

Princess Xinyang walked over.

"Mother." Xiao Heng saw her and said hello to her.

Gu Jiao called the princess.

Princess Xinyang glanced at someone, not satisfied with the title.

Xiao Heng laughs and holds Princess Xinyang's hand without any trace: "how did your mother come here?"

"Don't bully your daughter-in-law!" Princess Xinyang stares at him, pats the back of his hand and asks the second humanitarian, "is the Empress Dowager back?"

Xiao Heng looks at Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao said, "I'm back. I'll talk to Huang Fuxian inside."

Princess Xinyang asked, "do you know all about Ning'an?"

Gu Jiao nodded: "I just heard from my aunt."

Xinyang Princess look a loose: "then nothing, I go back first."

"I'll see you off." Xiao Heng said.

Princess Xinyang turned and went to the door. She had just walked two steps. She caught a glimpse of the red tassel gun leaning against the bamboo to bask in the sun. She pulled her lips and said to Xiao Heng, "the yard is empty. Play with the flower gun twice."

Xiao Heng's face suddenly flashed a trace of embarrassment, holding her arm and walking out: "kiss son, kiss son!"

Princess Xinyang gave him an angry and funny look and got on the carriage.

Gu Jiao took a hoe, looked at the closed Westinghouse window and asked, "do you think my aunt will tell him everything?"

Xiao Heng's eyes also fell on the closed window and said, "yes."

Gu Jiao didn't understand: "aren't you afraid that he is sad? He's still so young. "

Xiao Heng sighed and said: "the two powers hurt each other. If you don't tell him, it's the saddest thing for him to live in the misunderstanding that his mother hates him all his life."

Gu Jiao seems to have some sense of his emotions and a little understanding, she turned to look at him: "think of their own experience?"


Xiao Heng did not deny it.

The most painful thing he experienced was not that he was not princess Xinyang's child, nor that he was nearly burned to death by the fire, but that he misunderstood Princess Xinyang's disgust and abandonment of him.

It's a kind of self stripping.

Gu Jiao said: "Huang Fuxian said that after he was injured, his mother seemed to be a different person. Maybe he was not really peaceful since then. Do you know about Ning'an? "

Xiao Heng shook his head: "I don't know. Some things will never have an answer."

It was an hour after empress dowager Zhuang came out of Westinghouse. She looked very tired and her eyes were red.

She staggered as she crossed the threshold.

Gu Jiao is sweeping the main room. She holds her fast: "aunt!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang waved her hand: "it's OK. When I get old, I'll go back to my room and lie down for a while."

Then she walked slowly to her cottage.

Her hair was silvery white, and she was enveloped in the great vicissitudes of life. Her back seemed to have a bit of rickets. In such a day, she seemed to be ten years old.

She had a very hard life. She kept the country of Zhao, Her Majesty's throne, and all the glory of the Zhuang family. However, none of the people she had helped her grow up with was here.

Ning'an she wanted to see would never come back.

Empress Dowager Zhuang slowly lay on her bed. There was no light in the room.


The door was pushed open.

With another creak, the door was closed.

A small figure ran to the bed dada, to the edge of the bed a lie down: "aunt!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "why?"

"Do you want to sleep?" asked Xiao Jingkong

Empress Dowager Zhuang rolled her eyes: "no, I'm lying here sprouting."

Xiaojingkong opened his eyes: "Oh, I'll give you some water?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang

Xiaojingkong said, "aunt, you still owe me a candied fruit."

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "the jar is on the table. Take it by yourself."

Small clearance Yi a: "aunt, why don't you cheat today?"

"You are very noisy today," she said

Xiaojingkong tilted his head: "did I not make noise before?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang is going to be crazy. She wants to be sad for a while alone. How can the little monk always brag?

"It's dinner --"

Gu Xiaoshun's loud cry came from the yard.

Xiaojingkong grabs empress dowager Zhuang's sleeve: "aunt, let's go to dinner!"

"I don't want to."

"My grandfather made brown sugar Ciba."

"I don't want to..."

"And made a honey bean roll."


"And eggs in sugar."

Empress Dowager Zhuang turned black and swallowed.

Can you make people sad!

Huang Fuxian was a patient. As soon as he had a rest, Gu Jiao didn't wake him up. She heated millet porridge for him in the pot. After a while, she could eat it.

Who expected to wait until the night, huangfuxian still did not wake up.

"Little brother, why don't you wake up?" Asked little headroom bewildered.

"Let me see." Gu Jiao explored Huang Fu Xian's pulse and touched his forehead. Her pulse was normal and her temperature was normal. "I think she just fell asleep."

Huang Fuxian really fell asleep.

He had a dream that he was five years old.

That year, the snow in the frontier was very heavy, and many people died of freezing or starvation at home.

Princess Ning'an plans to go to the vegetable market of Yecheng to make porridge.

At the age of five, he ran over, hugged Princess Ning'an's leg and said, "mother! Xian'er is going, too! "

Princess Ning'an looked at the flying snow outside the house, gently touched his head, and said with a smile, "the snow is too heavy. Xian'er will be frozen when she goes out. Would xian'er stay at home and wait for her mother to come back?"

The five-year-old shook his head and said, "but my mother will freeze too!"

Ning An Princess soft voice way: "mother can't, mother wore a lot of clothes."

At the age of five, he straightened out his chest: "xian'er can also wear a lot of clothes!"

Princess Ning'an gently laughed and held him in her arms, kissing his small face and forehead: "dear, my mother will be back soon."

After that, Princess Ning'an put him down, put on her cloak and went out.

He came to the door with a pair of short legs and was unexpectedly stopped by the servant.

He has dreamt of this scene many times. The next scene is that he pretends to take a nap, sneaks into the shopping cart stool to hide, and follows the cart out of the house.

But as a young man, he didn't know that not all carriages would go to his mother's porridge shed.

The carriage stopped in a strange place.

Now it was dark, and the coachman went to work, and he got out of the carriage.

Strange street, strange crowd, he became flustered.

He began to call his mother.

He didn't know how long he had called and how long he had gone. The hesitation and helplessness that he couldn't find his mother made him wake up from the nightmare every time.

This time it was different.

He went on pounding the streets like a headless fly.

The more the wind and snow hit, he lost his way and unconsciously came to an open official road, with snow on both sides.

He had no strength. He fell into the snow and couldn't get up again.

Just before he was about to lose consciousness, a gentle and anxious voice sounded over his head, and then he was picked up by a pair of gentle arms.


It's my mother.

He opened his eyes weakly and saw a face full of tears.

"Mother has finally found you!"

Princess Ning'an held him tightly in her arms.

He wanted to hold his mother, but he was frozen.

Princess Ning'an carried him on her back, braved the bitter wind and snow, and walked forward with deep and shallow feet.

Princess Ning'an fell in the snow many times, but she got up many times.

"Mother, I'm so cold."

Princess Ning'an took off her cotton padded jacket and put it on him.

"So sleepy..." he murmured on his mother's back.

Princess Ning'an panted and said, "xian'er, don't sleep. Your mother will take you home."

Finally, she couldn't walk any more. She was lying in the cold snow.

He lay down on her back, and the snow was falling.

Little by little, she dug a small hole in the snow with her bare hands, which made her fingers blood and flesh blurred, and made her bones white.

She took off her jacket, wrapped him with her cotton padded jacket, and put him in carefully.

Then she covered the snow pit with her weak and thin body to block the snow for him.

The biting wind beat her body, and she gradually became stiff.

She said to him with her last strength: "xian'er, I want to live..."