The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 571

Gu Jiao looked as like as two peas in the princess. This is not the same.

This is a good and bad gambling shop. You can see all kinds of people in it.

But Princess Ning'an seemed to be familiar with the place, and soon she went into a room with a special guard at the end of the corner on the first floor.

Gu Jiao tries to enter, but is told that it is not a place where ordinary people are qualified to enter.

Then we'll have to watch from another place.

"Here, here!"

In a small broken courtyard next to the gambling house, Gu Chengfeng waves to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao walks over.

This is a long-standing house. The wall of the backyard is only one wall away from the gambling house.

They put their ears on the wall and could hear a little conversation in the wing room.

"... didn't I lead people out? Do you blame me for the loss of your own people? "

It's Princess Ning'an's voice.

Gu Chengfeng asked Gu Jiao silently, "what do you mean?"

It should be the time when Xiao Heng was led to the capital by Li Shilang's case, and Xing Shangshu was also there. They were almost attacked by a group of people in black. It was heihuozhu who got out of the siege.

From these words, we can almost judge that the other party is the force from Yan state.

There is a dangerous atmosphere that makes Gu Jiao feel scared.

Gu Jiao squinted, a little excited at the bottom of her heart.

Princess Ning'an said again: "after all, who is he? Why do you want to kill him? "

"It's not your business."

It's a man's voice.

It seems that Ning'an doesn't know the real identity of Xiao LIULANG. She may not even know that Xiao LIULANG is Xiao Heng. Otherwise, she won't go to empress Xiao to sow dissension. As a result, she has no fun.

This is what Qin Gong had brought out from the eyes of the Kun Ning palace.

It's not surprising that Princess Ning'an doesn't know. First of all, she hasn't met Xiao Heng, so it's hard to connect them from the aspect of appearance. Secondly, maybe these people don't want xianleju to know Xiao Heng's identity.

Princess Ning'an said: "well, I don't care about your business, but I have done what I promised you, but what you promised me has not been fulfilled once."

The man said, "you lead him out again."

Princess Ning'an said, "why do you have to bring it out? Can't you do it anywhere in the capital? Every day he goes to the Imperial Academy to work with the Ministry of punishment. On the way back and forth, he can always find a chance to do it, right

"There are too many witnesses, we can't take the risk," the man said

Princess Ning'an said, "that night is OK, isn't it? Or can't you just sneak into his house? "

"The man said:" that unless we kill all the Hutong, a witness will not be left

But even so, there will still be traces of crime.

They don't want to fight in the capital until they have to.

Princess Ning'an said sarcastically: "it seems that there is no talk between us."

The man said, "if you want your things back, you'd better do as we say."

Princess Ning'an sneered: "why bother? Why don't I help you kill him? "

The man said, "if you can really kill him, you can come over with his head and we'll give it to you."

Then there was a strange silence in the room.

No one knows what Princess Ning'an thought in her heart, but it is not difficult to judge that Princess Ning'an is very angry by touching the table and throwing cups inside.

Finally, the man seemed to give Princess Ning'an the same gift, temporarily pacifying her mood.

Gu Chengfeng said in a low voice: "those people are the forces of Yan kingdom. What did they take from Princess Ning'an and force Princess Ning'an to work for them? Is it related to that key? "

"She's gone." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Chengfeng said, "are we following her or the gang?"

Gu Jiao said: "that group of people."

They put such a long line, and finally caught the fish, naturally want to chase the fish bite.

Just who also didn't expect is, Gu Chengfeng suddenly nose itch, really didn't resist, hit a big sneeze!

"Who is it?"

The man asked coldly.

Gu Chengfeng hated his nose. He didn't sneeze long ago or late, but at this time he made a stir!

That's good!


Gu Jiao whistled to the sky, then grabbed Gu Chengfeng and quickly went out of the yard.

Princess Ning'an's bodyguard used her lightness skills to catch up.

Gu Chengfeng lifted the veil of the hat, grasped the heavy train with both hands, stepped on the eight character feet, and ran forward chirping!

Women's skirts really affect speed.

They were caught up by four guards.

The two sides exchanged hands fiercely.

Gu Jiao did not bring weapons, unarmed against it.

She dragged three guards with her own strength, but one ran towards Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng's heavy palace clothes are too heavy to run or fight.

Each other a cold long sword cut down, Gu Chengfeng dodged: "I hide!"

The other side cut a blank and swung the sword again.

"I'll hide again!"

The other side didn't cut it several times. He was completely enraged. Suddenly, he gave up the sword and took out the dagger at his waist. He stabbed Gu Chengfeng's heart with the force of lightning!

This move is too strong and too fast for Gu Chengfeng to avoid.

Just listen to a loud bang, Gu Chengfeng's chest exploded!

The guard was stunned by the whole person.

What happened?

He blew up a woman's play?

If Gu Chengfeng wants to dress up as a man, she must be similar in shape. The first choice for the stuffing in her skirt is steamed bread. However, the light steamed bread is too small, and the big one is too heavy. Finally, Gu Jiao takes two small Dudu from the small medicine box and lets Gu Chengfeng blow them by herself.

As big as you want, it's light, not easy to fall off, perfect.

Gu Chengfeng thinks it's fun. He asks Gu Jiao if she has more. He also sends one to elder brother and Gu Chenglin to let them blow when they are free.

As a result, Gu Jiao said no more.

There are only these two left. This guy also stabbed one of them!

Gu Cheng is out of fashion. He takes his own pair of palms and slaps them on the other side!

Gu Jiao solved the three people, Gu Chengfeng is still indignant to fan big ears.

"Come on, let's go!"

"Don't stop me! I'm going to hit him! I'll hit him

Gu Jiao grabs Gu Chengfeng and drags him out of the alley.

When Princess Ning'an and the man arrived at the alley, Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng had disappeared.

Princess Ning'an damaged four guards, but she didn't get nothing. She found a piece of gold gauze that had been hooked off at the scene.

She had seen this kind of gold gauze on a man this morning.

The fourth guard revealed two important news before swallowing his breath: explosion; Dressed in women's clothes, but speaking is a man's voice.

Princess Ning'an measured the footprints on the ground again.

Two pairs of women's shoe prints, one is the normal size, the other is bigger than the feet of several guards.

"Oh." Ning'an Princess low ground smile, smile the shoulder all tremble, "Xin Yang, Xin Yang, originally you are a fake!"

After Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng got on the carriage, they asked the coachman to drive the carriage to the crowded place quickly.

Gu Chengfeng is still hurting his own baby: "why run so fast?"

Gu Jiao said: "they have a master. I can't beat them with you."

Gu Chengfeng snorted coldly: "what do you mean? Is my martial arts very poor? Oh! I don't know who brought you out of the Tang family army's bow and arrow when you went out to the Marshal's mansion at night! "

Gu Jiao glanced at him: "you know it was the beginning."

Gu Chengfeng

Gu Chengfeng cleared his throat: "can't they do it in the capital?"

Gu Jiao said: "it is easy not to start, but there is always a last resort."

Gu Chengfeng sighed with regret: "then we will lose them?"

Gu Jiao bent his lips and said, "No

In the blue sky, a mighty haidongqing flies by——

The next day, just after Yinshi, empress Xiao took Duke Su to the east palace.

Today is the first day for the crown prince to go to court. Empress Xiao worried that her son would miss something, so she came to explain what she should do.

Empress Xiao tidied up her son's clothes and said, "your uncle is not in the court. If you have any doubts, don't answer them on the spot. Don't worry. The mother and empress who should do it have done it. Your uncle's subordinates will help you."

"The prince said:" know the mother, you have told me many times

"It's not because no one has mentioned you --" empress Xiao said, half stopped. She changed her words and said, "when the time is right, your mother's imperial concubine will choose some side imperial concubines for you. When the time is right, you can choose one you like to be your imperial concubine."

"All at the mother's command." The prince answered in a low voice.

Empress Xiao caressed her son's shoulder with satisfaction. Although he was still sad in his heart, he didn't feel as strong as his father.

The prince said, "mother, I went to court."

Empress Xiao was still not at ease: "although I have always been at odds with Princess Xinyang, she is your aunt. She won't hurt you. Just listen to what she says and don't argue with her in court. If someone wants to alienate you, don't listen at all. "

The prince muttered, "I'll bully her. My uncle will beat me when he comes back. My uncle hurts my aunt."

Empress Xiao rolled her eyes: "hum, your uncle doesn't love her. It's just a man's good face."

Duke Su came in in a hurry: "Queen! Your highness! Something's wrong

Empress Xiao frowned at him and said, "what's the matter?"

Su Gong could not hide his panic and said, "Princess Xinyang and Princess Ning'an are quarreling outside the Jinluan hall!"

Empress Xiao didn't understand: "what are they arguing about? Why did Ning'an go to the Jinluan palace again? "

Su Gong said: "it seems that Princess Ning'an went to Princess Xinyang specially. She said..."

"What did you say?" asked queen Xiao

Su Gonggong said: "Princess Xinyang is a fake!"

"You said I was fake? What evidence is there? "

Outside the Jinluan hall, Princess Xinyang, wearing a hat and veil, stood on the highest step and looked down at the princess Ning'an, who had lowered her steps several times. "If there is no evidence, it's bloody."

Doctor Yushitai said: "yes, how could Princess Xinyang be a fake? Obviously, the voice as like as two peas.

Princess Ning'an looked at everyone sincerely: "I guess you won't believe it, but I did see this man disguised as Princess Xinyang in the street yesterday. I asked the old lady in the palace. Beside Princess Xinyang was a female official named Yujin. No matter where Princess Xinyang went, Yujin was always with her. Then why is there no shadow of Yujin around her on such an important day of going to court? "

"This..." doctor Yushitai choked.

Yujin has been with Princess Xinyang for more than ten years. Indeed, every time she enters the palace, Yujin will follow her.

Princess Ning'an's eyes fall on the face of the little servant girl beside Princess Xinyang. This is yesterday's little servant girl, but she has already guessed each other's identity.

Princess Ning'an pointed to the little servant girl and said, "this servant girl's face is wearing a human skin mask. She is also disguised."


Everyone was surprised.

Not only the princess is fake, but also the maid?

For a while, they didn't think of the imperial edict to canonize Princess Xinyang. However, if they knew that the two servants were brothers and sisters who were in charge of the family, they would not escape the charge of treason.

Xiao LIULANG is Gu's son-in-law, and he will die under the guillotine.

What is dozing? Here comes the pillow. That's it.

They looked at the expressionless little maid, and then at Princess Xinyang, who was wearing a hat and didn't dare to show her true face. They saw that Princess Xinyang's fingers were slightly pinched. It was not difficult to see that she was nervous.

The little maid patted the back of Princess Xinyang's hand and shook her head slightly.

This action seems casual, but it is still captured by the public.

Princess Xinyang took a deep breath and said slowly, "sister Ning'an, I've never done anything that I'm sorry for you. Why do you slander me so much?"

Princess Ning'an said: "I don't mean to slander you. I just don't want you to cheat against the identity of Princess Xinyang. You went to see your majesty yesterday. I don't know if you did anything. I heard that your Majesty's situation is getting worse. "

Everyone's eyes sank, and a trace of suspicion and coldness appeared in the eyes of Princess Xinyang.

Princess Ning'an looked at her straightforwardly: "if you are princess Xinyang, do you dare to take off your hat?"

Princess Xinyang squeezed the handkerchief tightly and said calmly: "I have a rash. I have a bad appearance. It's inconvenient to see people."

Ningan Princess step by step up the steps: "is a long rash, or you are not?"

Xinyang Princess light way: "if I am?"

Princess Ning'an suddenly looked behind Princess Xinyang: "brother?"

Princess Xinyang looks back.

Princess Ning'an took the chance to pick up her hat!

A face full of rashes is exposed to all people.

Surprisingly, this is indeed the face of Princess Xinyang!

Princess Ning'an was shocked: "impossible! You must be wearing a mask

She stretched out her hand to tear the human skin mask on Princess Xinyang's face, but she was slapped by Princess Xinyang's backhand!


Princess Xinyang's eyes are cold and her aura is wide open!

Princess Ning'an was beaten down the steps, and the experts behind her rushed up to catch Princess Xinyang. Suddenly, a dragon like figure came down from the sky and stood in front of Princess Xinyang majestically!