The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 570

Gu Chengfeng used to be a fake voice, but now he is the first time to be a woman's wear boss. It's really hard for him to die.

Gu Chengfeng took a long time to make the two little guys symmetrical.

"Well, not bad."

He was quite satisfied.

Duke Wei: so you are such a Xinyang princess!

Gu Jiao gave the emperor acupuncture to relieve his condition, but the specific effect still depends on follow-up observation.

"Gone." Gu Jiao said to Gu Chengfeng.

"Well." Gu Chengfeng switched the voice of Princess Xinyang for a second, stood up, bent his knees, and let the gorgeous train meander.

Then he reached out his hand gracefully, "little jade, support the princess."

Gu Jiao didn't look at the hand. She walked past him.

Gu Chengfeng, who has been ignored

Gu Chengfeng forced to hold Zun and said, "little jade is still in such a hurry to open the way for the princess. OK, let you open the door."

Gu Jiao black face looking at him, your play can not so much?

They left Huaqing Palace.

Gu Chengfeng said: "I want to give her the key back, you wait for me outside the Bixia hall."

Gu Jiao glanced at him: "is your dress convenient?"

It's a little inconvenient.

The woman's clothes were so troublesome. They were stacked up from head to foot. He couldn't even walk away.

Gu Jiao held out her hand: "I'll go. You'll wait for me in the imperial garden."

Gu Chengfeng thought for a while, his clothes really hindered her action, he handed her the key: "then you should be careful, Duke Qin said, there are more than ten servants from the frontier fortress. They said that they were originally serving Huang Fuxian, just the little disabled. Do you need so many people to serve them? I'm afraid there's something fishy about it. "

"I see." Gu Jiao took the key and turned to the Bixia palace.

Gu Jiao has never been to the Bixia hall, but it doesn't affect the fact that Duke Qin drew a picture of the Bixia hall for her.

She found Princess Ning'an's bedroom. Princess Ning'an's Yao family had been put in her purse. She didn't open it all the way, so there was no possibility of it falling. If she didn't find it, she had to put it back.

Gu Jiao's luck is good. Princess Ning'an just took her purse down and put it on the dressing table. Then she went to the ear room.

Gu Jiao put on her gloves, gently opened her purse and put the key in.

When Princess Ning'an came out of the ear room, Gu Jiao had already jumped out of the window.

Gu Jiao plans to go to meet Gu Chengfeng. Unexpectedly, when she passes by a room, she hears a burst of suppressed grunts.

There are patients.

Gu Jiao goes back a few steps, looks into from the narrow gap of the window lattice, and sees an empty wheelchair.

She almost guessed whose house it was.

There was a royal doctor on duty in the house. Now he went to the cottage.

Gu Jiao opens the window lattice and jumps in.

She came to the bed.

Huang Fu Xian's condition is very bad. He has shortness of breath, unstable pulse, and sweat seeping from his forehead and body. He seems to be suffering a lot.

"Where does it hurt?"

Gu Jiao frowned strangely.

She examined Huang Fu Xian's upper body and found no injury that could cause such intense pain, except for a little healed scratch on the palm of her hand.

She then gently opened Huang Fu Xian's quilt.

She lifted up Huang Fu Xian's trouser legs and finally understood the problem.

His bones grow out of the skin, and the bones grow faster than the skin, so many young amputees will experience more than one bone grinding operation in the process of growing up.

This kind of operation is a kind of torture to the patient's body and mind.

His condition has caused slight inflammation.

He had to have a bone grinding operation as soon as possible, and he had to deal with the wound quickly to stop the inflammation.

Gu Jiao didn't bring a small medicine box, but she carried a small emergency medicine bag.

She took out the disinfectant and gauze, cleaned up the inflamed area, and took two anti-inflammatory drugs to feed him.

Huang Fuxian felt like he was in a cold embrace.

He wanted to open his eyes, but he didn't have the strength to lift them.

"Drink it."

He heard someone talking to him in his ear.

He is a rebellious boy, no one can command him to do things.

Gu Jiao said, "if you don't drink, I'll take your pants off."

Huang Fuxian

Huang Fuxian wrongly drank the medicine.

He was in severe pain, and Gu Jiao gave him a special painkiller from the Institute.

This kind of painkiller has small side effects and can be eaten by children, but Gu Jiao still won't give it to children in general.

But isn't this an emergency?

Not so much.

Gu Jiao put him down flat, pulled the quilt to cover him, at this time, the imperial doctor also came back.

Gu Jiao jumped out of the window lattice.


"Why have you been so long? Is something wrong? "

In the imperial garden, Gu Chengfeng looks at Gu Jiao, who is late.

Gu Jiao looked around and said, "it's OK. I went to see Huang Fu Xian."

Gu Chengfeng was relieved: "I thought you were going to investigate the reality of those frontier fortresses."

"They are not in the Bixia palace." Gu Jiao didn't feel the breath of any experts. Either, they used drugs to destroy their bodies to suppress their power, or they were not there at all.

Gu Chengfeng wondered: "not in Bixia hall? Where did that go? "

Gu Jiao said: "maybe I went to the house of internal affairs. Didn't Duke Qin say that those who move into the palace outside must go to the house of internal affairs to register?"

"Ah, there is such a thing." Gu Chengfeng suddenly realized what he thought and said with a bad smile, "what are you going to see Huang Fuxian do? Do you want to arrest him and threaten Ning'an? "

Gu Jiao gave him a small silent look.

The next second, her ears moved, caught Gu Chengfeng and hid in the grass behind her.

On the path not far away, Princess Ning'an with lian'er and several men dressed as guards hurried by. It seemed that she was going to leave the palace.

Gu Chengfeng asked in a low voice: "I always have a doubt, why can a foreigner live in the palace? Huang Fu Xian is still young and the princess's own son. That's another matter, but the guards... "

Gu Jiao said, "all the experts in the Imperial Palace are eunuchs. What do you think?"

"So they are also eunuchs?" Gu Chengfeng felt that his little melon was a little cold.

Gu Jiao nodded: "it should be."

If it wasn't for the eunuch, empress Xiao would not let them in. Even though Xiao Heng was so loved by his aunt, she even left him a room, but he never really stayed in the palace.

This is the palace rule.

"Follow up." Gu Jiao said.

They followed not far or near.

When they heard that Princess Ning'an was near the palace gate, they got into the carriage that the emperor had given her.

The guard stopped the carriage.

Princess Ning'an said, "I went out to buy something. I have already told the queen. Lotus. "

Lian'er takes out a pair of cards given by Kunning palace.

The guard let it go.

Xinyang Princess out of the palace is not necessary to submit the card, originally she did not live in the palace.

The bodyguard is just a little strange. Why did a princess just leave and another Princess come? Since we all have to go out of the palace, why not join us?

Princess Ning'an's carriage stops at the door of a silk shop. Lian'er gets out of the carriage. I don't know what Princess Ning'an has told her. Lian'er enters the silk shop, but Princess Ning'an goes on in the carriage.

The four guards and the coachman also went with them.

Gu Chengfeng looked over from the carriage, hummed and said, "sure enough, shopping is a cover."

As soon as he turned his head, he found Gu Jiao meditating and asked, "what are you doing?"

Gu Jiao light way: "who is in a daze?"

Gu Chengfeng asked, "why don't you talk? What are you thinking? "

Gu Jiao said, "I was thinking about what happened in the imperial study that day."

Gu Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "didn't Duke Qin say that nothing happened? Her majesty saw Hua Xiyao's confession, and Princess Ning'an did not hesitate to commit suicide by crashing into a pillar in order to prove her innocence. Unexpectedly, her majesty didn't believe it. After that, she knocked out her majesty, and the Dragon shadow guard moved. But with a wave of her hand, the Dragon shadow guard fell down. After that, she killed Liu Ping, stabbed and smashed herself, and made a false impression that she was injured by the escort. "

"This is what Duke Wei saw, but maybe he didn't see something."

Gu Jiao said, while doing a wave of action, "on this, the Dragon shadow Wei beat down."

Gu Chengfeng took off his hat and said, "did she use any concealed weapon? But what hidden weapon can make a dragon shadow guard fall in an instant? The one with the poison? "

Gu Jiao did not speak.

Gu Chengfeng was puzzled and said, "well, where did the injured dragon shadow guard go? Duke Wei said he escaped. Where can he escape? And long Yingwei is not loyal? Why did you leave your majesty and run away? "

Gu Jiao murmured: "yes, why?"

"Ah, their carriage has stopped!" Gu Chengfeng said.

Gu Jiao lifted the curtain and said to the coachman, "stop."

Their carriage stopped in the alley about ten steps away, while Princess Ning'an's carriage stopped in front of a gambling house.

When Princess Ning'an got out of the carriage, she was no longer dressed up in the palace, but put on a black cloak, the hat of which covered her head.

Gu Chengfeng hehe said: "it's sneaky. It's no good at all."