The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 568

Other people's reaction is not as big as Princess Ning'an, but it's also very strange.

"Your Majesty... Why should a princess be put in prison?"

It was Princess Zhuang who asked.

If it was Princess Ning'an who came out today, she would ask the same question.

Since empress dowager Zhuang was appointed virtuous, she has been the first woman to supervise the country. However, virtuous empress is the queen, and Xinyang is just a princess.

Besides, I haven't heard how much your majesty loves the princess.

The relationship between the emperor and Princess Xinyang is really not very close. Princess Xinyang and Xuanping were married by the emperor. Most people don't know that the emperor was actually following the orders of the former Emperor, because they were not in good agreement with each other. It makes people think that the emperor ordered Yuanyang in disorder.

Princess Xinyang had a complaint against the emperor in her heart, which was what everyone thought.

So why did the emperor let her supervise the country?

"Can't this edict be false?"

Concubine Zhuang has no mouth. She dares to say anything.

Empress Xiao was the first to turn black. She stood up and looked coldly at concubine Zhuang: "what do you mean, concubine! The imperial edict is clearly written in black and white and stamped with the seal of Zhao state. Do you not believe in the jade seal of Zhao state or the will of your majesty? "

In the imperial edict, there is a part for the prince to be regent, saying that it is false. Isn't it even denied by the prince?

Empress Xiao, no matter who supervises the country or not, in short, the crown prince is going to go to court instead of his majesty!

Princess Zhuang hehe said: "who knows if someone will steal your Majesty's seal while his majesty is unconscious, and then draw up an imperial edict? Right? Duke Wei

Duke Wei's temple suddenly jumps. Granny Zhuang, you are so stupid. How can you be so smart today?

Yes, that's the truth!

But it's a pity I can't admit it!

"Mr. Wei, tell us about your Majesty's imperial edict before and after."

"Ah... This..." Duke Wei looked at the imperial edict which was still written by Princess Ning'an, and said, "Your Majesty Hai is waking up. At that time, Princess Ning'an was also there. Your majesty asked Princess Ning'an to draw up an imperial edict for her, and let the old slave take the jade seal to seal it."

Princess Zhuang sneered: "let Princess Ning'an write the imperial edict on her behalf? How come every time your majesty wakes up, Princess Ning'an is there. We go to visit your majesty, but your majesty never wakes up? "

This is about the emperor asked Princess Ning'an to formulate the imperial edict for the Empress Dowager.

Empress Xiao said in a cold voice, "that's not because you can't wake your majesty up. Does your majesty want to see you or not? Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Isn't it?

These women in the harem are not as important as a princess Ning'an.

Concubine Zhuang choked completely and made no reply.

"Princess Ning'an, do you think this is the imperial edict written last night?" Empress Xiao motioned to Duke Wei to pass the imperial edict to Princess Ning'an.

Princess Ning'an took a closer look, it was her handwriting, there was no flaw.

But she can never confuse her title with Xinyang's.

So the edict was changed.

But even if you tell the truth at this time, no one will believe it, besides... It's not a tenable truth.

Princess Ning'an is holding the imperial edict's hand, and her veins are jumping.

Duke Wei was frightened.

Princess Ning'an doesn't think he did it, does she? Heaven and earth conscience, he never moved after the imperial edict was put into the brocade box last night! Who knows how Ning'an became Xinyang?

Princess Ning'an took a deep breath, slowly exhaled a breath, and said: "if you go back to your sister-in-law, yes."

Empress Xiao danced thunder and frowned: "Princess Ning'an and Duke Wei are loyal to your majesty. You can always believe what they say. Besides, the crime of deceiving you is to behead you. Who dares to fake the imperial edict?"

Duke Wei's mind is that there are many people who fake the imperial edict. There is only one in front of you. Dare you believe it?

Princess Ning'an said, "it seems that Princess Xinyang hasn't returned to Beijing yet..."

There is still room for change before she returns to Beijing. It is not difficult to draw up an imperial edict, the second or the third, or to find a way to abolish her name as the governor.

Before she had finished talking, the eunuch at the door came panting and said, "here comes Princess Xinyang."

Princess Ning'an

They stood up and looked out of the gate of Huaqing Palace.

Only snow Yushan, golden dawn, a pale gold gauze Palace Dress, wearing a hat of Xinyang princess in a small maid's help slowly.

The beauty of Princess Xinyang is well known all over the world. Rao is the most beautiful time in her life. She is still beautiful.

But today, she wore a hat with veil, which covered her beautiful face, but the Royal manner was still hard to see.

There are 3000 beauties in the harem, all of them are great beauties, but they have to admit that where the Xinyang Princess appears, no man will see them.

Princess Xinyang gracefully walked to empress Xiao and was about to salute. However, she accidentally stepped on her skirt and fell down in front of empress Xiao!

Empress Xiao: not necessarily.

"Why don't you help your master up?" Duke Su scolded the little servant girl.

The little servant girl turned her lips and bent over to catch Princess Xinyang.

That's right. It's catching.

The action is rude, the eyes are also a little disgusted.

Duke Su

Princess Xinyang straightened her clothes and said to empress Xiao, "empress Jin'an."

Empress Xiao nodded.

The prince came and saluted Princess Xinyang: "aunt."

Empress Xiao said to Princess Xinyang, "you've come back just in time. There's a will to announce to you, but... Why are you wearing this?"

"A few days ago, I was allergic to the wrong food and had a lot of red rashes. It's hard to see people." With that, Princess Xinyang lifted the veil, revealing her chin full of rashes.

Empress Xiao only looked at it and felt scared. She quickly waved her hand, wiped the tip of her nose with a handkerchief, and said, "well, pay attention to your food, and take the order."

Accompanied by Princess Xinyang is not a close female officer Yujin, but a servant girl. However, empress Xiao does not care about Princess Xinyang, so she is too lazy to ask.

Duke Wei read the edict to Princess Xinyang alone.

Princess Xinyang knelt, but the maid didn't kneel.

Everyone at the scene didn't realize what was wrong.

When everyone responded, Princess Xinyang had already received the imperial edict: "long live Xinyang, long live our emperor."

Then, she turned her head and handed her precious jade hand to the little servant girl behind her. She said in a tone, "help Princess Ben up."

The little servant girl pulled her up in disgust, almost didn't pull her arm off.

Princess Xinyang's veil is grid shaped. You can't see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside.

She looked at the princess Ning'an and asked, "this is..."

"I'm Ning'an." Princess Ning'an said calmly to her.

Princess Xinyang nodded and said, "it's sister Ning'an. It's a big change. I almost didn't recognize it."

Ning An made a half salute.

Princess Xinyang nodded in return.

Empress Xiao said to all the people, "well, there's nothing wrong here. Let's go."

Princess Xinyang said, "I'll go in and see your majesty."

"Well." Empress Xiao promised that Princess Xinyang would come back from outside the city. She had to go to the emperor to greet her.

The prince will go to court tomorrow. Empress Xiao has too many things to explain. She takes the prince away.

Zhuang Guifei and others naturally want to leave.

When Princess Ning'an turned to go back to Bixia palace, she was stopped by Princess Xinyang.

Princess Ning'an stopped and looked at her: "sister Xinyang, do you have any orders?"

Princess Xinyang said with concern, "I don't think you look well. Are you ill?"

Princess Ning'an pursed her lips.

Duke Wei explained: "Princess Xinyang has something to know. It was Princess Ning'an who helped her majesty block the sword not long ago. Princess Ning'an must have been in an unhealed condition."

Princess Xinyang said: "so it is. I didn't expect that such a big event happened in less than a month after I left Beijing. Sister Ning'an killed her relatives in front of me and defended her behind. It's really admirable. Sister Ning'an, if you don't mind, will you come in with me to see your majesty? We haven't seen each other for many years. It's time to talk about the past. "

Duke Wei looked at Princess Xinyang strangely. When did Princess Xinyang become so enthusiastic?

His eyes subconsciously swept around Princess Xinyang. When his eyes fell on Princess Xinyang's hand, which was clear-cut with the imperial edict, his temple jumped fiercely!

What happened?

Princess Xinyang has hand hair!

Princess Ning'an hesitated and was about to refuse. Princess Xinyang pulled her wrist across her sleeve: "sister Ning'an doesn't want to refuse me, does she?"

In public, it's natural that she can't refuse. Princess Ning'an's backers in the palace have fallen one after another. Of course, she can't refuse Princess Xinyang, who has just been appointed to the prison.

Otherwise, it is not in line with her efforts to please empress Xiao these days.

Princess Ning'an said, "how can it be? Go in. "

Princess Xinyang took Princess Ning'an's hand and stepped into the bedroom.

Looking at the back of Princess Xinyang, Duke Wei rubbed his eyes.

Is he wrong?

No hand hair, right?

A cold wind blowing, blowing the veil of Princess Xinyang, Xinyang Princess just turned.

Duke Wei fixed his eyes and almost didn't fall on the ground.

Princess Xinyang not only has hand hair, she also has Adam's apple?!