The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 567

In the first month, the water of the lake is freezing to the bone. Rao is Princess Ning'an, and she is almost unconscious. In addition, her winter clothes are heavy. After soaking in the water, she looks like she is tied to a stone and can't swim at all!

When Princess Ning'an finally swam ashore, she gave up half her life.

The little fat man who caused her to fall into the water had already disappeared. Huang Fuxian didn't run, so he sat in the wheelchair on the bank.

Princess Ning'an was shivering and panting in the grass. After a long time, she finally had the strength to open her mouth: "who allowed you to come out?"

Princess Ning'an has already banned huangfuxian.

Huangfuxian said, "I came out by myself. They can't stop me."

Huangfu and Xianren are heaven and earth. They always want their lives. Who can stop them?

The injuries on the right arm and forehead of Princess Ning'an were real. The injuries on the forehead were mild and had healed. However, she had a knife and several stitches on her right arm.

Just then, the water was full of water, and the wound split again. The blood penetrated her wet sleeve and dyed a large area red.

Princess Ning'an resisted the piercing pain, gritted her teeth and got up.

Trembling, she came to Huang Fu Xian and gasped, "did you mean it?"

Huang Fuxian met her cold eyes and said without fear, "I just saw my mother and said hello to her."

Princess Ning'an raised her hand and fanned towards Huangfu Xian. It's a pity that she really didn't have much strength left. Before the slap fell on Huangfu Xian's face, she fell to the ground first.

When lian'er came out to find Huang Fuxian and found here, Princess Ning'an had fainted.

Princess Ning'an had been sleeping for two hours before she woke up. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to teach Huangfu Xian a lesson!

"Princess! Princess! How do you like to wear a dress

Lian'er takes her cape and runs after her.

"Don't come in!"

Princess Ning'an shut lian'er out of the door.

Regardless of the pain of the wound, she came to the hospital bed, and was about to have a violent attack, but she found something wrong.

Huang Fuxian's condition is not very good. To be exact, it is very bad. His whole face is as pale as paper, and his forehead is sweating. His consciousness seems to be a little free.

Princess Ning'an suddenly became flustered. She changed her terrible manner and sat down beside the bed. She took Huang Fu Xian's hand and touched Huang Fu Xian's forehead: "xian'er! What's the matter with you, xian'er! Don't scare me

Huang Fuxian was tortured to death by the pain of the stump, but he didn't say a word. He just silently suffered the pain of skin being pierced by bone.

Princess Ning'an choked: "xian'er! Xian'er, talk to your mother! Don't you sleep! Don't even leave me! I can't lose you! What's the matter with you? Ah? What's the matter with you

She said, turning to the door and shouting, "imperial doctor! Pass on the doctor

Huang Fuxian finally opened his eyes and looked at her. He used most of his willpower to hold back the pain and said to her weakly, "stop, mother."

Ningan princess's mood suddenly stopped: "what do you say?"

Huang Fu Xian's breath drifted like silk: "I'll be filial to you... For the rest of my life... I'll be filial to you... Don't get angry with you... Don't make you angry... Be your good son... Let's leave here... Go far away... Go to a place no one knows... Just like... When I was a child... I like you when I was a child..."

Princess Ning'an wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes without expression: "they killed your father, killed your grandfather, and destroyed the great cause that should belong to you."

"I don't want those..." Huang Fu Xian grabbed her hand, and the pain eroded him. His eyes turned red. "I only want you... Let's get out of here... OK?"


Princess Ning'an coldly drew back her hand, stood up and looked down at the pale huangfuxian: "live well, and when you grow up, leave a wife for your father."

Then she turned and went out of the room.

Lian'er came with the imperial doctor and looked at her master strangely: "princess? What's the matter with you? "

Rather than answering her, Princess Ning'an said, "let the imperial doctor go in and have a look."

"Yes." Lian'er brings the doctor into the room.

Princess Ning'an went back to her house.

After a while, lian'er came to report anxiously: "princess, if you don't cooperate, you are not allowed to be treated by the imperial doctor."

Ningan Princess light way: "I see him so strong, for a while and a half also can't have an accident, don't see, let him ache."

Lian Er opened her mouth: "princess."

Ningan Princess Mou Guang moved: "send a royal doctor to guard."



Princess Ning'an looked extremely cold.

She stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the courtyard as silent as snow, and at a crescent moon in the sky.

All of a sudden, she seems to have made a decision and turned to the direction of Huaqing Palace.

Huaqing Palace.

Duke Wei had just finished wiping his Majesty's body and was planning to go to the small kitchen to find something to eat. As soon as he got to the garden, he was covered by a figure that came out suddenly!

He sobbed with surprise.

"It's me!"

He whispered.

Duke Wei was stunned.

The other side took away his hand. Duke Wei turned around and said, "Duke Qin?"

"Shh." With a silent gesture, Duke Qin pulled him behind a big tree.

Duke Wei didn't understand and said, "didn't you... Escape? Why is it still in the palace? "

Duke Qin said: "I was going to leave that day, but later I thought about it and decided to stay first."

Duke Wei tut a, Dao Dao Dao: "you are not afraid to be caught!"

Duke Qin said: "I've been working in the palace for so many years. It's not difficult to find a place to hide."

Duke Wei glared at him: "then you can't come here! It's too dangerous! I'll watch the palace people for you in a moment. You leave quickly and don't come here again! "

The fact that Duke Wei can still say this proves that he is not rebellious in his heart.

Duke Qin breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he summoned up great courage to find Duke Wei. He worried that if Duke Wei really rebelled, his appearance would be his death.

Duke Qin looked around, lowered his voice and said, "tell me what happened in the imperial study that day? How did your majesty become like this? What's the matter with the Dragon shadow guard around your majesty? "



When Princess Ning'an passed by the small garden of Huaqing Palace, she saw the furtive figure behind the big tree.

Wei Gonggong came out from behind the tree: "princess."

Princess Ning'an asked suspiciously, "what are you doing there stealthily?"

Duke Wei laughed and said, "I lost my little key. Look around."

"Did you find it?" Asked Princess Ning'an.

"No Duke Wei regretted.

Princess Ning'an coldly hooked her lips and walked towards Duke Wei.

Wei Gonggong's face passed a trace of confusion that could not be concealed.

Princess Ning'an came near and saw another figure on the ground. Her eyes were cool: "don't you roll out for me soon!"

The figure came out timidly.

Princess Ning'an frowned: "you are --"

Duke Wei kept people behind him and begged: "princess, I didn't mean to be a slave. I don't dare to be a slave any more. I'm a slave..."

Princess Ning'an looked at the hand that Duke Wei grasped each other's wrist and realized something. She chuckled: "it turns out that Duke Wei is also right about food. It's forbidden in the palace, but I'm kind-hearted. I don't see anything tonight."

Duke Wei knelt down with the maid of honor behind him: "thank you, Princess! Thank you, Princess

After Princess Ning'an went to the emperor's bedroom, Duke Qin came out from behind the tree.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can this man be trusted?" Duke Qin refers to the maid in waiting to play.

"Trust me, don't worry." Wei Gonggong said, who doesn't have a few confidants? The news that Princess Ning'an has just entered Huaqing Palace is the letter she sent to Bao.

"Duke Wei."

The sound of Princess Ning'an came from the bedroom.

"Here it is Duke Wei quickly made a gesture to Duke Qin.

Looking at the emperor's bedroom, Duke Qin came out of Huaqing Palace with a calm face.

"Princess!" Duke Wei came to Princess Ning'an with a smile.

Princess Ning'an sat on the emperor's chair, put down the written imperial edict, and said to Duke Qin, "OK, take the jade seal."

"This..." Duke Wei fixed his eyes on the imperial edict, and his eyes glared, "Princess!"

Princess Ning'an smile: "how? Did I write it wrong? Your majesty is not in good health and can't be in charge of the government. The Empress Dowager colludes with her majesty to set up a rebellion. The country can't be without a monarch for a day. What's wrong with letting the prince go to the court on behalf of your majesty? Is this the rule laid down by our ancestors? "

This is the rule set by our ancestors, but your last sentence is out of order!

How can you go to the imperial court?

Duke Wei tried his best to dissuade him and said, "I'm afraid the queen won't admit it easily."

Princess Ning'an sneered: "she either admits or refuses to admit the contents of an imperial edict. I bet that she will let her son be in charge of politics!"

Of course, empress Xiao will let the prince take charge, even if the price is one more Princess Ning'an.

Empress Xiao was afraid that she did not see the widow princess who had been lying low in front of her recently.

When she is not happy, she can let the crown prince abolish Ning'an's power to supervise the country at any time.

But will things really go so well?

Ning'an is not a sheep, but a wolf!

It's hard to say whether the prince abolished Ning'an or the prince!

In those days, the Empress Dowager Zhuang was in charge of the state, and gradually covered the sky with her hands in the court!

Duke Wei wanted to cry without tears.

It's over. It's really over.

At night, an eagle hovered over the palace, gave out a cold howl and flew into the night sky.

Early the next morning, empress Xiao got the news and asked her to go to Huaqing Palace. Duke Wei was going to read the imperial edict.

After washing and gargling, empress Xiao dressed neatly and went to Huaqing Palace with a complicated look.

Duke Wei was waiting in the main hall of Huaqing Palace early.

Empress Xiao walked over angrily and said in a low voice, "did your majesty wake up again last night? Didn't this palace tell you that once your majesty wakes up, he will report to this palace immediately? You have turned a deaf ear to the words of our palace! "

Duke Wei is just. It's not that I want to ignore your words. It's that Princess Ning'an didn't give me the time to prepare.

As soon as I go in, her imperial edict is finished, and it's the same result when you rush here.

Wei Gonggong said: "it's your Majesty's meaning. I can't help it. Please forgive me."

Empress Xiao gave him a cold stare: "Wei Quan, you are very brave!"

Duke Wei's heart is bitter, but he doesn't say it.

Not long after, the prince also came over.


"The emperor?"

Empress Xiao frowned. Why did the prince come? Is the edict related to the prince?

Empress Xiao looked faintly at Duke Wei: "the palace and the prince are here. You can make a declaration."

Duke Wei said with a dry smile, "it's a matter of great importance. Your majesty means to announce the decree in front of the empress and ladies."

Can afford a empress of at least is three grade expensive concubines and above.

In a moment, concubine Zhuang, concubine Shu, concubine Yu and other ladies came to Huaqing Palace one after another.

Princess Ning'an also came.

There were enough people coming. People just thought that she was also called to listen to the imperial edict, but they didn't care too much.

Seeing that all the people had arrived, Duke Wei unfolded the imperial edict in his hand: "everyone listen to the edict."

The crowd headed by Empress Xiao fell on their knees.

"To honor heaven, the emperor announced that I have been on the throne for 21 years. Though I have been working hard all day long, I have been bowing to the bandits. Today, I am in a bed of lingering sickness. The dragon body is in a state of insecurity. The prince's character is valuable. He is deeply bowing to me. From now on, the prince will be in charge of the government for the time being. "

Hearing this, empress Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's the imperial edict to help the crown prince ascend.

The rest of the concubines were also very surprised when they heard the content of the imperial edict. However, what they were surprised at was not the prince's temporary administration, but the emperor's handing over the imperial power, which showed that the emperor was too ill.

It may even be impossible to get sick.

That's what the emperor was like

"Another." Duke Wei cleared his throat.

Everyone was surprised.


"The crown prince is a young man, and he has just come to the court. I am also worried about this, so I have a special post to supervise the state. You -- "Duke Wei opened his mouth, and his eyes flashed a strong panic.

"By what?" Asked the prince.

Princess Ning'an hooked her lips without any trace.

Duke Wei was in a cold sweat. After a while, he read the words in the imperial edict: "Princess Xinyang will supervise the country!"

Princess Ning'an was thunderstruck from the blue!