The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 565

Princess an came out for a walk and regretted it.

It's so cold and the road is so dark. He should have taken some winding and warm clothes before he left home.

Now that he was penniless and had no carriage, he let his grandfather detain Wu Yang.

Wu Yang was the one who went to Chen with him at the beginning. He was seven years older than him. He was not only his secret guard, but also his playmate.

He always felt that after so many hardships, Wu Yang was completely loyal to him, and the reality gave him a cruel blow.

Unknowingly, he had been wandering in the capital for several hours, fell several times, and there were still a lot of pedestrians on the street. But for the first time in his life, he felt that the excitement had nothing to do with him.

He walked through the flowing street to a small courtyard where he used to live.

But just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the boy inside.

The little fellow said in embarrassment: "prince, I have just received the order from the banker that you are not allowed to enter the house."


Really good.

I can't even live in another hospital.

I can't live here. There are other places.

Wang Yilian of an County went to the three houses under the name of the banker, and was rejected without exception.

The king of an County could not even enter the restaurants and inns he had been to, which were regarded as the guests of honor. First, he had no money, which was not the point. In the past, he could walk horizontally in the capital without money, and more people were scrambling to pay for it.

The second important point is that Zhuang Taifu ordered people to deliver messages to the restaurants and inns he had been to.

How did Zhuang Taifu know his past like the back of his hand?

Thank you, Wu Yang.

I don't know how many times after being rejected, Princess an looked at the quiet sky, and his shoulders trembled with laughter.

Grandfather is right. He is nothing without the identity of the second son of the banker.

Zhuang Taifu wanted to use this method to force Princess an back. Since childhood, most of Princess an was a sensible and obedient child. He had suffered hardships and suffered crimes, but he didn't face all that alone.

He had Wu Yang around him, many experts, Empress Dowager and Taifu behind him, and the whole Zhuang family.

Now he has nothing.

He couldn't even find a shelter.

Sad and ridiculous.

But there is one thing that he is very happy about, that is, Gu Jiao cured his eyes, he is no longer night blind, otherwise he is now walking in the street is extravagant.

The cold wind cut his face like a knife. At first he could feel the pain, but gradually he became numb.

After walking for a while, even his brain was numb. He didn't know where he had gone. When he reflected where it was, his eyebrows jumped and he turned around and left!

It's too late.

A small mushroom head stretched out from the crack of the door: "are you... Looking for someone?"

"I..." Prince an opened his mouth.

The door of the courtyard was pushed open by xiaodouding. The candle light in the courtyard came out. Xiaodouding saw his face clearly and said, "you are the brother who came to my house! We met in the country, brother. Do you remember me

The king of onjun was speechless.

When Gu Jiao's family was still in the countryside, he went to the door, and in order to meet the empress dowager, he went more than once.

But... How long has it been? How can the little guy remember him?

Then, before I could stop by, xiaodouding yelled in the yard, "brother-in-law! There are guests at home

Princess an was surprised: "I... that... Ah..."

Xiao Heng came and said to Xiao Jingkong, "do you want to sneak out again?"

Xiao Jing blinked hollow: "where can I have it?"

Then he ran away.

Xiao Heng looked at the prince of an who was trying to keep calm outside the door. In fact, he was at a loss. His eyes were a little hard to say.

The king of Anjun is also guilty.

Although he has not yet reached the crown, according to the custom of Zhao state, he is not an adult man, but he will get married, and the crown ceremony will be advanced.

Soon he was a real man.

Men are good face, especially in front of rivals and never show timidity.

Prince an made up his mind not to ask Xiao Heng to see that he was a lost dog. He straightened his back and said with a strong air: "I'm passing by. I'm not here to be a guest. I'll go first."

Xiao Heng took a deep look at him and said, "come in and have a seat."

The prince of an was stunned.

Do they know each other well?

He just passed by, and Xiao LIULANG asked him to come in?

Sit down, sit down!

Who cares!

Princess an's face didn't change a color ground er a, cold a face and Xiao Heng entered a room.

This is the time when several young men ran around the yard. The front and back doors of the main room were open and there was no fire.

Xiao Heng asked Princess an to sit down on the chair beside the table and poured a cup of hot tea for her.

The king of onjun wandered in the street for an afternoon and half an evening. He was cold and thirsty. He took the cup and took a slow sip. His stomach warmed instantly.

Xiao Heng sat down opposite him: "haven't you eaten yet?"

"I have." Princess an said with dignity.


He called alone.

Princess Ann blushed.

Xiao Heng calls Yu ya'er and asks her to have a bowl of noodles in the kitchen.

Yu ya'er looks back at the king of an County.

Prince an's heart, even if I look handsome, I don't have to look at it all the time, do I? Xiao LIULANG, your maid doesn't know the rules

My aunt went to Aunt Liu's house to rub the leaf cards. She went to serve the tea and the private money, but she was not at home.

Yao's holding Gu Xiaobao to see his aunt playing cards, Gu Xiaobao was excited when he saw the cards, and Yao didn't know why.

The king drank tea and looked around.

"Jiao Jiao is not here." Xiao Heng's words burst.

Gu Jiao has gone to the hospital. She's really not here.

Princess Ann drinks tea to hide his embarrassment.

Yu ya'er cooked a bowl of bacon noodles with bamboo shoots and a small dish of pickles.

An Jun Wang GUI is the direct grandson of the banker. He usually eats delicacies, but somehow he thinks it's the best noodle he's ever eaten.

After a bowl of noodles, the king of onjun was so comfortable that his frozen toes were warm.

He didn't have a drop of soup left and ate all the pickles.

After drinking tea and eating noodles, the prince of an was embarrassed.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a small sound in the room.

This kind of sound usually only occurs when Gu Jiao is out. He is good when Gu Jiao is at home.

"You sit down and I'll see." Xiao Heng got up and went to Westinghouse.

Xiaojingkong couldn't find anything again. He turned his treasure chest into a mess, making all his toys scattered on the ground.

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Heng asked.

Xiaojingkong forked and stamped: "Xiaojin! My little gold is gone! It's naughty again

Xiao Heng lies down and finds the abacus under the bed. Then he pulls xiaojingkong together and picks up the things on the ground one by one.

The king of Anjun didn't mean to peek, but he was facing the direction of Westinghouse. It was hard to see him or not.

He didn't expect that the official in charge of the imperial court would do the work of talented people when he came back home.

Isn't there a maid?

"It's getting late. It's time for you to take a bath."

"I don't want a bath!"

Sure enough, without Gu Jiao, he is not a good baby who loves to take a bath.

Xiao Heng is not used to him.

Xiao Heng came out to draw water and pointed to the direction of the study to Princess an, saying: "I'll give Jingkong a bath first. If you don't go to the study, it will be warm there."

"Ah... This..."

Forget it, it's hard to be gracious. He'll sit down again. After a while, when Xiao LIULANG is finished, he will say goodbye to him.

Thinking about this, Prince an entered Xiao Heng's study.

Before Prince an came home, Xiao Heng stayed in his study all the time, so he lit the brazier, which was burning vigorously at this time.

Xiao Heng went to the kitchen to get hot water. He brought it back and forth several times and threw some firewood into the kitchen by the way.

The king of onjun is incredible.

If you are on duty in two yamen during the day and have to work at home, won't you hire more servants?

Isn't he good at making money? When he was in Guozijian, he helped people recite poems and write Fu, which was very expensive.

Soon, the king of an County found that Xiao Heng did more than that.

There are several books on the desk, most of them are small, the other is Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun's.

So Xiao LIULANG still has to tutor his three brothers in law?

And on the side of this pair of homework is a pile of thick paper, the top pages of ink are still wet, and it's just written tonight.

The king glanced at it casually, and was surprised to find that he didn't know the words on it.

He does not say that he is proficient in the languages of the six countries, but he knows a little bit about them. These are neither the characters of the lower three countries nor the upper three countries.

"Is it Sanskrit?" The king of Anjun didn't know Sanskrit, but he had seen Sanskrit sutras and didn't look like this.

In a burst of crying and howling, Xiao Heng gave a small bean a strong bath, put on his clothes and threw it into the quilt.

Xiao Heng took out the bath water and went back to his study.

The king of an County looked at the paper in his hand and said, "I looked at it casually."

"It's OK, you see." Xiao Heng enters the room.

Princess an pointed to the next door: "does he... Do this every day?"

Xiao Heng said, "if Jiao Jiao is not here, he will be like this." A bath is like a war.

It's hard to imagine how Xiao LIULANG came over every day when Princess an thought of the scene that he was being quarreled next door.

It's not easy for Xiao LIULANG to think that way.

"By the way, what are these?" Princess Ann looked at the pile of paper on the table and asked.

"The formula." Xiao Heng said.

"Arithmetic, formula?" Princess Ann frowned strangely.

Xiao Heng looked at the paper in his hand and said, "this one you're looking at is the rate of ancestors."

The look of the king of an County was more strange: "isn't the method of circle cutting used to calculate Zuli?"

He knows the circle cutting method, which is obviously not.

Xiao Heng explained: "this is another way."

The king of onjun was still confused: "do you use these strange patterns?"

Xiao Heng thought seriously for a moment: "strictly speaking, they should be regarded as another kind of writing."

Princess Ann: "another one? Outside the six countries? Turkic

Xiao Heng: "no, Turks use the characters of Jin State. There are some differences, which are almost the same."

The cause has to start from the ancestors of Turks and Jin. At that time, it was not the state of Jin, but the former dynasty of Jin. It was rumored that it was originally a part of Turks, and the later tribes became independent.

However, it is also said that Turks were part of the former Jin Dynasty, which is recorded in history, but the historical facts belong to the victors. Who can say that the former Jin Dynasty did not let historians revise the history books?

An Jun Wang suddenly came to interest, put down his position to Xiao Heng for advice.

If in the past, he could not pull down this face.

Tonight... Who knows what happened to him tonight.

Xiao Heng has never been a private person. If anyone sincerely asks for advice, he knows everything and says everything.

He started with simple numbers, and then slowly came to the basic formula.

Prince Ann never knew that arithmetic could be so funny. He seemed to open the door of a new world and fall into it.

And he seems to understand why the students of the Imperial Academy and the scholars of the Imperial Academy are willing to ask Xiao LIULANG for advice. When he preaches and teaches, Xiao LIULANG never shows off his literary talent, which is really understandable.

It was not until he came here that he finally realized that Xiao LIULANG didn't come to this day by his relationship. Everything he owned was based on his own ability.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Heng asked.

An Jun Wang smiles: "when you become the number one scholar of new science, I have never been convinced of you."

Xiao Heng looked at him and said, "are you convinced of me now?"

Princess an opened his mouth and nodded: "you can say that."

Xiao Heng put down the paper in his hand, looked at the essence through the phenomenon, and said to the point: "lodging is OK, one or two silver a night."

An Jun Wang a choke: "cough, talk about money hurt feelings."

Xiao Heng wind light cloud light way: "on credit, three cent profit."

And interest?

Wait, how do you know I need credit!

An Jun Wang light cough: "live, live which room?"

Xiao Heng fingertip a Yang: "next door."

The king of Anson turned black.

He can't lose face in front of Xiao LIULANG.

"First of all, I'm not homeless. It's your kindness. I'll give it a night."

He said, like a proud peacock went to the old wine side.

The big room was full, and there was only one small room left.

Until he crossed the threshold, he kept the pride and nobility that a princess should have.

When Xiao Heng left, he brought him the door. He subconsciously took a picture in the bronze mirror.

In the middle of the night, a series of screams like killing pigs broke out——

Ah, ah!

He is not the beggar with the head of chicken coop, the loose hair band, the dirty face, the open skirt and the three split sleeves!!!