The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 564

Duke Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

The princess Ning'an, who was frozen in place, was not so happy. Her eyes were cold: "Duke Wei."

"The slave is here!" Duke Wei gathered up his emotions and immediately turned into a dogleg follower, "what's the princess's order?"

Ningan Princess light command way: "go to find out the mother."

"Yes." Duke Wei, together with the imperial guards, searched Renshou palace three times, but the rest of the palace people were there, except for Empress Dowager Zhuang and Duke Qin.

"Ask the palace people." Said Princess Ning'an.

"I asked, but I didn't know." Wei Gong is just.

Princess Ning'an looked at him coldly.

Duke Wei blocked the sight of the guards and whispered: "princess, we can't use punishment in Renshou palace. It's too popular. Moreover, it's the Queen's business to rectify the imperial palace. It's easy to give someone a handle if we do something over others."

Princess Ning'an took a deep breath and slowly suppressed her anger: "go and call commander Fu."


After commander Fu came, Princess Ning'an asked him, "how do you guard Renshou palace? My mother disappeared suddenly, didn't you notice? I don't know if something happened to my mother's mother, and some thief has taken her away. "

"This..." commander Fu was at a loss. To be honest, he really didn't know. He saw empress dowager Zhuang walking in the yard in the afternoon. How could the Kung Fu of a dinner be gone?

"When was the last time you saw my mother?" Asked Princess Ning'an.

Commander Fu said truthfully, "it's the afternoon. It's almost midnight. The Empress Dowager took a walk in the courtyard, and then she went back to her bedroom. The little one was only responsible for guarding, and could not disturb her old people. "

The implication is that they can only surround Renshou palace, but they can't stare at empress dowager Zhuang.

But then again, how did the Empress Dowager disappear when they were so tight?

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

A figure swept the cold wind whistling on the roof, in the dark light to the cornice wall.

Not long after, this figure will rush into the blue water Hutong, fall into the home of Gu Jiao and Xiao Heng.

Now it's late, Yao and the children have a rest, only Gu Jiao, Xiao Heng and Lao Jijiu are still sitting in the hall.

Hearing the movement in the yard, Gu Jiao gets up, and Xiao Heng goes ahead of her and opens the door.

Gu Chengfeng carried a man into the house, panting like an ox: "I'm so tired, I'm so tired! It's too far from the palace! "

Xiao Heng looked at the direction of the courtyard and closed the door behind Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng carefully put empress dowager Zhuang on the chair.

"Be careful." The old wine held out his hand and said, "is it frozen?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang ignored him.

He fixed his eyes and his face changed.

Gu Chengfeng turned around, pulling the collar and looking at the unconscious empress dowager Zhuang.

Er... Did the Empress Dowager fall asleep? Can't it be that he knocked me unconscious?

Well, he was just a little fast.

"Zhuang Jinse, Zhuang Jinse, Zhuang Jinse!" Old sacrifice wine called a few, the heart a pull, "can't have an accident?"

Gu Jiao bent down and approached her aunt and said, "aunt, three are missing and one is missing."

Empress Dowager Zhuang instantly woke up, Shua opened her eyes and sat up, "where?"

Then she really went to play leaf

They all looked at her natural and unrestrained figure, with her sleeves rolled, who was about to fight for 300 rounds. The corners of her mouth twitched.

Gu Chengfeng: "is she looking forward to playing cards?"

Princess Xinyang took Duke Wei to Kunning palace to report the imperial edict and Renshou palace to her.

Empress Xiao put down half of the books she had read and said to Princess Xinyang, "you'd better inform this palace of such things in the future."

Princess Ning'an bowed: "yes, sister-in-law."

Duke Wei gave empress Xiao a cold sweat.

Empress Xiao called father-in-law Lai Su: "go and tell commander Fu that no matter whether the Empress Dowager left by herself or was abducted, you must find the Empress Dowager. You need to find her in the palace and outside the palace."

"Yes." Duke Su answered.

Empress Xiao's eyes lightly swept two people and said: "Princess Ning'an, go back first, Duke Wei will stay."

"I'd rather leave." Princess Ning'an gave a salute, stepped back, turned around and passed by Duke Wei.

Duke Wei remained in a state of good health without strabismus, and Princess Ning'an did not have the slightest difference, so she went out of Kunning palace.

Empress Xiao looked at the imperial edict in her hand and looked at Duke Wei seriously: "my palace asked you, did your majesty really wake up just now?"

Duke Wei said: "yes."

Empress Xiao said suspiciously, "when your majesty made the imperial edict, you were always there?"

Duke Wei nodded: "yes, it's the servant's pen and ink. After that, his majesty exhausted his strength and fell asleep again. "

Empress Xiao frowned.

She can doubt anyone, but she can always believe Duke Wei.

Empress Xiao sighed: "I see. Take care of your majesty. Next time your majesty wakes up, please let someone inform us first."

"Slave wrote it down."

After leaving Kunning palace, Duke Wei went to Huaqing Palace. He didn't walk a few steps and saw a beautiful shadow under the big tree.

He was startled: "princess?"

Princess Ning'an turned around with a smile.

Duke Wei blinked and saluted: "princess, the queen just asked..."

"Don't tell me. I don't think you have the courage to betray me in front of the queen."

"Yes, yes." Duke Wei said with a smile, "the princess is waiting for the slave here..."

"This one." Princess Ning'an threw him a porcelain vase. "Tomorrow's medicine will be given to your majesty for dinner."

Wei Gong's eyes flashed: "ah, yes, the slave will do it."

Princess Ning'an said: "if you don't..."

Duke Wei shook his head like a rattle: "I dare not! The little life of the slave is in the hands of the princess. The princess asks the slave to go east, but the slave does not dare to go west. "

Princess Ning'an coldly raised the corner of her lips: "it's good to know, OK, you hurry to serve the emperor brother, this medicine is not foolproof, if you really wake up..."

Duke Wei said: "I won't let anyone find out that your majesty is awake. I will inform the princess in time."

"Just know."

Ning'an princess said, lightly back to the Bixia palace.

To make sure that he went far away, Duke Wei was relieved and went back to Huaqing Palace.

I don't know what happened to the swim bladder in your Majesty's mouth after such a long time? Did you sprinkle the medicine or swallow it?

Duke Wei came to the Dragon bed and opened the servants. Then he broke the emperor's mouth and slowly took out the swim bladder.

The juice is still there.

Duke Wei was relieved.

"I have to deal with it quickly..." Duke Wei went out with the swim bladder. He vaguely felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Immovable Emperor: my underpants! There is something in my underpants!

There is no impermeable wall in the world. Empress dowager Zhuang colluded with Xing Shangshu to murder the emperor, and soon spread in the capital. The civil and military officials and the capital Baixin never expected that the culprit behind the scenes would be empress dowager Zhuang.

But if you look back on empress dowager Zhuang's control over the years and her suppression and restriction on the emperor, it seems that it is not difficult to accept the fact that she is the culprit.

The voice of attacking the Empress Dowager rang out among the people, and the banker kept silent at such a critical moment.

Zhuang Taifu also said that he was ill and would not go to court.

This made the reputation and situation of Empress Dowager Zhuang worse.


Prince an rushed to the courtyard of Zhuang Taifu, but the guard at the door couldn't keep it.

Zhuang Taifu was practicing calligraphy in his study when he heard his grandson's voice. Without raising his eyelids, he dipped his pen in ink and said, "shouldn't you be in the cabinet at this time?"

Prince an went to the cabinet, but he came back immediately after hearing something.

Thanks to his identity, no one in the cabinet dared to stop him.

When he came to his desk and looked at Zhuang Taifu, who had been practicing calligraphy, he realized that he was not really ill these days. He just deliberately did not go to court.

"Did grandfather hear about his aunt?" He asked.

Zhuang Taifu didn't look at him and wrote a mountain character: "it's not something you should worry about."

Princess an looked at Zhuang Taifu with burning eyes: "it's not something I should worry about. What about grandfather? Doesn't grandfather worry? What happened to the Empress Dowager? Shouldn't grandfather come forward to protect her reputation and go to Dali temple and the Ministry of punishment to actively look for evidence of her being stigmatized? "

Zhuang Taifu's pen stopped and glanced at him: "do you know it's slander?"

Princess an said, "the Empress Dowager will not do such a thing. If she wants her Majesty's life, she doesn't have to wait until now. Her grandfather knows more about the means of the Empress Dowager than I do."

Zhuang Taifu: "so what?"

Princess an gave Zhuang Taifu a deep look: "grandfather... Is he going to stand by?"

Zhuang Taifu did not admit or deny: "I do it for the sake of the banker."

Princess an sneered: "for the sake of the banker? For the sake of what? Without the protection of the empress dowager, can the banker still be the former banker? "

Zhuang Taifu slapped the brush on the table: "do you think the Empress Dowager was the former empress dowager? She has already drawn a line with the dealer! "

Prince an clenched his fist and said: "so grandfather can't help him? She's your sister! After she was sent to the cannibal Palace by her father, after she lost her only flesh and blood, after she licked her wound and had to work hard for the dealer for so many years, her grandfather abandoned her! Grandfather only remembered the year when she drew a line with the banker, but he did not remember the decades when the banker ate her flesh and blood! "

Zhuang Taifu said angrily, "enough!"

The king of an County was not deterred by Zhuang Taifu's anger. He looked disappointedly at Zhuang Taifu, whom he had respected for so many years: "grandfather, when I was eight years old, you sent me to the state of Chen as a hostage. The Empress Dowager tried her best to stop me. She said, it's enough for the banker to have her. Don't sacrifice more people. What did grandfather tell me? Grandfather, you said, it's too hard for the Empress Dowager to support the dealer alone. She can't carry everything alone... So I went! In those years in the state of Chen, I suffered humiliation, but I never regretted it! But now, I regret that my grandfather is not for the Empress Dowager or the dealer, you are just for yourself. "

These words are not to blame. However, Zhuang Taifu was over the age of quarreling with his younger generation. He suppressed his anger and continued to write a few words, saying: "heng'er, you are my best grandson and the future successor of the banker. I hope you can think of your identity."

"Oh, identity."

Prince an laughed at himself and said nothing more to Zhuang Taifu, because he had already made his grandfather's meaning clear. It would be better to save energy if he said more.

Zhuang Taifu stopped him and said, "where are you going?"

The king of an County turned back and said coldly, "grandfather doesn't care about the empress dowager, so I have to save the Empress Dowager myself. I'll turn over the case for the Empress Dowager!"

Zhuang Taifu threatened: "if you dare to step out of the market, you will not come back to see me again."

Prince an pinched his finger and stepped over the threshold.

Zhuang Taifu said in a deep voice, "I do what I say. Zhuang Yuheng, I gave you your identity and your power and status. Without me, without the identity of the private grandson of the banker, you Zhuang Yuheng is nothing in the capital. If you think clearly, it's not difficult for you to go out of the mansion today, but it won't be so easy for you to come back in the future! "

An Jun Wang Wen speech, really will step out of that foot back.

Zhuang Taifu contentedly picked eyebrows: "you don't want to go to the cabinet these days, so you can live at home..."

Before the word "recuperation" came out, Prince an lifted his hem and knelt down on the ground.

He put his hands on the ground and knocked his head heavily. With one stroke, his forehead turned red: "thank you for your kindness."

Zhuang Taifu was stunned.

Princess an's eyes were red, and he kowtowed his head for the second time: "thanks for your grandfather's help."

His forehead exudes blood and his eyes flash with water.

As soon as Zhuang Taifu's face changed, he yelled: "Zhuang Yuheng!"

The prince of an did not stop. He kowtowed his head for the third time, and his hot tears fell on the cold floor: "thank you for your love! Yuheng is unfilial

After that, he stood up against his bloody forehead, turned around chokingly, and ran into the night without looking back.