The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 508

Gu Chengfeng's heart was hit by a hundred thousand points, vomiting blood can not alleviate the symptoms, he would like to empty himself, heartbroken!

Literally, it's all over the place.

He wants to press himself on the ground and rub it to see if it's true. His sister and his grandfather have made obeisance... What is he?

The girl said that the frontier fortress is to save one of her brothers... Is that her grandfather?

She really has a brother!

No, she said there was a fool.

Gu Chengfeng suddenly choked and looked in horror at himself, who couldn't move his right arm, and then at Tang Yueshan, who couldn't move his left leg.

The fool must be Tang Yueshan!

No rebuttal!

Tang Yueshan looks at Gu Chengfeng and frowns.

Why does this kid look at me in the wrong way?!

In the next room, Gu Changqing, who saw his brother recognize each other with his own eyes, was actually too nervous.

Although he had known such a thing for a long time that when the old Marquis got drunk and became brother to Gu Jiao, he and Gu Yan were next door, and it was he who sent the unconscious old Marquis back to the mansion.

However, he thought that she was teasing her drunken grandfather. He didn't expect that this girl was addicted to playing. He recognized her brother and the frontier fortress!

It's so skinny

Gu Changqing looked at her grandfather and Gu Jiao in a complicated way. One of them dared to shout and the other to answer.

The old Marquis and his brother are excited to recognize each other. From the moment they see Gu Jiao, they can no longer tolerate others. Gu Chengfeng, who is clubbing beside him, is ignored. He doesn't want it!

Gu Chengfeng, who was forgotten by his elder brother and ignored by his grandfather, said: Fengfeng is bitter in heart, but Fengfeng doesn't say it!

After that, Gu Jiao chatted with the old Marquis as if there were no one else.

The old Marquis wiped his tears and asked, "little brother, how did you come to the frontier fortress?"

Gu Jiao took out a small book and found a writing brush to write: "I'll save you."

The old Marquis's heart surged and his eyes filled with tears again. I'm so righteous! This kindness, he firmly remembered, will never forget!

Suddenly, a vague memory came to his mind.

He remembers that he was interrupted and thrown into the wine cellar by the remaining evildoers of the former dynasty in the prefect's residence of lingguancheng. It seems that he saw someone come to save him.

"Is that you? Little brother? Did you rescue me from lingguancheng? " There seemed to be something else, but he couldn't remember.

Forget it, it's not important to think of it!

Gu Chengfeng: grandfather, and me! And me! I went to save you, too! Ah, ah! Why do you only remember that smelly girl!

Gu Chengfeng is crazy!

"Like we went to a family? Or to a cave? " The Marquis searched hard for his memory. He felt that there was something else in his memory, but he still didn't remember it.

Tang Yueshan: good guy, I don't even remember Ben Shuai!

Ben Shuai carried you all the way into the cave from the cabin, so that your fingers were frostbitten!

"My injury... Is also my younger brother. Did you treat it?" The old Marquis's gratitude and excitement can't be described in words. He patted Gu Jiao's hand and said chokingly, "there are two things that Gu Chao has done most correctly in his life. One is to establish Gu Jiajun, the other is to meet you."

Gu Jiao clenched his hand and nodded affectionately and solemnly!

Brothers go together all their lives!

After that, the old Marquis was concerned about Gu Jiao's injury. He was relieved to learn that Gu Jiao was OK.

Gu Chengfeng: No, you didn't even care if the elder brother was injured just now!

Old Marquis and Gu Jiao chatting, the yard turned to a new wounded soldier, a wounded soldier accidentally fell from the bed, causing secondary injury to the wound.

Gu Jiao wrote in her little book: "I'll go and have a look, and I'll talk to you later."

The old Marquis nodded: "little brother, go and do something."

His younger brother is really powerful. He not only knows martial arts, but also knows medical skills. This is the true narrow sense of courage and benevolence!

Gu Jiao has gone.

Gu Chengfeng straightens his waist, and finally it's his turn!

He wants to show his grandfather that he is also a brave and good fighter guarding the border. His injuries are his most honorable medal!

He began to smile: "grandfather!"

"Hoo Hoo"

His response was a series of very rhythmic snores.

Gu Chengfeng's smile is becoming stiff


After the wooden wall collapsed, master Hu of the prefect's mansion had a landscape screen moved as soon as possible.

The old Marquis fell asleep. He had to say to Tang Yueshan and Gu's two brothers in the other room, "well, there is no carpenter who can come here for the time being. Let's make do with the screen first."

Then a few people didn't speak.

Master Hu: Er... Are you not satisfied with this arrangement?

But he didn't lie. All the carpenters in the city were recruited to build and repair weapons. No one really came to repair the wall!

"Put it here." Gu Changqing said.

"Ah! Yes! Yes Master Hu asked people to clean up the planks on the ground and set up the screen in person. "The little one has retreated."

"Well." Gu Changqing nodded lightly.

Master Hu retreated with relief.

Is it an illusion?

How do you feel that the atmosphere in the room is a little strange?

Tang Yueshan's legs can't be moved. He lies back in the hospital bed. Gu Chengfeng's legs are OK, but his arm hurts. Gu Changqing orders him to lie back in his hospital bed.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room is really strange, but it's not because Gu Jiao and the brother of the old Marquis recognize each other, but because Gu Changqing and Gu Chengfeng react to each other. Tang Yueshan also witnessed everything today.

Including their mother's detailed identity.

What does that mean?

It means that if Tang Yueshan divulges the information, it will immediately subvert the whole war situation.

Gu Jiajun will not fight for the meticulous work of the former dynasty. If they know that Gu Changqing is the blood of meticulous work of the former dynasty, they will fight against him.

Gu Changqing said to Gu Chengfeng: "from now on, you look at him and don't allow him to contact anyone. I will tell Jiaojiao that in the future, all the doctors in this courtyard will be changed into doctors in miaozhou hall."

Gu Chengfeng said: "no, that girl is going to poison him!"

Gu Changqing pause, said: "poison dumb, he can write."

Gu Chengfeng light wind light way: "Oh, that moment tell that wench, let her put his hand also waste, can't see that."

Tang Yueshan's heart trembled!

How cruel are your brothers and sisters!

Also, when did I say I was going to let the news out?

I don't care about the overall situation!

Can I shake the morale and morale of Frontier officers and soldiers for a little hard work!

I'm going to return to Beijing in triumph. I'll tell the Empress Dowager and her majesty about your three little works!

Gu Changqing thought about it, sighed: "forget it, I'll do this kind of thing, don't dirty Jiaojiao's hands."

He Shua drew out the dagger and walked towards Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan tiger body a shock!

Just at this moment, Gu Jiao finished the operation and went back to the house.

Tang Yueshan almost reached out to her without thinking about it: "are you still short of a little horse?"