The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 507

Tang Yueshan was so scared that he almost didn't roll down from the bamboo bed!

Do you want to be so cruel!

Give him another shot! It's still such a thick and long needle!

Are you sure it's not a pig shot!

Tang Yueshan is not afraid of being poisoned dumb, but he is afraid of injection, which is a kind of unspeakable fear.

Tang Yueshan drew his lips and said sarcastically, "at least you are my comrades in arms fighting side by side. Is that how you treat me?"

What about the basic trust between people? Feed the dog?!

Gu Jiao said without shame: "it's the result of extra kindness. Originally, she wanted to poison you."

Tang Yueshan once again "...!"

How can this girl see that he wants to keep secret?

Did he write that he was going to snitch for credit?

Tang Yueshan glared at Gu Jiao angrily. He thought of something and frowned: "wait, haven't you poisoned me? My life and death are in your hands. Why do you want to make me redundant? "

Gu Jiao blinked.

Tang Yueshan suddenly sat up straight: "you didn't poison me!"

Gu Jiao said seriously: "I have!"

Tang Yueshan: "you didn't!"

Gu Jiao: "I have!"

Tang Yueshan: "I don't believe it!"

Gu Jiao's eyes were rolling: "I'll poison you anyway!"

Tang Yueshan

Tang Yueshan, who is rich and powerful, finally succumbed to a needle and promised not to tell what he heard today.

However, Gu Jiao does not buy it: "a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost!"

Tang Yueshan is crazy. Who did you learn from?

Tang Yueshan is very angry. Although he is not tired of war, he is not so cunning in private. He is not the shameless Marquis Xuanping!

Tang Yueshan with a bit of anger, zhengse way: "I'm the world's army marshal, said that you will keep your promise, you will keep your promise, why don't you believe me?"

"I can't believe you." Gu Jiao touched her chin and looked up and down at Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan's heart inexplicably surged with an ominous premonition: "you, what do you want to do?"

Gu Jiao held her hands in her arms, pointed her fingertips gently on her arms, glanced at him and said, "if you are my pony, I will believe you, and I will not poison you."

Tang Yueshan was puzzled and said, "what is the pony boy?"

Gu Jiao said: "little brother."

Tang Yueshan doubted that he had heard wrong. What did the girl say? Little brother? He?


He's the Grand Marshal of the world. Will he give a girl a little brother?

The girl is afraid that she is not crazy, or she is scared to be silly by the careful work of the Marquis of Ding'an.

Also, although she was not born to Xiao Ling, she was born to the Marquis's family. There were no eggs under the nest. When the Marquis's family in Ding'an was convicted of treason, where could she go safely?

I'm afraid I'll fall out of favor with your majesty and the Empress Dowager at the same time.

Tut Tut, without the protection of these two, how can this girl live in the future?

Gu Jiao seriously said: "you choose, is poison dumb you, or give me do younger brother."

Tang Yueshan sneered coldly: "girl, why don't I give you a proposal? If you worship me as your teacher, I will consider going back to the capital and not killing you."

Tang Ming is his son, but if this girl worships him as a teacher, it's half of his daughter. If her daughter hurts her son, it's family business. Family service is fine. There's no need to fight or kill.

Unlike Gu Chao, who was stubborn and preferred sons over daughters, he had cultivated his own daughter carefully.

However, they have no talent to practice martial arts.

This girl is so talented.

He has the heart of cherishing talent. As long as the girl is willing to listen, he promises to cultivate Tang Ming in the past and in the future.

To be honest, if it hadn't happened, Tang Yueshan would never have let Gu Jiao worship him as a teacher. It's one thing for him to appreciate Gu Jiao's talent, and another thing for him to fail to pass the bottom of his heart.

However, the relationship between people is like an unpredictable game, no one knows which side will get the upper hand in the next moment.

Obviously, in the case that Gu Jiao and Gu Changqing are fully capable of fighting, he is not likely to win.

In order to survive, he had to make sacrifices, but simple sacrifice made him unwilling. He would not be so frustrated if he could take advantage of the rest of the sacrifice.

... never admit that you are just a little girl!

Gu Chao doesn't want it. He wants it!

Gu Chengfeng was completely immersed in his great shock. He was so confused that he didn't listen to a word of what Gu Jiao and Tang Yueshan said.

Until... Gu Changqing came out of the next room and overheard Tang Yueshan's voice when passing by the door.

He pushed open the door, looked at the three people inside, and said, "how can you be here?"

This time, Gu Chengfeng had a reaction. When he saw Gu Changqing, the grievances from the bottom of his heart surged up like the tide. His little mouth shriveled: "big brother..."

He got out of bed with red eyes and planned to rush towards his elder brother. Unexpectedly, he was tied up with Tang Yueshan's bandage.

Tang Yueshan had a pain in his leg and instinctively pulled the bandage. Gu Chengfeng was pulled back by a force. He didn't stand firm and fell straight behind him.

His collision not only knocked down Tang Yueshan, but also collapsed the wall made of pear blossom wood behind him.

Two wounded soldiers fell into the next room and rolled all over the floor!

The old Marquis looked at the two people who broke into the wall and frowned!

Gu Chengfeng's arm was bandaged, but his leg didn't. He stood up from a pile of boards and looked at the old Marquis who had been away for several days.

The old Marquis also looked at him, showing a look of surprise and excitement.

Gu Chengfeng was slightly stunned. Was my grandfather so excited to see me? Is my grandson who loves me the most in my grandfather's heart?!

Gu Chengfeng was overjoyed. When he swept away the haze, he knew that he was half a small work. He walked toward his grandfather with tears in his eyes!

He came to the bed!

He looked at his grandfather with tears in his eyes: "Zu..."

Before he had finished his father's words, he was pushed away by his grandfather's splint arm.

The old Marquis looked at Gu Chengfeng excitedly: "little brother!"

Gu Chengfeng: Xiaoxiao, Xiaodi?

Half buried under the board, Tang Yueshan looked behind him.

Where are you from?

Gu Jiao had already put on her mask, and she looked at him excitedly. She came over and sat down beside the bed, holding his hand.

eldest brother!

"Little brother!" he said with tears in his eyes

Gu Jiao: big brother!

The old Marquis held Gu Jiao's hand and burst into tears: "little brother! It's really you! I thought I would never see you in my life! It's so nice to see you again in my lifetime! "

Finally understood that the sound younger brother is calling whose Gu Chengfeng and Tang Yueshan a mouth old blood spurted out——