The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 487

Young white slender right hand carrying a person, it was just caught into the cellar of another man in black master, he had no breath, like a sack, was lightly thrown into the yard of the snow.

The strength of the young man's throwing was not great, but it made everyone feel a sense of willfulness, contempt, arrogance and arrogance.

No one knows how the youngsters did it. Just now, their attention was focused on the first man in black expert. They were watching him step on Gu Chengfeng's head. It was a bloody, violent and bloody scene.

When the second man in black went to the wine cellar to look for people, all they heard was a scream. They didn't even think that the scream was from their own master. They also thought that their master quickly came into the room and caught the assassin's accomplices inside. The scream was from the assassin's accomplices.

Now, one of the two masters in his family is stabbed and nailed to the wall by a long gun, and the other is crushed to death by a teenager and thrown on the ground.

This scene is so shocking and weird.

All people's voices are stuck in the throat, even breathing are unconsciously stagnated.

Only Gu Chengfeng lay in the pool of white snow and blood, his body suddenly relaxed.

Has the girl finished the operation at last?

He thought he couldn't wait.

Just come out... Just come out

Gu Chengfeng coughed up blood while shaking his body and laughing with relief.

The three masters of the man in black lost most of them in a flash. The Third Master of the man in black took the lead to recover from his stupor. He pulled out his soft sword and attacked Gu Jiao fiercely.

In dealing with Gu Chengfeng, he didn't do it at all, because there was no need to do it, but the boy killed his two companions as soon as he came out.

Although unwilling, I have to admit that this young man, who is much younger than everyone present, gives him a strong sense of crisis.

Even he used weapons.

Gu Jiao responds to all changes with constancy. When he attacks her, she doesn't move immediately. Instead, when his soft sword strangles her neck, she shoots a long thread with a hook around her left hand.

Then she tugged hard and threw herself out. As if she had lightness skills, she soared up in the air and shuttled through the snow. She stepped on the opposite wall and pulled out the red tassel gun with her bare hands.

She turned her red tassel gun in her palm and aimed it at the last man in black. She shot it mercilessly!

There are no fancy moves, and you can't see which school of Kung Fu it is, but killing is a moment.

Maybe when the old Marquis taught her how to shoot, he didn't expect that she could turn every move into such a fierce killing move.

The third man in black master even had no time to fight back, so he was stiff and fell on his knees.

There was a lot of snow, and his head fell down and there was no more sound.

Gu Jiao pulled out a long gun, he also fell on the ground.

Chief bodyguard Liu and all the soldiers took a big step back involuntarily.

This boy is terrible!

It's not always true how good his martial arts are, but his intention to kill is unmatched even by the dead.

The hard one is afraid of the horizontal one, the horizontal one is afraid of the non lethal one, and this young man is just the non lethal one!

Gu Jiao's face is also wearing the peacock plume mask, coupled with her murderous, inexplicable, giving people a thrilling strange.

For a moment, no one dared to catch her!

Gu Jiao came to Gu Chengfeng, holding the red tassel gun, looked down at him: "can you still go?"

Gu Chengfeng wiped the bloodstain at the corner of his mouth and gasped: "yes."

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded and reached out to him.

Gu Chengfeng suddenly said: --

Wait, if I can't leave, are you going to leave me here?

Gu Chengfeng takes Gu Jiao's hand and stands up from the snow.

Bodyguard Liu and others look at Gu Jiao, but they don't dare to catch her. On the contrary, wherever Gu Jiao goes, the soldiers will step back.

This is really let Gu Jiao scared silly.

Until Gu Jiao went back to the wine cellar and recited the old Marquis who was in a coma again, Liu Shiwei finally responded.

Fight with Gu Jiao is to seek death, but if you let Gu Jiao go, you can't escape death!

Liu's bodyguard clenched his teeth and raised his sword. "Are they all eggs! Are you scared out of your wits? Let them go today. If we look back, none of us can live! Three of them have hurt two! That kid has one on his back. He can't deal with us any more! Together! Cut them down

"Together! Cut them down

The soldiers echoed.

Chief bodyguard Liu rushed out first, and the soldiers were also aroused by the bloody, mainly because they saw that Gu Jiao had a wounded name on her back, and they really thought she was helpless.

But Gu Jiao tied the old Marquis tightly to her back with a piece of cloth. She released two hands, one hand holding the long gun, the other hand throwing the small basket to Gu Chengfeng.

Then, with a wave of her backhand, she threw a bead of black fire and burst out a path of blood!

The huge movement shocked the whole Taishou mansion, and even the soldiers of Chen state stationed outside the mansion were shocked by the series of loud noises. However, Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng acted together. When a large number of troops came to encircle and suppress them, they had already turned over from the wall of Taishou mansion and sat on the horses that had been hidden nearby for a long time.

A total of two horses, Gu Jiao with the old Marquis riding a horse, Gu Chengfeng riding another horse alone.

The three quickly disappeared in the streets of lingguancheng.

"My Lord!"

Near the wine cellar, bodyguard Liu, who was seriously injured by the explosion, knelt down and saluted a man in a silver fox Cape.

The man's age is about thirty years old. He is big and tall. His features are cold and stern. His eyes are deep. He is noble when he moves.

He didn't look angry, but all the people alive felt that their throats were strangled, and they were almost out of breath.

The man didn't pay attention to bodyguard Liu kneeling on the ground, or to the rest of the soldiers who were blown over. He just came to a black bead of fire and squatted down in front of the residue. He touched the residue on the ground with his slender fingers. There was a trace of coldness and doubt between his eyebrows.

"Yan people?"

He murmured.

Chief bodyguard Liu didn't hear what he said. It wasn't that his voice was too small, but that his ears were blown up. He asked, "my Lord, do you want to chase me?"

"Chase." Silver fox Cape man lightly said, "to live."

"Ah..." the boy is so powerful that it's hard to kill him. It's hard to catch him alive——

Chief bodyguard Liu wanted to say that it was too difficult for them, but he also understood that what the adult said would never be taken back.

They either obey or die.

The cold wind is blowing and the snow is flying.

Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng are running endlessly in the night against the flying snow. Their hands and feet are frozen, and their bodies gradually lose consciousness.

On Gu Jiao's long eyelashes, ice and snow condense into frost.

However, thanks to the heavy snow, their whereabouts were covered.

Gu Chengfeng wanted to ask Gu Jiao where she was going, but his mouth was numb with cold and he couldn't speak at all.

Just when the three were about to freeze into three popsicles, Gu Jiao finally stopped the horse.

Grasp the reins up the moment, Gu Jiao's palm pain as if broken.

"Proud (to)... Proud (to) Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth directly.

"Well." Gu Jiao answered. She was no better than Gu Chengfeng, and it was almost difficult to speak. She slowly released her stiff hand, but the reins were already frozen on her palm.

The red tassel gun didn't freeze with her hand, but she held it too long, and it was hard to open her stiff fingers for a while.

Both of them had great strength to get off the horse.

The horse was tired and panting.

"Where is this?" Gu Chengfeng asked with a pale face.

"I don't know." Gu Jiao is not familiar with the terrain of the frontier fortress, she just intuitively evades the pursuit of the remaining evils of the former dynasty.

"Go ahead and see."

She said.

She raised her hand, regained a sense of consciousness, and grasped the horse's stiffness. Her other hand held her red tassel.

Gu Chengfeng remembers that she used to carry the red tassel gun on her back, but now that she carries her grandfather, she can only hold the red tassel gun in her hand.

"Give it to me." He held out his hand and said.

"You can't carry it." Gu Jiao said.

"I can't hold it. I'm a man!" Gu Chengfeng, who has been underestimated, raises his hand to take Gu Jiao's red tassel gun.

Gu Jiao faintly glanced at him and let go.

"Damn it

Gu Chengfeng knelt down on the ground, but he couldn't help his rude remarks.

What a red tassel!

It's so heavy!

Also, just now I was just running for my life, but I didn't look at it carefully. Now I have a close look. I almost stopped my heart by thunder!

How can there be spicy and ugly red tassels in the world!

Are the big red flowers on the gun serious? And who braided the red tassel?!

Gu Chengfeng was almost cried by ugliness!

Take this red tassel gun to the battlefield, ugliness can kill a group of enemies!

Fortunately, along the way, she wrapped the red tassel gun in cloth, otherwise Gu Chengfeng seriously suspected that he might be ugly and blind on the way.

"It's all said that you can't carry it." Gu Jiao automatically ignores Gu Chengfeng's dislike and shock, grabs the red tassel gun and leads the horse forward.

"I can't hold it until I'm hurt." Gu Chengfeng decided to save the man's dignity, "otherwise you wait for me to recover, see if I can take it!"

Gu Jiao didn't look back. She waved her hand and said, "you should recover first."

Gu Chengfeng black face, led his horse to follow up.

They seem to have entered a deep forest, but they soon get out of the forest.

"There's a family over there." Gu Chengfeng said.

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded, she also saw, on the edge of the forest, not like an ordinary villager's home, but like a hunter guarding the forest.

Two people lead the horse to walk past.

Gu chengfengrao is injured, also will still pull Gu Jiao behind him, he raised his hand to knock on the door.

Gu Jiao said: "no need to knock, no one."

Gu Chengfeng frowned strangely: "do you recognize it again?"

Is this girl a dog ear?

Gu Jiao directly opened the door and went in. This is a two room small wooden house. The main room is connected with the bedroom. In the corner of the main room, there are simple stoves and cooking utensils.

There is a little frozen leftovers in the pot.

In this climate, frozen leftovers will not go bad for a month or two, so it is difficult for Gu Jiao to judge whether the leftovers were left a few days ago.

But judging from the dust on the stove and bed, the house has been inhabited in the last three days.

I don't know whether the owner of the house went out or was captured by Chen's army and the remaining evils of the previous dynasty.

Gu Jiao said to Gu Chengfeng, "stay here for one night first."

Gu Chengfeng looked around and sighed: "it can only be so."

The frontier is too cold. The three of them will freeze to death outside.

The two beds were placed at right angles, one against the inner wall and the other against the side wall. Gu Jiao put the old Marquis on the bed against the inner wall.

Then she pointed to another bed and said to Gu Chengfeng, "lie down."

"What for?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

Gu Jiao took the basket off his back and said, "hurt."

"Oh." Gu Chengfeng let out a cry and lay down on another bed. It's not that he didn't want to squeeze with his grandfather. In fact, the beds at the end of the bed are all bamboo beds, and a person can barely turn over.

It was too cold in the room. Gu Jiao took a bundle of firewood and a charcoal basin.

Both of them were much warmer after the fire started.

Gu Jiao began to examine Gu Chengfeng's injury.

To be honest, Gu Chengfeng is seriously injured. If he were someone else, he would be able to hop.

He is worthy of being an expert in beating.

Gu Jiao takes Iodophor to clean the wound on Gu Chengfeng's shoulder.

Gu Chengfeng suddenly said, "ah, what's the matter with you just now?"

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao asked.

"It's you..." Gu Chengfeng thought about it. He didn't know where to start. He asked her where she came from, or where she came from.

Killing people like demons, rescuing the wounded like Buddha.

It's contradictory and weird.

Gu Chengfeng's eyes fell on her serious face, opened her mouth and asked, "what did you do originally? I mean before you came here to pretend to be Gu jiaoniang? "

"Well..." she does a lot of work.

"Is it a killer?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

Maybe a doctor?

Gu Chengfeng said in his heart.

"Almost." Gu Jiao said carelessly.

"What do you mean almost? Yes, it is. No, it is not. " Gu Chengfeng muttered, suddenly thought of something like, silent for a moment, "in the prefecture, I thought you... Out of control."

The moment Gu Jiao came out of the cellar, her murderous spirit was too fierce. Rao was still frightened by the aftertaste.

"I'm not out of control." Gu Jiao said.

She doesn't lose control every time, otherwise she won't live to the present. In fact, she doesn't know what it's like to lose control. But Princess Xinyang said that her murderous spirit is heavier than that of a dead man, so she should kill when she loses control.

After killing everyone, if she doesn't stop losing control, maybe she'll kill herself.

In previous life, only the godfather knew how to calm her out of control. He taught her to hand the scalpel to her so that she could learn to resist the temptation of blood.

She has made a lot of progress.

After she came to a strange world, she lost control twice. The first time, her aunt was injured. She was comforted in time and failed to completely lose control.

The second time was Liu Yisheng's severed finger. She didn't remember the specific process of that time, but she guessed that longyi had restrained her.

Now my aunt and long Yi are not here. She won't let herself out of control easily——

"Why are you looking at me all of a sudden?" Gu Chengfeng was thrown by Gu Jiao's small eyes and his eyebrows jumped.

Gu Jiao in the heart then way, otherwise you small life have no.

Gu Chengfeng had five stitches on his right arm and three stitches on his forehead.

"It won't scar, will it?" Gu Chengfeng felt the gauze on his forehead and asked bitterly.

Gu Jiao strange way: "do you still worry about leaving scar?"

Gu Chengfeng said bitterly, "after all, I'm so beautiful. It's a pity to leave a scar."

Gu Jiao

Gu Jiao opened the small medicine box and began to search it carefully.

Gu Chengfeng asked, "what are you looking for?"

"Eye drops." Gu Jiao said, "I suspect you are lame."

Gu Chengfeng is a beautiful man

Gu Jiao deals with all the injuries for Gu Chengfeng. Gu Chengfeng is half mummified by gauze, especially his face, which is only blindfolded.

His eyes turned, and his expression was a little beyond words.

Am I so hurt? Seriously suspect that you are deliberately blocking my beauty!

The fire was almost burnt out, and Gu Jiao went to the main room to hold a bundle of firewood.

Gu Chengfeng looked at her busy little figure and said, "take a break. I'll watch tonight."

"Watch in turn. You sleep in the middle of the night, and I just need to change some medicine." Gu Jiao said, turning to check the splint on the old Marquis's limbs. The time and conditions in the Prefecture are limited. She only made a simple brake, and now she has to do it again.

And his wounds, too, need to be carefully examined.

"Is my grandfather OK?" Gu Chengfeng looked at the old Marquis and asked.

Gu Jiao fixed the waist and abdomen of the old Marquis. The wound is in good condition. Her blood pressure is gradually returning to normal. She has a low fever. We should be careful to prevent postoperative infection.

"Nothing for the time being." Gu Jiao said, "go to sleep. I'll call you later."

Gu Chengfeng thought, or should be under, he told: "you remember to call me."

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded.

Gu Chengfeng pulled the quilt over, but he didn't fall asleep.

In the flash of fire, he opened his eyes and looked at Gu Jiao for a moment.

Gu Jiaogang fixed his left arm to the Marquis, looked back at him and said, "what else?"

He lay on the bed, from this point of view, she was still petite, her shadow was tall on the wall by the fire.

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth and asked, "do you still need family? Your house. "

Gu Jiao was silent for a moment and said, "I don't know."

In terms of blood relationship, she has, but in terms of emotion, she does not.

They don't want her.

Not her daughter, not her sister.

She doesn't want them either.

How can a person not even know if he has a family? Is it an orphan?

Gu Chengfeng thinks this kind of possibility is very big, he didn't ask further, he cleared his throat, said: "then you don't go back, it's very good here."

Gu Jiao thought that I didn't want to go back, and I couldn't go back.

"That's what, Mm-hmm... it's good, too." Gu Chengfeng said vaguely.

"What did you say?" Gu Jiao didn't hear the middle words clearly.

"Nothing!" Gu Chengfeng directly pulled the quilt over his head.

Stupid sister!

Gu Chengfeng put on the quilt and soon fell asleep.

Gu Jiao gives Gu Chengfeng a hanging bottle and deals with all the splints for the old Marquis.

Outside, the goose feather like snow rustled down, the howling cold wind did not know when to disperse, the whole night was only colorful snow dance, silent.

After midnight, Gu Jiao did not wake up Gu Chengfeng.

She held the red tassel gun and stood at the door for a quiet night.

The snow was flying in front of her, and the one who wanted to protect her was behind her.


At dawn, Gu Chengfeng woke up.

He didn't have such a good sleep for a long time. He just felt his vitality revived.

When he opened his eyes and saw the light coming through the window, he suddenly remembered the wake in the middle of the night!

Did he oversleep?

Or that girl didn't call him at all!

He looked around, his grandfather was still lying on another bamboo bed, but Gu Jiao disappeared.

"Why? What about the girl? " Gu Chengfeng lifted the quilt and sat up. He was hurt after all. Pain of pulling came from all parts of his body. His eyebrows frowned and he slightly lightened his movements.

He first looked at his grandfather, who was still in a coma, breathing more smoothly than last night.

Grandfather and he are both injured. Don't let that girl have an accident.

Gu Jiao was looking for something to eat. The hunter's family had nothing to eat except the leftovers that had been put away for many days. In addition, the firewood was almost burnt out, so she went into the nearby mountain forest.

She picked up a little dead branch and didn't hit the prey.

She planned to carry the dead branch back to the house first. As soon as she turned around, a man came slowly on the other side of the forest, and looked in the direction of the cabin.

Is it the owner of the cabin?

The man was wearing animal skin and felt hat. Gu Jiao couldn't see him clearly. She only felt that the other person's body was big and big, walking on the ground in the snow without reaching her thighs.

He is a master.

Gu Jiao made a judgment in her heart.

Gu Jiao walks towards the cabin with the dead branch in her arms. They meet unexpectedly on the way. Until they meet face to face, Gu Jiao finally sees his face.

And he also saw Gu Jiao.

They were stunned at the same time.