The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 486

This courtyard is very remote, generally no one will come, and as long as there is little movement in the wine cellar, the patrol guards will not be attracted.

But someone came.

Listen to the sound of footsteps and armor friction, two adult soldiers.

As a whole, the Imperial Palace was controlled by the remaining evildoers of the former dynasty. The army of Chen state was mainly stationed outside the imperial palace. Therefore, Gu Chengfeng deduced that the two men were the followers of the remaining evildoers of the former dynasty.

Gu Chengfeng quietly came to the door, he could not see the scene outside, so he had to pay close attention to the people's movement and voice.

At this time, Gu Jiao has begun to suture the abdominal wall.

Gu Chengfeng saw here almost understand that the operation is almost finished, but the more the last moment, the more can not go wrong.

Gu Chengfeng's heart slightly raised.

Two soldiers came into the yard and seemed to be walking towards the wine cellar. One of them grabbed his companion and said, "OK, there's no one else here. Take it out!"

"Be quiet! Don't let anyone hear you Said the companion, lowering his voice.

"Well, well, I won't say it out loud!" The soldier's voice was a little lower, but his tone was more and more urgent. "Don't just whisper with me, what do you want to bring? Take it out

Gu Chengfeng heard here almost understand two people are not to check their grandfather, his heart a little Chuai back to the stomach.

But he didn't dare to be careless. He still held two concealed weapons tightly in his hand.

The companion took out a small porcelain vase and handed it to the soldier

The soldier pulled out the cork and sniffed the bottle. He said, "what's the smell?"

"It all tastes like this!"

"It's so good to use it?"

"Why don't you just try?"

"Have you tried it yourself? Seven times a night? "

Gu Chengfeng heard here, can not help but frown, what night seven times, dirty words too much, really want to block the mouth of these two people!

He looked back at Gu Jiao, who was treating the marquis. Gu Jiao was almost finished.

This girl didn't treat her wound so seriously, didn't she hear those dirty words?

"Do you want it?"

"Yes! Can you stop it! How much is it? "

"It's one or two silver for sale outside. The boss is my friend. He gave me 200 Wen at a low price. I have to add 50 Wen for selling others. You are my brother. I won't charge you more for our friendship."

Gu Chengfeng hissed in his heart.

This kind of junk is expensive for ten Wen. What about brothers?

The soldier finally made a big mistake and bought the bottle of Shiquan Dabu pills for 200 Wen.

"Gone." Said the soldier to his companion.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?"

"Over there."

"What's the matter over there?" The soldier looked and said, "Oh, wine cellar."

Gu Chengfeng's heart is tight!

"It's said that the wine of lingguancheng prefect's mansion is daughter Hong, which has been treasured for more than ten years." The companion said and walked towards the wine cellar.

The soldier held him: "Hey, who said not to be found? You hold a wine jar in the middle of the night. Don't you think it was found fast enough! I want to drink a lot in my room! Go back and give you a pot! "

"Oh, yes."

The companion was persuaded by the soldiers to leave the yard with him.

Gu Chengfeng was relieved at last.

His whole back was soaked with cold sweat, and his forehead was sticky. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat and asked Gu Jiao, "OK?"

Gu Jiao cut off the last thread and pasted the wound with gauze: "it's not good, the place where the fracture needs to be fixed."

The old Marquis has fractures in all his limbs. He must brake first, otherwise it will be very dangerous to move.

Half of the removed table was thrown into the fire, and half was left. Gu Jiao scraped a few boards first.

Gu Chengfeng went to help her.

At this point, however, something unexpected happened.

The two people who had left turned back in a hurry!

"No! It's captain Liu! Let him find that we didn't patrol well and come here without permission. He will punish us! "

It's the voice of the soldier.

"Hide now!"

Said his companion.

"Where are you hiding?" Asked the soldier, trembling.

"Wine cellar!"

Gu Chengfeng's eyebrows jump!

The hand he helped fix the board stopped, and he subconsciously looked at Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao seemed to hear nothing, and continued her movements calmly and quickly.

Gu Chengfeng's eyes moved and looked coldly at the direction of the door.

"The door won't open. What's the matter? Is it locked from the inside? "

"No way, let me do it!"

The soldier's companion vigorously pushed open the door, and a flash of fire suddenly came into his eyes. He was slightly shocked, but without waiting for him to reflect why there was a flash of fire inside, Gu Chengfeng shot out two concealed weapons.

He froze and fell forward.

He didn't fall to the ground, Gu Chengfeng quickly flashed in front of him and caught him.

All happened in the light of lightning, and the soldiers didn't respond. Gu Chengfeng's other concealed weapon cut his throat.

Gu Chengfeng catches them one by one and drags them into the room without any trace. He closes the door quickly but firmly without making any sound.

Gu Chengfeng put their bodies on the ground, while he sat on one side, leaning against the door behind him, panting slightly.

He's a thief, not a killer.

No matter how many times you kill people, you can't get used to it.

But he had to kill.

Liu, one of the two people, led a group of patrolling soldiers to walk near the yard. Gu Chengfeng held his breath and minimized his sense of existence.

Gu Jiao cut all the planks, and then only fixed them, so that they would not make too much noise.

Unfortunately, the old Marquis had a sign of awakening, confused, he coughed.

"What sound?"

"Back to Lord Liu, it seems that it came from the wine cellar. There's a hostage in the cellar. "

Chief bodyguard Liu: "the old Marquis of the Gu family army?"

Man: "it's him. He was interrogated in the afternoon and hurt a little."

Chief bodyguard Liu: "how can you be locked in the wine cellar?"

"This..." the hand Shan Shan ground smile.

It's not because someone disobeyed the leader and lynched the Marquis for fear of going to the dungeon to be discovered, so he shut up in the cellar first.

Chief bodyguard Liu is not stupid. He soon figured out the key point. He is just a little chief bodyguard. He can't provoke the man who lynched the marquis. But he is on duty tonight. If there is something wrong with the hostage, he will be responsible.

"Go and see what's going on." He said.

The two men came to the cellar together.

At this time, Gu Jiao fixed his left arm and began to fix his right arm.

Gu Chengfeng took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

It's time to come

Gu Chengfeng didn't give them the chance to push the door, so he rushed out directly. Two concealed weapons shot down the two soldiers in front of him.

"Assassins!" Liu Shiwei pulled out his sword and led the rest of his men to rush towards Gu Chengfeng.

This group of people, including chief bodyguard Liu, are just ordinary soldiers. Their skills are not very strong. Gu Chengfeng doesn't have much pressure to deal with them. However, chief bodyguard Liu seems to know Gu Chengfeng's skills. He doesn't hesitate to blow the wooden whistle hanging on his waist.

A tall and powerful figure comes in the air, kicking Gu Chengfeng's heart. Gu Chengfeng falls heavily at the door of the wine cellar and spits out a mouthful of blood.

Gu Chengfeng covers his heart and recognizes that the man in black is one of the experts who have tracked him with Gu Jiao.

He also had companions, who came down from the sky, left and right, blocking the gate of the yard.

No wonder when they drugged him, he didn't realize it. His kung fu was almost catching up with his Majesty's Dragon shadow guard.

Gu Chengfeng covers the chest of acute pain with one hand, supports the body with the sword with the other hand, and stands up with fierce eyes.

"Ready Archer!" Liu Shiwei drank it.

A row of archers fish in and squat on the ground with one knee, pull the bow and arrow together and aim at Gu Chengfeng.

The old Marquis, who was fixing his right leg, seemed to feel that something was going to happen to his grandson. He opened his eyes slightly and looked out the door.

After sleeping for a long time, his vision was a little blurred. He only saw a familiar figure. He stubbornly picked up his sword and guarded the people in the house.

The old Marquis's eyes suddenly filled with a moist.

Gu Chengfeng didn't know how many times he was kicked down by the man in black. Every time he fell down, he vomited a mouthful of blood, but every time he would stand up again.

The master of the man in black seems to be bored. After he knocked Gu Chengfeng down in the snow for the last time, his boots stepped on Gu Chengfeng's chest.

He gestured to another man in black.

His companion, understanding, strode toward the cellar.

Gu Chengfeng's palm catches a concealed weapon, but before it shoots out, he is trampled on by the man in black.

It's all over.

The man in black raised his cold boots and trampled on Gu Chengfeng's head!

The sky suddenly began to snow, snowflakes falling in profusion.

"Ah --"

With a scream, the man in black outside the wine cellar was dragged in by a strong force.

Almost at the same time, a red tassel gun suddenly shot out of the cellar, with a shuddering sound, penetrating the snow and the heart of the man in black. It lifted him up and nailed him on the hard wall!

Everyone was stunned. The next second, Qi Qi looked at the cellar and saw a tiny figure at the door.

In the snow, the young man's hair is like ink, his eyes are cold and murderous, just like Shura coming from purgatory.