The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 480

Gu Jiao remained silent for a few seconds. Without saying a word, she opened the cupboard door and took out the soft armor that Lao he gave her.

I didn't want to wear it.

Then Gu Jiao found all kinds of sharp blades in her family - two daggers pinned to her waist, two lancets hidden in her narrow sleeves, several silver needles in her hair bun, several blades hidden in her shoes, and even a small concealed weapon under her tongue.

Xiao Heng: not necessarily.

Gu Jiao set out armed!

Her red tassel gun is really a little dazzling. Xiao Heng entangles her with a cloth strip.

Xiao Heng has been watching her out of the blue water alley, completely disappeared in the boundless night, he Dun in place, lost in mind for a long time.

The night is deep, the lights are gradually out, and the capital is in the tranquility of the latter half of the night.

However, the guards patrolling the streets and alleys still kept on for a moment. They made light of their actions and tried not to disturb the people along the way.

Gu Chengfeng came down to the north gate under the eyelids of the guards.

The gate had been closed for a long time, but as the son of his family, he knew that there was a secret passage near the north gate, which was usually guarded by two or four bodyguards in turn.

Because of concealment, there are not many people who know about it, so the bodyguard on duty is not too powerful.

Gu Chengfeng rushes in alone. The key is that he is still holding a horse

Gu Chengfeng looked at the horse behind him, and the horse also looked at him.

One man and one horse, big eyes and small eyes

For a moment, Gu Chengfeng even regretted stealing his father's horse. Although the horse is good, it's hard to get it out.

Forget it, it's a pity that we've all come to this stage. It's a pity to abandon the horse. Besides, I'm afraid we can't buy a thousand li horse post station with such qualifications.

Get out... The guards of the brigade are nearby again.

Finally, Gu Chengfeng had to close his eyes and bite his teeth helplessly: "I'm sorry, Dad, I can only pit you."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Gu Chengfeng puts on his hat, rides on his bloody BMW, and appears outside the secret passage with his personal token.

When the guard saw the token, he looked strangely at the man on the horse and asked, "are you..."

Gu Chengfeng lowered the volume and imitated his father's voice: "don't you even know me? Your majesty ordered me to leave Beijing at night. I have official business. Would you like me to go with you soon? How many heads do you have to cut off for delaying your Majesty's great affairs

"I dare not

The leader's bodyguard said, and hurriedly signaled his men to give way, and he stood respectfully by.

In fact, they haven't seen Marquis Gu, and they can't hear the truth of his voice. It's just that the token Gu Chengfeng showed is true. In addition, marquis Ding'an's house is indeed the emperor's confidant. In addition, the imperial court has been in trouble one after another, not to mention the Empress Dowager's order that Gu Changqing reorganize the Gu family army.

All things together, no one doubts that someone will impersonate Marquis Gu and pass the emperor's oral instructions.

It's a capital crime of beheading.

Gu Chengfeng estimates that his father will be taken to the emperor the next day.

However, since the imperial court valued his elder brother and Gu Jiajun, it would not take his father's life. At most... There is no way to punish his father and his son, such as playing a hundred board or something.

In the middle of his sleep, marquis Gu suddenly shivered. He didn't know what was wrong

After Gu Chengfeng left the city, he ran all the way to the north. He was afraid that the guards would come back later. When the horses were panting, he could stop.

He looked back.

"I don't think it's catching up with you?"

"Don't worry, I didn't catch up."

A careless little voice sounded from behind the trees. Gu Chengfeng almost fell from the horse!

In the middle of the night, there is a voice behind the tree. It's a person or a ghost!

Wait a minute. That sounds familiar.

Gu Cheng Feng was determined to turn his head to the direction of the tree. He was anxious to make his way. He looked at the thin moonlight. He saw a horse tied under the tall Wutong tree. Beside the horse stood a little boy dressed in Tsing Yi.

The young man held his arms and leaned against the big tree behind him.

With that, the little boy came out from the shadow of the tree.

Gu Chengfeng saw her face clearly.

"Is it really you?"

He was shocked.

Gu Jiao's finger points a little, encircles his arm, crooked head to say: "very surprised?"

"Can I, can I not be surprised? What do you do here when you don't sleep in the middle of the night? It's all out of the capital. " No, it's at least twenty or thirty miles away from the capital.

Gu Chengfeng looked at her suspiciously: "you won't catch me running errands for you again? I can warn you, this time I said nothing will go with you! I have something urgent to do

It's very, very important!

a case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care!

"Well." Gu Jiao murmured, released her arms, straightened up, touched the tall and strong horse, and rolled over.

Gu Chengfeng found that she was also riding a good horse, no less than his father's.

"Don't you mean to leave?" Gu Jiao looked at him strangely.

Gu Chengfeng was so surprised that he didn't know the meaning of this sentence. He stared at her horse: "don't you know how to ride a horse?"

"I'm not good at it." Gu Jiao corrects him, "however later should be able to be good at."

After all, it's thousands of miles from here to the frontier fortress, enough for her to practice.

Gu Chengfeng still didn't understand her meaning. His eyes moved away from her horse and fell on her back.

The little basket she always carried was hung on the saddle and replaced by a big guy wrapped with cloth strips.

Even if he was wrapped in cloth strips, Gu Chengfeng still felt a trace of strong breath.

"What's on your back?" He asked curiously.

"Red tassel gun." Gu Jiao said.

"What's the big red tassel gun?" Gu Chengfeng's suspicious color is more and more dignified, "and what do you do with this thing in the middle of the night?"

Gu Jiao glanced at him faintly: "do you still want to go?"

"Of course I want to go..." before Gu Chengfeng finished, Gu Jiao drove her horse forward a few steps. Gu Chengfeng looked at her direction and reminded, "Hey, are you going wrong? That's not the way to the capital. "

Gu Jiao light way: "who says I want to return to the capital?"

Gu Chengfeng sneered: "if you don't go back to the capital, do you want to join me in the frontier fortress?"

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly widened his eyes, rode to Gu Jiao's side, looked at her cold side face and said: "you... You should not..."

It's noisy.

Gu Jiao directly took out a nest from the burden and put it into his mouth.

Gu Chengfeng was gagged, whimpered twice, took the wowowotou down and rode with her: "wait, you make it clear, do you really want to go to the frontier? What are you doing there? Don't you know there's a war at the frontier? Chen's army has captured three cities in the frontier fortress. It's not a good place to visit mountains and rivers! "

Gu Jiao pulled the reins: "well."

Gu Chengfeng frowned.

This girl doesn't seem to have so much leisure.

"Well, you didn't want to go to the frontier fortress when you heard something happened to your grandfather, did you?" Gu Chengfeng murmured, "you're not really Gu jiaoniang. You don't have to worry about my grandfather."

The frontier is too dangerous.

There are three dragon shadow guards around Princess Ning'an, but they are still caught by the remaining evils of the former dynasty. It can be seen how difficult the gang are for each other.

This is not the muddy water she should wade in.

Gu Chengfeng looked at her seriously and said, "tell me the truth, are you going to the frontier fortress, and why?"

Can ask the second sentence, actually already explained Gu Chengfeng's heart had the answer to the first question.

"Save people." Gu Jiao said.

"Save who?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

"A brother." Gu Jiao pause, "and a fool."


That doesn't look like his grandfather.

Gu Chengfeng didn't rush to ask who her brother was, or who the fool was. In a word, it won't be him.

Gu Chengfeng said, "how did you get out of the city?"

Gu Jiao Oh, a way: "riding out."

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth: "from the north gate of..."

Gu Jiao said: "otherwise, there are other doors?"

Gu Chengfeng frowned: "isn't the gate closed? You came out early? "

Gu Jiao shook her head: "no, just a little earlier than you. I have the imperial edict."

Gu Chengfeng gaped: "you, why do you have the imperial edict! Are you going north on orders? "

This girl has an imperial edict. Why did she risk the crime of bullying you to come out of the secret way?

Gu Jiao shook her head again: "to find your majesty, I said I want to go out, your Majesty gave me, also gave me a horse."

Gu Chengfeng, who has been hit hard: "I'm not sure."

I don't want to talk to you all of a sudden!