The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 479

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

The capital is in a tense and alert state because of successive wars. Yuantang has been hiding in the capital for several days. He has lived like a street mouse for so many years. He has never been so embarrassed.

Gu Jiao didn't believe it when she told him that his uncle was going to rebel. After all, his uncle was the most beloved son of the former Emperor. When his father was the prince of Chen, he committed a felony. It was his uncle who helped his father to keep his crown prince.

How can such a prince and uncle not be trusted?

Let's talk about his grandfather's family.

The Rong family's daughter, his mother's concubine, is the imperial concubine of the state of Chen. She is above one person and under ten thousand people. She will only wait for her to be canonized in the future, and her mother will be in the world.

Prince Bo, uncle Huang and the Rong family are not related by marriage. Is the Rong family crazy? Don't help your daughter and grandson, but help an outsider?

He felt that Gu Jiao must have made a mistake, or he was maliciously provoking the relationship between him and Prince Bo.

However, he had a heart in his heart. It was not until the emperor ordered someone to arrest him that he realized the seriousness of the matter.

He escaped first.

A few days later, the frontier fortress heard that Chen's army was pressing down and Zhao lost three cities.

It was at that moment that he finally understood that Gu Jiao had not deceived him, and that his uncle, Prince of Bo, was really against him!

The emperor is still ordering people to arrest him, probably because he thinks that if he is arrested, he will be able to hold the state of Chen. But Gu Jiao is right. It's not his father who wants to violate the treaty between the two countries, it's his uncle, Prince Bo.

So even if he was killed, his uncle would not blink.

It's a dead set for him right now.

I don't know what happened to my father.

If Prince Bo and uncle Huang dare to do such a thing, he must have controlled the court, and even put his father under house arrest.

Thinking of this, Yuan Tang's whole face was cold.

"Look over there!"

Not far away came the voice of the guards.

This situation may be exposed at any time has already appeared countless times, Yuan Tang from the initial indignation to now has gradually a trace of numbness.

But he did not dare to take it lightly.

Otherwise, once he is caught, his life will be gone. Uncle Huang will not protect him, and Zhao will not let him go. He is the person that both sides hate to get along with.

Yuan Tang flashed through the lane on one side. As soon as he came to a street, he was blocked by Liu Yisheng.

Liu Yisheng hired a carriage. He lifted the curtain and said to him, "follow me!"

Yuantang didn't come forward, but looked at Liu Yisheng with a complicated look. The footsteps behind him gradually approached, and he didn't look back into the night.

He can't implicate his cousin.

Even if you die, you have to die alone in Zhaoguo.

On the other hand, the news of the loss of the frontier fortress and the capture of the old Marquis spread to the Marquis's residence in Ding'an.

"What are you talking about! The old man was caught in the frontier fortress! "

In the study, marquis Gu looked at Huang Zhong in disbelief, "did you hear me wrong? Didn't the old man go sightseeing? How did you get to the frontier? It's a cold and bitter place

Huang Zhong was helpless and said, "it's true, marquis! The remaining evils of the former dynasty colluded with Chen's army in the frontier fortress and did not hesitate to cede territory and betray the country to help Chen stay close to the frontier fortress. The news that the old man was arrested has been spread all over the palace! "

"How could that be?" Marquis Gu fell on the chair.

Huang Zhong worried: "the Empress Dowager was so angry that she ordered Shizi to return to Beijing immediately. She said that she wanted to reorganize the Gu family army and let Shizi lead the Gu family army to the north to fight against the enemy!"

Marquis Gu's face changed again: "is Changqing going to the frontier fortress, too? He... "

He's only 21 years old!

He has never been to such a far battlefield, nor has he experienced such a fierce war. One hundred thousand Gu's troops are going north together. I'm afraid it's not going to be a tough battle!

Outside the study, listen to Gu Chengfeng unintentionally, the whole person is like falling into the ice cellar.

He knew that his grandfather went to the frontier under the emperor's orders, but he never expected that instead of saving Princess Ning'an, he took himself in.

He didn't know who the remaining evildoers of the previous dynasty were, but referring to imperial concubine Jing, he could roughly infer that the other party was cruel and ruthless, and he didn't need to do anything. His grandfather was in the hands of those people, and he was afraid that his life would be in danger.

Elder brother is far away from Fengdu mountain. It will take time for him to return to the capital, and it will take time for him to revive the Gu family army. He will go north to the frontier fortress. I wonder if my grandfather will live to wait for elder brother

Grandfather won't let himself be a chip to hinder big brother and Gu Jiajun.

If the remaining evildoers of the previous dynasty took him to coerce big brother, my grandfather would rather die than surrender!

Gu Chengfeng went back to his yard.

He found out the night clothes and put them on, took the mask and put on, and picked out some concealed weapons bought by Qianji Pavilion.

After that, he went to the next room.

At this time, Gu Chenglin has stopped. Gu Chengfeng comes to the bedside, looks at the sleeping Gu Chenglin, tucks his quilt in, touches his little hair, and puts his silver note under his pillow.

"After that, you have to buy your own hair tonic."

After that, he reluctantly took a last look at his younger brother. At this time, he was envious of Gu Yan and the new born little guy. At least there were so many people in love with them, and Gu Chenglin was the only one left.

But now even he's leaving.

This time, he is not simply doing a task. He is going to go to the frontier fortress and sneak into the enemy camp. If he doesn't come back, his life and death are unknown——

"If I can't come back, you'll take care of yourself later, understand?"

Sleeping Gu Chenglin knew nothing about his brother's departure. He turned over and looked quiet and stable in his sleep.

Gu Chengfeng finally left.

He gently closed the door for his brother and went to the stable to ride away his father's sweaty BMW.

Bishui Hutong.

After a busy day, the family went back to their houses to have a rest.

Gu Jiao went to the east room to have a look at the little guy. His neonatal jaundice had subsided, and the wrinkles on his face were gradually smoothed. He was a white and tender little girl.

"Jiaojiao." Xiaojingkong appeared behind her with a pillow in her arms.

"Haven't you slept yet?" Gu Jiao looks back at him.

"Well, I miss you a little." Xiaojingkong said seriously.

Gu Jiao bent the corners of her lips and put a small head on him: "I'll send you there."

"Well!" Xiaojingkong, holding her pillow in one hand and Gu Jiao's hand in the other, hopped to the next door.

He lay on the soft bed, opened a pair of big round eyes, obediently said: "Jiaojiao."


"I'm covered."

"Good boy." Gu Jiao touched his forehead, "sleep."

Small clearance obediently closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again: "Jiaojiao?"

"I'm here."

He closed his eyes again with ease.

The small hand grasps Gu Jiao's hand, does not conceal own dependence and the need.

Gu Jiao guarded him until he fell asleep and snored evenly. She got up and went back to the backyard from the aisle.

When she went to Gu Yan's and Gu Xiaoshun's house, the two young men had already fallen asleep. Gu Yan's sleeping face was very good. Maybe he was always bullied by his sister in her womb. Gu Xiaoshun's sleep was a little different, and half of his legs were hanging outside the bed.

Gu Jiao put Gu Xiaoshun's leg into the quilt and touched their forehead.

Among the children, Gu Xiaoshun is the most worrying and Gu Yan is the most worrying.

Gu Yan's heart disease has always been a problem that Gu Jiao wants to solve, but the operation conditions of the small medicine box can't reach.

Gu Jiao opened the bedside table and put the anti heart failure drugs in.

After that, she went back to Westinghouse and found some clean clothes.


She rummaged and looked puzzled.

"Looking for this?"

Xiao Heng's voice suddenly appeared at the door.

Gu Jiao looked back and saw Xiao Heng coming towards her with a mask inlaid with peacock hair.

She blinked and said, "it's clear!"

Xiao Heng smiles, some helpless, but also some can't help laughing, he didn't open her, but pulled open the cupboard door, took out a burden from inside.

"There's meat on the head and some dry food."

She used to pack things for him, but this time he came to give her the original shape.

"You..." Gu Jiao opened her mouth and looked at him.

"Isn't it going out of Beijing?" Xiao Heng asked as if nothing had happened, and received several things for her.

Well, I thought I was hiding well.

"To leave without saying goodbye?"

Gu Jiao shook her head like a rattle: "I wrote you a letter. It's in your study."

Xiao Heng looked a little bit Ji, handed her the burden, and gazed at her deeply: "return it?"

This question is somewhat intriguing.

If she is the real Gu jiaoniang, it is impossible not to come back.

Gu Jiao always thought that only Gu Chengfeng firmly believed that she was not the real Gu jiaoniang.

And Gu Chengfeng will think so, probably think that she killed the real Gu jiaoniang and replaced Gu jiaoniang with another person's identity.

Xiao Heng is clear to understand, this pair of body is Gu jiaoniang's.

So why did he ask that?

It seemed that he saw Gu Jiao's doubts, and felt that if he didn't say something today, he might not have the courage to say it again in the future. He said: "since you fell into the water two years ago, it has become very different. I know you are Gu jiaoniang, but sometimes I feel that you are not Gu jiaoniang. "

She is not, but she is.

This is really a contradictory topic.

"Come back?"

He asked her again.

Gu Jiao paused, looked at him and said, "whether I am Gu Jiao Niang or not?"

Xiao Heng nodded seriously: "well, whether you are Gu jiaoniang or not."

"Of course --"

Gu Jiao's eyes dribbled around, swallowed the words to her mouth, picked her eyebrows and said, "come back, let me see you take a bath?"

Xiao Heng never expected that it was this kind of thing that she was thinking about at the parting moment.

At the same time, he couldn't help crying and laughing.

What kind of girl is this?

He chuckled and took a few steps towards her. His powerful arm gently clasped her waist. It seemed domineering but restrained.

He didn't touch her, but Gu Jiao felt that his waist was on fire. The fire burned all the way to the bottom of her heart and made her feel dizzy.

It's a strange feeling.


I want to do something.

That's strange.

Xiao Heng looked at her steadily, took a panoramic view of her stupefied and coveted appearance, pulled the corners of her lips, and said to her with three points of bewitching and hoarseness: "OK, you come back, let you see. Remember, it's safe to come back, one hair less... I'll wear one more dress. "