The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 463

Yu ya'er said so, Xiao Heng looked down at his legs.

He finally understood what was wrong when he changed his clothes. He didn't use a cane or limp. He came out like a normal person.

"Uncle! Your legs are ready! Your legs are ready Yu ya'er was so excited that she said it twice in a breath. If the others hadn't woken up, she would have said it three or four times!

Just at this time, Gu Jiao also got up, she came out from the east room.

Xiao Heng immediately made a silent gesture to Yu ya'er.

Yu ya'er is stunned. Xiao Heng shows her to keep secret with his eyes. Yu ya'er finally understands. His eyes flash and he nods!

Gu Jiao walks towards them, and Yu ya'er continues to dry the quilt.

In fact, it's time to say hello to Gu Jiao. Yu ya'er is a polite servant girl, but she helps her uncle to do bad things. Her heart is so empty that she doesn't dare to look at her own young lady!

Fortunately, Gu Jiao doesn't pay attention to the details. She doesn't notice that Yu ya'er is different. She hasn't seen her husband wearing official clothes for many days. At first glance, he has a strict temperament.

In the early morning, Gu Jiao salivated for several seconds.

Xiao Heng said to her: "good morning."

"Well, good morning." Gu Jiao responds blankly.

Xiao Heng pressed down the corner of his lips, limped to the well and began to draw water.

Gu Jiao won't let him do heavy work. Gu Jiao steps forward and takes the bucket from his hand: "I'll do it."

Xiao Heng's hand slightly raised, which led her to seize his hand instead of the wooden handle of the bucket.

Xiao Heng cleared his throat, glanced at Yu ya'er behind him, and said solemnly, "early in the morning, please pay attention."

Gu Jiao

After breakfast, Xiao Jingkong and his great aunt go to the Imperial College, and Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun go to the Qinghe Academy. The family all know Xiao Heng's identity, but they also know how complicated his affairs are. They don't publicize him, so they still call him Xiao LIULANG.

"I went to the Imperial Academy." Xiao Heng comes over with a cane and says to Gu Jiao, who is packing a small medicine box and is going to the hospital.

Thinking of what, Gu Jiao said to him: "by the way, how's your hand? Does it still hurt? Can you write? "

The thread has already been removed. He has been doing rehabilitation these days. He always takes a spoon with his left hand when eating.

"It doesn't seem very good." Xiao Heng stretched out his right hand and said, "I don't have much strength."

"Yes? Let me see. " Gu Jiao puts down the small medicine box.

Xiao Heng limped up to her and stretched out his right hand.

His hands are white and clean, his fingers are slender, his bones are clear, and even his nails are full of beirun. Gu Jiao can't help feeling that in her previous life, it must be the hands of a surgeon, or the hands of a pianist.

She began to examine his wound.

There is a thin layer of scar cream on the wound. Compared with the beginning, the scar is a little lighter, but it is still very eye-catching on this perfect hand.

Gu Jiao pressed to press the position of the wound: "ache?"

"Well?" Xiao Heng is slightly stunned, then, it seems that he reacts quickly, and then says, "pain, not obvious."

Gu Jiao asks a way: "do not touch also ache, still touched just ache?"

Xiao Heng said, "it hurts when you touch it."

Gu Jiao paused, put her hand into his palm and said, "you can hold it."

Xiao Heng grasped her hand.

Her hands are so small that he can wrap them all in one big hand. Because of martial arts practice and hard work, there is a light cocoon between her palm and tiger mouth, which is not as soft as Princess Xinyang's hands. It is said that those golden hands are so soft, but he doesn't like those soft hands.

"Is that all you can do?" Gu Jiao frowned.

"My hand is not the same as my legs and feet, want to..." he sighed and wanted to say nothing.

"I'll test it again." Gu Jiao found a brush and handed it to him, then spread a piece of paper on the table, "you write a word."

Xiao Heng holding the brush, did not hesitate, wrote a Jiao word.

That's a terrible word.

Better than Gu Jiao!

Gu Jiao is stunned. Is that the degree?

His expression was a little disappointed: "it doesn't seem to be... Too powerful."

Gu Jiao frowned: "that, to strengthen rehabilitation, but also add hand massage."

Xiao Heng looked at her deeply: "well."

Gu Jiao said, "I'll take you to the Imperial Academy. I'll press it for you on the way."

Xiao Heng gently hook the hook lip angle: "good."

Liu Quan came back after delivering the old sacrifice wine and Xiao Jingkong. Seeing that they hadn't left, he said to Xiao Heng, "they haven't gone to the Imperial Academy yet. Come on up. Don't go there today, or you'll be late!"

In the past, Xiao LIULANG mostly walked to the Imperial Academy for rehabilitation.

Gu Jiao has this idea.

When they got into the carriage, Gu Jiao sat down next to Xiao Heng, took his hand and put it carefully on her leg.

In autumn, Yao made his family wear more clothes, but the soft touch from Gu Jiao's legs was that she had secretly worn one less inner garment.

Xiao Heng couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Gu Jiao where know oneself this looks pure abstinence of young Lang, the thought has already deviated.

She pressed it carefully: "is it heavy like this?"

"I don't feel much." Xiao Heng said.

"What about that?" Gu Jiao slightly increased her strength.

"Well..." he frowned slightly and gave a low cry of pain.

Gu Jiao quickly put light strength way: "so?"

Just looking for the right strength, I found half a quarter of an hour, and there was a quarter of an hour to go to the Imperial Academy. Gu Jiao stepped up to squeeze him.

I'm very serious.

Xiao Heng looked at her in his spare time.

The strength of the palm of his hand was too light for him. Every time he scratched his heart like a feather.

"Hiss –" he took a deep breath.

Gu Jiao looked at him strangely: "what's the matter? Did I press it again? "

Xiao Heng slowly breathed out a breath: "no, no, you continue."

After a while, he suddenly came without end: "eat more."

Gu Jiao doesn't know why.

Why eat more?

Has she lost weight recently?