The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 462

In Dongwu, with Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun's interpretation and illustration, Gu Yan is mainly responsible for the interpretation, Gu Xiaoshun is mainly responsible for the illustration, and Gu Jiao finally understands the whole story of the incident. Gu Jiao knows something about Xiao LIULANG's life experience, but from the conversation between his mother and son, it can be seen that Xiao LIULANG's life experience is different from the fire four years ago.

Gu Jiao thinks that the arsonist should not be king Ning, at least not the one who burned Xiao Heng.

Princess Xinyang and King Ning should have started the idea of arson, but they both failed. The former was soft hearted and stopped in time. The latter was nipped by Princess Xinyang just because it didn't happen.

So who would it be?


Xiao Heng is just a young man who has nothing to do with the world. He insists that he may be the people who are jealous of his talent or the Zhuang family. However, with the strength of Xuanping Marquis and Xinyang princess, no one should have the courage or ability to poison their son.

In particular, Guozijian is the site of the old sacrificial wine and Xiao Heng. Otherwise, why can King Ning's arson be discovered by Princess Xinyang in time?

Princess Jing poisoned Xiao Heng, but that's because the imperial palace is the territory of Princess Jing. Moreover, since then, Princess Xinyang and Marquis Xuanping have protected Xiao Heng so well that ordinary enemies have no way to start.

Therefore, the fire was not set by ordinary enemies.

As for the revenge against Xuanping Marquis or Xinyang princess, Gu Jiao doesn't think it is.

From the behavior of the Xinyang Princess seeing off Xiao Heng, it can be seen that the person the other party is targeting may be Xiao Heng himself.

That person or that force has seriously threatened Xiao Heng's safety. Princess Xinyang has to do something for Xiao Heng to survive.

From Xuanping's behavior of testing Xiao LIULANG for several times, it can be seen that Princess Xinyang even kept him secret.

Although there is not much trust between husband and wife, Xiao Heng is his own son. His heart to Xiao Heng is true. Princess Xinyang can only explain this with one explanation - it may be a force that even Xuanping Marquis's house is hard to deal with.

Is... The power of the upper kingdom?

The world is divided into six parts: the states of Yan, Jin and Liang are the upper states, and the states of Zhao, Zhao and Chen are the lower states.

Since Gu Jiao came here, the farthest place she went was the capital city. She knew little about the other countries, and could not guess which country was more likely to be powerful.

However, Xiao LIULANG said that his biological mother was a female slave in the state of Yan

Without a keepsake or a word, Xiao LIULANG's biological mother didn't leave anything to trace his identity.


That night, Princess Xinyang stayed for dinner.

"In fact, I can cook too. I have nothing to do in Fengdu these years. I have learned a few special dishes from your cooks."

She is a vegetarian, and she studies vegetables.

She was willing to show off her son, and made a cold three silk, a steamed jujube glutinous rice, a fried wild mushroom.

It's much better than Xiao LIULANG. It's attractive in color and smell.

They couldn't wait to taste it, and then everyone felt the shudder from the soul!

Oh, my God!

This is too bad!

Finally, I know where Xiao LIULANG's dark cooking master is!

Xiaojingkong and longyi are so disgusted that they roll their eyes and spit out their tongue!

It's worth mentioning that Gu Jiao gives longyi a new mask, covering the upper half of her face. Her mouth and chin are exposed, so she can eat anytime and anywhere.

Yujin also shows her cooking skills. Fortunately, her cooking skills are not watered down, and the fear of being dominated by Princess Xinyang's cooking skills is finally calmed in her delicious food.

After dinner, Xiao LIULANG, the old wine general... Now it's time to call him Xiao Heng and go to the next room.

He came back late, and it's not clear how the mother and son met each other.

Princess Xinyang was led by xiaojingkong to visit his little recipe, his little eagles and seven chickens.

"... this is Xiao Wu, this is Xiao Liu, this is Xiao Qi, and this is Xiao Jiu." After xiaojingkong's introduction one by one, Xiaoba came over bravely. He said, "this is brother Yan's Xiaoba."

Then he bent over and tied a bright red flower for Xiao ba.

Princess Xinyang thinks of the peacock hair on Gu Jiao's mask, and her eyelids jump again. What's the beauty of the two brothers and sisters!

"Princess! Here you are! "

Xiaojingkong suddenly conjures up a flower, and a very little gentleman hands it to Princess Xinyang, "only such a beautiful flower is worthy of such a beautiful you."

This bean's mouth is really smeared with honey.

But why does this flower look a little familiar

Is longyi going to trouble her greenhouse again!!!

Picked the flowers of Princess Xinyang to give to Princess Xinyang, this operation is no one.

After that, xiaojingkong invited Princess Xinyang to her own Westinghouse and showed her her her homework. Except that the handwriting was not neat enough, she could hardly pick out a mistake.

The basic reason for the lack of neat handwriting is that he is too small, and his wrist strength and hand strength are not enough. In addition, Gu Jiao does not allow him to write too many words, for fear of affecting his development.

He's a really smart kid.

Xiao Heng came over from the next room and saw Xiao Jingkong showing off all kinds of farts to Princess Xinyang.

He only faces the people he likes, and he is very cold to the people he doesn't like.

For example, Gu Jinyu never paid attention to her when she came.

Of course, while xiaojingkong was showing off herself, she was also smearing her bad brother-in-law. Hearing this, Princess Xinyang couldn't help laughing.

When I heard Xiao Jingkong say helplessly, "really, princess, you may not believe it. My bad brother-in-law is 18 years old and still wet the bed! It's up to me to pee! Why are adults so ignorant now? "

Princess Xinyang is about to burst into tears.

Xiao Heng is a handsome face, all black through.

Little monk, he doesn't feel comfortable when it's not dark, does he!

"Have you finished practicing Chen Guo calligraphy?"

"Did you recite the ancient poems of Liang?"

"Have you read the Three Character Classic of the state of Yan?"

Xiaojingkong left hummed and said, "Jiaojiao said I can do it tomorrow."

Xiao Heng picked an eyebrow: "Oh, can you tell Jiaojiao what homework you have tomorrow?"

Small clearance in order to today's leisure, especially careful to conceal the task of tomorrow's tutorial.

The little guy blinked guilty.

In the end, the fear of being discovered and disappointed by Jiaojiao prevails.

Reluctantly, he jumped down from the chair, picked up the book on the desk on tiptoe and went to do his homework.

Princess Xinyang still has a smile on her lips.

She hasn't laughed like this for a long time. The little guy reminds him of ah Heng when he was young.

"The clearance is the same as when you were a child." She said with a smile.

Xiao Heng snorted, "I'm not as bad as he is."

Princess Xinyang said, "Oh, who recited a poem and was about to run to the Jinluan hall to show off?"

Xiao Heng's expression suddenly froze, and a shameful memory burst out from the abyss of consciousness. A little cute girl followed the emperor with hands and feet, climbed up step by step, breathless, and the hat on his head was crooked.

He stood up, awkwardly helped his little crooked hat, looked at Wu Yang's civil and military officials, and said softly, "I, I'm going to recite poetry. Today I recite..."

That's not him!

He doesn't admit it! I don't remember! No,


Princess Xinyang didn't leave until late at night. Xiao Heng took her to the door.

She has said all that should be said. She shouldn't have guessed it with Xiao Heng's intelligence, but she is still a little worried.

Before getting on the carriage, she took a deep look at Xiao Heng and said, "now you..."

"I understand." Xiao Heng nodded knowingly, "don't worry about the future. I'll deal with it."

Now he can't announce his identity, but one day, he will appear in front of everyone in the name of Xiao Heng!

He will catch the person behind the poisoning and arson. No matter the other party is a person or a force, no matter how hard he will pay, he will not retreat and escape.

It's a mountain, he chiseled that mountain!

It's a river, he fills that river!

Mayflies, small as they are, can shake trees!

Princess Xinyang looks at Xiao Heng's perseverance, and finally makes sure that he has grown up. In the past four years, she has worried about his situation for countless times, and regretted her original decision for countless times. Especially when she learned that Xiao Su had contracted leprosy soon after she left Beijing, and Xiao Heng had taken care of him for two years, her heart almost stopped beating.

But at this moment, she realized that every step was worth it.

All the pain he has experienced will become his indestructible armor.

Ah Heng, I'm proud of you.

After Princess Xinyang's carriage left, Xiao LIULANG returned to the courtyard. He closed the door, bolted the door, turned his head and saw a man sitting on the swing.

The moon is like a hook.

The moon light scatters in her shoulder, her skirt like water gently sways under the night wind.

Xiao Heng looked at her little figure and walked over. Now it's late at night, and everyone is asleep. It seems that the night is very quiet.

He also lowered his voice: "still not sleeping?"

Gu Jiao holds the swing rope in both hands and looks at him askew. Her eyes are bright, like the starlight of the nine day Galaxy: "are you happy?"

Xiao Heng Leng Leng, quickly reaction, she refers to and Xinyang Princess recognition, he said: "happy."

Gu Jiao loosened her left hand and moved to the right to make room for him.

This swing is for small clearance. He wants to make it bigger, but he is small, so it's just a little bigger for a single seat swing.

Xiao Heng sat down next to her, and their bodies had to be close to each other. On a cool night, they had a special warmth.

"Thank you." He said.

"Well?" Gu Jiao looks at him in a puzzled way.

Thank you for pulling me up from the mire, for pushing me to the capital, and for forcing me to face the past that I dare not face, and finally meet the truth.

He was ashamed to say these words. He looked at her tenderly and said, "you seem to be very happy, too."

Gu Jiao shook her head: "if you are happy, I will be happy!"

The softness of the heart is poked in, Xiao Heng raises hand, touched her hair top slightly.

She seemed to like being touched and rubbed her head against his palm.

Her hair exudes a faint fragrance of fresh flowers and Gleditsia sinensis, and each hair exudes a silent invitation, as if to say that if you wash it too much, you can touch it casually.

Xiao Heng couldn't restrain himself, but he laughed in a low voice.

Gu Jiao looked at his smile and was dazzled.

He doesn't laugh often, but every time he laughs, he wants to stop his heart.

Gu Jiao stares at him stupidly, and a perverse idea suddenly flashes in her mind, that is, to hide him and put him in her own cage, which no one can find!


She is good or bad.

"Jiaojiao." His voice interrupted her thoughts.

Gu Jiao blinked: "hmm?"

Xiao Heng leaned over and looked at her steadily: "is it hard to be with me?"

Gu Jiao shook her head: "it's not hard."

Xiao Heng said: "but maybe it will be hard in the future."

Gu Jiao said seriously, "I'm not afraid of hard work."

Xiao Heng's eyes swept a trace of moving, he will be her wind blown hair gently close to her ears.

Gu Jiao drooped her eyes and said to her right finger: "well, do you want to kiss me?"

Xiao Heng is a Zheng, the hand that gathers hair for her is in the mid air.

"No." He said seriously.

"Oh." Gu Jiao's small face collapsed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Heng almost didn't laugh. He held back his narrow smile and raised his hand to hold her white neck. His broad hand held the back of her head. He said in a hoarse voice: "Jiaojiao, close your eyes."

Gu Jiao obediently closed her eyes.

He gently clasped her head and lowered his head to kiss her soft lips.

This time, he wants more.

"Jiaojiao." He said to her lips.

"Well?" The burning smell made Gu Jiao's cheek hot, and her little face turned red into a cooked shrimp.

"That's very kind of you." He reached up to her forehead and murmured softly.

"I think I'm good, too."

Xiao Heng lost his laugh, which was pleasant and magnetic, and his shoulders were shaking gently.

He held her slender waist tightly in his arms and kissed her again. With lingering flavor, there was a sweet smell floating in the air.

Xiaojiu on the roof shyly covers the bird's head with his wings.

At dawn, Xiao Heng got up as usual. He first came to the table and poured himself a cup of tea. Then he opened the wardrobe and found out the Hanlin official uniform.

Now that he has appeared in the palace, there is no need for him to go missing.

He's going to be on duty in the Imperial Academy.

While he was tidying up his official uniform, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but for a moment he could not tell what was wrong.

He went to the backyard to wash.

Jade bud son is drying quilt, see him and he said hello: "uncle, good morning."

"Good morning." Xiao Heng nodded and walked past her.

Yu ya'er continued to dry the quilt, but suddenly she turned her head and looked at Xiao Heng: "uncle! Your legs