The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 431

The princess closed her eyes.

Or, Xiao LIULANG is not Xiao Heng.

Or, Xiao Heng has not yet recognized Princess Xinyang.

The mood of the crown princess was extremely complicated.

"Princess." Yujin's voice interrupted the princess's thoughts.

The princess returned to the cage and asked politely, "Yujin, what's the matter?"

Yujin said earnestly: "the matter of doctor Gu, please look at the princess's face on the Internet. There's no medicine for the princess's heart disease. It's doctor Gu who finally eases it. "

The Crown Princess hears speech, the eyebrow is tiny a Cu: "last time of hundred flowers Dan isn't valid?"

Yujin shook her head: "to tell you the truth, it's not the effect of baihuadan, it's doctor Gu's medicine."

The princess's hands are tight.

Yujin said: "the princess doesn't have to worry. In the princess's heart, you are the one she is closer to. Just because you are regarded as her family, you won't be an outsider."

Who would be unhappy to hear that?

The crown princess gave a generous smile and said, "don't worry, I'm not such a mean person. I won't tell my royal highness and my father what happened today. If they ask me, I'll say I accidentally fell."

Yujin took the princess's hand: "only the princess can think of the princess like this."

Yes, only she is sincere to Princess Xinyang. Whether Xiao LIULANG is Xiao Heng or not, and whether Gu Jiao is Princess Xinyang's daughter-in-law or not, she is the closest person to Princess Xinyang.

However, Gu Jiao, a general of longyi, thought that he was going to take him out of the house in Zhuque street. She didn't expect that longyi would throw her into princess's house.

Gu Jiao has never been to Princess mansion, but this does not prevent her from recognizing the words on the plaque.

Gu Jiao looks at the dragon one who throws her into the princess mansion's bedroom without expression. Really, I'm worried about your future date? Will you pick a place?

Princess mansion has servants on duty, but longyi's action is too light, no one found the princess mansion into the people.

Gu Jiao sat on the chair, looking at Long Yi, who jumped on the beam of the house, and asked, "can we change places?"

Longyi didn't respond.

Gu Jiao: Great Xia, you default to the destination and the time of play, and do not accept the modification? Let's discuss it again?

Gu Jiao thought: "or... You come down, let's go to the yard and pout a pen?"

"Or tell me, how long shall we stay here?"

"The princess won't be angry for long..."

Long Yi ignores Gu Jiao all the time. Gu Jiao tries to open the door and slip out of the window, but is fished back by Long Yi.

Gu Jiao finally gives up her resistance, slips on the chair and spreads herself into a soulless little salted fish.

However, it was from her angle that she swept a pile of scroll.

She sat up, stood up, went to Duobao Pavilion and drew a scroll from a big bottle.

She untied the ribbon and opened it. It turned out to be a portrait of Xiao LIULANG... Or Xiao Heng.

It was thirteen year old Xiao Heng. He was dressed in white and looked like a jade.

She opened another portrait, also 13-year-old Xiao Heng, dressed in the clothes of young people's sacrificial rites. She was extremely beautiful and noble.

Whether it's the little Marquis or the young man's sacrifice, his eyes are full of stars.

His smile is clean and warm, just like the purest jade in the world.

Gu Jiao caresses the smiling young man on the portrait and draws his face with fingertips. It's hard to believe that such a smile has disappeared from his face forever.

There's no light under his eyes.

Gu Jiao rubbed the position of the heart.

It's not just a picture, it's not just a picture of Xiao Heng.

Gu Jiao also saw the story of Princess Xinyang.

When she was young, Princess Xinyang was beautiful, and now she is beautiful. But in the past, she was a beautiful flower in the sun, full of vigor and vitality. Now she has become a silk flower.

Beauty is beautiful, but it is no longer fresh.

Gu Jiao also saw a picture of mother and son in the same frame. It was Princess Xinyang in her twenties and five-year-old Xiao Heng. Princess Xinyang held him, so gentle that the years were quiet.

Princess Xinyang and Xiao Heng are not the bad relationship she had with her parents. They used to be the closest, most needed and most dependent people in the world.

"Lazy again, isn't it? Old lady, I will not stare at you for a while. I'll cheat one by one. I'll let the princess know. Watch your skin carefully

Suddenly, a fierce voice came from outside. She came to the direction of the bedroom. She came to the door and put her hands on the door.

Just as she was about to open the door, long Yishu jumped down from the beam, grabbed Gu Jiao and took her out of the window.

Gu xiaojizai, who was caught, looked as gray as death: "next time... Next time, can you say hello in advance?"

Because of this mother's interruption, the one-day tour of Princess mansion ended ahead of time, which was also very good. Otherwise, Gu Jiaozhen didn't know how long she would be hidden by longyi.

However, just now everything happened so fast that Gu Jiao didn't have time to put the scroll back in her hand. At this moment, she was still holding the portrait of mother and son in her arms.

In the courtyard of Zhuque street, Xiao LIULANG wakes up. He stares at the strange top of the tent. For a moment, he doesn't know where he is. He looks at the furnishings in the house again. It takes him a long time to reflect where he is.

He blinked in disbelief.

I began to recall yesterday's events in my mind. It seems that he was taken away by longyi, but I don't know where he went, because he fainted.

Although I woke up once in the middle of the night, I didn't wake up too much. Seeing Gu Jiao beside me, I slept peacefully.

The head on his forehead in the middle of the night

"Young master, are you awake?"

A little servant girl pushed the door in.

This is the servant that Princess Xinyang brought back from Fengdu mountain. Xiao LIULANG has never seen her, neither has she.

She didn't know Xiao LIULANG's identity, only that she was the one who came back from the dragon area.

Why did Princess Xinyang tolerate a man sleeping in her own bed? She didn't know and didn't dare to ask.

Seeing the strange servant girl, a ridiculous guess suddenly flashed in Xiao LIULANG's mind. He asked, "where is this? What about your master? "

The little servant girl said, "this is Zhuque street. Did you ask the princess where she went?"

Xiao LIULANG asked tentatively, "Princess Xinyang?"

The little servant girl nodded: "yes."

It doesn't seem to be what I guessed. The house has no new owner.

How long have I been sleeping

The little servant girl said: "half a day and one night! You came here yesterday evening. Now it's noon of the second day. Are you hungry? The kitchen stewed porridge. "

Xiao LIULANG had no appetite for the time being. He paused and asked, "where are you... Princess?"

The little servant girl pointed out: "the princess has gone back to the princess's house."

Xiao LIULANG gave a bitter smile.

She did not want to see him.