The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 430

The Crown Princess knew him.

That would rather give the Millennium ginseng to Gu Jiao than to her dark Wei.

The princess still remembers the embarrassment.

If this kind of disobedient bodyguard were in the East Palace, he would have been driven out by the prince.

The prince and concubine maintain the basic manners: "please pass on, I want to see the princess."

The Dragon didn't move.

The Crown Princess choked: "I haven't seen you, and I should have never done anything that you don't like. Is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Longyi continued to stand still.

The crown princess has never seen the Dragon shadow guard. I don't know that longyi is the same. She only thinks that this man is deliberately against herself.

She thought that if Princess Xinyang really woke up, she would have heard the movement at the door. If she didn't come out, she should have not woke up.

Forget it, she and a dark Wei care about what, did not lose identity.

Princess turned to leave, just out of the yard, and from the blue water Hutong rushed to Gu Jiao.

The princess was shocked: "is it you? What are you doing here? You are... "She looked at Gu Jiao and looked back at the house behind her. She asked uncertainly," come here? "

Gu Jiao looked at her up and down, obviously also wanted to ask the princess how to come here.

The crown prince and imperial concubine light way: "this palace asks you words."

Gu Jiao pick eyebrow way: "you ask me to want to answer?"

The Crown Princess first bumped into the wall at longyi, and she was already angry. Now she was ridiculed by Gu Jiao, and she had three points of anger: "Miss Gu, you have the love of the Empress Dowager and your majesty, but how long will this love last? I will be the queen after the crown prince ascends the throne in the future. I don't mean to embarrass you, but don't give yourself any way out. "

The familiar tone, the same choice of words and sentences.

Where did you hear that?


King Ning.

So, where in the world is there an airtight wall? Where is a paper fire?

When a person and another person have an unclear relationship, words and deeds will unconsciously penetrate each other's habits.

The appearance of Yujin broke the deadlock in time.

"Here comes Dr. Gu. Please sit in the room." She laughed and said to the princess, "Dr. Gu is the doctor who is invited by the medical school to treat the princess."

"I see." The crown prince and imperial concubine drew back her eyes on Gu Jiao's face. "When the princess wakes up, I'll see her again."

Then the princess crossed the threshold.

Gu Jiao and brush past the moment, Gu Jiao subconsciously asked: "Xiao LIULANG's disappearance and you have nothing to do?"

Gu Jiao asked casually.

But the princess was so guilty that she became stiff.

Gu Jiao acutely caught her strange, took her arm, pulled her back: "speak clearly!"

The crown princess's back hurt when she hit the wall. What's more, this gesture offended her identity. She said in a cold voice, "you are presumptuous!"

Her guilty eyes did not escape Gu Jiao's eyes.

Gu Jiao grabbed her skirt and impolitely put her on the wall, looking at her coldly: "I don't care if you are princess or queen, don't force me to do it."

"You dare"


Gu Jiao slapped her on the ground with a backhand!

Yujin took a cool breath!

Accompanied by the East Palace bodyguard rushed in, but Gu Jiao kicked out!

Gu Jiao caught the princess on the ground: "who did it? Is it you, or is it an accomplice? "

The Crown Princess gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't do anything! Let go of me

Princess Xinyang was startled by the great movement.

"Stop it

Princess Xinyang has long hair. She should have just got up from bed and didn't have time to dress up.

Gu Jiao won't stop. This time, she didn't take the cat to scare her husband. She really nearly killed her husband.

She's angry! The consequences are serious!

Gu Jiao grabbed the princess and beat her on the ground!

Princess Xinyang never expected that Xiao Heng would marry such a rude woman. She gasped: "I told you to stop, didn't you hear me! I'm not polite to you any more! "

Gu Jiao is also angry.


Love me!

This girl is so angry that she can't pay for her life. She's just like the dragon!

Princess Xinyang clenched her fist and said in a loud voice, "dragon one! Pull them apart

Since Princess Xinyang ordered, longyi had to come out.

In order to prevent longyi from changing the concept again, Princess Xinyang changed her original intention to say "longyi starts" to separate them.

Otherwise, she thought that longyi might attack the princess.

As soon as the Dragon swished out, he got the order to separate them, so he had to go forward to separate them.

He came to Gu Jiao first.

When he grabs Gu Jiao, it's like this: he carefully clasps Gu Jiao's wrist, coaxes the child to pat Gu Jiao's little hand on the back, and gently takes Gu Jiao's hand away for fear of hurting her.

When it was the turn of the crown princess, his painting style suddenly changed, and the whole mask was full of MMP!

Later, Gu Jiao saw that longyi was like a pheasant, and she swung the princess out directly!

Gu Jiao

Princess Xinyang

Longyi did indeed fulfill his mission to separate people. Princess Xinyang did not tell him whether he separated gently or rudely.

Princess Xinyang is so angry that her liver aches.

Long Yi used to be different. When he first came to the hands of Princess Xinyang, he was a dragon shadow guard. He followed Xiao Heng and was damaged by Xiao Heng!

Princess Xinyang is on the verge of explosion. As soon as dragon looks at Princess Xinyang and Gu Jiao, he stops for a few seconds solemnly. Suddenly, he grabs Gu Jiao and disappears!

Every time Xiao Heng makes a mistake, longyi does it. When Princess Xinyang gets angry, she brings Xiao Heng back.

This brings out experience. I don't want it.

Princess Xinyang: she felt that she might be the first master in history to be angry with longyingwei.

The crown princess was slapped in the face by Gu Jiao. Her face was swollen and she fell to the ground. Her arms were bruised and bruised.

Princess Xinyang looked at her and sighed: "you come in, let Yujin give you some medicine."

With the help of Yujin, the Crown Princess entered the courtyard again.

In fact, the status of crown princess is very high, second only to the empress dowager, Empress Dowager and Prince. Even the legitimate Princess may not be more noble than her. But Princess Xinyang is a princess with real power.

Her husband is the famous Xuanping marquis. Who in the world is not afraid of her?

The princess followed Princess Xinyang. She thought she would be taken into Princess Xinyang's bedroom. Unexpectedly, Princess Xinyang turned around and entered another room.

Three people sat down on the chair.

A little servant girl came to dress up for Princess Xinyang. Princess Xinyang waved her hand lightly: "go and bring the golden sore medicine."

"Yes." The little servant girl went to Princess Xinyang's bedroom and took a bottle of top-grade acne medicine.

Yujin first clean hands, and then took a clean PAZI, dipped in the wound medicine, from the crown princess high swollen cheek began to smear.

This kind of Jinchuang medicine is also bought from the pharmacist of the state of Yan. It has excellent analgesic and detumescence effect. It is clear and cool when applied, and it doesn't hurt immediately.

The little maid offered tea.

There are chestnut cakes that the Crown Princess likes.

It's strange that Xiao Heng doesn't like it, but it's the princess's favorite.

When the princess saw that Princess Xinyang had prepared her favorite snack here, she felt a little depressed.

Princess Xinyang took a sip from her teacup and asked, "why did Dr. Gu fight with you? Do you have any grudges? "

Most people don't ask, but they ask, "is there any misunderstanding between you?".

In fact, this is very flattering. If you ask them if there is a misunderstanding, it's Gu Jiao who started it. It's Gu Jiao who misunderstood the crown princess, and then it's Gu Jiao's fault.

But it's not a question of which side to ask if they have any grudges.

The princess was slightly shocked. She lowered her eyes and said, "her husband is missing. She misunderstood that this matter has something to do with me."

After a pause, she said, "my aunt probably doesn't know. Her husband looks like ah Heng. He is the new top scholar of this year. Now he works in the Hanlin Academy. His majesty asked him to give lectures for the prince. The crown prince has complained to me many times that Lord Xiao is too strict with him. The crown prince has contradicted him a few times. I don't know if she has heard about it. She thinks that the crown prince and I hold a grudge against Lord Xiao and do something to him on purpose. "

The words are reasonable and logical, which fully explains Gu Jiao's suspicion of her behavior. The sentence "her husband looks like ah Heng" seems to be just a casual remark, not the key point in the words of the princess.

Princess Xinyang stops drinking tea.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't mention aheng..."

Princess Xinyang's mood seemed to be depressed for a moment. Obviously, she was not in the mood to talk about this with her again: "you go back first. I still have some things to deal with."

"Then I'll visit my aunt another day," the princess said softly

Out of the yard, the Crown Princess breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the princess did not continue to ask, otherwise she could not guarantee that she could hide it.

She didn't mean to have an accident with Xiao LIULANG. She didn't expect that Xiao LIULANG could be planted in the hands of King Ning. It's clear that Princess Xinyang is back. How can anyone hurt Xiao Heng?

Four years ago, she was careless once. Princess Xinyang shouldn't have been careless twice.

Is it his mistake that Xiao LIULANG is not Xiao Heng?

But she clearly heard Xiao Heng call the old wine teacher.

There are only two people in the world who can call Lao Jijiu that way. One is Li Xu, the great apprentice of Lao Jijiu, who has resigned from office and left Beijing; The other is Xiao Heng.

It can't be that the old sacrificial wine accepted Xiao LIULANG as his disciple. At that time, the old sacrificial wine clearly said that Xiao Heng was his disciple.

But if Xiao LIULANG is Xiao Heng, why is he not protected by Princess Xinyang? Princess Xinyang has been back to Beijing for so long. Hasn't he recognized Princess Xinyang yet?

She can understand if she doesn't recognize Xuanping marquis. After all, the relationship between father and son was a little estranged, so it's hard to avoid resentment in his heart.

But Princess Xinyang was very close to him. He said that the person he cared about most in his life was his mother.

Besides, when she mentioned Xiao Heng just now, Princess Xinyang didn't seem to have recovered her son.