The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 422

We are from the past, but we can't hear the meaning of inconvenience?

Concubine Zhuang said in a low voice: "if you fall like that, you can still..."

Empress Dowager Zhuang threw an eye knife, and Princess Zhuang was silent.

In the daytime, it's not decent, but the love between the prince and the princess is not one or two days. No one in the six palaces knows that the prince only dotes on the princess, and even the concubine's room is angry for her.

Empress Xiao tried to force the prince, but she almost didn't break up with her son.

The prince Leng tied his heart to Wen Linlang and was reluctant to leave her.

But then again, Wen's talent and beauty can really afford the prince's favor. Quan Zhaoguo has no more beautiful and attractive woman, and no more talented counselor.

The prince has been waiting for her for so many years, but he has been married for less than two years. It's also common sense that she is like glue.

But what about being a pet again? She's not pregnant again.

My son has the ability.

Thinking of this, Princess Zhuang patted the back of Princess Ning's hand with a smile: "you are good at conditioning your body, and you will be the king of Ning in the coming year."

Princess Ning's face was almost white for a moment.

"You have nothing to say, have you?" Empress Dowager Zhuang stares at concubine Zhuang coldly, and says to ningwang and his wife, "OK, you two go back, don't come to the palace if you have nothing to do."

Princess Zhuang turned her lips and was about to say something. The Empress Dowager didn't give her a chance to speak: "you too, just take care of yourself!"

Concubine Zhuang shut her mouth bitterly.

After the couple of King Ning and concubine Zhuang left, Empress Dowager Zhuang's ears were finally clear.

In fact, if it's noisy, a small clearance is more noisy than the sum of them, but the child is only noisy.

"Auntie, auntie, Auntie! Look at the frogs I caught

It's what you want.

As soon as empress dowager Zhuang talked about the small clearance, the next second, the bear child grabbed two toads and rushed into empress dowager Zhuang's arms.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's mouth twitched!

What's the point?

Do you want to slap face so fast!

Gu Jiao accompanies empress dowager Zhuang back to Renshou palace. After enjoying the rare leisure, Empress Dowager Zhuang will start to read the memorial. Gu Jiao also plans to leave.

When she left, Empress Dowager Zhuang suddenly stopped her: "there is no one else in LIULANG's heart. Some things have passed in the past. You don't have to pay attention to them."

Gu Jiao is confused by this endless remark. How can she suddenly talk about Xiao LIULANG? What did she take to heart about his past?

After Gu Jiao left, Duke Qin called empress dowager Zhuang with hot water to wipe her face.

Seeing that empress dowager Zhuang had something on her mind, he couldn't help asking, "empress dowager, what's the matter with you today?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "didn't you see what happened just now?"

"What did you say?" asked Duke Qin

Empress Dowager Zhuang glanced at him: "the crown princess was injured. Jiaojiao took the initiative to go to the east palace to treat her. Does she have such a good hand and kind nature?"

Qin Gonggong: do you say that about your children? Why is Miss Gu not so kind?

Well, after all, Miss Gu is a little black hearted. She doesn't look like she will take the initiative to treat people in the palace.

Qin Gonggong still did not understand: "what are you worried about?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang sighed, "I'm afraid she already knows LIULANG's identity. I don't mind that LIULANG once had a fiancee."

"Ah..." Duke Qin's face was full of enlightenment, "impossible?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang snorted, "why else would she go to see the fun with her?"

Qin Gonggong thought it was this principle: "it's the same."

Gu Jiao did not know that her actions had aroused her aunt's suspicion, and she was misinterpreted by her aunt as jealous of her daughter's family.

Well, maybe she won't have jealousy in her next life.

Gu Jiao out of Renshou palace did not go to xiaojingkong and Xu Zhouzhou to take them home, she went to another place.

King Ning and Princess Ning took two little princesses out of the palace. The little princess had a special carriage. They were carried to the carriage by Mammy.

The king of Ning also sent Princess Ning to the carriage, but he didn't go up.

He stood by the window and looked at Princess Ning who was a little tired through the open window. He said slowly, "I'm tired. Originally you were not feeling well. You should take good care of yourself in your family. I didn't think about it carefully."

"It's nothing." When King Ning saw that he didn't come up, he guessed that he wouldn't go back to the mansion, but he still asked, "don't you go back?"

"Ah." Ning Wang smiles, "Xiao Qi has made a big trouble. Now he may be punished in the imperial study. I have to go and have a look. I can't really let my father punish him."

He has always been a brother who loves his younger brother. Besides, Xiao Qi is still young, and there is no conflict of interest with him. He loves Xiao Qi in any way.

Princess Ning looked at him for a moment, and a trace of complexity passed in her eyes: "do you really want to go?"

Ningwang was stunned, then in her heavy gaze, she showed a helpless smile: "you know the prince's temperament, although you are with Xiaoqi's mother, Xiaoqi bumped the princess this time. I'm afraid he's also angry and won't speak for Xiaoqi."

Ning Princess pinched tight the window: "if, I let you not go?"

Ning Wang spoiled and helplessly looked at her, said with a smile: "Suxin, don't make trouble."

Princess Ning dropped her eyes and seemed to give up her vexatious behavior. She released her hand holding the window tightly: "good."

Ning Wang stretched out his hand, stroked her cold cheek: "darling, I'll go back soon, and I'll accompany you to the opera at night."

Princess Ning loves to listen to operas and is in favor of his wife. The king Ning, who never indulges in sound and color, resolutely raises a troupe in his family. It can be seen that he has a deep love for the princess.

Princess Ning didn't say any more words to keep her. She gently took the fork and put down the porch window of the carriage.

East Palace.

The crown princess was sitting at the head of the bed. Her sleeves and skirt were lifted up high. The crown prince attentively wiped the last sore medicine for her and said with relief, "well, it's all finished. Wait a minute. Don't move. I'll see if there are any other wounds."

"No more." "There's no pain," said the princess

The prince said, "some places don't hurt at that time. They may be bruised and swollen after a while."

The crown princess was not easy to say, so he carefully checked himself.

After the examination, her cheeks were all red.

It was for her to wipe medicine that she lifted her clothes. But looking at her pitiful, red faced and shy appearance, the crown prince only felt that his throat was dumb.

However, he didn't ask for her when Linlang was injured.

So in fact, what Gu Jiao said is inconvenient is just inconvenient in the literal sense - the crown prince is helping the crown princess to wipe the medicine. It's inconvenient to see the guests. There's no other meaning.

Gu Jiao didn't lie.

It's just that if other people want to mend their brains, it's not her fault.

The crown princess said to the crown prince, "Your Highness, go to see Xiao Qi. My concubine is OK. Don't be too angry with Xiao Qi. Remember to say a good word for Xiao Qi in front of your father. Your majesty likes you brothers. Don't hurt your brothers for a woman."

The prince gritted his teeth and said, "I wish I could take him up and beat him up!"

The Crown Princess laughed: "Your Highness, listen to me."

The prince sighed: "well, well, I know. I'll listen to you."

When Gu Jiao sneaked into the East Palace, the prince just went out from the door.

It's still early now. It's not suitable to hide on the roof. It's easy to be found. Fortunately, Gu Jiao turned into the small storeroom of the palace of the princess's bedroom through the back door.

This is the private treasury of the crown princess. It's only a wall away from her bedroom. Because of the wide open window, you can see the movement of her side from the crack of the door.

Just Gu Jiao didn't expect that there was another person in the warehouse!

Obviously, the man didn't expect that someone would come to the warehouse at this time. He was right in time.

Don't care, knock out first!

Good coincidence, Gu Jiao also thinks so.

So two people at the same time hand, at the same time see each other, and at the same time stopped.

"It's you!"

"It's you?"

And I opened my mouth at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Yuan Tang put down his knife and asked.

Gu Jiao glanced at him: "what's your position on this?"

Yuan Tang choked to death.

Yes, if she shouldn't have come here, wouldn't she have no reason to show up as a proton of Chen?

Yuan Tang shook the folding fan in his hand and snorted: "that's not because you don't tell me anything. I have to check it myself. I'm not stupid. I was assassinated after you suspected that I had a shady relationship with the Crown Princess of Zhaoguo. If I just stare at her, I'll find a clue! "

Gu Jiao murmured: "I didn't forget to bring my brain when I went out today."

Yuan Tang

Is it really good to choke?

Gu Jiao noticed that his fan had recovered as before, and she didn't know whether it was a pierced fan or a new one.

There are mechanisms in this fan. It can be used as a weapon when necessary.

"Someone's coming!" Gu Jiao suddenly said warily.

Yuan Tang felt it carefully and heard a very slight movement from his head.

Earlier, he thought that the girl's martial arts was inferior to him, but after seeing that she lost control and lost so many assassins, he didn't dare to underestimate her any more.

But I'm still surprised.

This girl's perception is too sharp.

They tried their best to hold their breath and minimize their sense of existence.

They both wanted to see the movement in the princess's room, but there was only one crack in the door.

Yuan Tang squeezed his eyes and squatted down.

Gu Jiao pressed his neck and squatted him down.

Yuan Tang is stunned. I want you to squat down!

Gu Jiao said with her mouth: "you're welcome."

Yuan Tang

Forget it. Good men don't fight women.

Yuan Tang squats down and gives Gu Jiao his high vision.

They watched the movement of the opposite side closely. Since the man used his lightness skill to sneak in, it must be inconvenient to expose his whereabouts. They looked at the window together and were a little worried about whether the other side would close the window.

Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to care about this.

After all, this small window is not facing the yard, but a cold warehouse.

It was a tall and strong man, full of noble gas, and in the moment of seeing, the man's body instantly more than a breath of suffocating horror.

And Gu Jiao out of control when the horror is not the same, Yuan Tang thought, as if with evil hegemony and possession.

Yuan Tang only looked at a figure, a time also can't guess who the other party is, more can't guess the other party's intention.

He tried to see something from Gu Jiao's expression. As soon as he looked up, he saw only a small chin that seemed to mock him

The man came to the bedside.

The crown princess had rested and lay on her side on the soft bed, her hair as black as satin.

She doesn't use powder, eyes light closed, but still can't cover cloud temples flower face, wanyannaili.

Suddenly, the man sat down by the bed.

Yuan Tang was surprised.

The princess fell asleep. For a while, she didn't realize that there was someone in the room.

But soon she felt a cool hand walking up her cheek and hair.

She thought it was the prince who came back and mumbled, "Your Highness..."

Don't make trouble. I want to rest.

She thought she said the last sentence, but only in a dream.

The hand that the man was caressing her hair and cheek suddenly grabbed her neck!

Yuantang is the proton of the state of Chen. He has been through a lot of big waves, but he almost didn't make a sound.

What's going on?

He thought that he was the confidant of the crown princess. As a result, he touched the crown princess.

He thought it was the princess's date, but he seemed to want to kill her again!

What a grudge, what a grudge!

Gu Jiao's look is very calm and her breath is very relaxed.

Yuan Tang mouth a draw, his heart is not more than a teenage girl.

Inside the house, the princess was finally choked up. When she woke up, she saw a familiar face. She almost had no reason to shake!

"What? Are you afraid? "

The man's voice sounded in the empty bedroom, with a trace of ruthlessness and irony.

Yuan Tang felt that his heart was cold.

The voice is both familiar and unfamiliar.

It seems that I have heard his voice, but that person's voice should not be so fierce.

Yuan Tang suddenly split up a little!

Gu Jiao's eyes are shining.

Yuantang: Er... Are you serious?

The man's hand increased a little bit of strength, the crown princess was pinched to blush.

She used a lot of effort to squeeze words from her throat: "this is the east palace! You're not going to die! "

The man's tone is playful and fierce: "it's you who don't want to die, Wen Linlang, it's you who don't want to die."

"I don't understand what you're saying!" The crown princess is going to be out of breath.

The man didn't mean to be soft hearted: "I warned you not to get too close to other men."

The princess looked at him coldly: "he is the prince, I am the princess! Are you ridiculous when you say that

The man said coldly, "at least not in front of me!"

After that, she pulled back her hand in time one second before the princess fainted and stretched her back to the bed which had already cooled.

The crown princess suddenly got a breath, lying on the edge of the bed, gasping.

The man's cold fingertip pointed her heart: "Wen Linlang, you remember, you provoke me first, you can only belong to me here, if you dare to be attracted to other men, I will kill him!"

The princess sneered: "he is the prince! If you have the ability, go and kill it! "

The man sneered: "do you think I dare not?"

As if thinking of something, the princess's expression was stiff and turned away.