The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 421

Princess Xinyang didn't say to throw it or not. As if she didn't care, she turned and entered the room.

Yujin looked at her cold and lonely figure, thought about it, and carried the food box in.


When Xiao LIULANG returned to Bishui Hutong, xiaojingkong had just come back from the other end of the Hutong. He went to deliver moon cakes. Everyone cared for them very much, so Jiaojiao also made moon cakes for her neighbors.

After the moon cake delivery, I was very happy, jumping and jumping.

At the door, I ran into my bad brother-in-law.

He immediately closed the small expression of joy, become a straight, serious and severe: "where have you been? I just couldn't find you. "

Xiao LIULANG listened to his small tone, angry and funny: "to send moon cakes, just like you."

"Oh." Xiaojingkong was obviously not satisfied with the less specific answer. He asked, "where did you send it?"

"In the palace." Xiao LIULANG said, "to my aunt."

"What else?" Xiaojingkong looks at him with his hands on his back.

Xiao LIULANG said, "why do you think there is another one after my words?"

Xiaojingkong snorted: "I just think there is more!"

The little guy's intuition is so powerful that he is afraid. Xiao LIULANG calms down and says, "go in."

"Is there any?" Asked little clearance.

"What's this for?" Xiao LIULANG Road

"I want to know who sent more moon cakes," he said

Xiao LIULANG made him laugh again: "how can you even compare this? Childish. "

"I'm not naive," he said! At least I'm not going to wet my bed when I'm your age! "

Xiao LIULANG nodded his little head with a smile: "are you sure it's me who wet the bed, not you?"

Xiaojingkong wiped his hand away from his head: "it's you, it's you! A little bit! "

The little guy put out his tongue, made a face at Xiao LIULANG, and went into the room.

Xiao LIULANG said: "it's not naive."

Feng Lin and Lu Shifu drink too much. They hook up with each other, but they don't call each other brothers on the spot.

This is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, Xiao LIULANG's seniority will be shorter. When he meets Feng Lin in the future, he can't call Feng Lin any more. He has to call uncle Feng.

Xiao LIULANG promptly stuffed Feng Lin with a piece of moon cake filled with five kernels, which prevented the sudden worship.

"Feng Lin has drunk too much. Watch more at night." Xiao LIULANG said to Lin Chengye.

Feng Lin still lives in Lin Chengye's house and rents monthly.

"I will." Lin Chengye said.

It's getting late. Lin Chengye helps Feng Lin, who is so drunk, to leave.

On the other hand, Nanxiang and Lu Shifu are ready to leave.

Master Lu was drunk and confused. He patted Xiao LIULANG on the shoulder and said, "your teacher's wife said she'd seen you, hehe."

Nanxiang laughed and said to Xiao LIULANG, "he's drunk. Don't listen to him."

"Nothing." Xiao LIULANG didn't take it to heart.

Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan help to lift the Drunken Master Lu into the carriage. Gu Xiaoshun is not sure that the master's mother will go back like this: "I'll go to take care of master tonight."

A big man is so drunk that he's worried about his wife.

Nanxiang, who is sure of ten drunkards, smiles: "good."

It's good to turn my son back.

"Xiao Shun will come back with us. I'll take him to class tomorrow morning." Nanxiang said to Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG.

The couple have no problem.

Little clearance waved goodbye.

"Goodbye, Master Lu!"

"Goodbye, Nanshi Niang!"

"Goodbye, brother Feng Lin!"

"Goodbye, brother Chengye!"

The whole alley was a whisper of his goodbye.

The next day, the Imperial College had no classes. Gu Jiao took Xiao Jingkong to the imperial palace to visit her aunt. On the way, they went around to the residence of the Minister of the Ministry of war, took Xu Cong, who was also on holiday, and took him to the palace.

Qin Chuyu's Prince's little vest has disappeared in a dark and windy night. Now xiaojingkong and Xu Zhouzhou both know that he is the son of the queen. In order to cover up his dishonest behavior, Qin Chuyu resolutely turns the spearhead to xiaojingkong: "the Empress Dowager is still his aunt! He, he, he's been hiding it longer than I have! "

Xiaojingkong was admitted to the Imperial College first. At that time, he already called the Empress Dowager aunt, while Qin Chuyu was a transfer student.

In terms of the history of deception, xiaojingkong is more experienced than Qin Chuyu.

In fact, there are differences in the nature of these two things. Qin Chuyu deliberately conceals his identity, while Xiao Jingkong does not know his aunt's identity at all.

But little clearance didn't expect to go up here.

Logic wizard Xiaojing short once encountered a situation that can not be refuted.

Fortunately, Xu Cong is a small partner of big measurement. In a short time, he exposed the matter: "let's go to play!"

Guozijian three cheap guest again to the end of the world, disaster palace!

It's cool and sunny in autumn.

Gu Jiao and Empress Dowager Zhuang went to the imperial garden to bask in the sun.

Yesterday was the Moon Festival. All the princes and concubines went to the palace for the festival. Naturally, Princess Ning also came to the palace. Together with her, there were two little princesses under the knee of King Ning.

The two little princesses are both two years old, which is the lovely age.

Princess Zhuang loved them and let the little princess stay in the palace for the night.

Today, the ningwang couple went to the palace to pick up the little princess.

The two little princesses just ran into the three cheap guests of the Imperial College and followed them to play.

Zhuang Guifei and ningwang came to the royal garden to wait for them. Unexpectedly, they met empress dowager Zhuang and Gu Jiao.

"Empress Dowager!" Zhuang Guifei smiles and goes forward. She turns her head and looks at Gu Jiao. "Jiao Jiao is also here."

After learning that Gu Jiao was favored, Zhuang Guifei changed her name to Gu Jiao.

"Grandmother." King Ning and Empress Dowager Zhuang saluted, nodded and said hello to Gu Jiao, "doctor Gu."

In contrast, his address is much more formal, neither too warm nor too distant, which is mainly natural.

Gu Jiao then naturally said hello to him: "Your Highness King Ning."

Later, Princess Ning also met with empress dowager Zhuang.

"Sit down."

At empress dowager Zhuang's command, they had their own palace people to set up tables and chairs for them.

Qin Gong is just: "empress dowager, Miss Gu, sit down."

Concubine Zhuang turned her lips. She was here, and the prince Ning was also here. But Duke Qin served an outsider first.

Gu Jiao and her aunt sat down separately.

"I don't know how to help the Empress Dowager." Zhuang Guifei looked at Gu Jiao and muttered in a low voice, although she could see that the Empress Dowager was in good health and didn't need help.

"Empress dowager, it's better to sit in the pavilion because of the sun here." Zhuang Guifei said.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "if you want to go by yourself, the sad family is here to bask in the sun."

Princess Zhuang stopped talking.

Ningwang gently played a circle: "such a good sun, I'm afraid it won't be able to bask in after winter. Take a seat. "

Zhuang Guifei sat down on the other side of the empress dowager, while ningwang and his wife sat down opposite the three.

Mr. Qin offered tea and snacks.

I don't know if I'll meet princess Zhuang and ningwang. What Duke Qin prepares is Gu Jiao's favorite food.

Zhuang Guifei looked at a table of spicy jerky meat, crisp peanuts, spicy beans... Frowned: "Duke Qin, can you eat these empresses?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang used not to eat spicy food.

"Ah, this..." Duke Qin stopped talking.

Princess Zhuang told her little maids: "go and get some peas and horseshoe cakes."

The little maid soon brought several plates of pea yellow and horseshoe cakes from the imperial dining room. They were bright in color and exquisite in appearance. At a glance, they knew the taste was extraordinary.

With a smile, Princess Zhuang put a piece of pea yellow on the plate in front of the Empress Dowager and said, "the empress dowager, try this."

Gu Jiao took a piece and tasted it.

Concubine Zhuang looks a little worried. The Empress Dowager hasn't eaten. When will it be your turn?

Gu Jiao put down her dim sum and said, "it's too sweet for the Empress Dowager to eat."

Princess Zhuang's face sank. She put her chopsticks on the table and said, "it's better than these spicy things!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at concubine Zhuang impatiently: "it's not for you to eat! So many words! "

Princess Zhuang choked.

Fortunately, the three concubines of the Imperial College and the two little princesses are mad, which dilutes the embarrassment of the scene in time.

Several people were sweating.

Concubine Zhuang doesn't allow the two little princesses to play madly any more. She has gained and lost the prestige of the heavenly family.

"Xiao Qi is also true. You brother should take care of him. Don't make him play crazy all the time. Your majesty will not be happy to see him."

This is obviously said to King Ning.

King Ning looked at Qin Chuyu, who was scurrying in the flowers. He had a helpless smile on his face: "my father said Xiao Qi is too fat, so it's very good for him to move."

Concubine Zhuang's heart was even more blocked.

She doesn't like this on weekdays. It's because kuishui is in a fretful mood these days, and everyone seems a little uncomfortable.

The three concubines of the Imperial College run away again. The two little princesses want to keep up with them, but they have to stay here because of the prestige of concubine Zhuang.

Gu Jiao originally thought that Qin Chuyu, whose nature was completely released, was the normal state of a royal child. After meeting two little princesses, she realized that he was probably an alien.

The two-year-old princess is already very sensible. They are the two concubines of King Ning, less than half a year old.

They are very close to the king of Ning, nestled in his arms and refused to come out.

That is a kind of dependence from the heart, it can be seen that King Ning is a good father who loves his daughter in front of them.

"Would you like a snack?" Ningwang asked a pair of daughters gently.

The two little princesses nodded together.

Ningwang let them take it by themselves.

A little princess took a piece of pea yellow, but another little princess took a piece of spicy jerky.

She was so hot that she stuck her tongue out.

King Ning's eyes are full of smiles.

Gu Jiao holds her cheek in one hand and looks at Ning Wang Chong's daughter in her spare time. He laughs as if the ice and snow melt in the cold winter. He is in a high position. He has a good look of Tianjia and exudes an awe inspiring righteousness.

Gu Jiao can't help but think of Prince an, who is also a gentle man, but he is a little more youthful than King Ning, who has the courage of a superior and the charm of a mature man.

Such a man, few women are not fascinated by it, right?

Gu Jiao looked at Princess Ning.

The two children seem to be close to her. When they want to drink water, they will look for her. When they want to wipe their faces, they also look for her. After they had been around King Ning, they went to her.

Princess Ning fed them water and wiped their hands. She looked like her own mother.

But in the end is not their own ah, really no trace of mustard?

Gu Jiao thought of Princess Ning's illness.

The worst thing in the world is not that I mind, but that I have to pretend that I don't mind when I do mind, which will be double the pain.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said to the milk mother: "take the little princess to play. Don't be too restrained."

"Yes The milk mothers did not dare to disobey empress dowager Zhuang's order. They took the two little princesses to play with the three concubines of the Imperial College.

I don't know if it's her own illusion. Gu Jiao feels that Princess Ning seems relieved.

There was a little incident when they were basking in the sun in the imperial garden - the prince and the princess passed by.

My aunt is here. They can't stop by to say hello.

The royal family, no matter what they think in their hearts, will not show it. The prince and King Ning look at it like brothers.

But I didn't expect that Qin Chuyu robbed Xu Cong's spoils, the jujubes in the new village on the tree. Man Yu Ran crazy in the garden and accidentally knocked down two of them.

One is the princess who didn't have time to sit down, and the other is Princess Ning who just got up.

There is a Qin Chuyu between the prince and the two, and only king Ning is nearest to them.

Even because of Qin Chuyu's collision, the crown princess is closer to him. He only needs to reach out a hand to help the crown princess.

But he didn't do it. He didn't even look at the princess. He stepped forward and hugged Princess Ning, who almost touched the ground.

"Are you all right?" He hugged his wife tightly.

"I'm fine," Princess Ning gasped in shock

The crown princess was not so lucky. She fell on her side and her arms and legs were skinned.

"Qin Chuyu! Are you itching again

The prince roared in the royal garden.

"Ah Qin Chuyu, who is in trouble, hides behind Gu Jiao and Empress Dowager Zhuang.

It's not easy for the prince to go around the Empress Dowager and beat Qin Chuyu. In addition, the princess fell so badly that he didn't care about anything else. He helped the princess up.

The princess's foot was twisted and she could no longer walk.

"I'll have a sedan chair called." Said King Ning.

"No need!" The princess was so badly hurt that the prince didn't want to wait for a moment. He bent over and picked her up. After saying goodbye to empress dowager Zhuang and others, he quickly walked back to the east palace.

In addition to the words of calling for a sedan chair just now, the king of Ning was concerned about the injury of Princess Ning all the way. But Princess Zhuang couldn't see it. She whispered: "it seems that she fell a lot."

Ningwang's performance is really good, he is a perfect father, but also a perfect husband.

Gu Jiao's fingertips tapped gently on the table. She suddenly stood up and said, "I'm a doctor. I'll go to the east palace to have a look."

Empress Dowager Zhuang gave Gu Jiao a strange look.

Gu Jiao came back soon, and both the ningwang couple and Zhuang Guifei were there. Only Qin Chuyu was reprimanded and went to his father and emperor to take the blame.

"Why are you back so soon? Is the Crown Princess seriously injured? " Asked Princess Zhuang.

"Ah, I don't seem to go at the right time. The prince and his concubine at this moment..." Gu Jiao took a look at King Ning, "no, big, square and convenient."

Ning Wang's hand with tea cup.