The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 307

When the emperor saw Gu Jiao sharpening her knife with scissors, her face changed: "I don't want it!"

Don't have to.

With a click, the emperor's trousers were cut open, and Gu Jiao tore the bloody cloth from his wound.

The emperor only felt a chill between his legs, and his heart was filled with endless embarrassment.

This embarrassment even overshadowed the pain of the wound and made him feel ashamed and annoyed.

The emperor lost too much blood, some weak, unable to resist, he clenched his lips, every hair on his body silently expressed his refusal!

Gu Jiao: can't see, can't see!

The emperor gritted his teeth: "you..."

Gu Jiao put down the scissors, changed a pair of clean gloves, and took out the hanging bottle and venipuncture needle from the small medicine box.

When the emperor saw the glittering needle, the fear of being dominated by the injection surged to his heart and spread to all parts. He was flustered: "I don't want an injection!"

Good boy.

I'll get better after the injection.

Gu Jiao pinched his hand, and without pressing the vessel, she put the needle into the back of his hand.

Sure enough, I am more and more proficient.

The emperor looked at the cold thing on the back of his hand. He was so scared that the whole person was shaking. It was not so terrible to be cut down.

He struggled.

Gu Jiao said with a small face: "don't move, if the needle is missing, I'll give you a second needle!"

I'm serious. I'm fierce!

The Emperor

Emperor can can suppress the impulse of struggle, wrongly turned his face, did not look at the needle in his hand.

Once upon a time, Gu Jiao injected the emperor intramuscularly, and intravenous drip was the first time. In order to prevent him from missing the needle, Gu Jiao brought a small board which was only used for injection of xiaojingkong.

Gu Jiao tied the small board to the emperor's hands and fixed it with bandage.

Then Gu Jiao took out her razor.

The emperor's face changed again: "do you want to shave me?"

Gu Jiao said: "just a little."

The emperor blushed: "don't touch my crane's hair!"

Gu Jiao said: "it's leg hair!"

There was a skin injury outside the tibia. The wound was a little deep and had to be sutured.

Of course, the big wound is at the root of the leg, but there is no need to shave here.

But even shaving his legs is not much better. His legs were injured by concealed weapons. There are more than ten wounds, most of which are not deep. Even most of them don't need stitches, but they have to be disinfected and medicated.

The emperor was put in a variety of shameful postures to facilitate Gu Jiao's wound cleaning, disinfection, local anesthesia, sewing and medication.

The light was too dim. Gu Jiao couldn't see clearly. She said softly, "separate your legs."

The Emperor

He has no face!

Oh, shame!

Gu Jiao to the emperor after surgery, the emperor has fainted, I do not know is too much blood loss or faint.

Gu Jiao cleaned up the room and went out with the medicine box.

Seeing Gu Jiao coming out, Xiao LIULANG stepped forward, stepped on the steps under the corridor, and took the small medicine box from her hand: "my mother said there was an injured man at home."

Xiao LIULANG has been waiting in the yard for a while. He just went to Lin Chengye's house. When he came back, he saw the blood on the ground and Yao anxiously walking around the yard.

Asked to know Gu Jiao back to an injured, seems to be injured a little seriously, Gu Jiao into half an hour.

Xiao LIULANG asks Yao to have a rest. He is waiting for Gu Jiao outside.

Xiao LIULANG's name is Yao's mother. Gu Jiao is her own daughter. She has a heart knot and can't call her. Xiao LIULANG's son-in-law, if she doesn't call her, will make Yao feel that she is an outsider.

Gu Jiao had already accepted Yao's name in her heart, so Xiao LIULANG called Yao's mother. She listened very well, but she was a little embarrassed to speak.

It seems to be like shouting, the fetters between each other can no longer be cut off.

She needs time.

Completely out of the shadow of the previous life.

Gu Jiao understood that Xiao LIULANG was curious why he didn't send the injured to the hospital. Instead, he brought them home and lived in his aunt's house.

You know, it's the Empress Dowager's house. Most people can't live in it.

Gu Jiao turned around and gently pushed open the door, a pair of eyes that seemed to speak blinked at him.

Xiao LIULANG came into the room and saw each other's face by the light of the oil lamp.

"Your Majesty?" He was surprised. "He was assassinated?"

No wonder we don't send the other party to the hospital, which is very dangerous.

The emperor has fallen asleep and his injury has been dealt with, but his pale face still makes it easy to see what kind of danger he has experienced.

Xiao LIULANG closed the door for the emperor and looked at Gu Jiao: "are you ok?"

When the emperor was assassinated, she happened to pick up the emperor, which inevitably made people worry whether she also encountered a wave of danger.

The reason why she uses the word "pick up" is that Gu Jiao likes to pick up people at home too much

One carelessly picked up a empress dowager, another a little monk, another an old sacrificial wine

Well, she didn't pick up the old sacrificial wine, but her aunt did.

Gu Jiao originally wanted to say that she was OK. When her words reached her lips, she turned her eyes and stretched out her little hand: "my hand hurts a little."

"What happened to the hand?" Xiao LIULANG subconsciously holds her hands, from the palm to the back of the hand, the mouth of the tiger to the fingertips.

There was no scar after reading it. He looked at her strangely.

"It hurts." Gu Jiao explained without changing her face.


Xiao LIULANG was about to take his hand back when Gu Jiao called.

One hand of her was held by him, the other hand raised her head and covered her left eye. She looked very uncomfortable.

Xiao LIULANG was not so easily deceived again. He asked faintly, "what's the matter? My eyes are sore, too? "

Gu Jiao rubbed her eyes: "into the sand."

Xiao LIULANG didn't know whether she was in the sand or not. She rubbed her eyelids and cheeks red. He couldn't help raising his hand and taking it away: "let me have a look."

His slender fingertips gently fell on her eyes, and his thumb fell on her cinnabar birthmark. The birthmark had no temperature, but his fingertips were somehow hot.

Xu Shizhen went into the sand, her left eye was red, there was a wet water flash, the end of the eye was slightly red, showing a little bit as if she had just been bullied.

It's too provocative.

Xiao LIULANG's throat slipped for a while, a little dry and dumb.

He lowered his head slowly, drew close to her eyes and blew gently.

"Is there any more sand?" He asked softly.

Gu Jiao blinked and felt: "there is more."

He bowed his head again, as if to kiss her eyes.

"Oh, I don't see anything! Go on, uncle

As soon as Yu ya'er came out, she saw her uncle and miss playing in the corridor. She was so scared that she quickly covered her eyes, turned her back, fled back to the kitchen and closed the door!

Xiao LIULANG felt ashamed.

I'm really wronged that I didn't do the business of kissing me, but I took the name of kissing me.

Gu Jiao's eyes are OK.

Xiao LIULANG plans to send her back to her room, but I don't know if she pulled too much when saving the emperor. Her Pipa on her chest was broken and her skirt was open, revealing a small white dress embroidered with pink lotus.

Xiao LIULANG unconsciously glanced at it and quickly looked away, but the pink lotus point was like a nail into someone's mind, lingering!

But obviously Gu Jiao didn't realize that she had a button open.

"You..." Xiao LIULANG was about to remind her when Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan came back from outside.

Since there was a dark guard, they had longer time to learn arts. They didn't worry about the danger they would encounter on the road.

"Why? Brother in law? " Gu Xiaoshun sees Xiao LIULANG and

Before his eyes fell on Gu Jiao, Xiao LIULANG blocked Gu Jiao solidly. He blocked Gu Jiao between himself and the wall with his body, and put his hands on both sides of her, leaving no gap of sight.

It looks like an animal protecting food.

He turned his head and said to them in a deep voice, "you go into the house first!"

In the exam, I took the countdown of the whole class, but my brother-in-law didn't take them so seriously

Brother in law's eyes are fierce!

Two people still obediently entered the room.

Gu Jiao blinks at Xiao LIULANG who is near Chi Chi. Xianggong beats her.

Xiao LIULANG cleared his throat, drew his hand from her side and opened his mouth. Instead of reminding her that the button had been opened, he took off his robe and wrapped it around her: "go back to the house. It's cold at night."

The emperor woke up in the middle of the night.

He felt pain all over his body when the anesthetic was over.

Jade bud son guard in his room, see him wake up, go to call Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao said to Yu ya'er, "go and have a rest. There's no need to guard behind."

"Yes." Yu ya'er went back to her house.

Gu Jiao pushes the door in.

Yu ya'er took good care of the emperor. She didn't make him sweat or catch cold. Everything was just right.

"Help me up." The emperor is not used to lying and talking to people.

Gu Jiao helped the emperor to sit up and gave him a cushion as his back.

The capital is hot during the day and cool at night.

The emperor's original clothes could not be worn. His figure was similar to that of one of Gu Yan's dark guards. Gu Jiao took a new suit of dark guards and changed it for him.

Gu Jiao turned the oil lamp on: "what's the trouble? Are you hungry? "

The emperor shook his head, pale and haggard: "I'm ok... Where's Duke Wei?"

Gu Jiao said: "he was injured, he asked me to save you, don't care about him, when I go back to find him, the person has disappeared."

"I hope he ran away, not caught by the crowd." The emperor closed his eyes. Duke Wei had been with him for more than 20 years. He was already an extraordinary servant.

It's also his carelessness. He didn't get attacked several times when he went out of the palace, so he thought it was nothing to take a few dark guards with him. He gave the other party a chance.

"Why save me?" The emperor asked suddenly.

Gu Jiao looked at him strangely.

The emperor was hurt by the look in his eyes. He turned his face and said weakly and dully, "it's just your wish to let me die? Or do you think... If you save me again, you can cheat me again? I can tell you plainly, don't waste your time. I won't be fooled. "

Gu Jiaoding looked at him, his eyes from the original strange gradually become surprised, finally surprised faded, with a trace of clear.

She said nothing.

I didn't say a word for myself.

Just stood up silently, put down a painkiller and a cup of warm water on the bedside table, then got up and went out.

Her movements of opening and closing the door were very light, as if she had no temper.

However, the silent and lonely little figure made the emperor's heart ache.

Knowing that it's not like this, he needs to cheat his trust only when he can't die. If she doesn't appear, he has already died under the knife of the assassins. What kind of trust can he cheat?

But he just can't control his anger. Since Ning'an left, he hasn't met anyone who can walk into his heart for many years. As long as he thinks that the little miracle doctor who should belong to him has taken refuge in Empress Dowager Zhuang's camp, he won't be angry.

In fact, he also understood that no wonder she knew empress dowager Zhuang first, and she was the next one.

That's how it hurts.

Maybe it's because of closeness that words hurt more.

So good, long pain is better than short pain.

Since she has chosen empress dowager Zhuang, he and she are doomed to break up.

My life is really miserable. The people I care about are taken away by Empress Dowager Zhuang one by one. First Ning'an, then the little doctor, I don't know who will be next.

But I'm glad I don't care.

No, there's another one.

This man will never betray himself. He and Empress Dowager Zhuang were mortal enemies when the former Emperor was alive. He put empress dowager Zhuang into the cold palace, and Empress Dowager Zhuang exiled him outside the Great Wall.

Anyone can go to empress dowager Zhuang's camp, but he won't!

Thinking of this, the emperor was relieved at last.

The emperor was seriously injured and failed to return to the palace. Naturally, he did not go to the early court the next day. However, there was no chaos in the hall and no turbulence in the capital.

The emperor is not surprised. After all, Empress Dowager Zhuang listens to the government behind the curtain. She is just like the sea god needle of Zhao state. With her, the emperor is dispensable!

Thinking of this, the emperor hated empress dowager Zhuang more and more!

Xiaojingkong and others didn't know that there was a patient at home. The three of them went to school after dinner.

Xiao LIULANG also went to the Imperial Academy on duty. Gu Jiao went to the medical school to get some calm herbs.

Aunt Liu came home.

She came to return the bowl. When she passed the old lady's house, she heard something inside and thought it was the old lady who came back.

She was so happy that she put a basket of bowls on the stone table and quickly walked over: "aunt Huo, play Ye card!"

As a result, when I pushed the door, I found that it was not an old lady, but a handsome middle-aged man.

Although the emperor's appearance was not as good as that of Xuanping Marquis, he was also a handsome uncle.

Aunt Liu has green eyes!

The emperor's eyebrows jumped!

"You, are you aunt Huo's son?"

The emperor frowned: "you have recognized the wrong person."

How could he be the son of a casual folk old lady?

Aunt Liu said, "Oh, I'm not wrong. I look so much like aunt Huo. I'm born to her!"

It happened that the old sacrificial wine went to Guozijian and passed by the gate.

Aunt Liu stopped him sharply: "Uncle Huo! Your son is coming! "

My son?

I have a son?

The old man was at a loss. Curie went over and pushed the door to have a look. As a result, he saw the emperor.

The emperor also saw the old sacrificial wine.

Four eyes opposite, two heads of the sky at the same time collapsed——

Gu Jiao went to the hospital to get herbs on the way, but also thought of my grandfather, she already knew that my grandfather is Guozijian sacrifice wine.

She thought about going back for a while to remind her grandfather not to come here for the time being, so as not to show up in front of the emperor.

Gu Jiao where know, she just left the front foot, two people hind foot then both fell the horse.

Gu Jiao met Jiang Shi when she went to the hospital.

Jiangshi came to see xiaojiangli.

Jiang Shi recovered and discharged from hospital last month. After taking office, the old wine took advantage of the relationship and gave him a registered residence in Xiaojiang pear.

Old sacrificial wine also found a job for Jiang Shi in the Ministry of industry - to be a regular apprentice in the Ministry of industry. After the apprenticeship, he could become a formal craftsman in the imperial court.

Jiang Shi declined.

He went to the wharf to work as a coolie for people, and occasionally took some private goods by boat. The risk was high, but the income was considerable compared with that of an apprentice.

Xiaojiangli stayed in the hospital to be a little medicine boy. On weekdays, she did odd jobs and learned how to distinguish medicinal materials. When she was not busy, she learned how to read with shopkeeper Wang.

"Miss Gu!" Jiang Shi respectfully greets Gu Jiao.

His life is Gu Jiao's, registered residence is also Gu Jiao helps to do, more importantly, Gu Jiao has retained Xiaojiang pear, gave Xiao Jiang pear a shelter from wind and rain.

Xiaojiangli no longer need to hide, he can also let go to work outside.

Gu Jiao nodded: "tanned."

The courtyard where Jiang Shi lived for such a long time was almost as white as Gu Yan. However, as soon as the dock was exposed to the sun, he came back black.

Jiang Shi scratched his head with a smile.

Gu Jiao asks a way: "can the body still bear?"

Jiang Shi said with a smile: "it's affordable! I've been raised so well in the hospital that I'm fattest of all

It's not easy for poor people to get fat these days. It's worth showing off that they can get fat.

"That's good." Gu Jiao talked with Jiang Shi for a while. She mainly asked him about his physical condition and made sure that he was competent for the labor of the wharf. She didn't say anything more and asked him to find Xiao Jiang Li.

Gu Jiao went back to Bishui Hutong with medicinal materials.

She found Aunt Liu standing in front of her house, looking furtive, curious and slightly worried.

Gu Jiao went over: "Aunt Liu, what's the matter with you? Can I help you? "

"Oh, it's Jiao Jiao. It scares me!" Aunt Liu patted her heart. Originally, they heard Feng Lin and Lin Chengye call her Gu jiaoniang. But the old lady was charming one by one. It was strange to hear that, so they also called her Gu jiaoniang.

Aunt Liu whispered to Gu Jiao: "your uncle has come back and quarreled with your grandfather. How fierce the quarrel is! I heard the chair fall! Oh, your grandfather usually looks at such a gentle person. How can he get so angry? I also heard him say... "Kneel down"! Although it's my own son, I'm so old. It's frightening to kneel all the time... "

Gu Jiao took a puff from the corner of her mouth.

Are you sure it's Lao Tzu who kneels down, not son?

Aunt Liu loves that handsome gentleman. Will she be so sad, helpless and aggrieved by Uncle Huo?

The old sacrificial wine, who was terrified by the fury of thunder, was kneeling on the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

The emperor trembled with anger: "you are so brave! You are my father! Huo Xian, you are going to heaven

The old toaster quickly said, "Your Majesty, calm down. Be careful of the wound."

The emperor said angrily, "you still care about my wound! You just want to make me angry! Don't give me any posturing

The emperor is so sad! Helpless to death! I'm so wronged!

It can be said that empress dowager Zhuang has a good way to take refuge with the little miracle doctor. From the beginning, the little miracle doctor was kept in the dark by that woman, not knowing that she was a poisonous woman. But Huo Xian, an old man, has been dealing with empress dowager Zhuang all his life. Can he not know what kind of virtue empress Zhuang is!

Can he not know that empress dowager Zhuang is the biggest cancer of the state of Jokhang!

Can he not know that he and Empress Dowager Zhuang are at odds!

"Your Majesty..."

Lao Jijiu wanted to explain, but he wanted to talk and stop.

It's hard for him to say that Zhuang Jinse lost his memory and mistook him for his wife. It's not that he can't trust the emperor.

But he didn't want to say that, and he didn't know why.

Emperor: "do you know what kind of charge it is to desecrate the Empress Dowager of a country?"

Old sacrifice wine: "according to the law, you should be punished."

Emperor: "when to punish? I will punish you

The old sacrificial wine suddenly calmed down. Maybe he smelled the smell of death, but he was not so afraid.

He kowtowed, knelt down and said, "I'm an orphan. I have no father, no mother, no sisters and brothers. I'm alone. I lost my wife when I was young. I have no children all my life. I'm the only one in my nine families."

"You..." the emperor was so angry that he smashed the medicine bowl on the cupboard.

The old sacrificial wine didn't dodge.

However, the emperor was seriously injured and his strength was not enough. The medicine bowl just fell on the ground in front of the old sacrificial wine.

The emperor became even more angry.

Gu Jiao came to the door, she didn't want to stand by, raised her hand to push the door.

All of a sudden, a hand with traces of years gently clasped her white wrist.

She turned her head, slightly surprised: "aunt?"

Who is not empress dowager Zhuang dressed as an old lady?

"Auntie, why are you here?" Gu Jiao asked.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said in a dignified and domineering manner: "after such a big accident, can the sad family not come?"

You can't say she's out to play cards!

Empress Dowager Zhuang said faintly: "you go outside and wait. I'll deal with it."

"Oh." Gu Jiao obediently went to sit on the stone bench in the yard.

Empress Dowager Zhuang pushed the door in.

The emperor's angry voice came to an abrupt end.

Originally kneeling on the ground of the old wine also a smart straighten the body!

Kneel also kneel to have backbone extremely!

Behind Zhuang Tai, she glanced at the old wine without expression: "you go out too. I have something to say to your majesty."

"Yes, I'll leave." The old sacrificial wine did not dare to look directly at the Empress Dowager Zhuang. He bowed his eyes and gave a salute without squinting. Then he got up and went out.

The emperor looked at an old lady dressed up as a folk woman, and for a moment, she was a little tongue tied.

He had never seen such a empress dowager.

Even if you want to travel in micro clothes, you don't have to dress up so shabby, do you?

He almost couldn't recognize it.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's fierce and domineering eyes swept over——

Emperor: it tastes like that.

Your mother... Or your mother!

If empress dowager Zhuang wants to shine, even if she wears a sack, she can also shine into the sun. Where she stops, the fierce atmosphere fills the whole room.

"Ai family escaped from leprosy mountain and fainted on the side of the road. After being drunk, he didn't remember the past. The memory of the mourning family is confused. If some people are mistaken, the emperor does not have to hold on to those who dare not disobey the mourning family. "

This is the first time that empress dowager Zhuang openly admitted in front of the emperor that she had leprosy and that she was exiled among the people.

In fact, this is a matter of mutual understanding, but the two in the palace is to play each other.

The emperor thought about it, but the Empress Dowager Zhuang broke the window paper first.

The emperor laughed at himself.

On courage, on courage, I really can't compare with this mother!

Empress Dowager Zhuang then said, "if the emperor wants to blame you, blame yourself. If it's not the emperor who caused the sad family to suffer from leprosy, how can it involve so many things behind?"

Another layer of window paper was punctured.

The emperor clenched his fist in shame and embarrassment.

"What about the queen mother?" He sneered, "mother didn't want to take my life?"

In the palace, he would not call himself "I" in front of Empress Dowager Zhuang, but "son".

But she thought she was the only one who would break the window paper?

The emperor sneered: "the mother came out of the palace early in the morning, just to make sure I'm dead or not? Last night's assassination failed. Is my mother very disappointed? "

Empress Dowager Zhuang was not in a hurry to answer him, but asked: "the leprosy of AI family has been cured, and is the emperor disappointed?"

The emperor sneered: "of course, I'm very disappointed."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "it's the same with the AI family."

Then she went out without expression.

"It's really this poisonous woman who did it!" The emperor was so angry that he smashed his fist on the bed post!

Today, Duke Qin also came. He accompanied Gu Jiao in the yard.

"Sit down, Duke Qin." Gu Jiao patted the stone stool beside and said.

Duke Qin laughed: "thank you, Miss Gu. I won't sit down."

Gu Jiao didn't embarrass him. After a pause, she asked him, "Duke Qin, was it really my aunt who did the assassination last night?"

Their voices were big or small. Gu Jiao and Duke Qin heard them.

Duke Qin sighed: "I don't know everything, but... I don't think I'm the Empress Dowager."

"Why?" Gu Jiao turned to look at Duke Qin and motioned him to go on.

Duke Qin hesitated for a moment and decided to talk to Gu Jiao.

He sighed: "the Empress Dowager once promised Princess Ning'an that no matter what, Her Majesty would live forever. The Empress Dowager may deal with your majesty, suppress your majesty, house arrest your majesty... Even kill your majesty, but it is impossible to kill your majesty. "

After being ordered to leave by Empress Dowager Zhuang, he didn't stay here, so he didn't hear the conversation between Gu Jiao and Duke Qin.

However, he also believes that the assassination last night was not by Zhuang Jinse.

It's not that he knows the agreement between empress Zhuang and Princess Ning'an, but that he knows the means of empress Zhuang - she usually doesn't do it. Once she does it, it's a fatal blow. If the assassination is at her command, then the emperor can't live.

But the man knew the whereabouts of the emperor well, and wanted to put his eyeliner in the palace.

After pondering silently for a while and thinking a lot, he finally decided to apologize and thank Zhuang Jinse.

The reason for the apology is that his carelessness exposed this misunderstood relationship with his wife, which made the cold relationship between the emperor and Zhuang Jinse worse.

And thanks because Zhuang Jinse came forward to speak for him.

Believe it or not, the emperor doesn't care.

Of course, he was loyal to the emperor in his heart.

He will not betray the emperor for Zhuang Jinse's sake.

But one yard to one yard.

It doesn't affect him to apologize and thank Zhuang Jinse.

What's more, she was misunderstood by her adopted son. How sad was she? After all, it's the one she used to love.

With this in mind, Lao Jijiu felt more necessary to comfort Zhuang Jinse.

Zhuang Jinse went to the Zhao family next door.

Old wine in the heart played a abdominal draft, for a while saw her how to comfort the most appropriate, don't say more let her sad.

Thinking about this, he entered the Zhao family.

But who can tell him what he saw?!

"Two tubes!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang cocked her legs and played a leaf card aggressively!

Where is the color of sadness and grievance on her face? It's clear that I'm in high spirits!

Old sacrificial wine mouth a fierce draw!

Why did he think she would be sad?

Does this woman know how to write sad?

Empress Dowager Zhuang dished out the card: "it's burnt! Give me the money

Old sacrificial wine

The emperor's wound was in danger of infection at any time, so he had to stay in Bishui Hutong to recuperate.

The emperor wants to find Duke Wei. Gu Jiao informs Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing found the fainting Duke Wei in a sewer.

It turned out that last night, Duke Wei went to the emperor with his last breath, but the well cover turned over and he fell down.

He's also seriously injured.

However, the old wine also fell off the horse, Gu Jiao simply put Wei Gonggong next door.

At noon, the Empress Dowager did not return to the palace and stayed at home for dinner.

Xiao Jingkong doesn't come back for dinner today. Yao and mammy Fang went to the temple to offer incense again. There are only Gu Jiao, Empress Dowager Zhuang, Gu Changqing, the emperor and the old sacrificial wine who lost his horse.

There was only one serious injury to the emperor, and the rest were minor injuries. He could still eat at the table.

It's just that the atmosphere is awkward.

The emperor said coldly, "what are you doing standing up for? Sit down, am I a tyrant? Not even a mouthful of food for his ministers? "

The old man sat down with a stiff head.

Gu Changqing also sat down.

Gu Jiao brought the last bowl of corn keel soup from the kitchen. Seeing that everyone was seated, she sat down happily.

She habitually began to serve soup.

Sheng a bowl is about to go out, see the emperor and aunt look at themselves!

Gu Jiao: E