The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 306

In the study room, the prince is having his last lesson today.

In fact, Xiao LIULANG's class was excellent. He was easy to understand in simple terms, and he was not boring at all. Compared with Han's lecture, it was more vivid and easy to understand.

This is not to say that Han's literary heritage is not as good as Xiao LIULANG's, but that Xiao LIULANG has a few troublemakers in his family who help them with their lessons. If it's boring, the three of them will wander together.

But when the prince looks at Xiao LIULANG's face, he can't help thinking of Xiao Heng, who has passed away. He is always in a trance.

"Your Highness, please explain the meaning of that sentence." Xiao LIULANG interrupted the prince's twenty seventh distraction.

Prince Leng Leng: "eh?"

Xiao LIULANG repeated.

The prince was shocked.

He just went to think about Xiao Heng. Where did he hear what he said?

Xiao LIULANG put down his book on the platform and said, "the prince didn't understand. I'll tell you again."

The prince's head is big, and it's time for lunch. But because he is always in a trance, the content is not finished. Maybe other literary ministers will have finished class early. They dare not delay the prince's class.

But this Xiao LIULANG is very good, so he has to finish the class.

The prince listened to it again.

After listening carefully, I have gained a lot. At least he can repeat the interpretation immediately.

Xiao LIULANG took the examination of several key points he learned today. The prince thought he didn't listen to them, but he answered them all. He was surprised.

When did you get it?

Isn't he always wandering around Xiao Heng in this class?

Xiao LIULANG said: "today's class is here. Please write down your homework."

"And homework?" The crown prince frowned at him. He was so brave that he didn't even grow up. He just came to take the place of a class. Did he really take himself as the crown prince's teacher?

The crown prince is the emperor's legitimate son and the future monarch. He has the heart to be proud of his capital. He doesn't like Xiao LIULANG, a little lame man from a poor family. Of course, it is also the complex emotions in his heart that make him project some of his emotions on Xiao LIULANG.

Does he hurt Xiao Heng?

Of course it hurts.

There were so many brothers and sisters in the palace, but before Xiao Qi was born, he had no real brothers and sisters.

They all want his position, flatter him on the surface, but envy him and curse him on the back.

The only one who became his brother was Xiao Heng.

Xiao Heng is so excellent. He is five years younger than him, but he reads better books, recites better poems, and even has a better appearance.

But he thought, this is his cousin and his minister in the future. It's a good thing to be excellent.

He never envied him until he met Wen Linlang.

That year 13, Wen Linlang 11.

He is just a young man who doesn't know the love between men and women, but inexplicably, at the first sight of Wen Linlang, he thinks that this is the princess he will marry in the future.

His mother often called the ministers' daughters into the palace for company, and he didn't like any of them.

If someone must accompany him on the road of emperor, he hopes that person is Wen Linlang.

"What's your name?"


"Sister Lin Lang!"

Eight year old Xiao Heng ran over with a childish face, crooked his head, looked at Wen Linlang, and then looked at him: "brother Prince, are you here? Let me introduce you. This is sister Lin Lang, sister Lin Lang, and this is the prince's cousin. "

"Your Highness

She was busy kneeling down to salute.

After that, she took Xiao Heng's hand and left. As she walked, she wiped Xiao Heng's forehead full of sweat.

He heard her whisper: "ah Heng, don't climb trees any more. It's very dangerous."

"But I want to pick fruit for you. Don't you like it?"

"But I like ah Heng better. I don't want him to get hurt."


He went back to the palace and told his mother that he liked ah Heng's sister Lin Lang, but her mother told him solemnly, "she is ah Heng's fiancee. She saved ah Heng's life, and her marriage has been decided for a long time. You're a brother. You can't rob him. "

"Your Highness, your highness!"

Xiao LIULANG's voice interrupted the prince's thoughts.

The prince was shocked and sweating.

He looked at Xiao LIULANG with a guilty heart. It was so terrible. He looked like Xiao Heng too much.

What did the emperor think?

Let him to teach himself, is not afraid of his own nightmares?

The crown prince calmed down, adhered to the good self-restraint and the demeanor of the prince, suppressed his impatience and discomfort, and said as usual: "I didn't remember my homework just now, please tell Xiao Xiuzhuan again."

When he came out of the study, the prince was all wet.

Waiting outside the door, the palace man immediately stepped forward, handed the handkerchief and slapped the fan.

Fortunately, it's hot summer now, and it's no surprise that I'm sweating.

Only the prince understood that most of his sweat was cold sweat.

Xiao LIULANG calmly walked out of the study.

The prince glanced at his crutch again.

Xiao Heng is very smelly and beautiful. He also cares about other people's eyes. When he was a child, he changed his teeth and lost two front teeth. He didn't speak in front of people for half a year.

He would not allow himself to be disabled. He would rather be in a wheelchair than limp in broad daylight.

Not Xiao Heng.

He's not.

On the other side, Shufei went out of Changchun palace in a sedan chair.

The emperor was reading the memorial in the imperial study when he heard that Duke Wei had come to report, "Your Majesty, lady Shufei is coming."

The emperor frowned: "now?"

It's time for lunch.

The emperor looked at empress Xiao and waited for him silently. He cleared his throat and said to Duke Wei, "let the lady come in."

"Yes." Duke Wei stepped out.

Empress Xiao said nothing and quietly sat on the opposite chair tasting tea.

Qin Chuyu rolls on the ground.

He is practicing toad Kung Fu, which was seen by the three concubines of the Imperial College from a small story book. It is said that this kind of Kung Fu is very powerful, and if you learn it, you can beat away a lot of bad people.

He is showing his skill to his father and telling him that he is also the one who can protect him.

The Emperor didn't think that his son was practicing martial arts. He just thought that his son was too fat and it was time to lose weight. He didn't say that he was exercising.

Shufei thought that there was only one emperor in the imperial study, but as soon as she came in, there were three people in the family!

"I have seen your majesty, I have seen the queen." Shufei held back her embarrassment and saluted them.

Empress Xiao smiles.

The emperor said, "Xiao Qi."

Rolling to half of Qin Chuyu turned to see his father and Emperor: "father and Emperor?" Then she saw the lady on one side, "eh? "Madame Gu?"

He got up and gave a polite salute to Shufei: "Xiao Qi has seen aunt Gu."

"Good boy." Shufei said with a smile.

What's the tradition of rolling around on the ground? The queen also learned the rules to the cow's stomach, and even taught her son this way.

"What's the matter with Shufei?" Asked the emperor.

Is something, but in front of the queen and seven Prince's face let her how to speak?

"Mr. Su, take Xiao Qi out." Said empress Xiao.

It's about staying on your own.

"Your Highness, I will accompany you to play marbles outside." Su Gong said with a smile.

Qin Chuyu has been fascinated by marbles recently, so he went with Duke su.

"You step down, too." The emperor said to the maids in the room who fanned him and empress Xiao.

"Yes." The maids in waiting came out.

Duke Wei was at the door.

"Come on, what's up?" Asked the emperor concisely.

Shufei's face was tangled.

Empress Xiao said with a smile: "it seems that it is inconvenient for the palace to hear. The palace will visit your majesty another day."

"No!" Where does the lady dare to talk to her majesty behind the Queen's back? If you don't tear it down, you can let it go, but once it's put on the surface, it's against the rules.

Shufei said with a smile: "what can I hide from the queen? I was just thinking about how to open my mouth. When the queen asked, she told me how to start. In a word, the queen needs to testify in this matter. "

Empress Xiao picked up the tea cup, gently touched the tea with the lid and said, "Oh? What do I need to testify about? "

This kind of thing, to the emperor is loyal, can fall in the ears of others, there is a sense of home scandal.

Of course, Shufei didn't want the queen to see her joke, but she had to expose it. She had to expose Gu Jiao with a stiff head: "today, I know that the girl actually met the Empress Dowager."

Shufei doesn't stand in line in the palace, doesn't flatter Zhuang Guifei, and doesn't take refuge with empress Xiao. But she always pays attention to one thing, that is, never get too close to empress Zhuang.

She also meant to take herself out.

Of course, she did not forget to take out the Dingan Marquis's residence: "that girl has come to the capital since she called. She does not come to give me greetings, nor does she go back to the residence to give greetings to her grandfather and grandmother. Her brothers are strangers to her..."

Therefore, her collusion with the Empress Dowager could not have been instigated by the Marquis of Ding'an.

In fact, empress Xiao is also about this matter, but she is not so anxious as Shufei. She needs to see her Majesty's attitude towards that girl first. She won't do thankless things.

But there are so many people in the palace. If she doesn't say anything, the story of the imperial garden will come to your ears sooner or later.

At most, it's because I didn't report.

Empress Xiao is the mother of a country. She can sit in the back seat without any credit. On the contrary, she can't make mistakes, otherwise she will affect the prince.

Empress Xiao did not expect that the first person to report to the emperor would be Shufei.

That girl is Shufei's own niece.

So it is.

She was not close to Shufei. Her invention of bellows and sticky rice mortar was appreciated by her majesty. However, Shufei not only failed to touch her light, but also was punished. Today, the fifth prince was pushed into the water by her.

The old and new grudges add together. It's strange that Shufei doesn't want to tear the girl.

Empress Xiao drank tea without a word of comment.

The emperor's face sank. He looked at empress Xiao and said, "did the empress see it, too?"

Empress Xiao put down her tea cup, sighed and said, "I did see her go to Renshou palace with the Empress Dowager. I heard that the Empress Dowager complained about her health and invited a doctor from the people."

As soon as the doctor's words came out, the emperor's look slowed down.

He knew the skills of the little doctor, and the reputation of the wonderful hand hall gradually spread in the capital. It's not surprising that the Empress Dowager would be attracted to invite people into the palace.

Shufei said quickly: "but where can a folk doctor sit on the Empress Dowager's Phoenix? Few princesses have sat down

Empress Xiao laughed and stopped talking.

The emperor knows the character of Empress Dowager Zhuang. She can never let a doctor who has only seen her face once or twice sit on her own Phoenix chase. Shufei is right, and few princesses have ever sat on it.

That's a wicked old woman!

Did she buy off the little doctor?

The emperor said in a deep voice, "you go back to the Palace first. I still have some things to deal with."

Shufei understood that the emperor was going to verify the truth of the incident. He was not afraid that the emperor would investigate, but he was afraid that the emperor would not.

So many pairs of eyes have seen, that girl and Empress Dowager Zhuang are very close, a look is a greasy look!

At night, the emperor called Duke he from the house of internal affairs and ordered him to take people to investigate the relationship between Gu Jiao and Empress Dowager Zhuang.

The relationship between Gu Jiao and Empress Dowager Zhuang is not difficult to investigate. No one found it before because no one suspected that on the two heads, father-in-law he disguised himself as a peddler and went to Bishui Hutong, then everything came to the surface.

The candle flickered in the imperial study, and the emperor's face was illuminated. He clenched his fist and said, "what are you talking about? She saved the Empress Dowager? "

"Yes, the Empress Dowager is the aunt of her and Xiao Xiuzhuan's family. When Xiao Xiuzhuan went to Beijing for the exam, they followed him from the countryside. But... "Duke he hesitated. I don't know whether to say that empress dowager Zhuang's performance in Bishui Hutong seems different from that in the palace.

Instead of confirming the features and portraits, he almost thought that Jiaojiao's aunt in the neighborhood was a real old country lady.

It's a coincidence that every gamble will win. After all, Empress Dowager Zhuang is a man who never loses.

He Gonggong then said: "the slave also inquired about the time when the Empress Dowager came to their house. It was not long after the Empress Dowager disappeared from leprosy mountain. Our people lost the whereabouts of the Empress Dowager in Qingquan town. They are also from Qingquan town."

The emperor slumped down on the chair, his face full of disbelief and injury: "so... Before meeting me, she met the Empress Dowager..."

He Gonggong sighed: "I'm afraid so."

The emperor then said, "did she cure the Empress Dowager's leprosy?"

He Gong is just: "I don't know."

But I'm afraid so.

The emperor laughed at himself, his eyes full of pain: "she can even cure willow disease, how can leprosy not be cured? I should have expected that, except for her, who can cure the Empress Dowager's leprosy! I just don't want to guess at her! "

"Your Majesty..." looking at the emperor, Duke Wei was worried.

The emperor's eyes were red.

His feelings for Gu Jiao are very special.

It's not about men and women, but it's not just about the general doctor-patient relationship.

This little girl carries too many expectations of him. He appreciates her, appreciates her, values her, and even cherishes her. When he sees her, he will be happy.

But he didn't expect that... She was the Empress Dowager!

People have different standpoints and horizons, different prejudices, and different perspectives on things.

It's the same thing that Gu Jiao and her husband saved the Empress Dowager Zhuang and took her in. In the eyes of Zhuang Taifu and Princess an, it's Xiao LIULANG who took refuge with the emperor and knew that the other party was the Empress Dowager. All the redemption and taking in were just for the purpose of house arrest.

But in the eyes of the emperor, Empress Dowager Zhuang deliberately conceals her identity, swindles Gu Jiao's sympathy and trust with the image of an innocent old woman, and returns to the capital by taking advantage of Xiao LIULANG's opportunity to go to Beijing for an examination.

"She's so mean that she can take advantage of an examinee! Also shameless to be able to calculate their own life-saving benefactor! She is a wicked woman by all means

Other emperors can bear it, but he can't bear it!

The emperor's eyes were burning: "why... Why do all the people around me betray me! The little miracle doctor is, so is Ning'an in those days! What's wrong with me? Where to lose to her

Duke Wei and Duke he did not speak again.

They understood that the emperor thought of Princess Ning'an again.

Princess Ning'an is the daughter of Princess Jing. The emperor was raised at the knee of Princess Jing since childhood, and has a deep feeling with Princess Ning'an.

The two grew up with no guess. In her early years, the Empress Dowager had a good relationship with the children of Princess Jing, otherwise she would not help her adopted son.

However, after the emperor ascended the throne, he was dissatisfied with empress dowager Zhuang's involvement in politics. He went further and further away from empress dowager Zhuang, and finally broke up with each other.

Between the emperor and Empress Dowager Zhuang, Princess Ning'an chose empress dowager Zhuang. It was not that she framed the emperor for Empress Dowager Zhuang, but that the protection of Empress Dowager Zhuang between her lines made the emperor feel cold.

In the end, Princess Ning'an married her sweetheart to the north of the Great Wall, which made the Empress Dowager Zhuang seriously ill and almost died. The emperor's heart was a little twisted.

How did you snatch Ning'an from me in those years? Now you are snatched by others.

Have you tasted my pain in those days?

The emperor was so depressed that when he was in the palace, he felt that he was going to be out of breath.

He decided to go outside the palace.

He changed his clothes and took Duke Wei to Xuanping palace. He wanted to have a drink with Xuanping, but Xuanping went to ruanyu Pavilion.

The emperor secretly went to find the old Marquis, but the old Marquis was not in the house!

The emperor is lost, today this one two is to make an appointment to annoy him!

The emperor misunderstood him. He didn't know that the emperor was out of the palace today. He went to the martial arts school.

Gu Jiao also went to the martial arts school.

A while ago, Gu Jiao was defeated by others. After hearing the news, the Marquis came to see Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is still a young swordsman of the last time. She is about twenty-seven or eight years old. It's the peak of her strong body. Looking back, Gu Jiao is inferior to her in strength before she grows up.

Of course, the most important thing is moves.

Gu Jiao learned the skill of killing people in the organization, but the martial arts school can't kill people.

After half a game, the Marquis saw the problem.

Two wins in three sets and Gu Jiao loses in the first.

The old Marquis called Gu Jiao to the backyard: "brother Gu, attack me again with the move you just attacked him."

Having said that, the old Marquis imitated the swordsman's moves on the spot. Each move was exactly the same.

Gu Jiao in the heart wow.

Is the old man so powerful? Can you learn at a glance?

Gu Jiao went to attack the Marquis, but she lost more than she did in the challenge arena.

The old Marquis said, "your moves are very messy. They are all on the spot. For a moment, you can use boxing and palm techniques. Where do you learn from?"

Gu Jiao took a small book and wrote: "no master, I beat myself blindly.".

The old Marquis drew his lips.

You can fight like this in a blind fight

After thinking about it, the Marquis demonstrated and said: "if you want to use boxing, you can use these moves. If you want to use palm technique..."

Gu Jiao got his advice and won two games in a row after she went to the challenge arena. She won this contest.

The Marquis is very satisfied.

The child's talent is so high that it is not inferior to Gu Changqing.

Gu Jiao won the contest, feeling her mask and looking up at the marquis.

The old Marquis went downstairs, called her to the weapons warehouse of the martial arts school, and said to her, "you never use weapons. In fact, you suffer a lot. Originally I thought you didn't like to use weapons."

Now I know that he can't use weapons at all.

Gu Jiao heart way, I am very good at shooting, a shot of the kind of head!

The old Marquis looked at a room of weapons and said, "choose one yourself."

Gu Jiao is not very interested in cold weapons.

The old Marquis thought she couldn't pick. He took a red tassel gun and said to her, "use this one."

Gu Jiao nodded, OK.

The old Marquis demonstrated a set of shooting techniques for her.

The old Marquis still converged the breath, but Gu Jiao still felt a row on the sea.

This is the master, the real master!

"You try." The old Marquis accepted the move and threw the red tassel gun to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao catches it.

In her previous life, she had little contact with cold weapons. Apart from daggers and scalpels, Leng buting gave her a red tassel gun. She was a little confused.

She made a mistake in the first move.

If Gu Changqing or any of the soldiers under the old Marquis, the old Marquis had already thrown a whip.

But to Gu, the old Marquis seems to be very patient. He doesn't know what happened.

When Gu Jiao made a mistake for the seventh time, the old Marquis's temper was out of control.

Gu Jiao looked at him with innocent eyes.

Old Marquis: --

Calculate, calculate, still small, teach slowly.

"I'll give you a demonstration for the last time. You can watch it. If you make mistakes again, I won't teach you."

At the 18th demonstration——

"This is really the last time!"

The Marquis is about to collapse!

This child is here to torture him!

Because Mao learned so fast with his bare hands, he couldn't play with a red tassel!

When the old Marquis almost vomited blood, Gu Jiao finally played down a whole set of complete shooting methods.

The old Marquis collapsed on the ground and felt that he was about to collapse!

Who is training who?

Why does he want to teach this boy to practice more?

He almost lost his life!

"That's all for today and today."

My arms and legs are going to break, and my waist is flashing.

Gu Jiao hasn't played enough.

She tasted the sweetness.

However, seeing that he was on the verge of collapse, she decided not to crush the old man any more.

She took out her little book and shuasha wrote: next time we will practice?

The old Marquis's temple jumps suddenly!

next time?

And next time?

The old Marquis refused!

Gu Jiao thought for a while, took out two little white jade fingers, and gently squeezed his sleeve. A pair of watery Phoenix eyes under the mask looked at him innocently.

The old Marquis gave a vague hum.

Gu Jiao shakes her head happily.

The old Marquis looked at the small head shaking in front of him, and thought inexplicably!

Of course, he could resist.

Because he thinks it's wrong to treat his brother.

This scene, Gu Chengfeng who is followed by Gu Jiao has a panoramic view.

If others can't recognize Gu Jiao, can he?

It was he who introduced Gu Jiao to the martial arts school. Besides, he didn't know how many times he had collaborated with Gu Jiao wearing a mask!

In other words... Did his grandfather eat this?

Grandfather that temper, he thought that girl will be beaten into a lump of fertilizer!

Gu Chengfeng follows Gu Jiao because he has found some information about xianleju. He plans to sell the information to this girl, and he doesn't mistake her. Family price is 1000 Liang!

But who would have expected that this girl had played with her grandfather for so long? Today, it's probably impossible.

It's all right. It's the same to find her another day.

Gu Chengfeng went back to Hou's house.

Before long, the old Marquis came back.

He was very tired.

Teach Gu Changqing not so tired, because Gu Changqing can beat at will, that boy... He, he is a little hard.

As a result, he had internal injuries.


Gu Chengfeng suddenly came out of the corridor.

The old Marquis was startled and saw clearly that it was Gu Chengfeng. His eyes were cold: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night. What are you doing here?"

Gu Chengfeng didn't seem to be so afraid of his grandfather when he saw the other side of him. He laughed and said, "my grandfather didn't come back so late. I'm worried about him. I'll wait for him here."

The old Marquis gave Gu Chengfeng a suspicious look.

Gu Chengfeng immediately showed a smile: "grandfather, can you lend me your niefeng to ride for two days?"

Nie Feng is the mount of the old Marquis, more powerful than Gu Changqing's horse. Gu Chengfeng has been greedy for it for a long time, but he has never had a chance to ride it.

The Marquis loves horses as much as he can.

Riding is like riding him.

The old Marquis ignored Gu Chengfeng and marched to the yard.

Gu Chengfeng took out the killing skill he had learned from Gu Jiao. He stretched out two fingers and held the old Marquis's sleeve gently.

The Marquis turned back.

He looked at the old Marquis and began to be shameless.

... the old Marquis called out with a big ear!

Gu Chengfeng was called to fly directly, Baji bumped into the post, and it took him a long time to slide to the ground.

Gu Chengfeng

What went wrong?

Why is Mao always injured?

The same little action, Gu Jiao is soft and lovely.

When Gu Chengfeng did it, the old Marquis felt that his mother was chirping!

The old Marquis has goose bumps!

Before I could react, I put out my hand.

Gu Chengfeng was so excited that he couldn't take care of himself in the middle of the night. He let the servant carry him back in a sad way!

But she said that after she came out of the martial arts school, seeing that it was so late, she planned to go straight home.

When she passed a quiet street, she suddenly heard the sound of Jinge, followed by a familiar cry - "dog! Even Lao Tzu dares to block his way! "

It's Duke Wei's voice!

Gu Jiao's eyes were cool and her steps turned. She boarded the wall on the roof and jumped down another street from the roof.

Some distance away, Gu Jiao speed up, but when she arrived at the scene, Wei Gonggong has been lying in the pool of blood.

"Duke Wei!" Gu Jiao came forward and took gauze and hemostatic powder from her arms to stop the bleeding.

But Duke Wei held her wrist tightly with his bloody hand: "no... don't worry about me... Go to save... Your majesty..."

Gu jiaosou wrapped his abdominal wound tightly with gauze: "you wait for me for a moment!"

Gu Jiao followed the direction of Wei Gonggong to catch up with the emperor who was being killed.

The emperor was also injured, and the last dark guard was stabbed in the heart to cover his escape.

Seeing that a man in black was about to take his head, suddenly a red tassel gun came whistling. With the sound of breaking the air, it pierced each other's shoulder blades and nailed each other to the wall!

If Gu Jiao is just fun in the martial arts school, then she really feels the power of the red tassel gun at this moment!

Fresh blood splashed on the emperor's face!

The emperor sat down on the ground, the whole person was confused!

Gu Jiao seized the emperor and said, "go!"

When another wave of people in black arrived, there was no shadow of the emperor in the alley.

Gu Jiao hid the emperor in a cowshed and turned to find Duke Wei, but she couldn't find him.

The emperor was wounded.

If the other party wants to trace, it must first start from the medical school.

The idea turns head, Gu Jiao brought the person back to the blue water alley.

I can't go to my uncle's house or Xiao LIULANG's house. I'm sleeping now.

On second thought, there was only one room left empty.

Gu Jiao helped her to her aunt's house.

"What's the matter, Jiao Jiao?" Yao came out when he heard the news.

Gu Jiao put the man on the bed and said to Yao: "nothing, a patient."

"Can I help you?" Yao asked.

"Make some hot water." Gu Jiao said.

"Good." Yao went to the kitchen.

"Ma'am, ma'am, I'll come!" Yu ya'er put down her half washed clothes and said to Yao, "go to the house and have a rest. I'll boil the water!"

Yao nodded. She looked at the room anxiously.

Gu Jiao has closed the door.

The wound of the emperor's knife was a bit out of place. At the root of his thigh, it was almost gone!

Gu Jiao lights all the candles and uses the night pearl that her aunt gave to Gu Yan. She opens the small medicine box and begins to cut melons for the emperor!