The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 298

Ning Zhiyuan deeply felt sorry for Xiao LIULANG.

This is his first visit to the capital, but it is not the first time he has come into contact with the officialdom. When he was in the local area, he went to the government school to teach and worked as a temporary administrator beside the county magistrate.

He had seen the darkness and strife of officialdom with his own eyes, but he never expected that there would be such injustice in the Imperial Academy.

In fact, his own life is not very smooth, but this is not in the normal range, belongs to no power, no power, no background, so it is not valued.

Xiao LIULANG was deliberately suppressed.

That is to say, Xiao LIULANG is in a good state of mind and has not collapsed. He has already collapsed for others.

Ning Zhiyuan said nothing more, patted him on the shoulder and went out with a sigh.

Xiao LIULANG went out to wash his brush. When he came to the ink bath, it happened that the prince of an also came here to wash his ink.

He doesn't have to do it himself. He has someone to do it for him.

He was surrounded by a group of colleagues, congratulating him one by one.

"It's said that editor Zhuang won the first place in the exam. That's why true gold is not afraid of fire!"

"Yes! No one dares to be selfish this time! "

They said without any scruples, and they did not forget to cast meaningful eyes at Xiao LIULANG.

How did Xiao LIULANG come to the first place along the way? He had been "spread all over the capital" for a long time. He said that he was just wearing a face similar to the little Marquis of zhaodu, and was favored by his father and elder martial brother.

Even his champion was the emperor's intention to release water in order to suppress the makers.

The emperor can't stretch his hand so long in everything. The Imperial Academy is the place where the emperor can't stretch his hand. No, he showed his true colors in the first imperial examination!

In fact, don't think that scholars will speak more implicitly than shrews in the countryside. Shrews in the countryside just have a loud voice, rough words, and can't get people's pain.

When scholars scold people, they can open people's hearts, cut their lips and tongues, and see blood with their swords.

However, the officials of the Imperial Academy are not as reckless as the dandies of the Imperial Academy. They cherish their reputation. They don't really block Xiao LIULANG here. They don't want to embarrass him.

They will only use their power to suppress him, or group together to ridicule him and isolate him.

Xiao LIULANG's look didn't change much.

He was going to leave as soon as he finished washing his pen.

"... that's how it should be calculated. The result is 27." After giving an answer to an editor who asked him for an arithmetic problem, the king of an Jun called out to Xiao LIULANG, "wait a minute."

Xiao LIULANG stopped walking and looked at him faintly: "what's the matter?"

"The Hanlin academy is a place of fair competition. No matter what others say, I hope you understand that it is based on strength. How did your champion come? You have a good idea. The Hanlin academy won't give Xuanping Marquis a chance to intervene. You really shouldn't have taken refuge in Xuanping marquis. "

If you are a military general, it is reasonable to take refuge in Xuanping marquis.

It is clear that he is a writer, and the banker is the tallest tree!

Xiao LIULANG didn't pick up the words of Princess an. He just looked at the title in the hands of a certain editor and said, "nineteen."

After that, he left calmly.

Princess an frowned.

What nineteen?

The editor was studying the problem-solving process of the king of Anjun, and did not dare to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Princess an went over and looked at the topic again. He suddenly realized that he had written one less number in the seventh step, and the final result of calculation was——

The king of Anjun took the pen and paper and calculated it on the manuscript.


How could he know?!

Has he done this problem before? Can't be just listen to Zhang edit read a topic, and then heart work out the result.


He's not so smart!

This huge amount of calculation, ordinary people have to calculate on paper for a day, Hanlin Jinshi is more intelligent than ordinary people, but it also takes less than half an hour.

He was very smart, so it took only half a quarter of an hour, but it had to be a complicated and huge calculation on paper.

And he miscalculated.

How can Xiao LIULANG be right only by mental calculation?

When he was on duty, the king of an county took the carriage back to his house and unexpectedly found that Zhuang Taifu was on the carriage.

"Grandfather." Princess an saluted, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you when you pass by." Zhuang Taifu said in a good mood.

Since the Empress Dowager sent Zhuang Yuexi home from the palace, Zhuang Taifu had never appeared such a happy expression for many days.

"Why is grandfather so happy?" she asked? What's the big deal? "

Zhuang Taifu's appreciative eyes fell on him, unable to hide his smile: "it's really a happy event."

There are not many things that grandfather can call happy

The king of an County looked at Zhuang Taifu in a puzzled way. For some reason, he had an unknown premonition in his heart.

Zhuang Taifu finally stopped playing tricks and said with a smile to Princess an, "Yuan Shoufu is interested in you."

"Yuan Shoufu?" Prince an was shocked.

Yuan Shoufu was the leader of Zhao state and the first assistant minister of the cabinet.

How could he suddenly be interested in himself?

It's not that Prince an belittled himself and felt that he didn't have the strength. It's really that his reputation has been spread out long ago. Yuan Shoufu has long taken a fancy to him.

If it's because of the imperial examination, he only won the top spot. It seems that Xiao LIULANG, the new champion of science, is still on top of him.

Zhuang Taifu said with a smile, "when you go to yueluo mountain to sort out the library, he has seen your ancient books and is very satisfied with you."

The king of Anjun was also very satisfied with his ancient books.

He has read a lot since he was a child, and he has never slacked his studies in Chen state. He also studies history well.

On that day, he did not collate many ancient books, but he was confident that he was the best among several people.

"Yuan Shoufu loves to study ancient books." Zhuang Taifu said.

"I see." Princess an suddenly realized that no wonder he took a fancy to himself. "Is he going to accept me as a disciple?"

It would be great to learn from Yuan Shoufu.

Although they were all students of the emperor after they passed the entrance examination, no one would dislike such an excellent master.

In his opinion, only four of the six countries are qualified to be his teachers.

One is fenglao, one is Hanshan, one is Lianyun, the other is yuan Shoufu.

Even his fourth uncle Zhuang Xianzhi is not qualified.

As for Huo Jijiu, he didn't get along with empress dowager Zhuang, and Prince an didn't like him much.

"It's not a disciple, it's a son-in-law." Zhuang Taifu said.

Princess an frowned.

Zhuang Taifu said: "what he wants to promise you is the granddaughter who grew up in the Taoist temple. The girl's talent is also good. Yuan Shoufu is willing to value her, but it's a pity that she is a woman and can't inherit yuan Shoufu's mantle. If you really marry her, you will be no different from Yuan Shoufu's disciples. "

Why not?

It's a long way off.

That's not what Princess Ann said.

His marriage can not be decided by himself, but he does not marry the woman he likes, so it is not the same to marry anyone?

After his promotion, Yang Shi was busy teaching to Shu Ji Shi in the Hanlin academy, but he didn't care to make trouble for Xiao LIULANG for the time being.

Xiao LIULANG was on duty on time.

He packed up and left the Academy.

His front foot just left, the back foot Cen editor also came out of his office.

He has been hiding from Xiao LIULANG these two days. First, he has calculated that Xiao LIULANG is guilty. Second, he is observing when Xiao LIULANG will go to Yang Shidu to confront him and complain.

Xiao LIULANG left the Imperial Academy and went west.

He clearly remembers that Xiao LIULANG used to go east

Did you really go to complain to Yang Shidu?

The west side happens to be the direction of Hanlin Academy——

Xiao LIULANG did go to the Hanlin academy, but instead of going to Yang Shidu, he went to Feng Lin and Lin Chengye. He sorted out some topics about astronomy and arithmetic last night, which should be suitable for their current progress.

Editor Cen stealthily follows.

He saw Xiao LIULANG go in the direction of Hanlin school, and his heart was in his throat!

Unexpectedly, Xiao LIULANG was stopped on the way.

It's a woman!

The woman's clothes are dusty, her eyebrows are exquisite, and her head is full of jewels. Although she is wearing a veil, she still can't hide all kinds of customs.

CEN only looked at it and felt his eyes were straight.

The woman did not step forward.

It was the little servant girl beside her who went over and said something to Xiao LIULANG.

From the angle of Cen's editing, he can only see Xiao LIULANG's back. He doesn't know what Xiao LIULANG's expression is, and he can't hear their voices.

Then Xiao LIULANG left.

The little servant girl and the woman all slightly rushed to Xiao LIULANG and bowed.