The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 297

The next day, Xiao LIULANG got up early and went to the Imperial Academy.

The Imperial Academy was very busy. From time to time, congratulations and laughter came from another row of office rooms.

At first, Xiao LIULANG didn't know what was going on. Ning Zhiyuan came and told him in a low voice that Yang Xiuzhuan had been promoted.

It's no secret that Yang Xiuzhuan is about to be promoted. It's just that it's at the end of the year.

"Do you know how he got promoted?" Ning Zhiyuan asked.

"How did you get promoted?" Xiao LIULANG didn't have much interest in Yang Xiu's writing, just to satisfy Ning Zhiyuan's mind.

"Go, go to your side and say it!" Ning Zhiyuan took Xiao LIULANG to the office room with ecstatic smell.

"Mr. Chen was transferred to the account department early in the morning." Better go far.

It's not uncommon for the six departments of the imperial court to transfer people from the Hanlin Academy. Moreover, Chen Shidu was chosen by the Minister of the Ministry of household for a long time and wanted to transfer to work under his own hands.

It was because he wanted to be transferred that an official position of serving and reading was vacated and Yang Xiuzhuan was promoted.

Originally, Mr. Chen had to be transferred in the next few years, but it happened that it was such a coincidence.

"I've heard that your library is well organized, and some of the restored books are favored by Yuan Shoufu."

Xiao LIULANG sorted out and restored most of the books in his collection, but not all of them. Yang Xiuzhuan and Wang Anjun also repaired some of them, so Xiao LIULANG didn't guess that he would repair them himself. Those books won yuan Shoufu's favor.

Ning Zhiyuan is even more ignorant.

He just lamented that Yang Xiu's fortune was too good. He was obviously not very good. How could his official fortune be so prosperous?

Ning Zhiyuan sighed: "Mr. Han highly praised Yang Xiuzhuan. No, now it's time to call him Yang Shidu, zhengliupin Shidu! He used to be of the same rank as you, but now he really beats you. "

Xiao LIULANG didn't care much and said, "it's not today that he knew he would be promoted."

Early rise and late rise?

Yang Shidu was born as a scholar, and it took him five years to become an adult, which was fast for him.

Xiao LIULANG is not the same. He is a top one. As long as he does not die, he will be promoted faster than the Jinshi in the same period.

It's only for a while that Yang Shidu is oppressing him.

"Look at this again." Ning Zhiyuan took out an inscription from his arms.

Xiao LIULANG asked, "what do you do with this kind of thing?"

"No, I'll show you what it says!" Ning Zhiyuan handed the manuscript of the inscription to Xiao LIULANG

Xiao LIULANG said, "I wrote it. What's the matter?"

Ning Zhiyuan tut tut said: "Yang Shidu handed it in. I instructed him for a long time and asked him to rewrite it seventeen times, which wiped out all your credit. Tell me the truth, did he instruct you a word? "

Xiao LIULANG took the inscription over, put it on the table, and said carelessly, "it's just an inscription."

"Are you really not angry?" Ning Zhiyuan seems not to believe it.

"What's the point?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

"It's good not to be angry." Ning Zhiyuan was relieved to be here. "This kind of thing is common in officialdom, and he has no right to speak before he gets through it. You can be so calm at a young age, I was much better. But Xiao LIULANG, you promise me that even if you climb on these people's heads one day, you will not become like them. "

Ning Zhiyuan is in his thirties. His appearance is not outstanding. He has a black complexion.

But at this moment, his eyes to Xiao LIULANG were bright, with some blood and faith, almost burning people's eyes.

Xiao LIULANG looked at him and nodded.

Ning Zhiyuan showed a smile of relief. He patted Xiao LIULANG on the shoulder and said with great ambition: "you don't see that I was born in a little cold, I have no background and contacts, but I occasionally dream. I just think that if one day I climb up too... Don't climb too high, Wupin Hanlin bachelor is my dream in my life!"

He said, clenching his fists, as if to force out the contempt he had received along the way: "I'm thinking that one day, when I take charge of the Hanlin academy, I will never let people be money oriented, cronyism oriented, circle oriented, obedient or noisy!"


The weather is pleasant in the capital after the rain.

After the lower court, the senior officials left the palace in turn and went to their respective government offices.

Zhuang Taifu also went out of the Jinluan palace and chatted with several colleagues who had good contacts. Today, he had nothing to report to the empress dowager, so he planned to go out of the palace.

He just walked a few steps and was stopped by Yuan Shoufu.

"Zhuang Taifu."

Zhuangtaifu slightly surprised to look back: "Yuan Shoufu?"

Yuan Shoufu is the first minister of the cabinet, but the two second ministers, zhongshusheren and three cabinet bachelors are all Zhuang Taifu's people, so it can be said that most of the cabinet is under the control of Zhuang Taifu.

However, the cabinet still regards yuan Shoufu as its leader, and his voice is still the biggest.

But yuan Shoufu is getting old. He won't be the first assistant for several years. One day, one of them will take his place.

At that time, Zhuang Taifu completely occupied the cabinet.

Zhuang Taifu Ming never clashed with Yuan Shoufu, but they never met each other. I don't know why yuan Shoufu stopped him today.

Yuan Shoufu stepped forward and looked at Zhuang Taifu with a kind face: "Zhuang Taifu looks better and better recently."

Zhuang Taifu said politely, "thank you."

Yuan Shoufu smiles: "Zhuang Taifu is polite."

Zhuang Taifu said bluntly, "what's the matter with Yuan Shoufu

Yuan Shoufu said: "it's no big deal. Yesterday, I read some ancient books sent by the Imperial Academy, and they were well repaired. There were several omissions that the great scholars in the imperial court could not make up their minds. The Imperial Academy has filled them in this time. It's said that the king of an Jun also participated in the compilation."

Zhuang Taifu said, "is that right? I didn't ask much about Yuheng. "

He really didn't ask.

But someone else reported it to him.

The reason for this is to avoid suspicion in front of Yuan Shoufu and show that he did not interfere in the Hanlin Academy.

Yuan Shoufu didn't mention "Yanbei Fu" alone because he read the rest of the literature last night and found that his amazing degree was no less than "Yanbei Fu".

At his age, it was 30 years ago that he had been studying at night, but he could not stop reading last night.

Although he has never seen the original ancient books, most of these histories can be verified from other ancient books.

In other words, to restore these ancient books, we need great historical reserves as the foundation.

And there is no handwriting error.

Even yuan Shoufu himself, it is difficult to ensure that in such a boring state to do a word is also good.

Yuan Shoufu still did not know that Xiao LIULANG stayed up late at night and lit the oil lamp to repair it. If he knew, he would be afraid of it.

Zhuang Taifu knew the whereabouts of Prince an like the palm of his hand, and naturally knew that he had been to yueluo mountain library.

He thought that Yuan Shoufu said that because what he got was indeed some ancient books restored by the king of an County. He knew the strength of his grandson and did not doubt that there was a misunderstanding.

He said with a smile, "it's not in vain that he's been studying for so many years to contribute to the Academy."

"More than a little effort? It's a big credit. " Yuan Shoufu never praises others easily, that is to say, the little Marquis of zhaodu didn't get an exaggeration from him, "Zhuang Taifu, you have a good grandson."

Zhuang Taifu is flattered. Can this old picky devil praise others?

He pressed down the excitement of his heart and arched his hand: "Yuan Shoufu praised me falsely."

Yuan Shoufu gave a smile and asked, "I heard that Zhuang Taifu's grandson has not yet discussed his marriage?"

Zhuang Taifu was stunned.

At the end of May, the Hanlin academy held an examination.

Feng Lin and Lin Chengye were ranked fourth and fifth from the bottom respectively, while Du Ruohan was ranked in the top nine.

Yuan Yu, the direct grandson of Yuan Shoufu, was a second-class biographer and won the first place in the imperial examination.

This time, the performance was abnormal, falling to the fifth.

The editors and editors don't arrange their grades with them. After all, the examination questions are different.

Xiao LIULANG was the seventh, Ning Zhiyuan the sixth, and the first Princess Ann.

Ning Zhiyuan came to find Xiao LIULANG and whispered, "it's impossible... I've made so many mistakes in arithmetic... You're all right about one question... How can I do better than you?"

Arithmetic is the easiest way to calculate scores. Right is right and wrong is wrong. It's not like the topic of literary grace is too subjective.

And even if it is to test literary talent, Ning Zhiyuan is not as good as Xiao LIULANG.

Needless to say, Xiao LIULANG was deliberately suppressed.

This kind of internal examination is not as strict as the imperial examination. If the examinees are not satisfied with the results, they can go to yamen or Gongyuan to look at the examination papers. If they are still not convinced after reading, they can go to beat drums.

The imperial officials will finish the examination after they finish the examination. They have no chance to defend themselves.