The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 279

In a formal contest, malicious wounding should be dealt with according to military regulations, especially Gu Changqing or Duwei. Duwei takes the lead in this kind of thing. What do the soldiers think?

This is Gu Changqing's most irrational time.

At least in the eyes of the marquis.

Just in front of the outsider's face, the old Marquis was not good to reprimand Gu Changqing. He gave Gu Changqing a deep look: "don't come down soon!"

Gu Changqing walked slowly to the wallboard and pulled out the scabbard which was deeply embedded in it.

Tang Yueshan obviously followed his action to see this scene, and his eyebrows could not help frowning.

I'm in my early twenties, and I have such profound skills

After Gu Changqing took the scabbard, everyone thought that he would follow the old Marquis.

At this moment, Tang Yueshan just helped Tang Ming, who was covered with blood, to sit up and try to hold him down. Suddenly, a sharp sword light flashed by.

Everything happened so fast that everyone didn't see what was going on. Tang Ming, who was in a coma, was awakened by the pain. With a scream, his arm flew out!

Blood splashed on Tang Yueshan's face, Tang Yueshan was stunned on the spot!

Next second, Tang Yueshan reacts and slaps Gu Changqing!

The powerful internal force is like substance. With irresistible force, Gu Changqing flies out of the challenge arena!

This scene shocked everyone. Even the Marquis didn't expect his grandson to do such a thing!

Xuanping Hou raised his eyebrow: "Oh, your grandson is very kind."

The old Marquis stares at Xuanping Marquis!

Tang Ming wailed more than ever.

When Tang Yueshan fled, he ordered Tang Ming's acupoints and swept Gu Changqing in the air with blood red eyes.

He's going to kill Gu Changqing!

Gu Changqing's palm had already fallen to the ground. His chest hurt and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the old Marquis's face changed, he quickly stepped in front of Gu Changqing and took Tang Yueshan's hand!

Tang Yueshan's slap was killing. The Marquis was forced to retreat a few steps, and his breath was shocked. You can imagine how serious the consequences would be if Gu Changqing was slapped.

Tang Yueshan said angrily: "I dare to do this in front of me. If I don't get rid of it today, I can't get rid of my hatred! get out of the way! Otherwise, Ben Shuai will kill you

Of course, the Marquis knows that Tang Yueshan is not bluffing him. Tang Yueshan has no son. As his only nephew, Tang Ming has been in his palm since he was a child.

It's just like his own son.

Now Tang Ming is abandoned by Gu Changqing in front of him. How can he swallow this breath?

Xuanping Marquis slowly opened his mouth: "Lord Tang, this is the barracks, you kill people in the barracks, OK?"

Yes, Gu Changqing has violated military discipline, but if Tang Yueshan also killed Gu Changqing, he would be the same as Gu Changqing.

He was canonized as the Grand Marshal of the army and horse in the world. He had many eyes on him. He could use his power to bend the law for personal gain, but he could not kill a prince in public.

Tang Yueshan's fist was clenched. He gave Gu Changqing a murderous look and gritted his teeth: "come on, send Gu Duwei to the prison! Later, I will hear it in person! "


Two bodyguards handed over Gu Changqing's sword and took him to the prison of the camp.

Tang Yueshan left with Tang Ming, who was in a coma again. When he passed the old Marquis, he said coldly: "he hurt tomorrow's son. I won't let him go!"

The old Marquis lightly arched his hand: "I will not let anyone wronged my grandson!"

This is telling Tang Yueshan that he can't do anything in the process of interrogation.

After Tang Yueshan left, the old Marquis turned to look at Xuanping marquis. Now he has no official position and can't get involved in military affairs.

Xuanping Hou waved his hand: "I know. I will be present at the trial, but you'd better find out if Gu Duwei has any difficulties."

Old Marquis: "I will."

In a moment, xuanpinghou also left.

After thinking about it, the Marquis turned and went to the prison.

The prison in a military camp is not a prison in the real sense. It is more like a dark room, in which there is nothing but a straw mat.

Xuanping Hou greets the guards and allows them to visit Gu Changqing.

The Marquis smoothly entered the prison.

Tang Ming is the proud son of the emperor in the military camp. Is Gu Changqing not? Even he is better than Tang Ming, more law-abiding, more respected.

Today, however, the man who never made a mistake was convicted and put into prison. The old Marquis's mood is very complicated.

"On your knees." Said the marquis.

Gu Changqing lifted the hem of her robe and knelt down without expression.

Gu Changqing has always been like this. He is not warm-hearted, but I don't know why, the old Marquis always felt that after returning to Beijing, there was an invisible gap and distance between Gu Changqing and him.

Even kneeling is full of seemingly obedient but silent rebellion.

The old Marquis frowned. His suspicious eyes swept Gu Changqing back and forth. Finally, he asked about the military camp: "Why are you so impulsive? Who gave you the courage to kill Tang Ming in front of so many people? If I hadn't stopped you with Xuanping, you would have been killed by Tang Yueshan! "

Gu Changqing didn't speak, only lowered her eyebrows, as if looking at the cold ground, and as if her eyes were empty.

"Tell me honestly, what's the reason? Is it really Tang Ming who treated the Gu family army harshly

This is the grandson brought up by the old Marquis. The old Marquis still knows what kind of character he is. Gu Changqing has an inextricable affection for Gu Jiajun. Even though he has never been in Gu Jiajun, he has been influenced since he was a child. He has already regarded himself and Gu Jiajun as a whole.

The Marquis still remembers that when he handed over military power and let Gu's army fall into the hands of others, Gu Changqing secretly wiped tears in the room.

At that time, Gu Changqing was just a teenager.

When he entered the Hushan camp, the old Marquis told him not to be impulsive. In recent years, Gu Changqing has been strictly following his advice.

But today, he can't bear it?

Others believe it, but the Marquis does not.

There must be another reason.

The old Marquis said, "do you have a personal grudge with Tang Ming?"

Gu Changqing was still silent.

When the old Marquis was angry, he took off the whip on his waist and spread it out with a crackle. The long tail of the whip fell to the ground with cold light, as if it could splash fire: "your wings are hard, don't you pay attention to my grandfather? I want to ask you something! "

Gu Changqing light mouth: "grandfather when there is a private grievance."

What is that?

What does it mean to have a grudge?

The Marquis gritted his teeth: "what do you say? What kind of personal grudge is it? "

Tang Ming's style in the military camp is not good, but people don't know how bad he is and what dirty things he did.

Gu Changqing can't say.

When it comes to Gu Yan's reputation, he can't say a word.

The old Marquis was very angry: "I can't tell, can I? Then you are regardless of the action, no military discipline! Believe it or not, I will punish you

A whip down, Gu Changqing skin split!

The old Marquis looked like a knife: "you know what's wrong!"

Gu Changqing looked indifferent: "I don't know."

The Lord whipped Gu Changqing's old wounds to bleed.


"Big brother!"

It's Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin.

It turned out that when Gu Changqing went to the challenge arena to suppress Tang Ming's people, his bodyguard noticed that something was wrong and went back to the house to report to the marquis.

However, the Marquis went out. Today, it happened that there was no class in Qinghe Academy. The two brothers were at home, so they came to have a look first.

They rushed into the torture room and hugged the old Marquis's arm in a rage.

Gu Chengfeng said: "grandfather, big brother's injury is good, you don't hit him again!"

Gu Chenglin nodded and said, "yes, grandfather, big brother is not made of iron. You beat him every three days and every five days. Will you let him live?"

The Marquis was furious and said, "you two get out of my way! Or I'll fight you all together! "

"Fight, fight!" Gu Chengfeng knelt down beside Gu Changqing.

Gu Chenglin shrunk his neck. He was a little afraid, but he saw his two elder brothers kneeling. He bit his teeth and knelt down next to his elder brother.

It was he who held his head in his arms: "my hair has just grown out. Can grandfather not hit me on the head?"

Old Marquis: --

The old Marquis finally blew Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin out.

They listened to the sound of the whip falling on Gu Changqing outside the prison room, and turned around in a hurry.

I don't know how long ago, the door of the torture chamber was finally opened, and the old Marquis came out with an iron face. He was still holding the whip in his hand, and the blue tendons on the back of his hand and forehead jumped violently. It can be seen that he had just moved.

Two people want to talk and stop looking at the old Marquis, the old Marquis did not say a word, calm face left.

The two men entered the prison again.

Gu Changqing fell on the straw mat, covered with whip marks.

"Big brother!" Gu Chenglin's eyes were red. He rushed over and helped Gu Changqing up.

Gu Chengfeng took a deep look at the elder brother and said to his third brother, "go to the carriage and take the golden sore medicine from the dark grid."

"... MMM!" Gu Chenglin sobbed and wiped his tears out.

There was no third person in the room. Gu Chengfeng felt the movement outside the prison. Someone held his hand, but the distance was not too close.

He helped Gu Changqing to sit on the straw mat with his back against the cold wall.

In fact, he and Gu Chenglin heard what their grandfather and elder brother said just now. Gu Chenglin was simple in nature and could not hear anything, but he tasted a bit of oddity.

Gu Chengfeng squatted down on one knee beside Gu Changqing, looked at Gu Changqing and said, "brother, you have changed. You were not like this before. What happened between you and your grandfather? "

On the way here, he and Gu Chenglin heard about the barracks. He thought that the elder brother was venting his anger on Gu Jiajun. Therefore, although he felt that the elder brother was impulsive, he didn't doubt it.

On the contrary, it was the relationship between grandfather and big brother that made him feel strange.

Elder brother used to have great respect for his grandfather. When he asked questions, he said everything.

But recently, the words between big brother and grandfather are obviously less.

At first, he thought that his eldest brother had grown up and become more introverted, but today it seems that he is not.

Is it his illusion? I always feel... Big brother has a complaint against my grandfather.

"Not much." Gu Changqing said.

Gu Chengfeng looked at him suspiciously: "really nothing? Or... Are you blaming your grandfather for leaving us in the house for many years? "

Gu Changqing closed his eyes and said, "it's nothing to say. You talk so much. Have you finished reciting all the books?"

Gu Chengfeng choked.

What kind of books do you recite?

He goes to the academy to mix up classes, OK?

He has no heart to miss books!

But he didn't have the heart to go back to his heart. In fact, his homework was not bad. He had a brilliant mind. If he had not been born in the Marquis's family, and was the second son who didn't need to inherit his family fortune and was not given high expectations, maybe he would have studied diligently and become an official.

For the time being, Gu Chenglin can't help him with his elder brother's affairs. After Gu Chenglin takes the medicine for the sore and gives it to his elder brother, he and Gu Chenglin go back to Hou's house.

He finished the homework assigned by the master, and did Gu Chenglin's share by the way. Just as he was going to have a rest, he saw a white dove landing on his windowsill.

This is not a normal pigeon.

He moved his eyes and went to pick up the pigeon. He looked around and made sure that no one would take a note from the pigeon's feet.

There's another mission tonight.

After Gu Chenglin fell asleep, Gu Chengfeng put on his night clothes, put on his mask, and quietly went out of the Houfu.

He took the task is through the thousand sound Pavilion, carrier pigeon is he raised after placed in the thousand sound Pavilion, thousand sound Pavilion does not know his identity.

The appointed place is a wing room on the second floor of qianyin Pavilion.

The other side seems to have been waiting for a long time.

He was wearing a mask, and the other side was wearing a hat, so they could not see each other's faces.

"I've heard so much about you Holding a folding fan, the other side arched at Gu Chengfeng with a smile.

It sounds like seventy years old and eighty years old, but the hand holding the folding fan is very young.

Gu Chengfeng has never seen any strange way to hide his identity in the past few years when he took over the task. The unique skill of changing voice is a small skill.

Gu Chengfeng opened the door to the mountain and said, "tell me, what do you want?"

The other side smiles, takes out a money bag from the bosom to put on the table first, slowly pushes to Gu Chengfeng's front.

Gu Chengfeng opened his purse and saw that it was all gold!

Gu Chengfeng pulled the gold inside and looked at the other side suspiciously: "it seems to be a powerful baby."

The other side laughed: "it's a person, my son wants a person."

In the middle of the night, to steal?

Gu Chengfeng touched his chin: "so much gold, can't I steal from the palace?"

The other side smiles even more: "it's not that difficult, just an ordinary young man."

"So much gold?" Gu Chengfeng is not stupid.

"It's a little expensive." The other side said and took out a picture from the wide sleeve.

At the moment of seeing the portrait, Gu Chengfeng's face froze.

How could it be him?

The other side said with a smile: "he is a member of the Marquis's residence in Ding'an. I believe it's not difficult to find him with your ability."

Gu Chengfeng said as usual: "what's this man to steal? You can't pick your shoulders, you can't lift your hands. "

In fact, this is illogical. Who steals a little childe in order to let the other party do heavy work?

But the man didn't think about it deeply. He just laughed and said, "my son likes it. Originally, he only likes it one or two points. Now he's hurt and the cost is heavy. He wants to get it more and more. Otherwise, he's losing one in vain..."

At this point, the man coughed and stopped.

However, Gu Chengfeng's mind is almost instinctively out of two: arms.

I lost an arm.

Who is that man——

Gu Chengfeng opened his eyes and clenched his fist!

The man in the bamboo hat looked at Gu Chengfeng's purse and said with a smile, "these are just deposit. After the event, he will pay ten times the reward."

This is Gu Chengfeng's biggest order in recent years. Ten times the reward. That's a thousand Liang.

It's not true to say no.

But Gu Chengfeng is not abnormal enough to sell the people in Hou's house. He throws his money bag on the table: "I can't take this list, and I promise you, no one in the capital can take it."

The man in the bamboo hat showed his teeth melancholy: "is that right? That's a pity... Can I ask why? "

"I only steal things, not people! Goodbye. " Gu Chengfeng said perfunctorily, helped the mask on his face and went out without looking back.

After walking out of qianyin Pavilion, he stood in the cold wind for a long time.

Is the gold owner Tang Ming?

Does Tang Ming take a fancy to Gu Yan?

Is that why elder brother cut off Tang Ming's arm?

"Young master!"

As Gu Chengfeng pondered, a man from qianyin Pavilion came out and said to him, "just now, the leader of the pavilion stopped another job and asked if you want to take it. It's a painting and calligraphy."

This kind of work is not difficult for Gu Chengfeng. He is about to open his mouth, but suddenly he thinks of something and is silent.

"Young master?" The man looked at him suspiciously.

"Forget it. I'm busy tonight. I won't take on the task."

"Ah... Yes."

Gu Chengfeng went back to the mansion as soon as he could.

He stayed in his room, did not take off his night clothes, and looked out of the window from time to time.

But he waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for anything.

He touched his chin and said, "don't you come?"


An electric light flashed in his mind. He put on his mask, opened the door and went out!


In the dead of night, the solemn and solemn general's house is brightly lit.

Tang Ming's arm was broken by Gu Changqing. Tang Yueshan invited the best medical officer in the military camp to stop Tang Ming's blood.

"Where's the arm?" Tang Yueshan asked, "can I still connect my nephew's arm?"

The medical officials looked at each other.

Wu, the chief medical officer, said with shame, "if you come back to the Tang Dynasty, I'm sorry that our medical skills are too shallow to cure your nephew's arm."

Tang Yueshan said calmly: "how can it not be cured? Isn't it all written in your medical books... Transplant flowers and graft trees? "

Wu official said: "there are records in ancient books, but no one has succeeded. It is said that there is a precedent in the state of Yan, but it is only said."

Tang Yueshan couldn't have gone to the state of Yan for the sake of a legend. Even if he was willing, the state of Yan had a long way to go. When he got there, the cauliflower was cold.

Just when Tang Yueshan was in a mess, another medical officer surnamed Jiang said, "Lord Tang, I know a medical school."

Tang Yueshan said excitedly: "speak quickly! Who is it

Doctor Jiang said, "have you ever heard of miaozhou hall

Tang Yueshan shook his head: "never."

After thinking about it, doctor Jiang said, "have you ever heard of the bellows accident in the Yamen of the Ministry of industry?"

Tang Yueshan pondered: "I've heard something about this marshal. What's the relationship between this and miaozhou hall?"

Doctor Jiang said: "you don't know. Miaozhou hall is one of the hospitals that were drafted by the imperial court for treatment. The doctors of miaozhou hall are far more skilled than other hospitals, and they have treated the most critical patients. Even a craftsman who almost swallowed his breath has been rescued."

Tang Yueshan said quickly, "then go and invite people here!"

At night, the steward of the Tang family came to the wonderful hand hall.

He went into the hall and yelled, "call out the most skilled doctor here, and follow me to the Marshal's house immediately!"

Gu Jiao is the most skillful doctor in miaozhou hall. However, Gu Jiao is not here today. In the past, shopkeeper Wang would let doctor song go to see him. Anyway, they don't know who is the most skillful doctor.

Doctor song's medical skill is also very good, which is very popular with Miss Gu.

Can hear the last sentence yuan Shuai Fu, Wang shopkeeper not calm.

"Dare to ask... What is the disease?" He asked the steward of Tang house.

The steward of the Tang family didn't hide it. He said frankly, "my son's arm has been cut off. Can it be cured?"

This song doctor can't cure it.

As for whether Miss Gu can be cured, shopkeeper Wang is not sure. After all, he has never seen Gu Jiaozhi.

He hesitated for a moment, or called xiaosanzi over: "you go to Miss Gu's house."

Xiao Sanzi went to Bishui Hutong.

It was Gu Xiaoshun who opened the door for him.

"Xiaoshun, is your sister here?" Asked little three.

Gu Xiaoshun said, "my sister is next door. What can I do for you?"

Xiaosanzi nodded: "well, I'll go next door to find her."

Gu Jiao just finished the hanging bottle for Gu Yan. When she heard that Xiao Sanzi was coming, she packed up her things, tucked in the quilt corner for Gu Yan, and put down the curtain: "come in."

"Well Xiaosanzi came in. He didn't look at it or ask. He was very polite. "Miss Gu, there's a guest in the hospital. I want to invite you out."

"Can't doctor song go?" Gu Jiao said.

Xiaosanzi said: "it's a patient in Marshal's mansion. It's said that someone cut off his arm. Doctor song can't treat it."

Gu Jiao tidied up the curtain: "Marshal's house? Which Marshal's mansion? "

Xiaosanzi said: "there is only one Marshal's mansion in the capital, which is the original Tang mansion." He looked around and whispered, "Miss Gu, haven't you heard the big news today?"

"What's the news?" Gu Jiao asked.

The third son said: "there's an accident in Hushan camp. It's said that the nephew of the Grand Marshal of the world's army and horse fought with others and was seriously injured... I didn't expect that he cut off his arm. I don't know who was so bold..."

Who else?

Gu Jiao slightly narrowed her eyes, and there was a faint light in her eyes: "OK, I'll go."

"Great! Then I'll wait for you in the carriage! " Xiaosanzi said with a smile and went out in a hurry.

Gu Jiao smiles evil, takes out her small book and writes down Tang Ming's name on it with a charcoal pen.

Gu Jiao, carrying a small basket on her back, got on the carriage of Xiao Sanzi and went to miaozhou hall.

When he saw that the woman was actually a medical woman, the housekeeper of the Tang family disdained: "how could she be a medical woman?"

Xiaosanzi retorted: "this is the most skillful doctor in our miaozhou hall! It's also the owner of our wonderful hand hall! It's not a medical woman! It's a woman doctor

To see the emperor sick, understand?


The steward of the Tang family still disdained.

Gu Jiao said softly: "if I can't cure your son's injury, there should be no doctor in the world who can cure it."

Xiao Sanzi straightened up: "that's right!"

The housekeeper of the Tang Dynasty thinks that a small medical center should not have the courage to fool the Marshal's house. After frowning, he takes Gu Jiao to the Marshal's house.

Tang Yueshan was not happy to see that the woman was a doctor, but the doctor recognized Gu Jiao: "this, this is the doctor at the scene of the accident that day! She's very good at medicine! She rescued the most patients! "

Hearing what Jiang said, Tang Yueshan let go a little. He took a look at Gu Jiao.

The face is incomplete.

However, he didn't have any sense of self weakness. Instead, he was very calm and generous.

However, I don't know if it's my own illusion. The girl's eyes... Seem a little excited?

I must think too much.

What's the thrill of treating his nephew? He should be nervous. After all, if he can't be cured, he will be angry.

Tang Yueshan said, "you should listen to the housekeeper about my handsome nephew. Can you cure him?"

"Yes." Gu Jiao said.

Tang Yueshan Leng Leng, so... Easy? No hesitation?

"It's not cheap." Gu Jiao said again.

Tang Yueshan hummed coldly: "as long as you can cure Ben Shuai's nephew, he can afford to pay for his medical treatment."

Gu Jiao compared a finger: "5000 Liang."

"Hiss --" Tang Yueshan took a cold breath. He gritted his teeth, "OK, as long as you can really cure him, let alone 5000 Liang, 10000 Liang!"

Gu Jiao picks eyebrow: "that is ten thousand Liang."

Tang Yueshan took a deep look at Gu Jiao: "follow me."

Tang Yueshan takes Gu Jiao to Tang Ming's yard.

Marshal's mansion is bigger than Marquis's mansion in Ding'an, and the route is complicated. If it's not led by someone, it's hard for Gu Jiao, a former spy, not to get lost.

Along the way, Gu Jiao looked around.

Tang Yueshan thought that she had never been to such a high gate mansion, and said nothing.

Entering Tang Ming's room, a strong smell of blood came to his face.

Gu Jiao look unchanged, first to Tang Ming saw the wound, to Tang Yueshan: "I'll give him surgery, you go outside and wait."

"No way." Tang Yueshan said coldly, "I don't trust you. If you take advantage of my absence and do something about tomorrow, I'll regret it."

Old man, very cautious.

Gu Jiao said, "it's up to you."

Tang Yueshan insisted on staying in the house.

He saw Gu Jiao open the small medicine box, first put on a pair of gloves for herself, took a strange needle into Tang Ming's arm, and at the other end of the needle was a bottle of strange liquid medicine.

Gu Jiao began to sew up Tang Ming.

The whole process was closely monitored by Tang Yueshan.

Tang Yueshan is not Gu Chengfeng's unofficial youth. He has been on the battlefield, stepped on dead bones, and scraped meat among the dead. He can stand the bloody scene.

It was Gu Jiao's calmness that made Tang Yueshan have some sidelights.

He has killed people, so he is not afraid. How does a girl keep her face? She didn't kill anyone!

The operation went well.

"Will he still be able to carry the sword?" Asked Tang Yueshan.

Gu Jiao said, "I don't know. I only treat injuries, not martial arts."

Tang Yueshan didn't expect much from the bottom of his heart. It's not easy to connect this arm. It doesn't matter if he can't hold the sword. He has another hand. It's a big deal. He'll practice his left hand from now on!

Tang Yueshan asks the housekeeper to pay the money to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao took the silver and immediately went out of the Marshal's house.

However, she did not go back, but put on a small black dress, put on a beautiful peacock plume mask, quietly sneaked back to the Marshal's house.

The way to marshal's mansion is in her mind.

Tang Ming, here she is.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

After a whole day of flying chicken and dog, the Marshal's house has finally recovered its former tranquility. Tang Ming's situation is very stable. Tang Yueshan goes back to his yard with confidence, leaving two secret guards behind.

Two dark guards guard outside Tang Ming's room.

Suddenly, a small shadow from the sky, a hand anesthesia needle, swish into the two people's body!

Dark Wei body a soft, fell down.

Gu Jiao pushed the door open and walked in slowly. The elegant trains meandered past the cold threshold.

She came to Tang Ming's bed and looked at him with great interest, like a prey about to enter the net.

Tang Ming's anesthetic effect in the operation gradually passed, but Gu Jiao added something else in it, so he should not be able to move now, but the pain was more sensitive than ever.

Sure enough, Tang Ming began to feel pain.

His sword wounds, big and small, as well as his arm wounds, rushed to wake him up.

He opened his eyes in a cold sweat, and then he saw a ghostly figure in front of the bed.

Small figure wearing a peacock plume mask, do not have a thrilling strange!

Tang Ming was startled!

Come on——

He cried.

But found that his throat can only make a sound of cooing.

Gu Jiao bent the corners of her lips. Well, it's very effective. Her vocal cords are numb.