The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 278

Today, the sky is gloomy.

The soldiers of Hushan camp have finished their morning exercises and are arrayed on the playground.

Tang Ming rode his horse and walked past each square array.

Vice General Hu rode with him, half a horse behind him.

On the grade, both of them are from five grades; In terms of seniority, Deputy General Hu is much more profound than the new deputy general Tang Ming.

But who let Tang Ming have an uncle to be the Grand Marshal of the world?

Tang Ming himself was brave enough. In a few days, he was promoted from a captain to a deputy general. Maybe he will be a serious general soon.

Deputy General Hu didn't have the courage to offend the Little Buddha.

"How did those people stand?" Tang Ming stopped the horse, pointed to the last square array and said, "it's crooked. Can't you even stand? What's the use of this waste in the barracks? "

Deputy General Hu pinched a cold sweat, then... Is it not enough to stand upright?

It's a prick.

So it is.

The square array was full of the original Gu family army. In the early years, marquis Gu didn't deal with the Grand Marshal of the world's army. After the Gu family army was incorporated into his command, some generals took care of people's affairs and embarrassed the Gu family army.

As for Tang Ming, he did not hide his pressure on Gu's army after he entered the camp.

For example, at this time——

Tang Ming said in a cold voice: "all the people nearby are scattered. Those people stay and continue to stand for me until I am satisfied!"

"..." Deputy General Hu waved his hand to the pro guards on one side, "don't you go soon?"

"Yes." The bodyguard conveyed Tang Ming's order.

They took it for granted, looked at the people sympathetically and went to the dining hall for breakfast.

Those people stayed all morning until the start of the competition, and they didn't have breakfast, but it's impossible to let them eat now. Even if they did, the dining hall would have been cleaned up.

Deputy General Hu felt inexplicably that Tang Ming was a little tough today. Although he had made things difficult in the past, he would not make people hungry on such an important day.

If we change to the battlefield, will we not let the soldiers go to battle hungry to kill the enemy?

Deputy General Hu was puzzled, but he didn't dare to say more.

There are two challenge arenas in the barracks.

The big challenge arena is usually used in the annual competition. Today, the small challenge arena is used.

Martial arts competition has always been a tradition in the military camp. The original intention is to stimulate morale and select talents. Every time the champion is rewarded with ten taels of silver.

Most of the people in the barracks are from the common people. They are rare in silver, but they are even rarer to be liked by the generals.

At the beginning, Vice General Hu took a fancy to Xue Ningxiang's brother-in-law tuizhuang because he won a very powerful commander in the ring.

The challenge arena begins.

Tang Ming, Deputy General Hu and several other generals of Hushan camp sat on the temporary stand directly opposite.

However, to several people's surprise, Gu Changqing was the first one to play.

Gu Changqing, dressed in a dark brocade and holding a long sword, stood up above the challenge arena and under the sky.

The place where Tang Ming was beaten by Gu Changqing is still in pain. He squints coldly: "what's the situation? How did Gu Duwei get on the stage? "

Yes, how did Gu Changqing come to the challenge arena?

He can see this level of challenge arena?

In fact, in the early days, the challenge arena was always led by the generals. After the generals passed the competition, they gave the challenge arena to the rest of the soldiers. In the rear, the official style of the barracks prevailed. The generals with official titles felt that they were not proud when they won, but also ashamed when they lost, and gradually withdrew from the challenge arena.

This is Gu Changqing's first challenge.

He is facing the wind, jade crown bundle hair, robe hunting and move, momentum like a rainbow!

No one dares to go up for a long time.

Gu Changqing then began to call names. He was a Duwei. As long as he didn't order someone higher than himself, no one could refuse.

The first name he called was Fu Peng.

This is Tang Ming's man.

Gu Changqing didn't give Tang Ming any face. He beat him down with one move.

After that, Gu Changqing ordered seventeen or eighteen, all under the command of Tang Ming.

Tang Ming's fists are all clenched.

If he can't see that Gu Changqing is aiming at him on purpose, he can't say it.

Oh, is Gu Changqing fighting for the injustice of Gu's army or taking revenge for his stepbrother?

Gu Changqing has defeated one of Tang Ming's subordinates. He doesn't even use weapons.

He looked at Tang Ming and made no secret of his provocation: "is this the soldier brought out by deputy general Tang? No more than that. "

The method of arousing generals is absolutely effective to Tang Ming, especially in front of the whole army. Tang Ming can't afford to lose his face!

Tang Ming looks coldly at Gu Changqing, grabs the sword on the table, then jumps up and falls steadily on the challenge arena.

The crowd was dumbfounded.


What day is it today?

Is the little overlord of the Tang family going to fight cold faced Yama?

So exciting?

Gu Changqing's relationship with Tang Ming has not been harmonious, but it's the first time that Tang Ming has provoked Gu Changqing countless times, but Gu Changqing always chooses to ignore it.

People still think that these two people are not right.

"It seems that Gu Duwei first provoked Tang's deputy general..."

"Yes, what happened to him?"

"I don't know. His eyes are frightening."

Everyone saw that Gu Changqing was different today. He used to be a cold faced man in the military camp, but he was neither impulsive nor provocative, let alone enveloped in a huge murderous atmosphere.

This kind of Gu Duwei is really frightening.

Tang Ming said with a smile: "admit it, you are actually jealous of me. You are jealous that I have become an assistant general and ride on your head all of a sudden. What is revenge for stepbrother? I think about it. Gu Changqing is not such a fraternal person. "

Gu Changqing didn't talk to him. He threw out his sword, pulled it out in the air, kicked the scabbard, and the scabbard galloped towards Tang Ming!

As soon as Tang Ming's face changed, he suddenly turned over, and the scabbard flew past his face, firmly inserted into the wall behind the challenge arena.

That wallboard... Is made of stone!

How much strength does it take to insert such a blunt scabbard!

Tang Ming's eyes fell back on Changqing, and his heart was filled with an uncertain premonition.

He knew for a long time that Gu Changqing had hidden his strength, but he didn't know about it. In the 18 bronze men formation, he broke into the 12 levels and Gu Changqing broke into the 13 levels.

But just now the strength of that move, at least 15 pass up.

Tang Ming suddenly regretted coming to power.

It's just that it's too late to go down now.

With so many people watching him, he can't surrender or lose!

Tang Ming also pulled out the scabbard and threw it back to his men. Then he struck Gu Changqing.

The weapon of the Marquis is Jiu Jie Bian, so Gu Changqing is good at whip, but he doesn't like to use Jiu Jie Bian.

Seeing Tang Ming's sword attacking him, Gu Changqing didn't hide.

Is this man stupefied by his sword?

As soon as this idea flashed through Tang Ming's mind, Tang Ming was struck by Gu Changqing!

Tang Ming was confused. He didn't see how Gu Changqing did it!

The sword cut Tang Ming's armor and cut a hole in his right abdomen. The blood splashed out!

Everyone was shocked!

Although... The sword has no eyes, is it too fast and fierce?

Tang Ming covered the wound in disbelief, stepped back a few steps, looked at the blood of the wound, gritted his teeth and said: "Gu Changqing, you want to die!"

Gu Changqing's eyes flashed cold: "I said, don't make up his mind, I will kill you! It's not to kill you secretly, it's to beat you to the ground, trample you under your feet, and then kill you again! "

Tang Ming suddenly realized that Gu Changqing was serious. He seemed to understand why Gu Changqing did it.

Gu Changqing is humiliating him!

Because he humiliated Gu Yan, Gu Changqing wanted him to taste it ten times or a hundred times!

Tang Ming clenched his fist: "you are crazy! Are you not afraid that you will pay for my life? "

Gu Changqing tells him that he is afraid of it. He cuts Tang Ming's right abdomen with his sword.

The third Sword Pierced Tang Ming's left arm.

The fourth sword cuts Tang Ming's left leg.

The fifth sword

From the beginning of Tang Ming's move, he didn't win Gu Changqing in one move. Instead, every sword of Gu Changqing could see blood on Tang Ming.

This is not a contest.

It's unilateral!

The emperor's proud son, Tang Ming, the second best man in the military camp, is so vulnerable?

"Stop it

Deputy General Hu can't see it any more. He will lose his life if he hits Tang Ming again.

Gu Changqing not only stopped, but stabbed Tang Ming in the heart!

Everyone take a breath!

Tang Ming has long been unable to move, just like Gu Yan, who was unable to move last night, he became a lamb for others to do.

All the blood had faded from his face.

For a military general, being abused in the challenge arena is no different from ordinary people being oppressed.

He tasted Gu Yan's despair and humiliation!

At that time, a strong wind forced Tang Ming away from Gu Changqing's sword.

Tang Ming bumped into the wallboard and spat out a mouthful of blood, but somehow escaped the fatal blow.

A tall and powerful figure fell on the challenge arena, blocking Tang Ming behind him.

After seeing the person clearly, Tang Ming climbed over excitedly and hugged each other's leg: "uncle! He's going to kill me

Tang Yueshan's icy eyes fell on Gu Changqing's face: "doesn't Gu Duwei know the rules of martial arts competition? Don't hurt people's lives

"Is he human?" Gu Changqing asked coldly.

Tang Ming gives his uncle a guilty look.

But Tang Yueshan didn't look at him: "he punished the old family. It's true that he was too strict, but if you want to take his life for this, I'm afraid you are the one who is more severe."

Gu Changqing didn't explain.

That's fine.

Keep Gu Yan's secret.

Tang Yueshan hums coldly: "that is inferior, this Shuai and you have two moves!"

Tang Yueshan is famous for his short guard, which is why few people dare to provoke Tang Ming in the capital. Even if he is bullied by Tang Ming, he can only swallow his anger.

Tang Ming looked at Gu Changqing with deep hatred and pain, and a ferocious look of revenge flashed on his face: "uncle! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him and avenge me

In front of the whole army camp, Tang Yueshan could not have killed Gu Changqing, but it was easy for Gu Changqing to suffer.

However, just as he was about to make his move, a loud voice sounded: "wait a minute!"

Gu Changqing frowned.

Deputy General Hu and others turned their heads to have a look, old Marquis?

The old Marquis followed by the slow Xuanping marquis.

The old Marquis has become an official and no longer holds any official posts, but Xuanping marquis is a general of Dingguo. Everyone has to salute him except Tang Yueshan.

The official position of Tang Yueshan was higher than that of him, but his status was not as good as that of him. Xuanping Marquis was a Marquis of martial arts, and his royal relatives and relatives.

Tang Yueshan bowed his hand reluctantly, which was a very perfunctory ceremony.

Xuanping Hou didn't care. He said with a faint smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't worry about it."

Tang Yueshan has a bad relationship with the old Marquis, and it is not much better than Xuanping marquis. The former is because of the festival, while the latter is... Apart from their different positions, Xuanping marquis is too irritating!

Tang Yueshan is the same age as Xuanping Marquis, but when they stand together, it seems that they are different.

With his hands in his sleeves, Xuanping looked at Tang Yueshan's round stomach with a smile: "it seems that Lord Tang has eaten a lot of money recently. Is the salary of the Grand Marshal too high? If you are a Grand Marshal, don't worry all day long. You have more wrinkles

Tang Yueshan was very angry.

What's the meaning of which pot doesn't open? That's it.

Tang Yueshan used to be a beautiful man when he was young, but now he has become a middle-aged greasy uncle.

Look at Xuanping Marquis again. He looked like this 20 years ago. He still looks like this 20 years later!

Irritating, not irritating!

If other people trample on him like this, can he still say what a man should do if he is so good-looking? Can he know martial arts? Can I play? Can you fight the enemy?

But I can't say that to Xuanping.

With the arrival of Xuanping Marquis, the atmosphere turned upside down.

Tang Yueshan's gnashing of teeth towards Gu Changqing was separated by Xuanping marquis. Even when the Marquis proposed to take Gu Changqing back to the palace for strict discipline, Tang Yueshan agreed.

Of course, it was also Tang Ming who was too injured, lost too much blood and fainted.