The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 266

Gu Jiao found herself lying on a dry bed when she woke up.

She raised her head, looked left and right, and recognized that this was her boudoir in the hospital. She tried to move her body and found that she was in pain.

"Are you awake?"

Xiao LIULANG's voice rang gently on her head.

However, she was lying on her stomach and her neck movement was limited, so she couldn't see him for a moment.

"Don't move. I'll come." Xiao LIULANG took a few steps forward and sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. She sweated a little. Xiao LIULANG took a handkerchief and wiped her forehead.

"How do you feel?" He asked, "does it hurt?"

"No pain." She said.

These physical pain can't help her at all. She is used to it and doesn't feel anything.

She looked around.

Xiao LIULANG looked at her restless look, can't help but with a severe tone: "you are seriously injured, don't move."

The tone is stern, but the eyes are full of worry.

Today, he had been tutoring Lin Chengye and Feng Lin at Lin Chengye's home. Suddenly, there was a rainstorm, which made him feel uneasy. Sure enough, after a while, Liu Quan came over and said that Gu Jiao and the old lady had an accident.

Liu Quan also just got home. After Gu Xiaoshun's being hijacked, he caught up with Gu Jiao and the old lady again before he recovered from the incident.

He was sent to the hospital by Xuanping marquis.

Gu Jiao and the old lady were injured, and they were in a coma on the spot. Xuanping Marquis and Chang Jing came to kill the old lady together. As a result, he saw Zhuang Taifu. With Zhuang Taifu, he could not be killed.

When Xuanping Marquis arrived, Gu Jiao and the old lady had been picked out from the ruins. A large group of people surrounded the old lady, but Gu Jiao had only one old sacrificial wine by her side.

Xuanping Hou sent Gu Jiao, who was covered with blood, to the hospital.

The old lady's injury is not optimistic. Her head is bleeding. Zhuang Taifu worries that she won't be able to make it back to the house, so he follows Marquis Xuanping and sends her to the hospital.

Gu Jiao's back was hit by the roof, and she almost broke her spine. Doctor Song said that if her spine was broken, she would face the risk of paraplegia and could not stand up all her life.

When he heard this, Xiao LIULANG's cold sweat came out.

But Rao's spine was saved, and her back and legs were swollen, blue and purple, and scratched by wood chips.

Then there was her elbow. At that time, she was protecting the old lady from falling down. She could support the ground with at least one hand, but she protected her aunt's waist with one hand and her head with the other. As a result, her knees and elbows touched the ground, and all of them were bruised!

But she said it didn't hurt, and she moved around.

Xiao LIULANG felt that as her husband, even in name, he had to reason with her. He could no longer ignore his own safety and recuperate well.

Gu Jiao looked around blankly: "where's aunt?"

All Xiao LIULANG's words were blocked in his throat.

In another wing room, an old doctor named Lu bandaged the head injury for the old lady.

The old lady was still in a coma, but her breath was not as faint as before.

"Is she all right?" Asked Zhuang Taifu.

Old doctor Lu didn't know the identity of the other party, but seeing that he was rich or expensive, he bowed his hand and said, "if you go back to the master, the old lady's injury is not serious, the wound is not deep, and the blood has stopped, and people will be ok when they wake up."

It's Miss Gu who is so hurt that he can't bear to look at her.

Zhuang Taifu put down his heart and gave old doctor Lu a ingot of silver: "you step down."

"Yes Old doctor Lu retreated with the medicine box.

Zhuang Taifu is by the bed.

Think of just now of affair, he is also a aftershock of time and again, he is more worried about empress dowager to be smashed out good or bad.

Zhuang Taifu didn't wait too long, so the people on the bed slowly opened their eyes.

Zhuang Taifu quickly stood up and looked at her excitedly: "sister, are you awake?"

I think she hasn't recovered her memory, so it's easier for her to accept this name, but when he looks at each other, the whole person suddenly froze.

It was the fierce and domineering look in his eyes even when he was ill. It was the only look that belonged to Zhuang Jinse.

Zhuang Taifu stepped back, straightened his clothes, stretched out his hand, gradually lowered his legs, and bowed his hand: "minister, welcome the Empress Dowager!"

Since then, there has been no aunt in the world, only empress dowager Zhuang.


Empress Dowager Zhuang got into the carriage of his wife and left for the mansion.

Before leaving, Zhuang Taifu asked the bodyguard to go to the mansion and inform his family. A large family of his sons, Zhuang Ping, Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang mu, Zhen's eldest daughter-in-law, Feng's second daughter-in-law, Tan's third daughter-in-law, and several other children, including the king of an County, stood outside the mansion and in the wind and rain, waiting for the arrival of Empress Dowager Zhuang.

The carriage stopped outside the stormy house.

Zhuang Ping knelt down first. After he knelt down, all the people on the scene knelt down in a clatter. He bowed his hand and said in a loud voice: "I'm here to welcome the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager is thousands of years old, thousands of years old!"

Everyone kowtowed and saluted: "welcome the empress dowager, the Empress Dowager is thousands of years old, thousands of years old!"

Zhuang Taifu came down from another carriage, stood in the wind and rain, and personally held an umbrella for the Empress Dowager.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is still dressed in the clothes of blue water Hutong, but this does not affect her aura.

These people are her family, but they all kneel at her feet.

She glanced at them faintly: "flat body."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" Everyone respectfully answered and stood up. Everyone's clothes were soaked, but even the youngest three-year-old didn't dare to say a word.

Everyone knows that the Empress Dowager respects the rules.

Zhuang Taifu said with a smile: "hurry into the house. It's raining heavily. The Empress Dowager is injured. It's not suitable to get in the rain."

Zhuang Taifu went into Zhuang's house and into the courtyard carefully prepared by Zhuang's family.

This is Zhuang Jinse's courtyard before she came out of the pavilion. All the plants, flowers and trees in it are arranged according to her layout before she came out of the pavilion, and they still maintain their original appearance for decades.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't even lift her eyelids and stepped up the steps.

Just in passing a Begonia tree, she took a look, always feel less children dish above.

She entered the room.

In the Chuang Tzu family, the only people who knew about the leprosy incident of Empress Dowager Zhuang were Zhuang Taifu and Princess an, as well as their confidants. Therefore, Zhuang Taifu didn't even call his son, so he only brought Princess an.

After the three entered the room, Zhuang Taifu called two maids to come over: "originally, the people around the Empress Dowager were in the palace. This is the servant selected by heng'er, who will stay with the Empress Dowager first."

"No, go out." Empress Dowager Zhuang sat down and waved her hand, "there is no need for people to wait in front of the mourning family."

Both of them were in a daze. Empress dowager Zhuang talked about rules and ostentation. On weekdays, there were at least seven or eight eunuchs in the palace——

Empress Dowager Zhuang reached for the teapot on the table to pour tea.

Zhuang Taifu frowned, looked at the two maids and said, "what are you doing? Don't give tea to the Empress Dowager! "

They rushed forward to pour tea.

Empress Dowager Zhuang banged the teapot on the table, obviously with a trace of impatience. They were so scared that they fell on their knees.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was flustered for a moment. She seemed to understand that her reaction was not in accordance with her identity. She said in a light way: "pour it out."

"Yes They looked at each other and stood up, one serving tea and the other serving snacks.

Empress Dowager Zhuang had no appetite. After a sip of tea, she asked them to leave.

"What happened these days?" Asked the Empress Dowager.

Zhuang Taifu and an Jun Wang exchanged a look, and they all saw surprise from each other's eyes.

Or the king of Anjun said, "don't you... Remember what happened?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang pressed her sore Temple: "Ai family only remembers that she had leprosy and was forced to go to leprosy mountain. AI family escaped when people were unprepared. Later, AI family seemed to go to a lot of places and finally fainted... AI family doesn't remember what happened after that. Where did you find AI family? How many days have I been in a coma

Coma, how many days?

They couldn't help but gasp.

The Empress Dowager thought of the past, but she didn't remember what happened in these days. Her memory stayed in the day when she fainted in the village.

When she thought of something, Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "by the way, how's leprosy in AI's family?"

"Your leprosy..."

"You don't have leprosy! It's misdiagnosis! " Zhuang Taifu interrupted the king of an County.

"Misdiagnosis?" Empress Dowager Zhuang frowned.

Zhuang Taifu said: "yes, it's misdiagnosis! To be honest, you have been missing for more than a year. If you really have leprosy, it can't be the current situation! "

Empress Dowager Zhuang looked at her hand and touched her face again: "I clearly remember having symptoms..."

Zhuang Taifu said, "leprosy can't be cured. You just have similar symptoms, but it's not leprosy!"

In Zhao state, leprosy is indeed incurable. It is said that only in the most powerful Yan state can there be a cure for leprosy.

After a pause, Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "where are the days when the AI family disappeared?"

Zhuang Taifu said: "the Empress Dowager is controlled by your Majesty's people! I don't know what medicine they gave the empress dowager, but she lost her memory. I came to meet her several times, but they all stopped her mercilessly. Today, I had to send a secret guard to rob her. As a result, I hurt the Empress Dowager by mistake. Please punish her! "

The king of Anjun wanted to say nothing.

"Auntie! Auntie

Zhuang Mengdie's voice came from outside.

Empress Dowager Zhuang was in a trance again.

A name flashed through her mind. It seemed that someone had called her that, but she couldn't remember that name.

"It's a dream butterfly." Zhuang Taifu laughed. "She should be with her sister. Empress dowager, do you want to meet them?"

Dream of butterflies.

The one who called her aunt is Mengdie?

Yes, or who else would call her aunt?

Empress Dowager Zhuang nodded: "come in."

Zhuang Mengdie pushed open the door and entered the room happily: "aunt!"

"Call the Empress Dowager!" Zhuang Taifu reminded me with a serious face.

"Oh." Zhuang Mengdie answered reluctantly and saluted respectfully, "Mengdie has seen the Empress Dowager."

Together with her, Zhuang Yuexi, who came into the house one after another, also bowed and saluted, "Yuexi has met the Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Zhuang nodded.

Zhuang Mengdie sat down beside the empress dowager, took her arm and said intimately, "empress dowager, I miss you so much! Why don't you summon me? "

Zhuang Taifu said with a straight face: "don't be unruly

Zhuang Mengdie snorted.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is very fond of the children of the dealer. First, she has no children of her own. Second, these children are really pleasing.

Empress Dowager Zhuang looks at Zhuang Mengdie and Zhuang Yuexi.

In fact, Empress Dowager Zhuang used to love Zhuang Mengdie. The crying children had milk to eat. Zhuang Mengdie would act like a coqueter, so naturally she got more love.

But today, the Empress Dowager wants to be closer to the quiet Zhuang Yue.

She looked at Zhuang Yue Xi in a daze.

Zhuang Taifu winked at Zhuang Yuexi. Zhuang Yuexi understood and went to sit down on the other side of the Empress Dowager.

Empress Dowager Zhuang raised her hand and touched Zhuang Yuexi's left face: "no more?"

"Nothing?" Zhuang Mengdie asked strangely.

Yeah, nothing?

Empress Dowager Zhuang did not know.

The hospital.

Gu Jiao stood quietly at the entrance of the lobby. She was still injured. There was cold wind pouring in, wrapped in cold rain.

Xiao LIULANG held an umbrella on top of her.

"My aunt is gone." Xiao LIULANG said.

"Will she come back?" Gu Jiao looked back at him and asked.

At this moment, she finally had the childishness and hesitation that a 15-year-old girl should have.

But Xiao LIULANG was not happy.

Xiao LIULANG sighed, drooped his eyes and said in a low voice, "Jiaojiao, she's not my aunt. She won't be any more."

Gu Jiao looked blankly at the torrential rain, and her little body was a little lonely.

Xiao LIULANG put down his umbrella, pulled her body and gently pressed her into his arms.

Her head rested on his tight chest.

She shook her head, opened her eyes wide and said seriously, "I'm not uncomfortable."

Xiao LIULANG put his arm around her waist and clasped her head with his big palm: "well."

In the yard, Gu Yan was sleeping. Suddenly, he woke up, opened his eyes and sat up.

Yao was startled by him: "what's the matter?"

Gu Yan didn't speak, and a tear came from his eyes. He wiped the tear with his fingertips and took a look.

Yao also saw it. She was surprised and said, "Why are you crying?"

Gu Yan: "I didn't cry."

It's not his tears, it's delicate.