The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 265

Old wine Temple suddenly jump!

If the Xuanping Marquis doesn't come, he will die!

Where did he really admit his mistake? It's clear that it's intentional.

The Empress Dowager Zhuang is in the palace to recuperate from illness. Who can say that the woman outside who has the name of husband and wife is a empress dowager?

The emperor did not want to see empress dowager Zhuang any more, but the royal family's reputation was both prosperous and damaged. Even in order to keep the reputation and integrity of the royal family, the emperor would not admit that the woman who gave the former Emperor a green hat was empress dowager Zhuang.

Besides, the emperor originally wanted to get rid of Empress Dowager Zhuang, but the emperor had more scruples than Marquis Xuanping. In addition, Empress Dowager Zhuang also had what the emperor had always wanted. However, if Marquis Xuanping really killed empress dowager Zhuang, the emperor would be angry and regret that he didn't get what he deserved, but he would not really want Marquis Xuanping's life.

Well, it wasn't his illusion last time. Xuanping marquis is really cunning!

It's a common saying in the world that Xuanping Marquis always wins battles by his bravery. In fact, they are all wrong. Bravery is important, but if Xuanping Marquis had no brains, he would have been fooled by the enemy.

The old sacrificial wine belongs to the party who has been arrested. On the one hand, he has to endure the confusion brought about by his guilty heart, and on the other hand, he can't really let Zhuang Jinse be killed. He says quickly: "can't he look like a horse? What pretends not? "

Xuanping sneered: "Oh, the illegitimate son and the legitimate son of the Marquis are just like each other. At least they are brothers. What's the relationship between this man and the one in the palace? sisters? Well

The old sacrificial wine was speechless for a moment.

You say you can't be a warrior quietly? If you are a military general, your brain and mouth are so sharp, civil servants will have no way to go.

The old sacrificial wine said that he could still survive, and he was determined not to lose to a military general. He looked at Xuanping Marquis zhengse and said, "you can't kill her! She is LIULANG's aunt

After a pause, he remembered that his aunt was his grandfather's sister. Naturally, Xuanping did not have such an aunt. The old priest wrote: "his elder brother's father's aunt!"

This eldest brother refers to the eldest son born to Chen yunniang and her ex husband. If he is his eldest brother's aunt, Xiao LIULANG, as his half brother, would be right to call his aunt.

What's more, the elder brother treats LIULANG extremely well, and Xiao LIULANG can provide for the elder brother's aunt.

Xuanping Marquis ah a, way: "do you think this marquis will letter?"

Old wine to finger: "absolutely true! If you lie, the sky will break the thunder


There was a thunder in the sky!

Old sacrificial wine

Is it so shameless?

It's going to rain, the sky is overcast, the clouds are rolling, like a sea of chaotic clouds under the sky.

The atmosphere was suddenly suppressed.

Chang Jing didn't rush to start, not because he was shocked by the old wine words, but because his marbles disappeared. He looked down in his pocket for his marbles.

Xuanping Hou looked at the old lady, and the old lady also looked at him. Her eyes were opposite, the sky was thundering, and their faces were dim and bright in the night and lightning.

Dragon into shallow abyss is still a dragon.

Rao Shi lost his memory, and he was also dressed in coarse linen. But against Xuanping Marquis, the old lady's aura was still not weak. Even, under the confrontation of her eyes, she had a aura that belonged to Zhuang Jinse.

Lao Jijiu felt a deep headache. He said to Xuanping: "listen to me, maybe it was a misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? "

"What happened then?"

Xuanpinghou and the old lady are almost in the same voice.

"Ah, this..." the old man looked at the old lady and Xuanping marquis. He blocked it with his hand and said in a low voice, "she doesn't remember anything. Don't do that!"

Xuanping Hou said in a cold voice: "she doesn't remember, I remember, the Revenge of killing her son, not together!"

Old wine scratching his head: "how can it be called killing?"

Xuanping said coldly, "if you don't kill it, you don't call it killing? My son's not dead is my son's life, not an excuse to get rid of her guilt! "

"I... Did harm to your son?" The old lady couldn't remember, but she didn't rush to make an apology for herself, because she often felt that she was really full of bad water. Maybe she was really a villain in the past.

Xuanping marquis is not going to take charge of why Zhuang Jinse is here. He doesn't need to ask the reason or the process. He only needs the result, that is, he wants to kill Zhuang Jinse!

"Chang Jing! Are you deaf or stupid? Can't understand? Not yet

"Found it!" Chang Jing picks out the bullet that falls between his pocket and puts it into another intact pocket. He looks cold and switches the killer mode in one second.

"Oh! LIULANG, you are back! " The old wine man looked behind Xuanping Marquis, took advantage of the gap of Xuanping Marquis, took the old lady's hand back to the room, closed the door and inserted the bolt!

"Through the back door!"

He said to the old lady.

"What's the matter?" Yao came out when he heard the news.

"It's OK, you go back to the house quickly!" The old sacrificial wine waved to Yao. The target of Xuanping Marquis was Zhuang Jinse. He would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He was not worried about Yao's safety.

He took the old lady to escape from the back door. The most urgent task was to find LIULANG quickly. Only he could stop Xuanping marquis.

But as soon as they cross the threshold of the back door, they see Chang Jing standing in front of them.

The old sacrifice wine took a cool breath!

You can't go back any more. Marquis Xuanping is blocked at the front door.

"Well, little brother, can you discuss it?" With a smile, the old man suddenly rushed over and hugged Chang Jing and said to the old lady, "let's go! Go to find LIULANG! He's at Lin's! "

Lin Chengye's house is nearby. It's only a quarter of an hour's walk on weekdays.

But how can the old sacrificial wine protect Chang Jing?

Chang Jing picked him up. Chang Jing was not interested in people other than the target. After throwing the old wine aside, he reached out to kill the old lady.

He just grabbed the old lady by the back of her neck and broke her neck with a twist.

At the critical moment, a small figure flashed over and stood in front of the old lady. He raised his small arm and blocked Chang Jing's arm.

Chang Jing uses his right hand, but no one knows that his habitual hand is actually his left hand. He swings his left hand and cuts it at Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao took the palm forcefully, the huge force forced them to shake away, and all kinds of things stepped back two steps.

Chang Jing looked at Gu Jiao in amazement, and then at her hand. Eh? How could you take him?

Gu Jiao: Er... Half of my arm is going to be numb. Where is this master from?

"Auntie, auntie, you go first!" Gu Jiao stops Chang Jing and says to them.

At the moment, the old man could not take care of his affectation. He took the old lady and ran to Lin Chengye's residence. Of course, he did not forget to remind Chang Jing: "she is Xuanping Marquis's daughter-in-law! Don't move, really

This word works, Chang Jing's murderous spirit received half.

Chang Jing's martial arts skills are much higher than those of the experts in the martial arts school. Rao Shi's murderous spirit is half of it. It's not so easy for Gu Jiao to defeat him. Of course, Chang Jing has some difficulties in getting rid of Gu Jiao.

They fought fiercely.

The reason why Gu Jiao can still run when she is old is that her body and bones are much stronger than before, and she even feels that they have more black hair.

It's just that misfortune never comes alone. Although they get rid of Xuanping Marquis and Changjing, they meet a group of people in black.

The man in black blocked the entrance of the lane.

In order to get to Lin Chengye's house as soon as possible, the old sacrificial wine and the old lady took a shortcut. It was quiet and almost no one passed by, which also meant that there was no official patrol nearby.

It's over. It's over.

What is the wolf before the tiger, that's it.

The other party is not good. It doesn't seem good whether they take them or go back to be killed by Chang Jing.

"You, who are you?" The old man asked warily.

More than a dozen people in black shuashed to get out of the way. A carriage was parked behind them. Hearing the words, the curtain of the carriage was lifted and Zhuang Taifu came down from the carriage.

Zhuang Taifu put his hands in his wide sleeves and looked proud and calm. He walked up to them and looked at the old lady and the old sacrificial wine. His eyes were cool: "it's you!"

He said that last time he saw each other in Bishui Hutong, he felt something was wrong. It turned out that he was an acquaintance!

Strange road panic ground closes a door, strange road has no face to see a person again.

"Why are you here?"

Still with the Empress Dowager?

Huo Jijiu fought with the Empress Dowager to death before he resigned from office. After fighting for two dynasties, from the reign of the former Emperor to the reign of the Emperor today, it is not too much to say that they are enemies.

They both appear in the same place at the same time, and they are close to each other!

There should be something I don't know, but I can't think about it now. The most urgent thing is to take the Empress Dowager back quickly!

Zhuang Taifu's eyes fell on the old woman's wrist. His face changed and he said: "be presumptuous!"

The Phoenix body of the Empress Dowager can be profaned by you?! Don't mention pulling your wrist. You can't even pull a corner!

The old priest drew back his hand in vain.

Zhuang Tai Fu didn't dare to speak harshly to the old lady. He said gently, "sister, go back with big brother."

The old lady looked at him in disgust: "get out of here."

Zhuang Taifu

Zhuang Taifu took a deep breath and told himself that the Empress Dowager had just lost her memory. What she said was not her original intention or the Empress Dowager's intention.

When the Empress Dowager thinks of her identity, she will forgive him for what he did today.

He turned to the man in black and said, "take the lady away! The man... "He glanced at the old wine," get rid of it! "

The Empress Dowager of a country is actually having an affair with a foreigner. Once the scandal spreads, it will be easy to be accused by thousands of people, for fear of losing her reputation and status.

The emperor was worried that he had no excuse to dismount the Empress Dowager. He could not give the emperor any opportunity.

"Zhuang Boyong, you are crazy! Are you going to kill people in the street? " One by one, they really don't take human life seriously!

Zhuang Taifu said lightly: "you tried to assassinate the Empress Dowager. What's the crime

After that, he made a killing gesture and ignored the old wine.

On the other hand, Gu Jiao and Chang Jing are tied by four hands. This guy's martial arts is too high. Gu Jiao's strength has only recovered to 30% of her previous life. She really can't beat this guy!

Suddenly, Gu Jiao caught a glimpse of the beads in his pocket. She remembered that when she first met him, he seemed to be looking for beads on the ground.

Gu Jiao's eyes flashed and her knee was against his lower abdomen. Chang Jing instinctively released her hand to block her attack. Gu Jiao released one hand and tore off his pocket.

His marbles rolled all over the floor.

Chang Jing: his marbles!

Chang Jing ignored Gu Jiao and went to pick up the beads.

Gu Jiao rushed to the direction where the old sacrificial wine and aunt left.

The sky seemed to suddenly tear a hole, and it began to rain cats and dogs.

The old lady and the old sacrificial wine were separated by the people in black. The people in black didn't dare to be rude to the old lady. They just tried to hold her and pull her into the carriage. They were not so polite to the old sacrificial wine.

The old sacrificial wine was kicked to the ground, almost unable to straighten up in pain.

"Stop it The old lady said to Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu turned a deaf ear: "lady, please get on the carriage!"

A man in black pulled out his sword and wiped it on the neck of the old man.

Suddenly, a silver needle penetrates the thick rain curtain and stabs the killer's wrist!

The killer in black has a pain in his wrist and his sword falls to the ground.

The rest of the people see this, Shua toward Gujiao, the next moment, waving his sword toward Gujiao cut.

the rain comes down in a deluge.

Gu Jiao shuttles through the sword rain, and several people attack her. Gu Jiao flies up, holds the head of a killer in black, rolls over his back, pulls out his sabre, and cuts off a sword waving towards her!

Holding a sabre, she fell on the ground with one knee, her eyes burning, and her whole body exuded a terrible murderous atmosphere!

These people's skill is not as good as Chang Jing, she soon killed a road, came to the old lady behind.

However, as soon as he went to hold the old lady, a man in black's long sword stood on the neck of the old wine: "don't move! Or I'll kill him! "

Gu Jiao suddenly throws the dagger in her hand and smashes the man's sword. Gu Jiao steps forward and catches the dagger falling from the air. She kicks the other side to kneel on the ground. She grabs the other side's hair and cuts the other side's throat with only one knife!

Gu Jiao has been here for a long time and has been very restrained. She doesn't use weapons, only silver needles that can't see blood, because blood will make her excited.

The godfather said she was the perfect tool to kill.


In fact, she went into surgery not to save people's lives, but her own practice.

She wants to control her violence.

However, at present, her blade has cut each other's skin, and the thin threads of blood slide down the rain from the blade.

The violent factor in Gu Jiao's body began to stir, and her hand holding the dagger began to tremble.

If she kills one, she will kill the last.


All of a sudden, the old lady took her hand and wrapped her tender back with the palm of her hand, which had lost its luster because of her old age and was full of lines: "come to my aunt, darling."

The sound is clearly in the ear, but it seems to come from the water, leisurely.



The old lady called to her.

Gu Jiao finally suppressed the violence in her blood. The red blood under her eyes faded little by little. She turned her head and lost her dagger: "aunt, I'll take you home."

The old lady nodded, "OK."

Zhuang Taifu was shocked by Gu Jiao's murderous spirit and forgot to stop her.

People in black also look at Gu Jiao with fear, pointing at her with a sword, but avoiding her carefully.

Her strength is not only her skill, but also the air of killing the whole world. It's really chilling.

Therefore, even if Gu Jiao is now with the old lady, especially obediently let the old lady hold her hand, none of them dare to act rashly.

The change happened when they turned to leave. The rain was too heavy. A precarious building in the alley couldn't stop the torrential rain. The beam broke with a click, and the huge roof tilted down. It suddenly hit Gu Jiao and the old lady.

It all happened so fast that the old sacrificial wine wanted to rush over and knock them away before it was too late.

Gu Jiao's ears moved. She raised her head. The huge roof was like a glacier. Even she could not push it away. She turned around, protected her aunt's waist with one hand and the back of her head with the other. She fell on the ground with her elbow.

She took care of her aunt.

The old lady looked at the roof pressing toward Gu Jiao. She couldn't push Gu Jiao away. She could only hold out her hand to protect Gu Jiao's head.

She protected Gu Jiao's head, but she couldn't protect her own. A piece of wood hit her forehead!

"Empress Dowager"

"Zhuang Jinse"

Brain a burst of pain, the depths of the mind as if split a hole, countless strange and familiar pictures with memories rush out.

"Jinse, tell Dad, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I want to be a bird!"


"You can fly! Then I won't have to stay in the house all day long! "

"Jinse, from today on, you will be the queen of the state of Jokhang."

"I and the queen have been together for a hundred years, and they will be united forever."

"Your Majesty is resting in Wanfu palace. The queen doesn't have to wait for your majesty to enjoy the moon. Your majesty will come again and again at the beginning of next month."

"Jinse... Have you ever loved me in your life?"

"Empress Dowager thousand years, thousand years, thousand years!"