The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 254

The emperor was reading the examinees' papers in the Jinluan hall. The Minister of rites, the Minister of Honglu temple and several cabinet scholars were all listed in the list.

Although the examination papers were revised by several people, the emperor would ask them if he had any questions.

Several people are very nervous, the most nervous is Honglu Temple Qing.

Of course, it is impossible that all the papers presented to your majesty are clean. There are a few candidates who are willing to be promoted by their various parties. In terms of strength, they are not bad. If they are too bad, they will not be able to pass the imperial examination.

It's rare, but it's not uncommon, for fear that the emperor won't agree with each other and will be singled out and re selected from the examination papers after 20.

Every time the emperor finished reading an examination paper, if it was placed on the right side, it meant that he passed and could stay. If it was placed on the left side, it meant that he had objection.

There is no objection to a basic paper, but generally will not fall to the top three.

The emperor had finished reading ten examination papers, and there was no drop in them for the time being.

It's a nice day today. It's quiet in the imperial study. Only a warm spring breeze is blowing from the door.

The examination paper was blown up a corner, and Duke Wei quickly took a piece of topaz paper to hold it down.

The Emperor didn't look up, but he was also very helpful to the care of Duke Wei. He was an old man who had been with him for many years.

The emperor coughed, and Duke Wei handed him a cup of hot tea.

Look, even the tea temperature is just right.

"Your Majesty, you've been marking it all morning. Have a rest." Li Shangshu anxiously advised, "the dragon body matters."

"I'm fine." It's just a little infuriated. It's not good to be an emperor. He has to make people look up and down at the slightest disturbance. Therefore, he doesn't like to admit that he is unwell.

The emperor took a sip of tea and continued to read the examination papers. He had just finished reading the examination papers of Yuan Yu and Ning Zhiyuan, a talented man from the south of the Yangtze River.

The overall strength of the examinees in this field is better than that of the previous ones, so it is difficult to make a choice.

Honglu Siqing was one of the people who tampered with the examination paper. He knew that the emperor was going to read Xiao LIULANG's examination paper soon, and Xiao LIULANG's score was not high, ranking in the top 20.

Naturally, there is a reason for this. He "wrote" the words of great treason. The reason why he still put him in is that he was Huiyuan, and Huiyuan did not fall. This is a conventional rule. Even if it was to fall, it would not be their turn. The emperor had to do it himself.

Everything is so seamless.

Among the four, Xiao LIULANG is the youngest. This year, he is eighteen. He is nineteen, Yuan Yu is twenty-five, and Ning Zhiyuan is thirty.

As for the background, Ning Zhiyuan and Xiao LIULANG came from poor families, while Prince an and Yuan Yu came from high families.

Oh, by the way, Xiao LIULANG is the little lame, isn't he?

The emperor frowned at the thought of the crutch he saw.


All the examinees and their families in Beijing have begun a long and anxious waiting for the results. Although they are basically Jinshi, the worst is tongjinshi, no one is willing to be tongjinshi.

The incense of Puji temple is booming again. It is said that all the candidates came to pay homage.

Bishui Hutong, a family seems to be nothing, in fact, all can not sit.

The old lady didn't steal the preserves, and she didn't play the leaf card. She told the old lady to buy a bunch of wine on the street every day. In fact, she was asking for information.

Yao doesn't make any snacks these days. As soon as it's light, he's going to the neighborhood. In fact, he's waiting for news.

Xiao Jingkong has been studying very hard in recent days. He is always worried that his bad brother-in-law will not pass the exam, so his family will have to rely on him.

When he grows up, he will come back to Jiaojiao as a champion!

The date of releasing the list was April 27. Because the Jinshi list was written on yellow paper, it was also called Jinbang.

Gongshi are not allowed to wait for notice at home. They must enter the palace to be canonized. After they are canonized, they will be released in the main Yamen and Gongyuan in the capital.

On the fifth night, Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG got up. They had a simple breakfast. Gu Jiao sent Xiao LIULANG to Liu Quan's carriage.

"It's still early. Don't wait." Xiao LIULANG said to Gu Jiao.

"Well, good." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiao LIULANG put down the curtain, thought of something, and opened the curtain.

Gu Jiao looked at him: "what's the matter?"

Xiao LIULANG wants to say and stop: "it's nothing. It's still early. Go to sleep for a while."

Gu Jiao smile: "good."

Xiao LIULANG took a look at her, but he didn't say at last. He put down the curtain and took the carriage to the palace.

The Gongshi are almost here. Feng Lin, Lin Chengye and Du Ruohan are also here.

Feng Lin didn't know if he was too nervous at the palace examination, so he got sick when he went back. Fortunately, Lin Chengye and Zhou Guanshi took care of him, so that he survived.

It's said that some people could not afford to get sick and even lost their lives, so the road of imperial examination was not so easy.

Feng Lin had just recovered from a serious illness, and his face was still a little pale.

A few people exchanged greetings, and there was a sudden commotion behind the crowd. Then, the prince of an came with the help of several servants.

"Why?" Du Ruohan's eyes widened strangely. "How can his legs be lame?"

Xiao LIULANG was also surprised. He looked at each other. It happened that the prince of an was also looking at him. His eyes were opposite. Xiao LIULANG obviously felt a little cold in the eyes of the prince of an.

Xiao LIULANG didn't know, so he didn't care.

It doesn't matter whether he likes himself or dislikes himself?

The group still entered the hall of Supreme Harmony in the order of quotation marks. The table and mat in the palace examination had been removed. The hall was open and simple. It was especially solemn because of the presence of the emperor, Zhuang Taifu, Yuan Shoufu and other cabinet ministers.

The party kowtowed to the emperor under the leadership of the eulogy officer. Later, Duke Wei presented the list to the emperor.

The distance between the examinees and the emperor is about one Zhang. In fact, it's still a little far away. Some people dare to see the real face of the emperor, but before they look up, they are overwhelmed by the power of the emperor.

The Emperor didn't like to engage in those mysterious things, so he began to read out the first three.

"Gongzhou Yao City examinee Ning Zhiyuan, in April of the year of Gengwu, a Jinshi came in the third place, and was granted Jinshi and."

Ningzhiyuan confused, the candidates were surprised, this, this out of the tanhualang?

"Cough!" The eunuch on one side flushed the muddleheaded Ning Zhiyuan with a wink.

Ning Zhiyuan quickly returned to his senses and stepped out to the emperor. He stopped at the designated place, lifted his clothes and bowed three times and nine times. He choked and said, "minister, Ning Zhiyuan, thank you for your kindness! Long live the emperor, long live the emperor

The emperor asked him to straighten up, and then read: "in April of the year of Gengwu, the Jinshi came in the second place. Zhuang Yuheng gave the Jinshi the second place."

They all looked at Prince an.

Is Prince an the top one?

Something unexpected.

A trace of disappointment flashed from the bottom of Prince an's heart. Dragging his injured leg, he came to the front of the imperial palace with admiration or surprise. He knelt down three times and nine times: "minister, Zhuang Yuheng, thank you for your kindness! Long live my emperor

The emperor glanced at the king of onjun and said nothing.

Next is the number one.

The emperor's eyes stopped for a moment on Yuan Yu, the direct grandson of Yuan Shoufu. He opened the register and said in a loud voice, "in April of the year of Gengwu, Xiao LIULANG won the first place in the imperial examination."