The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 253

Everyone was confused by Xuanping Hou's action.

What's going on? How can Xuanping Marquis arrange clothes for an examinee? It's not as simple as ordinary love. Generally speaking, only people who are very close to each other or who value themselves very much will do so.

Xiao LIULANG may not be well-known in the whole capital, but he is well-known in the imperial examination circle. He was born in a poor family, but he juxtaposed with Princess an in Chunwei. Obviously, Xiao LIULANG's articles are too brilliant.

This is no matter what the taste of the examiner can not find fault with the article, is a huge threat to the prince of an.

In the middle of the meal, Honglu Siqing quietly went to Gongfang.

Near Gongfang, Zhuang Taifu had been waiting for a long time.

"How?" Asked Zhuang Taifu.

"I haven't changed to the king of onjun." Honglu Siqing said, "only Xiao LIULANG's was changed."

Zhuang Taifu handed him a piece of manuscript from his arms. It was written by the king of an county according to his memory after he returned to the palace. It was almost the same as the examination paper of the palace examination.

Honglu Temple minister read, look become dignified up: "two people's examination papers equal."

No matter what?

Zhuang Taifu frowned, thought of something and asked, "what's the matter with Xuanping Marquis? It seems to me that he has a crush on this? "

"Taifu, I'm afraid you didn't take a close look at Xiao LIULANG's appearance," he said

Zhuang Taifu was puzzled and said, "what's the matter with him?"

It's so good-looking that xuanpinghou takes a fancy to it? But although Xuanping marquis is romantic, he is not a man.

Honglu Temple minister said: "he looks like the little Marquis who has passed away. The first time I saw him, I was really surprised. Maybe it was because of this that Marquis Xuanping favored him."

Zhuang Taifu sneered: "when his son died, would you like a similar one to replace him?"

Your majesty intends to suppress the makers. If there is one who is not equal to the king of Anjun, your majesty is unlikely to choose the king of Anjun as the first. Before today, your majesty is unlikely to choose Xiao LIULANG as the first.

Xiao LIULANG was born in a poor family. If he was in the limelight, he would be hated. If the emperor really cherished Xiao LIULANG, he would not be the number one scholar.

Your majesty will appoint another person to be the number one scholar. If the ministers have any objection, your majesty will take out Xiao LIULANG's test paper and say that he didn't get the first place. How can Princess an get the first place?

As for the examination paper of the champion, your majesty will not be seen.

This is the court hall, this is the examination room!

However, Xuanping Marquis appeared.

He is telling everyone that anyone who dares to move Xiao LIULANG, who he wants to cover, has to weigh up first.

Sooner or later, this matter will spread to your Majesty's ears. Your majesty knows that Xiao LIULANG has a backing, so he has no worries.

There was a cold light in Zhuang Taifu's eyes: "this boy fawns on my grandson while fawning on Xuanping marquis. What a good man! What I despise most is the kind of people who are in caoying and have a heart in Han Dynasty! "

Five days later, all the papers were finished.

The top 20 were put in a box by the Minister of rites and sent to the emperor.

The emperor is in Jinluan hall, not far away.

However, as soon as the Minister of rites was halfway there, he ran into Xuanping marquis.

The Minister of rites was slightly surprised. Early in the morning, how did Xuanping Marquis enter the palace again? This guy's been in bed lately?

Xuanping Hou Junmei said politely with a faint smile on his face: "where is Li Shangshu going?"

The Minister of rites said, "I want to send the examination papers to your majesty."

"Oh, come out." Xuanping Hou raised his eyebrows and reached for the box of the examination paper.

The Minister of rites stepped back and his face sank: "Marquis Xuanping! What are you going to do! "

Xuanping Hou faint smile: "I want to see if you have any moves in the examination paper."

The Minister of rites frowned: "what nonsense are you talking about! We are all examiners appointed by your majesty. How can we do such a thing? Are you not afraid of beheading? "

Xuanping Hou said, "I'm afraid of someone. I'm not afraid."

"Xuanping marquis is saying, who is not afraid?" Zhuang Taifu walked over leisurely.

Xuanping Hou turned around and looked at zhuangtaifu with a smile: "Oh, zhuangtaifu is coming."

The Minister of rites made a salute: "Zhuang Taifu."

Zhuang Taifu nodded in reply, and then he looked at Xuanping Marquis: "is Xuanping Marquis dissatisfied with Li Shangshu? Or dissatisfied with the cabinet? Or dissatisfied with your majesty? "

Xuanping Hou light smile: "don't button the hat too big, I just want to see if these papers have been tampered with?"

Xuanping is the only one in the world who dares to question the cabinet like this.

Zhuang Taifu said: "if Xuanping Marquis doesn't believe it, just look at it for himself."

Li Shangshu looked at Zhuang Taifu in surprise. Zhuang Taifu said: "I believe Xuanping marquis will not take the opportunity to tamper with the examinees' papers. Although Li Shangshu let Xuanping Marquis see, I will be responsible for anything."

Speaking of this, Li Shangshu would not show it to Xuanping marquis.

Xuanping Hou opened the box and turned over every paper. There was a name on the paper, but Xiao LIULANG still knew the words today. After all, he read them many times in private.

He saw Xiao LIULANG's paper.

Looking at the examination paper and Xuanping Hou, Zhuang Taifu sneered, "is there a problem?"

Xuanping Hou took a deep look at Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu said frankly: "if there is nothing wrong, these examination papers will be sent to your majesty. Your majesty is still waiting to read them."

Xuanping Hou put down the examination paper, hesitated for a moment, and his suspicious eyes stayed in Zhuang Taifu for a moment.

Zhuang Taifu was as magnanimous as ever.

Xuanping Marquis finally Li Shangshu left, he also stepped out of the palace.

Looking at his back, Zhuang Taifu gave a cold smile.

I knew it would be like this. He had been guarding against Xuanping Marquis for a long time. Did Xuanping Marquis really think that what he saw was Xiao LIULANG's examination paper? The handwriting is as like as two peas, not even a fake, but even the content is very similar. It is only modified in some key places.

Xuanping Marquis, a reckless man, can't see it.

Don't look down on these small details. They are enough to offend the emperor.

So what's the use of putting in the top 20?

I'm afraid Xiao LIULANG can't even pass the entrance examination of the second grade a Jinshi!

Zhuang Taifu went out of the palace with pride.

His carriage was waiting at the gate of the palace. When the servants saw him coming, they closed the curtain for him. He was in a good mood and got on the carriage with a smile.

But he never expected that there was a man sitting in the carriage!

Zhuang Taifu trembled with fright: "Xuanping Marquis?"

What does his coachman do for food? How did Xuanping Marquis come up?

"Somebody He drank hard.

Xuanping Hou light way: "go."

The carriage left.

Zhuang Taifu's face turned white. He lifted the curtain and looked at the driver in the front seat. Then he found that he was not his own driver at all.

Where's his coachman?

Where is it?

His carriage had been parked at the gate of the palace, where there were guards. How did xuanpinghou switch his coachman?

Zhuang Taifu looked at each other angrily: "Xuanping Marquis, what do you want to do?"

Xuanping Hou sneered: "put back Xiao LIULANG's test paper, otherwise, your horse will be frightened. I don't guarantee whether you can land safely. After all, you don't know martial arts, do you?"

Zhuang Taifu was stunned: "you..."

Xuanping said: "how did you find it? I don't know the test paper, but I still know you, Zhuang Taifu. "

Chuang Tai Fu's face is blue with choking. The arrogance of Xuanping Marquis often makes people think that he is a reckless man. Look what he is doing today!

They almost came out of the palace one after another. Xuanping Marquis had no time to arrest people after checking the examination papers. In other words, before checking the examination papers, Xuanping Marquis was sure that he would move Xiao LIULANG's examination papers and arrest the king of an county early!

Zhuang Taifu gritted his teeth: "you are so brave!"

Xuanpinghou: "it's the same with each other."

Zhuang Taifu snorted coldly: "you... Do you think this will threaten my official?"

Xuanping Hou said: "no, I just give you a suggestion. Since you don't want it, I have another one to give you."

Zhuang Taifu's heart was filled with an ominous premonition.

The carriage stopped quickly and stopped on an open official road. There was no pedestrian coming back and forth, but a carriage stopped opposite them.

Zhuang Taifu opened the curtain, and someone in another carriage opened the curtain, revealing the princess an who was tied up with all kinds of clothes and blocked his mouth with cloth.

Princess an looked at Zhuang Taifu excitedly. He couldn't say a complete word.

Zhuang Taifu almost lost his chin by Xuanping's audacity: "do you know what you are doing? You're not holding the palace. You've kidnapped the king of Zhao state! "

Xuanpinghou leaned lightly on the back of his chair and looked at him in his spare time: "so?"

There was no fear in his eyes.

Arrogant like a wild horse that may trample everything at any time.

In fact, Zhuang Taifu is unreasonable. It's all the crime of beheading. It depends on who can cross to the end.

Zhuang Taifu clenched his fist and glared at Xuanping.

Xuanping Hou man said carelessly: "I don't have much patience. I'll tell you one more time and send the test paper back."

Zhuang Taifu didn't admit that he had moved the test paper from beginning to end, but it didn't seem to affect xuanpinghou's threat to him. Zhuang Taifu felt that he was a scholar and met a soldier, so he couldn't explain why.

If he is a literati, he can also circle the other side in seven or eight ways.

Xuanping marquis will not.

He won't give you a chance to make a detour at all.

Zhuang Taifu had a deep sense of powerlessness, but he didn't admit defeat so quickly: "Xuanping Marquis, don't be too arrogant!"

Xuanping Hou looked at Zhuang Taifu and lightly raised his finger.

In another carriage, Chang Jing pulled out a dagger and stabbed the king in the thigh without hesitation.

The blood burst out, and the prince of an gritted his teeth, but he still made a shrill voice from his teeth.

Zhuang Taifu suddenly changed color: "heng'er!"

Xuanping Hou leaned lazily against the wall of the car and said, "remember, this is arrogance."

Zhuang Taifu was so angry that he trembled all over, and his whole body was furious: "are you not afraid of causing people's lives? Do you think you don't have to pay for my grandson's death? "

Xuanping Hou sneered: "do you think Laozi will be afraid?"

Zhuang Taifu was stunned.