The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 242

Princess Yuqin was waiting anxiously in the room. She was so nervous that she couldn't walk up and down.

On the one hand, I think the child must be my own. On the other hand, I worry about what to do if it's not?

I don't know how long it's been dark. Lanterns are hung on the porch and some oil lamps are in the house.

The sound of footsteps came from the door. Princess Yu could not wait to step forward. Before reaching the door, the door was pushed open and Prince Yu came in.

Yuqin's expectant eyes fell on his face, and her voice trembled: "how about it? It's our child, isn't it? "

Prince Yu's eyes were soft and he didn't deny it immediately.

Yuqin princess's heart immediately fell back to reality: "I knew it! I knew it! Our son didn't die... He survived... He was saved by a kind man... I... i... "

When she said that, she was so excited that she covered her face and began to cry.

Ming'er was woken up by her, opened her eyes and looked at her: "Niang, what's the matter with you?"

Princess Yu wiped her tears, but they couldn't stop. They were not tears of sadness, they were tears of joy.

"Minger... Minger!" Yuqin Princess excitedly hugs ming'er into her arms. Because of her intense emotion, she hugs her tightly and makes ming'er hurt.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Princess Yu quickly let him go.

Everything happened so fast that Princess Yuqin still has an unreal feeling.

As for whether or not to hide from ming'er, Princess Yuqin thinks it's better not to hide. Ming'er is also her child. Even if she doesn't climb out of her stomach, she has to go through all kinds of hardships.

They are mother and son, and that will never change.

Of course, she will worry about whether ming'er will accept it.

After all, ming'er is not an ordinary child. He seems to be easy to get along with, but he is very competitive. He can't tolerate being worse than others. Otherwise, he will be suddenly irritable, just like he is in the palace today.

Princess Yuqin was not sure whether ming'er would accept the smarter child as his younger brother.

After some hesitation, she said.

"Minger, in fact, you have a younger brother. My mother gave birth to him four years ago. My mother thought he died... Until a few days ago, my mother met him again..."

Princess Yuqin tried her best to consider the tone and words so that ming'er could understand and accept this fact.

Ming'er only remembers that when she was four years old, her parents went out for a year, but she didn't know what happened in that year.

He has a brother.

It's really... Amazing.

Used to be the youngest son at home, suddenly become a brother, the psychological gap is huge.

This means that from now on, he will never be the one who is held in the palm of his hand. His younger brother is.

How elder brother elder sister lets him, he wants to let younger brother together with elder brothers elder sisters.

Mother's embrace is no longer his own.

Younger brother is smaller, not only can be held by mother, but also can sleep with mother.

Anyway, he slept with his mother when he was four years old.

"Then... Who is my brother?" He asked uneasily.

Obviously, he had some kind of speculation in his heart. The picture of heartache constantly flashed through his mind. He cried desperately in his heart, don't want it, don't be him!

"You've seen him." Prince Yu said softly, holding ming'er's face.

The string in ming'er's heart is broken.

The four-year-old little Douding he met in Zhaoguo had no one else except that hateful little Tuanzi.

Why is it him?

Yuqin princess did not deliberately avoid the contradiction between the two, she firmly said: "mother knows there is a misunderstanding between you, but you are a very good child, mother believes that one day he will find your good, you will find his good."

If you just say "he will be a good brother, you will understand after you get along with him for a while", then Minger will be more disgusted and jealous.

But Princess Yu spent a lot of time saying that after a long time, the other party can detect the good of Minger, which makes Minger very useful.

At least I don't feel that with my brother, my mother doesn't hurt herself.

However, he still couldn't pass the test in his heart.

How can he lose to a small bean?


On the other hand, after Zhao Shangshu picked up his troubled grandson, he sent the boy who usually took care of his grandson to the hospital to inform xiaojingkong's family.

The Zhao family doesn't know where xiaojingkong's family is, but they often play in the hospital. Xiaojingkong's sister seems to be the medical girl of the hospital.

Zhao's horse was not as fast as Xuanping's horse. He was intercepted by Xuanping in the middle of his walk.

"All right, you go back." Xuanping Hou said lightly.

Zhao family looked at Xuanping Marquis, and then looked at the small space sitting next to Xuanping Marquis with snacks in his hands. He was so surprised that he could put an egg in his mouth.

What's going on?

Yes... Did the Crown Princess let Xuanping take care of it by herself?

The young man of Zhao family can't guess that Xiao Jingkong's family can be related to Xuanping Marquis's house. Compared with this, he would rather believe that it was the people from the East Palace who asked Xuanping marquis to come to teach the child's family.

But the child's heart is too big, isn't it?

How dare you eat around Xuanping Marquis?

Xiaojingkong not only eats, but also habitually passes his mouth to him.

Wipe it.

Just when the Zhao family thought that Xuanping Marquis would slap him in the past, he saw Xuanping Marquis casually pick up a clean white handkerchief and wipe it on xiaojingkong's mouth.

Zhao family: am I stupid or blind?

Small clearance finished eating, a small burp, small short legs Dang ah Dang, particularly lovely.

When Xuanping Hou was young, he fought abroad all the year round or trained in the military camp. He didn't spend much time with his son, so he grew up secretly.

After people get along with each other for a long time, they are easy to be infected with each other's breath and even get used to it.

Xiaojingkong naturally has some of Xiao LIULANG's habits, such as frowning and abandoning.

But this is Xiao LIULANG's habit, not Xiao Heng's.

Xiao LIULANG didn't have Xiao Heng's shadow, not at all.

This makes Xuanping Hou sometimes wonder if he thinks too much? Xiao LIULANG is his illegitimate son with Chen yunniang, not Xiao Heng, not his own son.

Xuanping Hou's mind drifted away, and suddenly a small head hit him.

It's little headroom that's asleep.

Xuanping went directly to Guozi prison. He waited outside Guozi prison for a long time before Xiao LIULANG came out.

He got out of the carriage with a sleeping little clearance.

He had already thought about it. After a while, he said to Xiao LIULANG, "your brother-in-law is very good. I'm going to take him as an apprentice. In this way, I can successfully break into the enemy... Er... My son.".

Whether it's a legitimate son or an illegitimate son, there are always flaws in life.

But who expected that Xiao LIULANG just gave Xuanping Hou a cold look. Without saying a word, he took xiaojingkong over and left.

He even gave Xuanping marquis the chance to play tricks.

Xuanping Hou was so angry that his teeth itched.

"I have such a bad temper. If I find out that you are not, I will kill you!"

Xuanping marquis is gentle in appearance, but like most generals inside, he has a bad temper. If he is really an illegitimate son, to be honest, he should recognize his true love!


Xuanping Hou black face on the carriage.

The next day, Liang's envoys suddenly stopped the negotiation, saying that they would talk again the next day.

The ministers of the state of Zhao were surprised, but it was clear to think that Prince Yu's son was beaten by his seventh highness and his classmates.

Prince Yu is angry.

The ministers really misunderstood Prince Yu. He knew his son's virtue. It was he who moved his hand first. No wonder he was beaten.

The reason why Prince Yu didn't negotiate was that he accompanied Princess Yu to the hospital.

"Be polite to others for a while, she adopted our son... Ming'er's illness was also cured by her..." before getting off the carriage, Princess Yu did not forget to tell Prince Yu.

Prince Yu nodded: "I remember what you said. Don't worry, I won't bully a little girl."

After thinking about it, Princess Yu was still not at ease. She reminded her, "you are not allowed to give people a look."

"Good." Prince Yu had no choice but to answer, "but there's something I have to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Princess Yuqin looks at her.

Yuqin said, "let's just come to the door and say that the clearance is our son. I'm afraid they won't believe it. After all, we can't get any solid evidence. How about adopting an adopted son first?"

Yuqin Princess feel don't need so trouble, son is her, what evidence? Can she still cheat others?

Yuqin said: "you listen to me. It's no better than Liang. The relationship between the two sides is already tense. It's not easy for us to win people's trust."

Seeing what he said, Princess Yu hesitated and nodded: "OK, I'll listen to you. When I get back to the state of Liang... "

Prince Yu said quickly: "tell the world immediately, you and my own son, upper genealogy, upper Jade Butterfly! And take him to the king! "

Yuqin Princess just laughed.

They entered the hospital.

The second owner met Princess Yuqin, and saw that she didn't bring her humble servant. He arched his hand warmly: "madam, here you are. This is..."

"My husband." Yu Qin Princess Wen Sheng introduction.

The second owner saluted each other, looked behind them and asked, "didn't your son come? How is he? Is it better? "

Princess Yuqin nodded: "much better. He's not coughing any more. He's at home. Excuse me, is Miss Gu in

Two Dongjia way: "in, should be busy soon, two wait a moment, I go to see."

Gu Jiao is in Jiangshi's ward to give him an infusion. When she hears that the second boss says that the lady is coming, Gu Jiao also thinks about who the lady is.

Er Dongjia said, "her son is ten years old. He has a bad cough. She's here with her husband, and I guess it's the same as before. "

It's not that I haven't met this kind of situation. The second owner has been very calm.

Gu Jiao also thought that the other party is to thank, saw to know that the other party is to rob people.

Because Yu Pro Princess proposed to find a place to speak, Gu Jiao then brought people into her courtyard.

At the moment, the three people were sitting in the flower Hall of the courtyard, and the atmosphere was terrifying.

Prince Yu read countless people, not judge people by their appearance, did not care about Gu Jiao's appearance.

But he just felt that this little girl's aura was different from that of her peers.

Princess Yu broke each other's embarrassment: "Miss Gu, I know it's a bit abrupt for me to say so, but I really hope to meet your parents and discuss the small clearance with them. We sincerely adopted Xiao Jingkong as our adopted son. "

Gu Jiao: "do not take that?"

Yuqin Princess choked: "I, we want to take it back."

Gu Jiao didn't ask where she was going to take back. She refused and said, "it's impossible."

Princess Yu's face turned white: "Miss Gu..."

Gu Jiao interrupted: "it's nothing to talk about. I won't send the clearance away. If you really like him and he likes you, you can come to see him."

That's right, if you like them.

She won't hurt little clearance.

"Nothing. Please come back."

Gu Jiao gave an order to leave.

Prince Yu was stunned. He didn't put in a word for a moment. Until Gu Jiao got up and wanted to leave, he settled down and asked, "don't you... Ask who we are?"

Gu Jiao coldly looked at him: "no one wants to!"

"Miss Gu!" Princess Yu stood up. Prince Yu didn't stop her. She stepped forward and said to Gu Jiao, "clearance is our son! We are his parents

Gu Jiao's steps stopped, and she turned back and said, "the person who threw him in the temple is also worthy of being his father and mother?"

Princess Yu burst into tears: "it's not like this... Listen to me, Miss Gu... I didn't want to leave him... We thought he died young..."

"Is that so?" Gu Jiao's eyes fell on Prince Yu's face.

This woman doesn't seem to be disguised, but the man's look is very calm from beginning to end.

Prince Yu calmly examines Gu Jiao, but Princess Yu is too excited to mention and faints.

Prince Yu held her fast.

Gu Jiao took her hand and released it.

It's OK. I'm not pretending. I'm really dizzy.

Prince Yu hugged his wife in his arms, and no longer showed his gentleness in front of his wife. He looked at Gu Jiao and said, "how much do you want? Make a price. Don't toast, don't drink. Girl, you're still young. You don't know the heaven and the earth. But for all the people I want, there's no one in the capital that can cover you! "

Gu Jiao: "then you have a try."

Prince Yu gave Gu Jiao a cold look and left the hospital with his wife in his arms.

That night, Prince Yu's confidants went to the palace and conveyed to the emperor the meaning of his royal highness, that is, the content of the peace talks. Liang could give in on the condition that he would take the child away.