The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 241

There was a crack in the princess's perfect expression.

It starts with four people blindfolded and grabbing.

This game was inspired by ming'er. He often saw the emperor's grandfather and concubines play this game in the state of Liang, and then he kept it in mind.

Four people guess to decide who is the first blindfold, the result is Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu starts to catch people after blindfolded. Xiaojingkong and Xu conghou laugh because they don't understand the rules of the game. They are successfully caught by Qin Chuyu, but Minger is not caught - because the first person caught will start to count until the end of the game. If the blindfolded person can't catch the other three people within 100, he will lose.

And the first person caught will be the blindfold in the next game.

The second is Xu congee.

Qin Chuyu couldn't help laughing and was successfully caught by Xu Cong.

Xiaojingkong is a wrestling troupe. After a fall, he made a noise and was successfully caught.

Ming'er continues to win.

After repeated several times, ming'er was not caught once.

Finally, it's xiaojingkong's turn to be a blindfold. He is the first to catch Minger.

Ming'er thinks that small clearance cheats.

"I didn't!" Small clearance pulled down the cloth and said seriously.

Ming'er: "how do you know I'm here?"

"You have a voice!" Small clearance means hearing his voice.

"I didn't!" Ming'er is confident that she hasn't made any noise.

Little pure air had to jump: "you have! You have it! You exhale! Five times! Three heavy and one light! "

Xiaojingkong practices basic skills every day. Even the rustle of a leaf can be felt in the heart. How can we not hear people's breathing?

But Minger didn't believe it!

He swaggered: "you, just, yes, do, cheat!"

Xu conghou and Qin Chuyu stand firmly as good friends.

Xu conghou: "Jingkong is very smart."

Qin Chuyu: "yes! He can do anything! Don't believe you test him

The topic is so biased by two short guard teammates.

They began to compete for endorsement, from three Character Classic to thousand character classic, from three hundred ancient poems to four books and five classics.

At the beginning, they could not compete with each other, but when they got to the back, ming'er was struggling, but she was still at ease.

The palace people didn't stop them in time because they saw that they were fighting and endorsing.

In the third time, when xiaojingkong easily takes the next sentence, Minger's mood suddenly breaks out. He reaches out his hand and pushes xiaojingkong to the ground!

It's the grass, but it doesn't hurt. It's just that the little clearance is a little confused.

Xu congee is out of work.

Dare to bully my friend, I let you walk on your knees today!

Xu Cong pounced on ming'er and knocked him to the ground.

The female official and the servant hurried forward to pull away several people, but it was still a step too late. Qin Chuyu, a little fat man, also joined the ranks of beating people.

Small clearance is too small, he can't squeeze in, so he hugs ming'er's foot and doesn't let him kick Xu Cong and Qin Chuyu.

All in all, the three little peas are still strong.

When the four were separated, ming'er's face was swollen.

Three peas... There's nothing wrong with it!

Yuqin Princess just fell asleep in the sun, so she didn't hear the news for the first time. When she arrived at the scene, ming'er's face had swollen into a bun.

The princess explained the whole story of the incident to Princess Yuqin. She didn't add to the story, and didn't hide it.

The Crown Princess thought that Princess Yuqin would be angry to express her son's evil spirit, but she calmly said to the waiter, "take Minger down first and change her clothes."


The waiter takes tea away.

Princess Yuqin never punished her servants in front of her son.

Ming'er looks back at Princess Yuqin as she walks.

But to his surprise, his mother didn't punish those xiaodouding who bullied him. Instead, she squatted down in front of the youngest xiaodouding and took out her handkerchief to wipe xiaodouding's face.

He didn't hear what his mother said to xiaodouding, but his mother treated each other very gently, which made his heart hurt.

After such a big accident, the Crown Princess naturally wanted to educate Qin Chuyu strictly.

Qin Chuyu was so timid in the past, but now she has a friend to help her!

This kind of thing spread to the emperor's ears, the crown prince and his concubine had no way to blame.

As for Xu Cong, the Minister of the Ministry of war had already scared his soul away, and he went into the palace tremblingly to pick up his grandson.

There's a little clearance left.

He didn't inform his family when he came, so no one came to pick him up at the moment.

He droops his head and stares at his toes. For a moment, he feels abandoned by the whole world.

He wants to be coquettish.

The nose is sour.

Suddenly, a big shadow enveloped him.


A banter and magnetic voice was heard above his little head.

"I didn't cry!"

Xiaojingkong spoke and looked up. He saw a handsome face, which he had seen at the post station.

The most handsome uncle.

Xuanping Hou hooked his little skirt with a finger and directly picked up the little guy.

The little clearance fell steadily into his arms.

The eunuchs guarding the little clearance were stunned.

Just now they planned to salute, but Xuanping Hou raised his hand to stop them. He thought Xuanping Hou was surprised enough to be here, but he picked up the troublemaker.

The child is said to be a civilian child, and her sister is just an ordinary medical woman.

Is this kind of pariah worthy of being treated like this?

Xiaojingkong didn't feel aggrieved, but he was a little homesick and wanted to take care of Jiao. However, when Xuanping Hou held him in his arms, his heart suddenly filled with great grievances.

Shuai uncle has a familiar breath, at this time he did not know that this is very similar to the bad brother-in-law breath.

This breath makes him feel at ease, and at the same time makes him qualified to be wronged.

In front of those who care about themselves, they will feel aggrieved.

He sat on xuanpinghou's powerful small arm, holding his skirt in his small hand, drooping his eyes to prevent him from seeing his own red eyes.

Xuanping Hou tut said, "if you want to cry, cry."

"Don't cry!"

He shook his head.

The tears came out.

Xuanping Marquis

Xuanping Hou took him to the carriage.

A palace maid said: "Lord Hou, the crown princess has orders to wait for his family to come. Lord Xu has gone to inform him..."

Xuanping Hou a cold eyes hit in the past, the maid of honor hit a shiver, dare not say a word.

Xuanping Hou took renxiaojingkong and went outside the palace.

There is Xiao LIULANG's breath on Xuanping marquis. It's the blood and the breath from his bones.

Xiaojingkong also has Xiao LIULANG's breath, but because he sleeps together every night, he is infected with his breath.

Xuanping Hou holding this little guy, why not feel at ease?

Because the same person, let them have a little bit close to each other.

After getting on the carriage, Xuanping Hou asked the little guy what happened.

Small clearance does not say.

Xuanping Hou hehe said, "if you don't tell me, I won't help you hide it from your family."

Xiaojingkong is forced by someone's obscene power to tell the story of the beating.

Xuanping Hou was not interested in endorsing the passage. He was selectively deaf because he was attracted by the reason: "do you mean you can really hear people's breath? How many times do I breathe now? "

Xiao Jingkong was silent for a while. After he breathed several times, he said, "seven times, six light and one heavy."

Xuanping Hou took a weak breath and squinted at him.

Little guy, it's kind of interesting.

On this side, Xuanping sent xiaojingkong home. On the other side, Prince Yu also took his wife and children back to his residence.

Ming'er has fallen asleep.

Princess Yuqin is covering him up.

"Is that the child?" Prince Yu suddenly spoke.

When he went to pick up his wife and children, he naturally saw three children who had beaten his son. One of them was the prince of Zhao state, the son of a minister, and the other was said to be a civilian child. He was four years old, clean and lovely.

If he hadn't stopped, his wife might have brought the child back on the spot.

"It's him." Princess Yuqin choked and nodded, "you see that too, don't you? He is our son! I asked. He was born in La Yue! So is our son! "

Prince Yu's firm heart suddenly wavered.

The child, Yuxue, is lovely. He likes it at first sight.

Is that the child really alive?

It's not difficult to prove this. Just go to the place where the children were buried and dig out the coffin.

But it was a very difficult decision.

However, in order to confirm the child's life experience, Prince Yu gritted his teeth.

He came to the original selection of a geomantic treasure land, ordered the bodyguard to dig out the coffin.

When the bodyguard wanted to open the coffin, he suddenly stopped: "wait!"

"Lord." The bodyguard looked at him puzzled.

Prince Yu looked complicated and said, "I came here myself."

He reached out and slowly touched the coffin. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With a click, he opened the coffin.