The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 239

She can't help but walk over and say softly after xiaodouding: "baby, where's your family?"


Little clearance, who had never been called that before, turned around in a daze, looked around and looked at each other in a daze: "are you calling me?"

There seems to be no other children here.

But baby

Oh, my shame!

He's four years old!

The small face of small clearance suddenly becomes blush, more and more lovely to no good.

Princess Yuqin's heart was soft. She squatted down in front of xiaojingkong and said to him: "are you alone? Where is your family? "

Xiaojingkong tilted his head and said, "my family is busy."

Yuqin princess was adored by him: "are you from... Medical school?"

Xiaojingkong thought about it. He put his hand behind him and nodded.

Xiaojingkong is like a mini sesame official in his school uniform and hat, but his hair is a little short.


Xiaojingkong's stomach barks.

He looked down at his little belly with a look of resentment.

What is it called at this time? He doesn't want face, does he?

Princess Yuqin chuckled, put the food box on a stone, opened the lid of the box and gave him a small plate of crab roe crisp: "here you are."

This is the crab roe pastry bought from outside. It's a little cold after being left for a long time. She took it to let the people in the kitchen warm up.

This kind of thing could be done by the waiter, but she wanted to go out for a walk after she had been in the room all afternoon.

Xiaojingkong looked at the yellow and orange snacks, sucked some saliva, sighed and said: "thank you, but I can't eat meat."

Crab crisp small clearance see Xu Zhouzhou and Chu Yu eat, know there is meat inside.

Even if there is no meat, the general dim sum in order to pursue the taste will also use lard.

These Gu Jiao have explained, so small clearance generally does not eat outside.

Princess Yu was stunned: "why can't you eat meat?"

The little guy was embarrassed to say that he was dizzy. After thinking about it, he said, "maybe because I was a monk before?"

Yuqin Princess even more puzzled, such a lovely little guy actually had been out of the house?

Is that why his hair is so short?

Yuqin princess looked at his small head again and asked softly, "how old are you a monk?"

Xiaojingkong said honestly, "it's very small. My master said that I was born in a temple. I grew up in a temple, so I became a monk."

Yuqin princess said: "then why don't your parents take you down the mountain?"

Xiaojingkong shook his head: "I don't have parents. No, I have them now. Delicate parents are my parents!"

When he said this, there was no complaint or sadness in his eyes. He was a full sunshine little cute.

However, Princess Yuqin felt her heart pulled up, as if there was a trace of pain. She looked at xiaojingkong and asked, "how old are you this year?"

Xiaojingkong put up his finger: "four years old."

Princess Yuqin's heart suddenly became uncomfortable. If her child was still alive, she would be four years old

When Minger wakes up, Princess Yuqin takes Minger back to the royal garden.

Along the way, I don't know if it's the illusion of the servant. I always feel that the princess's mood is particularly low.

On the other side, the palace.

The envoys of the state of Liang, represented by Prince Yu, quarreled with the ministers of the state of Zhao in the Qilin hall.

Liang tried to replace Zhao's most advanced bellows technology with a kind of lime mortar technology and the newly developed glutinous rice mortar technology.

To be honest, this lime mortar is the latest technology of Liang state compared with the lowest water drainage technology ever given to Zhao state by Liang state.

However, Zhaoguo doesn't need this technology. Zhaoguo already has better glutinous rice mortar!

What's more, it's not enough to replace one. Is it shameless to replace the bellows technology?

The imperial court is very glad that they have controlled the bellows in time. Otherwise, with the shameless manner of the state of Liang, it may be that they steal their teachers from the small county town and then bite Zhaoguo!

It's not the most irritating thing. What's more irritating is that the state of Liang even wants to open up unequal trade between the two sides, that is, to exchange Liang's inferior handicrafts for Zhao's superior silk and tea.

It is said that Yuan Shoufu was dizzy on the spot.

The faces of the princes are not much better. No matter how they fight at home, they should be consistent with each other.

The state of Liang has gone too far. It's not a negotiation. It's a blatant robbery!

But what can they do?

The only blame is that Zhao state is too weak and Liang state is too strong.

After a whole day's argument, officials on both sides were all at sixes and sevens. Prince Duyu was very leisurely and unaffected. He seemed to have a good grasp of the negotiation.

"It's getting late. Please go back first, so that you can think about it all night. Anyway, I will stay in the capital for a few days. "

The officials of Zhao state were so angry that they couldn't turn their eyes.

Of course you're not in a hurry. You're here to kill the fat sheep. Anyway, you're not afraid that you can't kill it.

Prince Yu went out of the palace with a smile, regardless of how the people's faces turned black.

The prince and King Ning looked at each other and saw sparks in each other's eyes.

This negotiation is very important. Whoever can take the initiative from the envoys of the state of Liang can prove to his father that he is more capable of succeeding to the throne.

Because Princess Rui became famous at the reception, Prince Yu, who liked the melody, had a good impression on the couple.

The emperor saw it, so he sent the third man as a guide to Prince Yu. These days, the third man took Prince Yu to play in the capital to make the best of his friendship.

From this point of view alone, King Ning had many opportunities to contact Prince Yu in private.

After leaving the palace, King Rui invited Prince Yu to visit the lake.

Prince Yu had been to the capital and was deeply impressed by the boats in the capital. He was very willing to go there.

They went to the three-story luxury boat that had been prepared by Rui Wang.

However, no one expected that in the middle of the lake, Prince Yu's wing suddenly caught fire. The fire was fierce, and soon the whole boat was on fire.

Prince Yu was not blocked by the fire because he was roasting fish with King Rui on the deck, but because all the boats were burned, everyone had to dive for their lives.

Prince Yu is no exception.

A good tour of the lake, almost killed myself!

Prince Yu came back in despair!

The boat was burnt out, so it is impossible to verify how the fire was caused.

It soon spread to the palace.

The emperor called King Rui and scolded him: "how to do things? Let you receive envoys, but you make such a big fuss! Don't you take precautions ahead of time! "

Rui Wang was very wronged.

He swore that he had taken precautions. I didn't know how many times he had checked, but I was afraid that something might go wrong. Who would have expected that he would finally get out of the water

King Rui was scolded bloody by the emperor. When he came out of the imperial study, he met King Ning who had been waiting for him outside the palace.

Ningwang asked anxiously: "third brother, are you ok?"

Rui Wang Hong looked into her eyes and said, "I'm ok... That's just... I've messed things up... My father said... I don't have to worry about the envoys. Let me go to the hall of praying for the new year and kneel down..."

Ningwang patted him on the shoulder and said happily, "if you're OK, you'd better kneel with me."

King Ning accompanied King Rui to kneel on the stone road of the hall of praying for new year.

The hall of praying for the new year is a place for the emperor to think about his faults. When the prince makes a mistake, he only lets him kneel in the imperial study. Kneeling in the hall of praying for the new year shows that the plot is very serious, and the emperor does not intend to forgive him easily.

Rui Wang shook his head in a hurry: "brother, this has nothing to do with you. I didn't do it well myself."

Ningwang looked at him and said, "you are my brother. You have made a mistake. It's me who didn't teach you well."

Ningwang and ruiwang kneel together. The Emperor didn't say anything. Everyone knows ningwang's temper. He is the one who protects his younger brothers most.

The emperor sighed: "the crown princess has been to the state of Liang. She has a certain understanding of the envoys of the state of Liang. Let her and the second child take care of the reception."

When the prince was in danger, he went to the royal garden with his concubine to care about Prince Yu.

Prince Yu is not in any condition. The fire started from the wing room. He jumped on the deck early and came back to change his clothes.

He didn't want to make Princess Yuqin worried, so he planned to understate it. He took it with him. When he entered the house, he found that the look of his princess was not right.

Ming'er had a lot of sleep in the afternoon. Now she went to play in the garden. Princess Yuqin was sitting in front of the window with dull eyes.

"What's the matter with you, ma'am?" Prince Yu nervously walked over, "is ming'er's condition getting worse?"

Princess Yuqin turned.

Prince Yu found that her eyes were red and swollen, like crying. He said, "madam! What's the matter? "

Prince Yu's eyes, which had dried up, were filled with tears again: "Lord... Do you think that child... Is not dead in fact..."

Prince Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood who she was talking about.

Prince Yu has two sons and one daughter under his knees, but they are not flesh and blood. They are the children of his brother.

His brother died in the war, and his sister-in-law also died of illness. He adopted his three nephews and nieces to his name. Minger, the youngest, was not a full moon when he arrived at their home.

Ming'er was pregnant when she was four years old.

So strictly speaking, the child who died early is their only flesh and blood.