The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 238

Jiang Shi's recovery is amazing. Gu Jiao is going to do the last operation for him. It's just a small operation. After that, he can rest in peace and don't have to use the knife again.

Gu Jiao just put on sterile gloves, Yu Pro princess will take her son to the door.

In order to cover up her identity, she was wearing an ordinary lady's dress, and she only wore three or two beads and hairpins on her head at will, but Rao was so. The three or two beads and hairpins were also extremely valuable among the people.

The second owner received her in person.

The second owner has a strong eye. The lady's face is ruddy. She doesn't look sick at all. Instead, the ten year old children in her arms are pale and have a low cough from time to time.

He said, "can I ask this young man to see a doctor?"

The servant stepped forward and stood between him and his master.

Where are the common people qualified to talk to the princess of the state of Liang?

The status of the state of Liang is higher than that of the state of Zhao. Naturally, the status of the princess of the state of Liang is more valuable than that of the state of Zhao.

Not to mention just a small owner of the hospital, even the official of the imperial court may not be qualified to speak with her own princess.

"Niang..." ming'er felt uncomfortable. She pulled the sleeve of Princess Layu and leaned against her.

For a moment, Princess Yuqin didn't care to talk to the second master. She touched her son's forehead placidly: "don't be afraid, we're in the hospital, and soon a doctor will treat you."

The second owner touched his nose in a friendly way, and it seemed that the other party had a bad relationship.

There are countless readers who have opened the hospital for so many years. They have seen all kinds of people. Naturally, they will not feel uncomfortable because they look down on it.

He looked at the waiter politely and said, "what's wrong with you, young master? Tell me the symptoms, and I'll recommend a suitable doctor for you. "

"Who is the most skillful doctor here?" The waiter asked rudely.

It has to be his family!

But his family's Xiao Gu is operating on Jiang Shi now, so he can't come.

What's more, he saw that the child's illness was not an emergency. After thinking about it, the second owner called doctor song over: "doctor song, please show this young man."

Doctor Song said to Princess Yu: "please come inside."

"Are you the best doctor in the hospital?" The waiter looked at him suspiciously. "I don't think you're old. You're only twenty, are you? Can't your hospital afford an experienced doctor? How did you get your reputation? "

In the eyes of ordinary people, a doctor's medical skills are often related to his age. The older he is, the more experienced he is. However, people who have seen Gu Jiao know that this is not absolute.

Gu Jiao is the youngest doctor in the hospital, but no one is unconvinced by her medical skills.

At the moment, it's not easy for doctor song to deal with the patients, but he is not as tactful as the second owner, so he said: "I usually treat children more, and I have rich experience in this field. But I really can't be the best doctor, but Miss Gu is busy now. If you don't worry, you can wait in the lobby. "

I'm going to get angry. The emperor of Liang dare not neglect my princess like this. You are a little folk doctor. I think you are up to heaven!

"Back off." Yuqin said.


"How long will that be?" Princess Yu asked doctor song.

"Doctor Song said:" soon, a small operation, soon

Princess Yuqin nodded, "OK, I'll wait."

The servant whispered: "Princess..."

Yuqin princess gave him a shut up look.

The waiter was silent.

Gu Jiao didn't let Princess Yuqin wait too long. She came out in a quarter and a half minutes.

When Princess Yu saw that it was a 15-year-old girl, she realized that the doctor was really talking about Miss Gu, not doctor Gu.

It's just... It's too young.

Gu Jiao is used to this kind of questioning eyes, calmly and calmly brings people into the consulting room, first gives the pulse to the child, and then takes out a clean tongue depressor from the jar on the table.

"Open your mouth."

Ming'er has never been examined like this. She is afraid.

Yuqin princess also looked at Gu Jiao strangely.

Gu Jiao said: "it doesn't hurt. I can only see your throat by pressing my tongue."

Listen to her say so, Yu Pro princess at ease: "good, listen to the doctor's words."

Gu Jiao didn't like to be pressed with a tongue depressor when she was a child. Too much pressure would make her uncomfortable. Her movements were fast and light. Before ming'er could feel uncomfortable, she had already taken out the tongue depressor.

The tonsils are a little red and swollen.

Gu Jiao took out a stethoscope and hung it on her ear: "untie your clothes."

Princess Yuqin had never seen such strange things and strange examination methods, but she only thought it was the original creation of this hospital and didn't pay much attention.

She went to untie her son's clothes, but she was held by his wrist: "men and women are not compatible! I don't undress in front of her

Since ancient times, it has been said that men and women are seven years old. He is ten years old and a man!

Gu Jiao looked at him fiercely: "you have to take off, if you don't take off, you have to take off."

Special hooligan!


When I came to the hospital, no one would listen to the doctor. Ming'er's clothes were successfully stripped, and she looked at someone with a strange thing on his chest and back.

He felt as if he had been touched all over.

What a shame!


Gu Jiao gave a diagnosis.

"Is that serious?" Asked Princess Yu anxiously.

Gu Jiao took off the stethoscope: "mild pneumonia, not too serious, take some medicine first."

Princess Yu frowned: "but he has been coughing for more than ten days."

She means coughing for more than ten days. Isn't it serious?

Gu Jiao knows, but Gu Jiao can't say against her heart that your son is really serious. She will worry about her life immediately. This pneumonia was serious in ancient times, and it was nothing to do with her.

She has anti-inflammatory drugs.

Gu Jiao said: "it's slowly infecting the lungs. Now we need to take medicine seriously."

Otherwise, we have to hang the bottle. Gu Jiao didn't say that.

Gu Jiao stamped the list and handed it to Princess Yu: "go out to check out at the counter and take the medicine to you later."

Princess Yuqin took the list and went as if she believed it or not.

Although the little girl looks like an old doctor, she can't believe that she can cure her son easily.

Princess Yuqin went out with her son.

Gu Jiao opened the small medicine box, and there was children's cough syrup in it.

It's a drug independently developed by the Research Institute. It's safer and more effective than similar drugs on the market. Of course, the price is several times higher.

She gradually found a problem - all the things in the medicine box are from the Research Institute, not from the market.

Does that mean she can only use the Institute's stuff?

Or, as long as it's from the Institute, she'll use it?

So far, there are only medicines and simple surgical consumables that she needs in the medicine box, and there are no instruments, otherwise she can operate on Gu Yan.

Gu Jiao put the anti-inflammatory drugs and cough syrup in porcelain bottles and gave a small spoon of 10 ml: "syrup three times a day, one spoon at a time. Two pills twice a day, two at a time. Take it after meals. "

After a pause, he looked at the sky and said, "can I drink and eat now?"

In a word, I woke up the dreamer. Today, I only paid attention to seeing my son, but I forgot to give him breakfast.

Of course, it's not that I'm not ready, but I'll take out the tea and put it aside if I don't want to. I plan to eat it later.

But after a while, he got on the carriage and came to the hospital. Now it's almost noon. The child didn't drink a mouthful of water.

Princess Yuqin looked at her son with guilt: "are you hungry? It's all my mother's fault. I forgot you didn't have breakfast. "

Ming'er is ill and has a bad appetite. She doesn't feel hungry.

But Prince Yu didn't want to delay, so she canceled the idea of going back immediately, and no one came back. At this moment, Prince Yu must still be fighting with the Minister of Zhao state in the imperial palace.

Princess Yuqin took her son back to the wing room of the hospital and ordered the waiter to buy some delicious snacks. When she learned that there was a cook in the hospital, she gave the cook money to prepare some food.

After dinner, ming'er took the medicine and fell asleep.

Princess Yuqin didn't quarrel with him and let him sleep.

It's afternoon before you know it.

When Guozijian finished school, Liu Quan went to pick up xiaojingkong and sent him to the hospital. After that, Liu Quan went to Qinghe academy to pick up Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun and went to master Lu's home to learn arts.

Xiaojingkong squats on the sand in the backyard of the hospital and teaches xiaojiangli to write with a bamboo stick.

"Jiang, this is your Jiang and this is a pear."

"What about my brother's name?"

"Jiangshi is the same as you Xiaojingkong wrote a big stone on the sand.

There was no sand in the backyard. Gu Jiaocai made a pile of sand for him.

Xiaojiangli wrote her brother's name carefully.

My brother's name is simple. It's written all at once. Her name is very difficult.

Xiao Jingkong is a smart child, but he is not an experienced teacher. Although he often checks Gu Yan's and Gu Xiaoshun's lessons, he is always angry to be a little puffer in the middle of teaching.

It's the same with xiaojiangli.

Xiaojiangli can't learn. He's a little puffer again.

He is a gentleman, a little puffer. He can't get angry with the little girl. He can only run to the back of the tree and sulk.

"Ah! I'm in such a hurry! "

Princess Yuqin went to the kitchen. On the way back to the wing room, she saw a small bean growling under the big tree!

That little Douding is very cute. He has a round head, a red face, black and bright eyes, long and curly eyelashes. It's really amusing to see that he is crazy with his little fists.

Yuqin's heart trembled when she was cute.