The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 220

For the time being, the Marquis didn't know that Yao's mother and son had returned to the capital. He thought they were still in the hot spring villa, so he didn't ask anyone to send them a message.

He began to interrogate his son and his three grandchildren: "what are the rumors about the capital?"

I don't know. First instance was shocked. During his absence from the capital, so many big things happened in Hou's residence.

Gu Jinyu's life experience is the first to bear the brunt. It's really troublesome. He is actually a wrong child.

Then it was aunt Ling's business.

This also explains why Gu Chenglin became such a virtue.

Aunt Ling has been dealt with by old lady Gu. The old Marquis didn't ask whether she was dead or alive. He didn't have the spare time to care about an aunt.

As for saying that the real granddaughter didn't want to go back to the mansion, he didn't pay much attention.

It's just a girl. There's nothing to pay attention to. Besides, since she's married, the water splashed by her married daughter can't be regarded as a member of Houfu.

Gu Chenglin bullies Gu Yan and is beaten by Gu Jiao. The father and son don't know each other.

It's no good to say that. It's them who are beaten.

Gu Yan's body and bones are weak. He never gets beaten no matter what mistakes he makes.

Moreover, all the girls in Houfu were brought up. From childhood to adulthood, regardless of whether Gu Jinyu made trouble or not, the old houye never touched her finger.

So Gu Jiao will not be beaten.

But even if we don't mention this, Hou's house is in a terrible mess - those who skip class, those who move out of the house, those who are not upright in the upper beam and those who are crooked in the lower beam will be punished!

Marquis Gu has already beaten him. Let's beat him again.

Marquis Gu

Are you still not my father?

The old Marquis looked at Gu Changqing: "as the eldest brother, you didn't restrain your two younger brothers. Should you be punished?"

Gu Changqing lowered her eyebrows and clenched her fist, as if she was holding back something: "it's time to punish."

The old Marquis said in a deep voice, "OK, one hundred army whip."

Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin have 50 army whip.

Gu Changqing said: "the third younger brother has just recovered from his serious injury. He can't be whipped. I will be punished on his behalf."

Gu Chengfeng said: "I can also be punished on behalf of my third brother!"

"OK, one more 20 lashes." The old Marquis said in a cold voice and looked at Gu Chenglin, who had only half of his long hair. "There are only ten whip left. If I can carry it, I'll just take it as if I don't have your grandson!"

Cruel or cruel!

When Gu Changqing repaired his two younger brothers, Mrs. Gu dared to cry, make trouble and hang herself. At the command of the Marquis, the whip slapped on her son and grandson. Mrs. Gu did not dare to say a word.

Marquis Gu was beaten to pieces.

"All right." The old Marquis said, "don't kill me. I have to go to the palace to plead guilty."

Marquis Gu, who has no love in his life: --

You are my real father!

The old Marquis took his son to the palace to plead with the emperor.

The old Marquis knelt down and gave a salute. He clasped his hands and said, "if you don't want to raise your godfather, that girl will bring a catastrophe. It's the unfilial son who is used to it. The minister has brought this unfilial son. Let your majesty be angry!"

The emperor looked at the black eyed and miserable Marquis Gu.

After all, he has no place to start.

The emperor coughed and waved his hand: "forget it, it's not the fault of marquis Gu. The little girl is also young and ignorant. She will be disciplined by many families in the future."

As for the reason for Gu Jinyu's punishment, the official statement is still that he broke the jade seal and added a crime of bullying the king.

As for whether the wind box bullies you or the glutinous rice mortar bullies you, the official did not elaborate.

But the more this is, the easier it is to achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone. Now, even if there is no evidence of bellows, there are many voices of Gu Jinyu falsely claiming the credit of bellows.

Strictly speaking, Gu Jinyu was not responsible for the accident. Although she provided the reconstruction drawings, it was the decision of the work department whether to use them or not.

The manufacturing supervision department of the Ministry of industry had found that there was something wrong with her transformation, but instead of stopping her, she skipped the normal trial procedure and hired a large number of illegal workers to start work illegally.

But the old Marquis could not excuse Gu Jinyu. He said that all the losses were borne by the Marquis's office in Ding'an. In addition, he asked the emperor to abolish Gu Jinyu's status as head of the county.

The emperor sighed: "Alas, old Marquis, what's the trouble? I've abolished her position as a princess. I'll keep her position as a county Lord. "

"Your Majesty, please take it back!" The Marquis insisted.

Since the emperor insisted so much, I didn't want to lose face. He ordered to take back Gu Jinyu's identity as the county leader.

Gu Jinyu finally walked out of the punishment department, but she was not happy.

More than half a month ago, she was the second grade princess, and now she has nothing.

It doesn't hurt when you wrestle on the ground, but it hurts when you fall from a height.

Gu Jinyu went back to the residence of marquis. She went back to the courtyard first, took a comfortable hot bath, changed her clean clothes, arranged her appearance, and then went to the flower hall to meet Marquis Gu.

She was wronged and choked, and her eyes were slightly red: "grandfather, Jinyu knows that she is wrong, and Jinyu is willing to go to the ancestral hall to kneel."

"No need." Said the marquis.

Gu Jinyu was so happy that her grandfather didn't want her to kneel down, but he still loved her!

The next second, she heard the old Marquis coldly say: "you are not a family man, you are not qualified to kneel down to the ancestors of the family. And don't call me grandfather in the future. "

Gu Jinyu directly froze in the same place.

The Marquis has always been a tough and violent family owner. He is not soft hearted in beating up his children and grandchildren, except Gu Yan and Gu Jinyu.

Gu Jinyu always thought that his grandfather loved them very much, but now, she felt inexplicably that his grandfather might not care about their siblings at all.

Gu Jinyu is wrong.

The old Marquis didn't care about his sister and brother, but simply didn't care about her.

The Marquis loves Gu Yan, otherwise he would not have given Gu Yan two secret guards. He didn't even have Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin.

Old Marquis is a typical son preference, pro granddaughter he does not hurt, not his own then even less painful.

After taking care of the family affairs, the Marquis entered the palace again.

The news of the old Marquis's return soon swept across the capital. Almost everyone knew that the once powerful old general had returned, but what if he did? His military power has been handed over long ago, and Gu's army has been incorporated into others' command.

Gu Jiao never hears anything outside the window. She doesn't know that the old Marquis has come back. She is counting the golden sore medicine sent by the factory.

This is the second batch of acne medicine customized for the military camp.

She then checked a few bottles, the quality is no problem.

"I have nothing to do today. I'll send it." By the way, she also gave something to Zhou Erzhuang, Xue Ningxiang's little brother-in-law.

Because of the medicinal materials, Gu Jiao was able to enter the military camp.

The soldiers have just finished their martial arts training and are sitting in the open space to rest. The air is full of sweat and weapons.

It's something she knew in her previous life.

Gu Jiao didn't see much. She took a carriage to the camp of the medical officials.

She was received by a medical officer surnamed Lu.

Gu Changqing said hello a few days ago. Doctor Lu was very polite to Gu Jiao, but he was also nervous and cautious. He said, "don't run around for a while. I'll leave directly after I have tested the medicine."

They got the news this morning that a big man was coming to the barracks.

The identity of the great man was so high that Xuanping Marquis, who had not appeared for half a year, was called to the barracks.

Xuanping Hou got up and sat in the carriage all the way, but he refused to get out of the car: "I don't think you want to do it

General ran stood beside the carriage, bowed his hand, saluted respectfully, and said with a smile: "the Lord has wronged the officer. How dare the officer disturb his dream? This is not... "

He said, looked around, stepped forward, approached the car window and whispered: "there is going to be someone in the palace. The general is afraid that he can't hold the scene, so he asked the lower officer to invite the Marquis over anyway. Half of the Gu's troops here can't be controlled by ordinary people. It's really up to you, marquis! "

Xuanping Hou light way: "this Hou come out to do?"

General ran slapped on the curtain and said, "get out of the car first. It's very stuffy in the car. I've prepared good wine and dishes for you. I'll show them to you in a moment."

It's really stuffy in the carriage.

Xuanping Hou went down the carriage with a cold face.

General ran then said, "it's not a big deal. The general's meaning is that... You'd better arrange a troop and arrange an array for training with your soldiers. The more prestige you have, the better! I'll call everyone out! "

"What are you doing in such a big battle? Your majesty, he doesn't understand. " Xuanping Hou rolled his sleeve and said carelessly, "you can make a fool of barren land."

As soon as the emperor and the Marquis got out of the carriage, they heard such a treacherous remark.

Old Marquis: --

The Empero