The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 219

This is the first time in the world.

Even Zhuang Yuexi was stunned.

What happened?

How did her brother leave her and run away with other women?

That woman seems to have a family!

In the alley.

Gu Jiao looked at Princess an depressed: "did you do it on purpose? You walk like him

Princess an laughed: "well, yes, I did it on purpose."

The moment he was caught, he knew that she was wrong, because she didn't walk too fast, but she carefully blocked the crowd for him, and she rushed ahead for him.

But he didn't stop her and even lied to her.

He wanted to go further, but he couldn't help it.

Gu Jiao's little face is very black.

"I'm your patient, you're my doctor, you can't beat me," said the king

Gu Jiao pinched her fist, controlled her temper, ignored him, and turned away!

Princess Ann keeps up.

The Huakui of Youjie has passed, and the street is calm again.

The two appeared one before the other.

Zhuang Yuexi rushed over with her train in her hand, took him by the arm and said, "brother! What just happened? "

"It's OK. Get in the car." Said the king of Anson to her.


Zhuang Yuexi wanted to know on the spot, but the king of an County raised her hand and touched her head gently.

Zhuang Yuexi's heart melted, and she took her brother's hand to the carriage.

Before leaving, an Jun Wang looked at Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG with a smile: "Miss Gu, see you another day."

Gu Jiao


When the carriage went away, only Xiao LIULANG and Gu Jiao were left on the empty corner, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

Gu Jiao thought about it and said, "I said, I caught the wrong person. Do you believe it?"

Xiao LIULANG: "ha ha."

Your husband is very angry, the kind of coax is not good!

On the way back, no one spoke.

Gu Jiao is mainly in the heart of self-examination, catch the wrong person, harm Xianggong in the cold wind waiting for her so long.

Xiao LIULANG is sulking. The more she doesn't speak, the more angry he is.

He couldn't tell himself what he was angry about!

Finally, when he crossed the threshold, he said, "what does he mean to see you another day?"

Gu Jiao said, "he's a patient in the hospital. He'll come for a reexamination in a few days."

There is a doctor-patient relationship in it!

"What's wrong with him?" said Xiao LIULANG

Gu Jiao said: "this is the patient's privacy, I can't tell you."

Well, they both have their own little secret.

"Jiao Jiao ~"

Small clearance from the door of Westinghouse out of a small head.

Gu Jiao soon had no time to gossip with Xiao LIULANG. At this time, xiaojingkong had not slept yet. At first sight, she came out of the quilt.

Gu Jiao went over, picked up the little guy, put the fried fruit on the table, held his cold little feet in her hands, and stuffed the person into the quilt: "why don't you sleep?"

Small clearance was wrapped tightly, motionless, like a clever silkworm: "wait for Jiaojiao."

Gu Jiao said: "I didn't buy sugar gourd. I only have fried fruit. Do you want to taste one?"

"Well!" Little clearance nodded obediently.

Gu Jiao took a fried fruit to feed him, he ate full of oil, satisfied to squint.

"Still want to eat." He said.

"No more." Gu Jiao poured a cup of hot water to let him gargle, "sleep, eat tomorrow."

Xiaojingkong is an obedient child who soon closes his eyes and snores to sleep.

After washing, Xiao LIULANG lay beside the little guy, but he tossed and turned.

Finally fell asleep, but had another dream.

In his dream, he was in a mess. He managed to get rid of the huge shackles. He opened his eyes and found that he went back to the Hou mansion.

Lying on a strange and familiar bed, he saw a strange and familiar scene.

There were servants standing in the room, but they had not seen each other for a long time. He could not name them.

Dressed in a goose yellow dress, Princess Xinyang came in gently: "ah Heng, you wake up!"

He looked at Princess Xinyang, who sat down beside his bed, raised her hand and touched his forehead, wondering, "what's the matter? Why do you look at my mother like this? Don't you know my mother? "

Anxious to get angry, she rushed out of the door and cried, "imperial doctor! Come on, doctor

The imperial doctor came, gave him a pulse, checked his body, and said to Princess Xinyang, "Your Highness, the little marquis is all right. He should have been frightened, so that's why."

Xinyang Princess worried: "aheng, aheng, are you ok? Don't scare me. I told you not to go to the palace examination. What's good for a palace examination? If you want to be an official, your mother will help you. You don't need the imperial examination! "

"Palace examination?" He looked at a room of people, "has the palace examination passed?"

Princess Xinyang said, "after that, you had a conflict with others in the palace examination. You fell down accidentally and have been in a coma for several days."

Without the fire four years ago, he has grown up safely.

"What about Jiao Jiao?" He asked.

"Who is Jiao Jiao?" Princess Xinyang asked, "you will marry Linlang. Don't take a fancy to any other girl outside. Linlang will be sad."

"Jiaojiao." He lifted the quilt and went down.

"My legs..." he looked at his legs in disbelief. He could walk around without any injury.

Yes, there was no fire, naturally there was no exile and no injury.

Princess Xinyang cried: "you put on a dress, it's cold outside!"

He quickly went to the blue water Hutong, he came to his and Gu Jiao's home, but he pushed open the door, but it was empty, nothing.

His heart sank.

He knocked on the door of the old wine hall.

But it was not the old sacrificial wine who opened the door, but a strange man.

He went to Uncle Zhao's house again: "Uncle Zhao, it's me, LIULANG!"

Uncle Zhao and aunt Zhao looked at him suspiciously: "who are you?"

He went to the next door again: "Aunt Zhang, it's me! I'm LIULANG

Aunt Zhang's face was full of confusion.

He didn't come. No one knew him.

All he felt was cold through.

He thought of the hospital and ran to it in a hurry.

Miaozhou hall is still there, but all the people in miaozhou hall don't know him.

Finally, he saw the familiar voice in the lobby.

He quickly walked towards her and was about to call him Jiaojiao, but she looked at him with a very strange look and said to the doctor on one side, "here comes the patient. Please receive him."

She passed him without looking back.

There was a sudden burst of unspeakable suffocation in his heart, as if something had strangled his heart.

This kind of feeling is not really good, he just woke up.

Then I found that it was a dream.

He didn't go back to Houfu. He was still in his home in Bishui Hutong, with a little snoring space lying on his back, with a little foot in his heart.

No wonder he felt so bad in his dream. Was he pressed by this little thing?

Xiao LIULANG takes the little guy's feet away.

After midnight, he didn't fall asleep again.

As long as you close your eyes, it's the feeling that Gu Jiao is choked when she no longer knows him.

This kind of feeling is strange and uncontrollable. I can't even press it down.

The next day, when Gu Jiao got up early, Xiao LIULANG was gone.

Xiaojingkong is sleeping soundly. I don't know when the bad brother-in-law left.

Liu Quan heard the movement here and knocked on the door: "it's me, jiaoniang."

Gu Jiao opened the door to him: "uncle Liu, so early."

Liu Quan said with a smile: "LIULANG came to me and said that he had gone out in advance. I'll see them off to school later. I've made breakfast, too. I'll bring it here. "

Oh, the people are gone, but the family is clearly arranged.

Gu Jiao did not think much: "thank you."

In fact, it's OK for her to send them to school, but Liu always drives, and three young men can go to school by carriage.

After they went to school, Gu Jiao went to the hospital.

Today, two more critically ill patients were discharged from the hospital. It's a happy day.

Then I didn't see Xiao LIULANG early in the morning. I always felt that there was something missing.

But on the other side, marquis Gu also plans to go out.

Since Yao moved to Bishui Hutong, he refused to move back. Gu Jiao stopped him. He couldn't fight and rob. Yao used to listen to him. With Gu Jiao, he felt that his position in Yao's mind had plummeted.

It can't go on like this.

He has to go to Yao alone.

He was sure that Gu Jiao would go to the hospital, but he had to go to the Yamen at that time.

After some tangle, he decided to skip work!

Apart from his ability to handle affairs, his attitude as an official is not cowardly. This is the first time that he has been absent from duty in his official career.

But for the sake of his daughter-in-law, he gave up!

By the way, he also summed it up. After he took Yao back, he could go to the punishment department to see Jinyu.

Jinyu must have suffered a lot after being locked up for so long.

He set out with great ambition, but as soon as he opened the door of the mansion, people stopped.

Outside the door stood an old man in cloth clothes. He was bigger than him. His hair was silver, but he was hale and hearty.

The burden in the hand of marquis Gu fell to the ground with a click. This is the gift he prepared for Yao.

"Dad, Dad, Dad... How did you come back?"

He was so nervous that he stammered.

The old Marquis's fierce eyes fell on his face: "shouldn't you be in the Yamen at this time?"

You don't have to go to court early today, but yamen is not on holiday.

"I'm going to go," he said in a cold sweat

The old Marquis looked at the jewelry scattered on the ground: "with these things?"

Marquis Gu was directly upgraded from stuttering to dumb.

Does he have such bad luck? He was caught by his father the first time he skipped work

On his way back to Beijing, the old Marquis heard a lot of rumors about Ding'an's residence. In his anger, marquis Gu was arrested at this time, which is no different from being sent to death.

Marquis Gu stepped back and raised his arm to cover his face: "my face is just right!"

Marquis Gu has become a married man. Generally, he won't beat him unless he can't help it.

"Ah --"

"Ah, ah --"

"Ah, ah --"

A quarter of an hour later, his shrill cry came from Marquis Gu's yard.

Huang Zhong, not far away, helplessly covers his face


I can't see it.

Gu Changqing of the barracks received the news of his grandfather's return to the mansion, and immediately went back to the mansion.

At the same time, Gu Chengfeng of Qinghe academy also heard his report: "what? My grandfather is back? "

The boy trembled and said, "yes, second young master, don't run around after school. Remember to take the third young master back to the mansion!"

Take Gu Chenglin home? It's hard to do.

Gu Chenglin's recent state is more and more wrong.

Gu Chengfeng has been unable to eat meat since he witnessed the bloody scene of the operation. He often mocks himself for not being a monk. As a result, one day, a little monk really came to the yard.

It's small clearance.

Gu Chenglin is resting in Gu Jiao's yard. Recently, he has come to many places. It's hard to avoid meeting him occasionally.

Xiaojingkong doesn't know Gu Chenglin, and he doesn't know his grudge and relationship with Gu Jiao. He thinks Gu Chenglin is an ordinary patient.

Xiaojingkong is a warm-hearted child. Seeing Gu Chenglin depressed and restless, he proposed to read Buddhist Scriptures for him: "when I was unhappy in the past, my master would recite Buddhist Scriptures for me, and I would be happy after reading them."

Gu Chenglin is dull and ignores him.

Small clearance only when he agreed.

With dedication, he turned out his little monk's clothes and wooden fish, put on Buddhist beads and hat, sat cross legged on the floor, and began to chant sutras for Gu Chenglin.

Gu Chenglin didn't respond at first, but when he listened, he sat up upright. His eyes shed clear tears, but he found peace in his heart.

"Can Bodhisattva really save people from suffering?" He asked in a daze.

Xiaojingkong said seriously: "of course! Master, that's what the old man said! "

Gu Chenglin suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully to xiaojingkong: "I want to become a monk. Please shave my hair for me."

Small clearance: "Oh."

Xiao Jingkong ran out and found a razor to shave the patient's legs. He began to shave Gu Chenglin.

He shaved from left to right. The left side shaved completely. Just as he was coming to shave the right side, Gu Chengfeng arrived.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chengfeng was crazy: "what are you doing?"

Xiaojingkong turned to Gu Chengfeng and said innocently, "I'm shaving him. He wants to become a monk."

Gu Chengfeng

Gu Chengfeng heartache and heart said: "grandfather came back, let you hurry back to the house!"

Gu Chenglin put his hands together and made a Buddhist ceremony: "I'm a monk. I'm no longer a prince of the Marquis's mansion, and I don't know the benefactor's grandfather. Everything has nothing to do with me... Can I take back my hair? Wuwu ~ "

Gu Chenglin head half bald, half long hair back to the Hou house.

When I saw Gu Chenglin's unspeakable shape, the old Marquis, who was in danger, spouted out a mouthful of tea!