The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 204

"Don't move. It'll be fine soon." Gu Jiao is cleaning a wound for an injured person.

This is the first craftsman to find something wrong with the stove and quickly let people run out.

If it wasn't for him, all the craftsmen who were blowing at that time would have been killed.

However, because of their fast escape and the explosion of the furnace, many people were seriously injured. Especially after the explosion of this furnace, the rest of the furnaces collapsed, and the whole workshop was destroyed by the fire.

The loss of the court was huge.

"Doctor... Will my legs be broken?" The craftsman's leg is unconscious, he said in fear.

Gu Jiao sewed up the wound for him: "no, I just gave you anesthetics and temporarily lost consciousness. You will feel pain after the medicine is over."

The craftsman put down his heart, looked at Gu Jiao gratefully and said weakly: "girl... I'm ok... Go and treat others..."

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded, sewed the last stitch, bandaged the wound for him, and went to the next patient.

Another patient's back was burned in a large area. Dr. Song was simply cleaning it with normal saline given by Gu Jiao, but the wound was too large. It was the first time that Dr. Song dealt with a patient of this degree, and it was a little difficult to deal with.

"I'll do it." Gu Jiao said to him, "go and see the patients over there."

"Ah Doctor song gave way to Gu Jiao and went to see the other two patients with yellow cloth strips.

The patient was pasted with a red cloth strip. He was in critical condition, but he still had rescue value.

Gu Jiao squatted down and took the scissors to cut off all the remaining clothes on his back.

He's not completely unconscious, which means he's in great pain.

Gu Jiao took a dose of analgesic needle from the small medicine box and was about to give it intramuscular injection. At this time, Gu Jinyu rushed over like a madman, grabbed Gu Jiao's wrist and said in a hoarse voice: "I've been calling for so long, don't you hear me? There's a man dying over there! Go and save him

Once upon a time, in Gu Jinyu's heart, Gu Jiao was just a little medicine boy, but at the critical moment, she began to count on this little medicine boy.

Gu Jiao looked irritably and grabbed her wrist: "take it away."

It's boring to say one more word.

Gu Jinyu said: "are you not a doctor? How can you not save yourself from death? " She pointed to the patient lying beside Gu Jiao, "that person's condition is much more serious than him! He will die if he is not treated again

Gu Jiao of course knows the person's condition. She tied up the black cloth strip herself. The dying patients don't have the value of rescue. The efforts to rescue him will lead to the death of a large number of critically ill patients with red cloth strips.

Seeing that Gu Jiao ignored herself, Gu Jinyu said, "do you want to watch him die? Do you have a conscience? "

Gu Jiao broke off Gu Jinyu's wrist, pricked a needle on the patient's arm, released the other hand, and slapped Gu Jinyu in the face with her backhand!

This is not a slap in the face when I had a little fight with Zhuang Mengdie in a small town.

Gu Jinyu was directly hit on the ground, her right ear was tinnitus, the corner of her mouth was also broken, her forehead was knocked on a broken board, bleeding immediately.

Gu Jinyu looks at Gu Jiao in disbelief.

Gu Jiao has finished the analgesic injection for the patient. She takes out a piece of disinfectant dressing to cover the patient's wound. She is very careful.

After finishing this, she stood up and looked coldly at Gu Jinyu: "now I know that people are dying. Why did I go there? It's hard to understand how much wind and air a stove can bear. Who uses your courage to move the bellows? "

Gu Jinyu's face faded!

Gu Jiao said in a cold voice: "if you are ignorant, you should find a place to be stupid. Don't come out to harm people!"

Sequence of events was known to Gu Jiao old fellow blacksmith.

It was a completely avoidable accident.

The young man took a panoramic view of what happened to Gu Jiao and Gu Jinyu: "find out who the girl is."

Zhao Shangshu was about to answer, but a dark guard from nowhere nodded: "yes!"

Zhao Shangshu pinched a cold sweat, worthy of his highness, dark guards are so Haunted!

The fire spread, the scene should not stay long, Zhao Shangshu also joined the ranks of the transfer of the injured.

Soon, Gu Changqing arrived with a team of bodyguards.

The six divisions belong to different factions from the military aircraft division. Strictly speaking, the accident of the Ministry of work is not related to the military camp. However, when he heard that the doctor of miaozhou hall had been requisitioned by the Ministry of work, he led his own personal guards to come.

"Big brother!" Gu Jinyu saw him as if she saw another straw to save her life. She ran to Gu Changqing with tears on her face.

Gu Changqing didn't see her at all. He drove his horse past her. He stopped not far away from Gu Jiao, rolled over and dismounted, and nervously walked towards Gu Jiao: "are you ok?"

Gu Jiao is changing dressings for patients. He is seriously injured, and a piece of dressings is soaked with blood.

This scene, Gu Changqing a big man saw secretly uncomfortable, he stretched out his hand: "give me."

Gu Jiao shook her head and said to him, "there are still several patients over there. You can help transfer them."

"To the hospital?" Gu Changqing asked.

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded.

Gu Changqing orders his men to find boards to carry people out.

There is only a sprained foot plus a little skin injury patients, Gu Changqing directly back in the back.

He didn't walk a few steps behind his back. Suddenly, he felt that two eyes that could not be ignored fell on him. He looked around and saw a carriage parked outside the back door.

That seems to be——

Thinking about it, there was a rumbling sound from the other end of the ruins.

Gu Changqing's eyebrows jumped.

Then the old fellow cried out, "no! The stove is going to blow up again

The fire was out of control and burned to the furnace in another boiler room, causing the furnace over there to blow up.

Gu Jinyu looks pale and runs away!

Where does she remember any critical patients? It's important to save your own life.

Gu Jiao picked up the patient in front of her and quickly evacuated from the scene.

It's a pity that she was a little late. As soon as she opened her legs, the stove exploded with a bang!

At the moment when the fire dragon swept up, Gu Changqing, with a little tip of her foot, flew behind her and used her body as a shield to block the invasion of the fire tongue.

Gu Changqing was burning all over.

Gu Jiao turned to look at him: "roll!"

Everyone was shocked. Duwei saved you. Do you want him to go away?

Gu Jiao said, "go away!"

Gu Changqing fell on the ground and rolled up. The fire on her body was put out quickly.

All the long relief at the same time also some dumbfounded: so your roll, really just literally roll

Gu Changqing put out the fire quickly and didn't get serious burns, but Gu Jiao took him back to the hospital with the rest of the patients.

There are many medical schools coming to treat this time, including huichuntang, the home of the second owner.

Huichuntang is one of the best hospitals in Beijing. They have six doctors here, but they have treated less than half of the wounded.

What's more striking is that all the injured people have proposed to go to miaozhou hall for further treatment.

"Shopkeeper he, do you think that girl looks familiar?" Said an elderly doctor.

Shopkeeper he looks at Gu Jiao's back.

He didn't see each other clearly, but he was too familiar with the basket.

Isn't this the little Yao Tong who is accompanying the second owner in the hot spring villa?

Why is she here?

The doctor said, "I heard that after the second owner left the Hu family, he opened a new hospital in the capital. It seems to be called miaozhou hall. Isn't it the miaozhou hall just now?"

Shopkeeper he said: "impossible? The doctor of this wonderful hand hall is more powerful than our doctor. Where can he hire such a good doctor? "

Shopkeeper he doesn't think it's possible. However, this wonderful hand hall has really robbed the business of huichuntang. He has to report back to the big owner and let the big owner Haosheng pay attention to the wonderful hand hall!

The injured at the scene just had a simple treatment. When they got back to the hospital, they had to be operated and treated. Gu Jiao was very busy, so she didn't have the trouble to find Gu Jinyu for the time being.

After Gu Jinyu fled the scene, she got on the carriage in a hurry and fell.

"Miss..." the little servant girl was frightened by her tragedy.

Gu Jinyu's face turned white and said, "go... Go find your father!"

Marquis Gu is not in the Ministry of industry today. He was sent to the western suburb of Beijing last night to survey water conservancy. He will not return until three days later.

He did not know that something had happened in the Yamen of the Ministry of industry.

Because of Gu Jinyu's great contribution, and his rising bow, he became a hot figure in the Ministry of industry, and everyone was killed... Er, no, flatter!

He is happy to be surrounded by a group of colleagues blowing rainbow fart, suddenly the bodyguard came to report: "the princess is coming!"

Marquis Gu personally went outside to meet his daughter: "dear daughter, why are you here today? Did you come to see my father

He was startled by Gu Jinyu's pig face!

What I don't know is a ghost!


After Marquis Gu got on the carriage, Gu Jinyu told him about the work department yamen: "I really didn't mean to, I didn't know that the bellows would have an accident... They all said that there was something wrong with my design... But why didn't it happen in the first place... When those two people came, they had an accident..."

What it said is like a bellows accident, old fellow blacksmith and carpenter.

Gu Jinyu sobbed: "they also said that the bellows was not made by me, but by my sister..."

"Where can the girl make the bellows?" Marquis Gu looked disgusted.

Gu Jinyu said in a low voice: "I don't know if my sister saw my drawing..."

Marquis Gu frowned.

The old fellow felt that the girl was not like a man who could do such a thing. Except for this, he could not understand how she could make the bellows: "the old blacksmith really said your sister told him?"

"Well." Gu Jinyu nodded.

"Shouldn't..." Mr. Gu thought, "how can she peep at your things? She doesn't know where your stuff is, either? "

Gu Jiao has been to Houfu and Shanzhuang several times, but she has never entered Gu Jinyu's yard.

Gu Jinyu didn't expect that this father believed Gu Jiao at this time.

She was stunned and said, "maybe my sister also thought about the bellows. We all thought about it..."

Marquis Gu's intelligence quotient was only online for a short time. He sighed: "maybe you two really have a heart to heart. Don't worry. I'll investigate the accident of the bellows. It's not necessarily the problem of the bellows. It may be that the furnace is in disrepair for a long time. As for who invented the bellows, I will tell your majesty

Gu Jiao hugged his arm and said softly, "Dad, you really love your daughter the most in the world."

Marquis Gu is very useful. This is a kind little cotton padded jacket!

Unlike that girl, there is air leakage everywhere. It's a cold armor!

Marquis Gu temporarily left his official business and went to the palace to meet his majesty.

Your majesty is listening to Zhao Shangshu's report on the accident. He is in a bad mood about the casualties and the losses at the scene.

When Mr. Gu said that the explosion of the furnace might be caused by the furnace, not by the bellows, he wanted to beat Mr. Gu out!

Marquis Gu did not know that he had ignited his Majesty's anger. He then said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will find out the truth! In addition, there's the bellows. In fact, my two daughters have thought about it... "

After Marquis Gu left, his majesty leaned wearily on the back of his chair, raised his hand and pinched his sore brow.

It was dark, and there was silence all around. The huge imperial study was dark. It was like a giant beast with a big mouth open, swallowing his whole body.

For a long time, he sighed: "Wei Shen."

"Your Majesty." Duke Wei stepped in and said, "do you want to hold the lamp?"

Your majesty nodded.

Duke Wei LIT an oil lamp.

His majesty looks haggard and tired under the oil lamp.

The saddest thing that has happened is the king of a country.

He said softly, "Your Majesty, take care of yourself."

Your majesty asked, "who is responsible for the bellows?"

Duke Wei grinned: "Your Majesty already has the answer in his heart. Why bother to ask the slave?"

His majesty said, "the Marquis has been serving for me all his life. When he comes, he will be charged with disrespect. I will take the military power away from him and return home."

Duke Wei turned on the wick: "it's all for the sake of the country."

His majesty picked up a memorial on the table: "Marquis Ding'an wants to give credit to his adopted daughter."

One yard to one yard, the responsibility of the accident should be investigated, but the credit of the bellows can not be wiped out, the punishment that should be punished, the reward that should be rewarded.

Duke Wei said with a smile: "if you say something you shouldn't say, whoever made the bellows is good. In the end, it's all the credit of the marquis. It's said that Miss Gu has been married in the countryside, and the head of Hui County has not yet come out of the cabinet. "

This is very intriguing.

If a married woman only marries a countryman, her help to her family is limited.

If Gu Jinyu marries into the high gate, his majesty will be like a tiger.

From the perspective of utilization value, Gu Jinyu should take the credit.

Your majesty hesitated: "but will it be too much to aggrieve the young lady?"

Duke Wei said earnestly: "his father doesn't feel aggrieved. What does your majesty do for her? She is destined to be the abandoned son of the Marquis's house. She has no help to the Marquis's house or to his majesty. "

His majesty laughed at himself: "is I still Mingjun?"

Duke Wei said: "Your Majesty gave up one person to save all the people. Why is it unknown? Why not? "

"Your majesty A little Dantong said outside the door, "it's time for you to take pills."

Your majesty winked at Duke Wei.

Duke Wei came to the door with a brush, stretched out his thin hand and said in a shrill voice, "give it to the miscellaneous family."

"Yes." Xiaodantong kneels on the ground and hands the brocade box to Duke Wei.

Duke Wei took the elixir into the room and said, "Your Majesty, don't write a memorial. Take the elixir."

Little Dantong craned his neck. He couldn't see the scene inside. He could only vaguely see his majesty taking pills from the window paper.

He retired with satisfaction.

As soon as he left, his Majesty gave a cold hum and threw the pill back into the box. He looked disgusted and said, "get rid of it!"

"Yes." Duke Wei took the pills and put them away.

"Your Majesty."

Your Majesty's ears haven't been clear for a while, and a little eunuch came, "lady Shufei has sent you tonic soup."

Venison is a perfect tonic soup.

I have to.

It's something to be spoiled again.

There are more porridge and less monks in the harem. Monks haven't been there for a long time. Which woman can bear it?

But your majesty is helpless!

Duke Wei wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to, so he had to work hard: "if your majesty can bear it any longer, doesn't that little doctor say that you can have a good rest without getting sick for two years? It's been almost a year. "

When it comes to the little doctor, your Majesty's look eased.

Staying in the palace, he decided to go out.

He came out of the palace in Weifu, only with Duke Wei.

The two masters and servants, dressed in the clothes of an ordinary master and a steward, walked in the street with dignity.

There are not many people who have seen the real face of the emperor in the world. They are not worried about being recognized.

Walking on the flowing street, watching the lights of thousands of families and the people's ample food and clothing, your Majesty's depression finally dissipated a lot.

"Oh dear!"

As your majesty walked, a small ball fell over and rolled to his feet.

Duke Wei was so scared that he opened his arms and said, "escort!"

His Majesty gave Duke Wei a silent look: "it's a child."

Little Tuanzi pulled the hem in front of him and stood up, patted his butt and looked down: "Oh! My shoes

One of his tiger shoes is gone!

Those are his favorite shoes!

He ran around without finding his shoes. He was so anxious that he forked and stomped again!

His Majesty was amused by his naive appearance and couldn't help laughing.

Xiaojingkong noticed the adult in front of him. He raised his head, looked at each other, thought about it, and said, "this handsome uncle, do you see my shoes?"