The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 203

No one in the whole Jinluan hall dared to speak like this in front of his majesty.

Duke Wei's face changed.

Gu Jinyu's face also slightly changed.

However, she is not because of the other side's improper wording.

She forced herself to calm down.

His majesty looked at Gu Jinyu curiously, and said to the old fellow Smith and carpenter, "she cares for the girl."

The carpenter hasn't met Gu Jinyu. It's hard for him to make a speech.

But the old fellow Smith remembered him, and he waved her hand: "she is not!" Miss Gu doesn't look like this! "

Duke Wei laughed and said, "are you going to admit your mistake? Do you want to see it again? "

The old fellow Smith had been in a lifetime of iron, and he was not very understanding of worldly affairs, and he was not smooth in his traditional code of conduct. He was angry and angry. Even though he was talking to the Emperor himself, he forgot: "no need to read it!" Miss Gu stayed in my shop all afternoon. How can I not remember her appearance? Also, her voice is not like this! No, no! You made a mistake

Wei Gonggong said with a smile: "are you sure that girl's surname is Gu and she is the daughter of Hou family?"

"Sure, sure!" The old fellow Smith nodded his head.

Old fellow mistress went to Gu Jiao to get tools for the iron shop. The old blacksmith did not give the girl a bonus. The mistress was not able to get entangled. He said carelessly that "Gu girl is Hou Fu, and where is it worth you?"

Xiao Sanzi let slip his words, and then he was very cautious and never talked again.

Duke Wei said justly: "but she is the daughter of the Marquis's family, and she is really Gu. There is no second daughter of the Marquis's family in the world..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

No, there's a second one.

Mr. Gu's family has two daughters.

One is his own daughter who grew up in the countryside, and the other is his adopted daughter who grew up around him. Although he was wrong, marquis Gu always regarded her as his own daughter, and this adopted daughter was also very proud.

If it wasn't for the mistake, I'm afraid no one would doubt that she is not a real family daughter.

Duke Wei guessed it, so did his majesty.

However, marquis Gu once swore that his daughter didn't know a big word.

So who is lying?

The old fellow was bold, but Gu Jinyu was white.

His majesty with a stern look fell on Gu Jinyu's face: "what do you have to say?"

Gu Jinyu pinched her fingers tightly to keep herself from showing timidity: "Your Majesty, the bellows was really invented by my courtesan."

"Old fellow Smith is anxious:" Oh, how can you tell a lie about your little doll? You didn't go to my shop! If you don't believe me, call them all! "

That day, not only the old fellow Smith was in the iron shop, but also several other craftsmen had met Gu Jiao.

"Bold, this is the princess!" Duke Wei whispered a serious reminder.

No matter what princess the old fellow is not, he knows that she is not the person she is looking for. She can not claim credit.

"Your majesty Gu Jinyu saluted and said, "my daughter has never been to the iron shop, but the bellows is really designed by my daughter."

Your majesty frowned and said, "what did you say in the beginning?"

Gu Jinyu dropped her eyes and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty only asked if the wind box was the invention of Chen Nu, but did not ask if she had been to Tiepu."

His Majesty's brow frowned more tightly: "then you don't wonder how your own things are made?"

Gu Jinyu said: "I've been curious, but it's not too unexpected. After all, the minister's daughter has mentioned it to many people, and even the servant girls around her know it."

Your Majesty's eyes have some doubt: "your implication is that someone has stolen your achievements?"

"No, not so!" Old fellow Smith retorted, "Gu girls will not steal things!"

Gu Jinyu shook her head and said, "I didn't say that she was stealing. Maybe she was kind-hearted and wanted to help you, so I don't blame that person."

"Ah..." old fellow blacksmith is ignorant.

Smart, generous, selfless, all let him occupy.

But the old fellow still feels wrong.

It's not evidence. It's intuition that he lived most of his life.

Gu Jinyu has made up her mind. She insists that the inspiration is her own. If your majesty wants to check, she can only investigate the people around her. She has already made sure that she will provide her with a favorable confession. More importantly, her father will favor her.

As for the girl, what evidence can she show!

Do you have any drawings?

Oh, who hasn't?

The principle of bellows has been mastered by myself for a long time. It's really like who said that girl!

However, what Gu Jinyu did not expect was that just when she thought she was sure to win, the Ministry of industry suddenly came the bad news that the ironmaking furnace had exploded!

It was the stove modified by Gu Jinyu.

It only took three days. To be exact, within three days, the stove exploded this morning.

That furnace was so powerful that it destroyed all the furnaces built by the Ministry of industry.

This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that there were many craftsmen of the imperial court at that time, all of them were seriously injured by the explosion!

It was a Deputy Supervisor of the Ministry of industry who came to report. He came from the scene. He just went to the toilet and was not near the stove. Otherwise, he would be seriously injured now.

"Bring people in." Your majesty said in a deep voice.

What old fellow blacksmith and a carpenter saw was a benign countenance of the emperor.

He sat on the wooden chair, exuding the air that can't be shaken, and the two of them couldn't breathe.

The deputy inspector general went into the side hall in a panic, knelt down with a soft leg, and said the incident in a concise and comprehensive way. When he said it was Gu Jinyu's furnace, he gave Gu Jinyu a complicated look.

Gu Jinyu's face faded.

The old fellow asked anxiously: "what is the reason why it will explode? What's the size of your stove? How many bellows are used? "

The deputy governor didn't know the common people in cloth clothes, but since he could appear in his Majesty's imperial study and his majesty didn't stop him, he said so.

The old fellow Smith with deep hatred and resentment: "Oh! Miss Gu told me that such a big stove can only use two bellows at most! Who asked you to use six? Isn't that death? "

When Gu Jiao passed the technology to the old blacksmith, he naturally had noticed the matters needing attention. The old fellow old fellow had said it to the court people without reservation.

"Why are you so good at asserting?" The old fellow is so anxious.

The deputy governor was bitter because it was the princess's idea. She invented the bellows. She wanted to improve it. Who would question her?

Your Majesty's eyes on Gu Jinyu suddenly cooled down!

Gu Jinyu's cold sweat all over her body came out, and she said: "my design will not go wrong... Something else must go wrong..."

"No, we all do it in strict accordance with the drawing of the princess," said the deputy governor

And the bellows operation is very simple, as long as the right connection, there is no operation error.

At this time, no one wants to carry the pot.

His majesty turned to look at the old blacksmith and Carpenter: "old fellow, bother you two to go and see the scene."

The old fellow Smith and the carpenter went to the Ministry of work with the deputy governor, and Gu Jinyu went.

The fire spread, smoke everywhere, a mess.

The injured craftsman was carried out by the bodyguard with a wooden board, and the blood and flesh flying in the air was terrible. Gu Jinyu felt a tumbling in her stomach. She covered her chest, turned around and retched——

Gu Jiao is off today.

All the four men in the family went to school, and the old lady took the old wine with her to play the leaf card. She was at home alone. She planned to spend half a day in leisure, but she didn't have leisure for a while, and the third son came to the door.

"Miss Gu! Miss Gu! No! It's a big deal! "

Gu Jiao said quietly: "is Gu Chenglin not eating again, or is Gu Chengfeng in arrears with medical expenses?"

"None of them!" Xiao Sanzi was frightened and said, "the furnace in the Yamen of the Ministry of work has exploded!"

In the state of Zhao, there was no public hospital like Gu Jiao's previous life, and the number of doctors provided by the imperial court was limited. The largest one was the Royal Medical Department, but the number was not large. The second was the medical officers in the military camp. They were far away from water, but not near fire.

In general, the imperial court requisitioned doctors from the major hospitals in the capital.

Miaozhou hall is also within the scope of requisition.

Gu Jiao took the medicine box and went to the scene with Dr. Song and two other doctors from the hospital.

The scene is even more chaotic than Gu Jiao imagined. From time to time, injured people are carried out from the collapsed smelting room by bodyguards in the thick smoke. Doctors from other hospitals have arrived and are dealing with the injuries for several injured people.

Gu Jiao was not in a hurry to treat people's injuries. Instead, she took out all kinds of colored cloth strips prepared in the morning and handed them to the three doctors in miaohutang: "do as I said before."


The three nodded.

Zhao Shangshu had been out to check the water of the city defense. When he heard that something had happened in the yamen, he kept coming back. Beside him stood a young man with dignity.

The man was dressed in a royal dress. He was tall and had a cold face. There was an upper air between his eyebrows.

At this time, almost all the injured were carried out, and there were dozens of minor and serious injuries.

Doctors in major hospitals are treating the injured, but in this group, several of them are very different.

They were not busy rescuing the patients. Instead, they quickly made a preliminary examination of the patients and pasted different colors of cloth according to the severity of their injuries.

The patient with red cloth strip was in critical condition.

The patients with yellow cloth strip were not lightly injured, but they were conscious.

The green tape is for patients with minor injuries.

They give priority to patients with red strips, then patients with yellow strips, and finally patients with green strips.

Compared with the chaos of other hospitals, they are in good order.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly. Soon, he found a patient with black cloth.

He lay quietly on the floor, with doctors coming and going, and no one cared about him.

"Dead?" Asked the young man.

Zhao Shangshu hurriedly ran over and probed the patient's nose with his hand. He came back and reported: "it seems that there is still gas, but why not treat it?"

Zhao Shangshu said he did not understand.

The old fellow Smith and carpenter joined the rescue team. The two did not understand medicine, but they could help to get people out of the ruins.

In the thick smoke, there was a small figure that could not be ignored. She was dressed in green and slender. Her sleeves were rolled up to show her white wrist.

Her side face is as perfect as jade, but there is a red birthmark on her left face.

Her hands flowed through the bloodstain, calm and self-contained, without any confusion and disgust.

The young man looked at her steadily: "who is that?"

Zhao Shang wrote: "back to your highness, it seems to be the medical girl of miaozhou hall."

Young man murmurs: "wonderful, hand, hall."

The rescue at the scene was in full swing, but Gu Jinyu was completely flustered.

She didn't expect such a big accident to happen to the stove she had rebuilt. There were dozens of injured people, and people were constantly being dug out of the ruins.

At this moment, she was really scared.

She did not dare to think how her Majesty would hold her responsible.

She seems to be standing under a dangerous wall, which may collapse at any time!

Her whole body trembled.

She noticed the wounded man who was pasted with black cloth.

As if she saw the straw to save her life, she ran to the wounded quickly. Regardless of the ashes and blood, she knelt down beside the wounded.

"Someone's coming! Is there a doctor to help him

She cried out in despair, along with her inner hesitation. Her elegant and clean skirt was stained with blood. She took out a clean white silk handkerchief, held it in her hand, and bowed her head to wipe it carefully for the injured.

"Doctor! Doctor She sobbed.

She is a good person, not a careless person. She has conscience and compassion!

She gritted her teeth and growled, "I'm the princess! I command you to save him

This is the treatment area of miaozhou hall. The doctors of miaozhou hall are immersed in treating the patients at hand, and no one talks to her.