The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 190

The blade is deep and wide, and the dagger itself is not clean. Gu Jiao wants to clean the wound, and her skin and flesh are turned over.

That scene is unforgettable!

Because the wound is too close to the heart, I don't know if it's my own illusion. Gu Chengfeng always feels as if he saw his brother's organ beating.

Gu Chengfeng's hands and feet are cold!

After that, Gu Jiao began to stitch.

Gu Chengfeng is lying on the rattan chair feebly, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He wants to close his eyes, but he thinks it's very wise!

He saw the skin was torn up by the needle and thread, he heard the voice of sticky and sticky, his whole person is not good!

Look at Gu Jiao's calm face again. What I don't know is that she is sewing clothes!

When Gu Jiao finished the last stitch, Gu Chengfeng fainted.

For a long time in the future, he will probably be a vegetarian.

Gu Jiao goes out of the house.

It's already dawn. Xiao LIULANG goes to make breakfast for his family. Gu Changqing lingers in the hall all the time. Seeing Gu Jiao, he looks tight: "what's the matter?"

"Here you are." Gu Jiao takes the dagger from Gu Chenglin and hands it to Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing doesn't want this dagger, but after all, it's aunt Ling's weapon to hurt Gu Chenglin. He still takes it.

Gu Jiao said: "for the time being, I've recovered my life, but I haven't passed the critical period. In the next three days, I won't have any infection symptoms or adverse reactions, and I can wake up. It's really OK."

So the next three days are the most critical period. Gu Changqing understands and says to Gu Jiao, "then he..."

Since it's so dangerous, it can't be sent back to the government. The skills of the government doctors and the imperial doctors are not enough. The main reason is that Gu Jiao used strange things that Gu Changqing never saw.

I'm afraid the imperial doctor can't understand it.

Gu Jiao thought about it and said, "send it to the hospital. I'll be there during the day, and I'll let doctor song be on duty at night."

Doctor song is the apprentice of the old doctor of huichuntang in the county. He is trustworthy. Gu Jiao taught him some medical skills. He knows how to use her medicine.

Gu Changqing: "good, all listen to you."

Gu Jiao went to the old sacrifice restaurant next door and borrowed a carriage.

Gu Changqing carefully carried Gu Chenglin into the carriage.

Gu Chengfeng woke up and got on the carriage weakly.

Gu Jiao also had to clean up the house and deal with medical supplies, so she said to Gu Changqing, "you go first, I'll come in a moment."

Gu Changqing nodded: "good."

It's not far from the hospital from Bishui Hutong to Xuanwu Street, but in order not to make the patients on the carriage too bumpy, Liu Quan let the carriage go smoothly and slowly.

In the car, Gu Chenglin was still in a coma due to the drug effect.

Gu Chengfeng's sedative effect is very few, but as soon as he thinks of Gu Jiao's operation on Gu Chenglin, he feels that his arms and legs are soft, and his scalp is numb.

It's not that he hasn't seen a doctor treat someone, but that girl is different from other doctors.

What's the difference? Gu Chengfeng can't tell for a while.

Gu Chengfeng's eyes fell on Gu Chenglin's face: "big brother, what's the situation with the third brother?"

Gu Changqing said: "we haven't passed the dangerous period."

Gu Chenglin said: "I knew it! How could she treat her third brother seriously? Three days in danger, any accident is possible

Gu Changqing's eyes were cold: "this is the result of treatment. If she didn't do her best, what you will see now is a corpse!"

Gu Chengfeng was speechless.

Gu Changqing said sternly, "I don't want to hear such words again."

Gu Chengfeng turned his face reluctantly.

The carriage went on for a while, and the atmosphere inside the carriage was very dignified.

Gu Chengfeng once again opened a mouth: "big brother didn't doubt her identity? How can a country girl have such ability? Don't you think she's suspicious? "

Gu Changqing looked at Gu Chengfeng with awe inspiring eyes: "she saved my third brother, and she also saved me."

Gu Chengfeng was stunned.

Gu Changqing sent Gu Chenglin to the wing room of the hospital and let Gu Chengfeng take care of him. He himself went back to the Houfu.

Marquis Gu is dying of anxiety.

He was blocked in the house by Gu Changqing's Secret guard and couldn't get out a step.

It was daybreak, and he didn't know what happened to Gu Chenglin.

That smelly boy's wings are hard. How dare he disobey his father!

Just when Marquis Gu almost fainted, Gu Changqing came back.

Marquis Gu was so angry that he pointed to his nose and scolded him: "rebellious son! Unfilial things! Where have you got your brother? "

Gu Changqing said, "he's in the hospital and has saved his life for the time being."

"Keep, keep?" Marquis Gu couldn't believe it. The imperial doctor came in the middle of the night. After listening to the doctor's description of the location of the wound, he basically concluded that Gu Chenglin had no way to survive. Let alone go out to find the doctor in the capital, he called the doctor of the state of Chen.

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Marquis Gu was so excited that he stammered, "which hospital is your brother in?"

"Wonderful hand hall." Gu Changqing said.

Magic hand hall? Why does the name sound familiar?

It doesn't matter!

Lord Gu brushed his sleeve: "Huang Zhong! Prepare the horse! Go to the magic hand hall

Gu Changqing called him: "father, is aunt Ling still at home?"

"What else do you care about that woman?" When Marquis Gu mentioned that woman, he was angry!

After doing so many vicious things, it's not too much to die a hundred times!

In the end, it was Ling's family. He had planned to vent on Ling's family first and then deal with her. Unexpectedly, after a while, Gu Chenglin was hurt.

She knew that she had no way to live, so she had to pull a cushion when she died.

Over the years, she has been trying to suppress her resentment and discontent, which is so well suppressed that no one even finds out, until the last moment.

This kind of person is simply terrible!

Marquis Gu said, "when your grandmother wakes up, someone will tell her about last night, so you don't have to worry about it."

The old lady doesn't care whether aunt Ling bullied Yao's mother and son, or whether she provoked the relationship between Yao and her stepson. But Gu Chenglin is the lifeblood of the old lady, and aunt Ling's stabbing almost killed her.

The old lady won't let her go.

Gu Changqing went to Aunt Ling's yard.

Aunt Ling laughed madly for half a night, and now she finally stopped. She sat on the bed, holding a pillow as if holding a child, patting and humming.

Her house was a mess.

There are also traces of blood belonging to Gu Chenglin on the ground.

Gu Changqing crossed the threshold coldly.

With light on his back, his tall body casts a long shadow on the ground and spreads to Aunt Ling.

Aunt Ling raised her head in a daze. She was dishevelled, dishevelled, and her eyes were dull, but she soon showed a smile of joy: "ah, it's brother coming!"

Gu Changqing coldly walked into the room and stopped three steps in front of her.

Aunt Ling said to the "baby" in her arms with a smile: "big brother is coming, call big brother quickly!"

Gu Changqing said: "don't pretend, I have something to ask you."

The crazy smile on Aunt Ling's face froze.

Little by little, the corners of her lips came down, and her dull eyes gradually gathered a trace of ruthlessness. She threw the "baby" in her arms on the ground mercilessly and looked at Gu Changqing: "Oh, what do you want to ask me?"

Gu Changqing's look had no waves: "did you kill my mother?"

Aunt Ling was stunned for a while, then covered her face and laughed wildly.

She was shaking with laughter and tears.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The whole yard was filled with her crazy laughter, and the daytime sound was groundless and creepy.

The servant girls in the yard were so scared that they hugged each other.

Gu Changqing looked at her without expression, but didn't interrupt her.

After laughing enough, she wiped the tears from her face, looked at the tears from her fingertips and said, "I want to kill my sister. Does my sister have a chance to live so long?"

Gu Changqing light way: "is not you, who is again?"

Ling aunt smile, said: "why don't you ask me, your mother is dead?"

"Is she?" Gu Changqing asked.

Ling Yi Niang lightly a smile, lift Mou to hope into Gu Changqing's eyes: "no, she isn't, she is to let a person kill.". As for who it is, guess for yourself. "

Gu Changqing looked at her for a moment, as if he was trying to tell the truth of her words.

"You suspect I'm lying?" Aunt Ling sneered and said, "if a man is going to die, his words are good. I've admitted all my other crimes. Why don't I just admit this one?"

Gu Changqing said: "the night before my mother's illness worsened, I only saw you and my grandmother. Are you suggesting that my grandmother is the murderer?"

"Ha ha ha..." aunt Ling trembled with laughter, "if you want to think so... That's ok..."

Gu Changqing frowned.

What does aunt Ling mean?

She's saying it wasn't her or her grandmother?

But why did his mother's condition worsen after her grandmother came with her?

"La la..." aunt Ling picked up the pillow she had thrown on the ground and put it back in her arms. "Do you want to know who killed your mother? Come here and I'll tell you

Gu Changqing looked at her coldly.

"What? Are you afraid of me? " Ling aunt a face wronged, "you are not Gu Chenglin that fool, how can I hurt you?"? Come closer, I'll tell you

Gu Changqing remained unmoved.

"Well, that's all. For the sake of your last visit, I'll tell you who killed your mother. That person is -- "aunt Ling sneered and said a name.

Gu Changqing body a shock: "you talk nonsense!"

"Ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha..." aunt Ling laughed again.

Gu Changqing knows that she can't ask any more, or that this woman is really crazy. She doesn't know what she said at all.

He turned and walked out of the house.

When crossing the threshold, he finally looked at Aunt Ling: "before you marry into the Marquis's house, let me call your aunt's heart, is it true?"

Aunt Ling was stiff.

"I'll eat that."

"The red fruit in the tree?"

"Well!" Little Changqing nodded.

"I'll pick it for you!"

Xiaochangqing thought about it and said, "aunt."

"Ha ha!" The girl tied her skirt around her waist.

"Oh! miss! What do you do? It can't be like this at the girl's house! " The servant girl's mother-in-law is scared to death. It's not proper!

"Get out of the way!" The girl climbed up the tree and picked some red begonias for the three-year-old little Changqing.

The girl's eyes are pure and her smile is bright.

Is her most beautiful years, the most beautiful appearance.

Gu Changqing left.

Aunt Ling sat on the bed, holding her pillow tightly.

Suddenly, she buried her face in the pillow and burst into tears——


But xiaojingkong wakes up and finds himself lying on the bed. He grabs xiaojingkong's head.


Didn't he sleep with his bad brother-in-law in his little house?

Why did you come to Jiaojiao house?

Is Jiao Jiao missing him so much that she picked him up in the middle of the night?

Little clearance nodded solemnly.

Yes, it must be!

Xiaojingkong opens the quilt in a good mood and starts a full day!

He found that his little clothes were neatly placed on the chair beside the bed. He tilted his head and picked up his little clothes, and said with pride, "Jiaojiao is so sweet!"

After that, he frowned and said, "the bad brother-in-law is not so intimate!"

Xiao Liulang just opened the door and heard the little boy make complaints about himself. He looked at his eyes and squinted. "What's wrong with me?"

I brought the clothes, OK?

"Hum!" Xiaojingkong turned his face, and after a while he continued to wear his own clothes. He did not forget to show off, "I slept with Jiaojiao last night!"

Xiao LIULANG: ha ha, if you think too much, Jiao Jiao doesn't sleep.