The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 188

Marquis Gu slapped his hand on the table and said, "human evidence and material evidence are all here. What else do you have to say?"

Those words are aunt Ling's handwriting.

Aunt Ling herself was confused.

For a moment, she suspected that she had lost her memory!

I'm afraid she didn't write it?

Of course, the adulterer did not exist. In order to make the whole story more reasonable, Lao Jijiu finally wrote a letter of friendship between them in a very pathetic tone.

I've had enough of these dark days. I can't stand you coming back to another man. Goodbye, love in my heart. Do not come to me, I will go to a place where no one, with the memories of the two of us this life! These letters are proof that I have stayed in your world. I hope to leave them to you and cherish them.

Good Ba, even the pit of why aunt Ling is holding her love letter in her hand has been filled.

If there is no love letter from Aunt Ling, it can only be regarded as a one-sided statement of the adulterer. Aunt Ling does not admit that it is written to her.

It is with her personal reply that the story of Fengyue has a sense of substitution and persuasion.

Marquis Gu: no wonder I can't find the adulterer. It turns out that the adulterer has left the capital!

Marquis Gu is not only angry that Aunt Ling has turned herself green, but also that her husband's writing style is hotter than himself!

He can't write this kind of numb haw sentence!

... pick a note and write it to your wife later!

Marquis Gu is absolutely angry about Aunt Ling's putting a green hat on him, but now he can still be distracted, which shows that in his heart, aunt Ling's weight is not so heavy. It's just a matter of man's face.

In contrast, it's Mr. Gu who is very popular.

Ling aunt also too shameless, the man at home is not good? You have to go out and steal!

Which wild man out there can match her son?

She trembled and pointed to Aunt Ling's nose: "I used to think you were a good girl. I treated you like my own daughter, and I spent a lot of money on food and clothing. Although you are only an aunt, you are more beautiful than your wife in the family! In the end, that's how you repay the Lord? "

Ling aunt heart way, yes, than the main room also scenery, that is not because she drank Juezi soup? If she had a son and came out to compete with Gu Changqing's three brothers for the family property in the mansion, would the old lady value her so much?

She didn't say that.

Mrs. Gu will not feel ashamed. She will only think that she is shameless and unsatisfied. At the beginning, she begged to enter the Marquis's house, and she also voluntarily drank the soup of avoiding children. Nothing is more important than the children of the Marquis's house and her sister.

Is she farting?

In fact, aunt Ling didn't say these words, but old lady Gu only wanted to believe what she wanted to believe. She thought aunt Ling said it.

When she drank Jue Zi Yao, aunt Ling opened her tearful eyes and looked at Mrs. Gu wrongly.

She didn't refuse because she couldn't refuse, not because she was willing.

However, Mrs. Gu wanted it to be misinterpreted as voluntary.

Mrs. Gu can tolerate aunt Ling framing Yao, but she will never allow aunt Ling to be sorry for her son.

Aunt Ling said sadly, "don't you understand what kind of person I am? How can I do something to apologize to the Lord? "

The evidence is solid, old lady Gu won't listen!

The dirty water that Aunt Ling spilled on Yao was ten times as much as she spilled on herself now.

Ling aunt's nails are pinched into the meat: "well, you say I'm pregnant, then I'll see if I can have a baby in ten months!"

But, does she really have ten months to prove the truth of her stomach?

Marquis Gu opened the second box. There were two books in it.

The first one is the account book of Hou Fu, which is obviously not the public account in the public, but the private account of aunt Ling.

It's recorded that Aunt Ling embezzled as much as 200000 taels of silver from the Marquis's house!

You know, the salary of marquis Gu is only a few hundred Liang a year. If he doesn't eat or drink, it will take him 500 years to save the money.

Part of the money was for her to supplement her mother's brother.

Compared with the despondent Yao family, aunt Ling's two brothers, who were separated from the government, had a much better life. Aunt Ling gave them thousands of taels at random.

It was also at this moment that Gu Laofu realized that Yao's family name was more reliable than Ling's. at least Yao would not use the hard-earned money of Hou's house to subsidize his mother's family.

There is also a part of silver is Ling aunt into gold bars into the bank, which belongs to the greedy ink to her own son.

Mrs. Gu simply didn't know what she was doing with her private money? Is it going to elope with that wild man?

Old lady Gu is so angry!

In the end, the remaining ten thousand taels of silver were recorded more interestingly. I don't know what they were used for. Only the names of several servants were recorded.

"Zhang De..." Marquis Gu recited the name, always feeling familiar.

Huang Zhong said, "is that Xiao Zhangzi, marquis?"

Marquis Gu pondered: "xiaozhangzi?"

"Zhang can't fall," Huang explained! The guy who can't drink a thousand cups but can't pour a thousand cups! Drink a lot! He used to be in charge of the warehouse, and then he drove the carriage in front of his wife for more than a year! "

So Marquis Gu was impressed. He loved drinking and always missed things. Later, he was sent back to the warehouse by Xiao Ling: "is he still at home?"

"There it is Huang Zhong said.

"What about these Marquis Gu handed the account book to Huang Zhong.

"These are all here. This is Liu Chuner..." Huang Zhong is not sure.

"She's gone! But I know where she lives! " Gu old lady's confidant mammy said outside the curtain.

Huang Zhong and his confidant mammy went to find people separately. Most of the servants in the account book were found, and some of them disappeared, but it did not affect the final investigation.

Marquis Gu confronts them in front of aunt Ling.

They didn't admit it at first.

Marquis Gu said in a cold voice, "it's OK not to admit it. It says, how much money did you take? Give it back to Marquis immediately. If you don't, you'll take the power as stolen. I'll report it to you! I'm the marquis. I'm afraid the people who have been arrested by the officials will not come out again! "

When this remark came out, everyone was pestered.

Zhang Budao was the most counsellor, and he was the first to kowtow and beg for mercy: "how kind of you! Said the slave! This money was given to the slaves by Aunt Ling. She let the slaves spread the news that his wife had killed him in the mansion and around the capital! "

"She also let the maidservant break three childe's favorite inkstone and put the blame on the little childe!" A mammy said.

"She asked the slave to say in front of the second and third childe that if the Marquis had a new wife, he would not want them! If a son is born in the new lady's belly, the Houfu will be the younger brother's! " Another mammy said.

Among these people, there are those who have served Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin closely.

Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin have a great prejudice against Yao family. On the one hand, they come from old lady Gu and Ling family. On the other hand, they are instigated by these slaves.

But they instigate very skillfully, are Ling aunt behind the guidance, both can let the two brothers listen, and will not give the next people out.

A little fellow said: "and the time when I closed the dark room... The third young master didn't have so much strength, and the door wasn't closed. Aunt Ling asked the slave to close the door to death..."

Gu Chenglin himself didn't know about it. He really thought he had closed the door.

Gu Yan couldn't open the door. He had a heart attack and almost died in it.

And Marquis Gu almost killed Gu Chenglin's three brothers.

Gu Changqing is always by the side of the old Marquis. If aunt Ling is not good at attacking him, she extends her hand to Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin.

Every two people were wronged by Lord Gu and cried that their father was not good. When they didn't want him any more, the servants would say, "it's not Lord Gu's fault. Lord Gu used to treat you very well. It's Yao who gave birth to your younger brother, so Lord Gu ignored you."

The two children vent all their anger on Gu Yan.

Poor Gu Yan is very young. He jumps to find his brother in exchange for his brother's abuse.

Gu Hou Ye's anger finally broke out completely. He stood up and kicked aunt Ling's chest, kicking her over!

Aunt Ling fell down heavily and lay on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood from the corner of her mouth.

The real chilling moment is now.

When he believed that she was pregnant with another man's wild seed, he was not so angry. However, she only dealt with Yao and Gu Yan a little, and he was so angry?

Isn't that bitch and her son okay?

Don't they work well?

Is it for the 200000 taels of silver?

Oh, she is a cow and a horse in this family. She is deprived of the right to be a mother!

Isn't she worth the money?!

"Why did you do that?" Marquis Gu looked at Aunt Ling.

"Why..." aunt Ling laughed, "of course it's because of you..."

I wanted to marry you from the moment I fell out of the attic and was caught by you.

But why are you my brother-in-law?

When I see my sister with you, I'm so jealous that I'm going crazy!

My sister died.

My sister was very kind to me.

But I'm not sad, not at all.

Because I know, my chance has come.


Marquis Gu asked people to take aunt Ling down.

Aunt Ling's crime is unforgivable, but on the one hand, she is the daughter of the Ling family. On the other hand, the three sons don't know about Aunt Ling's crime, so they deal with it rashly. Later, the sons don't believe it. They have to say what Yao did to the people, and the misunderstanding is deeper.

Marquis Gu suddenly felt very tired.

He didn't hear much about Yao's family. On the one hand, no one dared to say it in front of him. On the other hand, Yao never complained to him. Occasionally, he heard his subordinates talking and sent them off on the spot.

"Marquis, how do you deal with these servants?" Huang Zhong asked.

Marquis Gu said impatiently: "just a few servants! Do you even want to ask me this? "

"Yes, yes!"

Alas, what a pity to be angry!

Huang Zhong would not be allowed to set foot in Hou's mansion any more, for he would not be allowed to set foot in Hou's mansion any more.

"Marquis." Huang Zhong said, "it's getting late. Go back and have a rest first."

Unconsciously, it was already midnight.

Yao has been back in the yard for a long time.

Gu Laofu was so angry that he had a headache. He went back to his room to take medicine and took a rest.

Marquis Gu was tired, but instead of resting, he went to the courtyard of Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin.

Gu Chengfeng just came back from the task, and he was almost drained. His face was pale, which was in line with the appearance of being awakened in the middle of the night.

Marquis Gu: "call your elder brother."

He doesn't have the right air.

The two brothers looked at each other, wondering what happened to their father.

Gu Chenglin said: "big brother has gone to the barracks."

Marquis Gu said wearily, "well, I'll talk to you two first."

Marquis Gu didn't say that Aunt Ling had an affair with other people. It's disgraceful, and it's not easy to talk about it in front of children.

He only said that Aunt Ling was greedy for ink and silver, and that she bribed people to make trouble and sow dissension.

The two brothers were stunned.

Xiao Ling left early. When Aunt Ling entered the mansion, the two brothers were still dependent on their mother. They learned from her mother's warmth. In their hearts, aunt Ling was the second mother.

Gu Chenglin stood up from his chair: "I don't believe it! My aunt won't do that! It must be Yao! It's Yao's slut who slanders my aunt

"Who do you call a bitch?" Marquis Gu also stood up coldly!

This time, Gu Chengfeng stood in front of his younger brother.

He would not allow his aunt to be wronged, nor would he allow his father to lecture his younger brother because of the wrong charges!

For the first time, marquis Gu felt a different atmosphere from his second son, but he didn't think much about it. His fist was clenched: "the evidence is solid. Those servants are still punished in the stable. If you don't believe it, go and ask!"

Gu Chenglin said: "they are all bribed by Yao! What Yao asked them to say, they said! I don't believe them! I want to see my aunt! I asked her myself! I only believe in her

Marquis Gu was furious: "rebellious son!"

Gu Chenglin just ignore him, in Gu Chenglin's heart, aunt is more important than father!

When he was ill, it was his aunt who took care of him!

When he thought of his mother, his aunt held him all night!

He was beaten indiscriminately by his father. His aunt comforted him and coaxed him to make delicious food for him!

My aunt is the best person in the world to him except my mother!

He only wants his aunt!

Gu Chenglin rushed to Aunt Ling's yard.

Gu Chengfeng is also worried about Aunt Ling's condition, and follows her.

"Aunt!" Gu Chenglin came out of the yard.

The guard stopped him: "third young master, you can't go in!"

"Get out of the way!"

Gu Chenglin went to push the guard.

But he couldn't push.

Gu Chengfeng came over, fingertips move, bodyguard only feel knee hit, body a bend, Gu Chenglin took the opportunity to push him aside, and Gu Chengfeng into the yard.

"Aunt! Aunt Gu Chenglin went to Aunt Ling's house in a hurry.

There was no lamp in the room, only a little moonlight came in from the door.

"Aunt?" Gu Chenglin calls softly.

Aunt Ling was sitting in front of the dresser, looking at the bronze mirror in a daze.

However, in just one day, she no longer seemed young and beautiful.

"Aunt..." Gu Chenglin came to Aunt Ling's back.

Aunt Ling is very quiet.

But her red and swollen eyes, it is not difficult to see that she just cried, her mouth also has blood.

Gu Chenglin is heartbroken. He kneels down on one knee and looks up at Aunt Ling painfully: "aunt? Did your father hit you? He's such a jerk! I'll never talk to him again! I don't want him! "

Ling aunt's eyes were red, and her eyes were full of water. She raised her hand and stroked Gu Chenglin's cheek: "silly child."

Gu Chenglin put his cheek on the palm of her hand and swore, "they said you framed Yao and forged evidence to slander you! Aunt, don't worry, I won't be fooled! My father has been cheated by that fox spirit. I will try to get rid of your injustice! "

Aunt Ling said, "don't you think she is stupid and can't frame people up?"

Gu Chenglin snorted: "that was before! When I saw her having a private meeting with other people, I also made me jump on the air. I knew that she was not simple! She's not a good person! Aunt, if there is no room for you in the mansion, then I will not stay! I'll take you! I'll take you out of the house! "

Ling aunt bitter smile: "you are the son of Hou ye, Hou ye will not let you leave Hou Fu, you will be caught back."

Gu Chenglin choked and quickly said, "he, he can't catch me! Let's go to Ling's and hide! My grandmother will make the decision for me

She will decide for you, but she won't decide for me.

My value has been drained the moment you grow up.

Ling aunt looked at him with tears, choked: "let aunt hug you again."

Gu Chenglin nodded, put his hands around aunt Ling's waist and buried his head in her arms.

All of a sudden, he had a pain in the chest.

Everything happened too fast, Gu Chengfeng didn't have time to respond, aunt Ling's dagger had been inserted into Gu Chenglin's heart!

Gu Chenglin looked down at the dagger in his heart and raised his head in disbelief