The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 187

Mrs. Gu looked at the doctor in dismay: "what do you say? "Happy pulse?"

"Yes, old lady, it's Ximai!"

"Are you sure you're right?"

The doctor laughed: "although my medical skill is not very good, Ximai can't be mistaken! Congratulations, old lady. I'm going to have a baby grandson! "

Old lady Gu's look became puzzling.

She never expected that she would have another grandson at this age, especially aunt Ling who gave birth to her grandson.

Is... Juezi medicine invalid?

The doctor did mention that the efficacy of this medicine varies from person to person. Some people have never had a child in their lifetime, and a few people are pregnant again after a few years.

Forget it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

Once upon a time, aunt Ling was not allowed to give birth to her own children because Gu Changqing's three brothers were still young. Mrs. Gu worried that Aunt Ling's birth of a son would threaten the status of the three brothers.

Now Gu Changqing has been named the son of the marquis by the first volume of the holy book, and he is the successor of the marquis. Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin are older, even if there are many younger brothers, it doesn't matter.

Nianzai aunt Ling has taken care of her three brothers for so many years, so it's not impossible to give her a son to let her spend the rest of her life.

Thoughts turned, Gu old lady to Ling aunt belly child suddenly had some expectations.

"How many months?" She asked the doctor.

Fu said: "from the pulse, it should be more than a month."

Ling aunt's face flashed a fluster: "but I just came to sunflower water a few days ago."

The doctor said with a smile, "there are also some of them."

Mrs. Gu nodded thoughtfully: "that's right. When I was pregnant with lady Shufei, I also came to kuishui. I almost thought I was not pregnant."

Aunt Ling wants to talk but stops.

Old lady Gu took aunt Ling's hand and said gently, "no wonder you didn't feel well some time ago. It turns out that you are pregnant. You have a good rest. Give me a big fat grandson. The Houfu won't treat you badly. "

It's not a matter of being ungrateful, it's a matter of being ungrateful——

Aunt Ling clenched her fist.

Suddenly, a servant's report came from outside: "old lady, madam is coming."

Gu old lady has accepted Ling aunt belly child, this meeting son mood is good: "let her come in."

Aunt Ling was flustered. She took Mrs. Gu's hand and said, "I, I don't want to see Mrs. gu!"

Yao's faster than her, her voice still did not fall, Yao has already played the curtain into the house.

Yao handed Mrs. Tang in her hand to mammy Fang, who followed her. She looked at Aunt Ling with a smile and said, "what's wrong with aunt Ling? Why don't you want to see me? Wasn't everything OK yesterday? Eh? Why is my aunt lying down? You look so bad. "

Yao said, looking at the doctor in the room, and then looking at Mrs. Gu: "mother, what's wrong with my aunt?"

Old lady Gu seldom laughed and said, "aunt Ling is pregnant. She is more than a month pregnant."

Aunt Ling looked at Yao in a panic.

Yao asked strangely, "is there a mistake? The Marquis has never rested in his aunt's house since he came back from the villa. How could his aunt be pregnant? "

The words changed everyone's face.

Marquis Gu has lived in the villa for half a year, and two months have passed since he came back. If Marquis Gu met aunt Ling before that, then Aunt Ling should have a baby now.

Aunt Ling's face was as white as paper.

Old lady Gu's face was black and turned into a piece of charcoal: "what you said is true?"

Yao's face is aggrieved: "mother if don't believe, go to call Hou ye to come over to ask."

It's about the heirs of the Marquis's house. Of course, Mrs. Gu sent someone to call them.

Marquis Gu was in the Ministry of work and his boss was so annoyed that he didn't have enough breakfast. He heard Huang Zhong report: "Marquis, the old lady sent someone here."

"What's the matter?" Marquis Gu asked with a headache.

Huang Zhong said, "it's an emergency. I want you to go back to your house immediately."

Marquis Gu frowned and said, "can I go back now?"

Huang Zhong wry smile: "the old lady's meaning, let you be sure to get back."

"What's the matter?" he said

Huang Zhongwei: "I asked. He said that the old lady didn't say. The old lady wanted to ask the Marquis face to face."

Marquis Gu has two big heads. Why does Mao come to him at this time?

Who on earth did he offend!

Marquis Gu went back to the Marquis's house upset.

In Songhe hospital, in order to make sure that everything is safe, Mrs. Gu asked her servants to invite several skilled doctors to diagnose the pulse of aunt Ling. All of them said that it was a happy pulse.

I'm pregnant now.

After all, it's about her son's reputation. Mrs. Gu didn't let anyone know except a few people in the room at that time.

Said that those invited doctors, also let old lady Gu give the sealing fee.

There is a tradition in Zhao state, which cannot be said before March.

The doctors, too, took care of their families, accepted the money and left happily.

As for the fact that no child will be born in the future, it's not surprising that pregnancy is a hard and risky thing, and no one can guarantee that the baby will be born smoothly.

When Marquis Gu entered the pine and crane yard, the old lady's confidant mammy had been waiting in the hall for a long time: "Marquis, you can count back. The old lady is in a hurry!"

Gu Hou ye said: "no, I just met some doctors at the door. Is my mother not well?"

"It's not the old lady..." my confidant did not know how to explain for a moment. She sighed, "Lord Hou, go into the room and have a look."

She closed the curtain to let Marquis Gu in.

There were only four people in the room: Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Yao, Mrs. Fang and aunt Ling, who was lying on the bed with a white face.

Marquis Gu first saluted old lady Gu: "Niang." He went to Yao's side and saw that Yao was intact. He was relieved.

He looked at Mrs. Gu again and said, "mother, what's the matter with calling my son back in such a hurry?"

Old lady Gu said, "have you been to Aunt Ling's house these two months?"

Gu Hou Ye looked at Yao Shi one eye: "Niang asks this to do what?"

Old lady Gu said calmly, "don't look at your daughter-in-law. To be honest, have you been there or haven't you?"

Marquis Gu coughed softly and said, "I've been there once."

"Can I keep a room?" Old lady Gu asked.

"Of course not!" Gu Hou Ye tiger body a shock, "I was passing by, lin'er happened to be in her yard, called me, I went in and lin'er said two words and left!"

At that time, Gu Chenglin was still in a wheelchair. His top flew to the roof. He went in and picked up a top.

"Don't say that your daughter-in-law is here," said Mrs. Gu

Marquis Gu said, "I don't have one!"

"You go out first." Old lady Gu said to Yao.

"Yes." Yao leaned over and turned to walk outside.

Marquis Gu gently pulled her sleeve and whispered in her ear, "I really don't have it. You believe me."

Yao didn't speak. He pulled back his sleeve and left the room in silence.

"Tell me the truth!" Mrs. Gu looked at her son.

Marquis Gu was worried: "what my son said is the truth!"

Gu old lady gray brow a wring: "so say, the seed in her stomach is really not yours?"

Gu Hou Ye is one Zheng: "what kind?"

"She's pregnant for more than a month," Mrs. Gu said

Finally accepted this child, but it turned out to be a wild seed, which made old lady Gu angry!

Marquis Gu looked coldly at Aunt Ling.

Although he doesn't like aunt Ling, it doesn't mean that he will allow her to green him!

Aunt Ling had just fainted. This meeting woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she gazed at the death of marquis Gu. She shivered and almost didn't faint again!

She got up from the bed, knelt down on the edge of the bed and grasped the hand of marquis Gu: "Marquis! I'm not pregnant! I don't have one! "

Marquis Gu coldly drew back his hand and said, "do you have any points in your mind?"

"I really don't have a body --" aunt Ling wrongly died.

This is much more than being poisoned by Yao's family, which made people think that she was the one who wronged kurouji.

Her heart and soul are all about this man. She began to admire him since she was a teenager. In order to marry him, she calculated. How could she betray him?!

She choked: "master Hou, it doesn't matter if other people don't believe me. You must believe me!"

Unfortunately, marquis Gu didn't believe it.

Aunt Ling yelled: "it's Madame! It must be Madame! She did it! She made me scented tea yesterday. There's something wrong with it! "

"That flower tea is mine!" Old lady Gu was angry.

Aunt Ling said quickly: "I mean... She moved her hands and feet when making tea... She drugged my tea!"

"Is there any medicine to make people pregnant?" Old lady Gu said that she had never heard of this kind of medicine before! Does aunt Ling think she is a fool!

It's not a drug to make people pregnant, it's just a forced change of pulse condition.

Aunt Ling is miserable. She not only has her pulse changed, but also has the side effects of drugs. Even the symptoms of early pregnancy are right.

Aunt Ling turned her head and looked at Mrs. Gu: "mother! Don't you remember I took Juezi? How could I be pregnant? "

Old lady Gu snorted coldly: "maybe it's too effective!"

Marquis Gu heard about Jue Zi Yao for the first time, but it doesn't matter any more. This damned woman cheated on him and was pregnant with someone else's wild seed!

He's mad!

Seeing that they didn't believe her, aunt Ling gritted her teeth: "well, you don't believe me. You think I stole a man behind the back of the marquis. Then you should find out the adulterer!"

She doesn't look like Yao. She has a good old face!

Marquis Gu calls Huang Zhong to find aunt Ling's adulterer.

"What's the matter, this is it!" Huang Zhong tried hard to find it.

The first place he searched was aunt Ling's residence. It was not that he suspected that her adulterer was hiding here, but that it was the living place of aunt Ling, so it would leave a trace.

Just before Huang Zhong stepped into the yard, a small figure jumped over the wall.

She came to Aunt Ling's yard and planned to put her "criminal evidence" in.

As a result, she saw a man.

Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing has just arrived.

The curtain is dense and opaque, and the room is dark, but Gu Changqing still recognizes Gu Jiao.

Two people big eyes stare small eyes, ignorant force three seconds.

Gu Jiao: "I'll put something."

Gu Changqing opened his mouth, coughed softly, and said seriously, "it's so clever. So am I

Gu Jiao

Gu Changqing

Gu Jiao: why does this happen to Mao every time he does something in secret? Last time I met Xiao LIULANG in Guozijian, this time I met Gu Dalao in Houfu.

Doesn't she deserve to be on a mission alone?!

Gu Jiao silently put the evidence of the forgery of the old sacrificial wine into the drawer.

Gu Changqing also put his share in.

They were silent for a moment.

Gu Jiao: "still don't put together."

Gu Changqing: "that's what I said."

At the same time, they took out their own evidence, one in the wardrobe and the other under the pillow.

"Here comes Huang Zhong!" Gu Changqing heard the movement outside the yard, and quickly reminded Gu Jiao that she planned to take her out. As a result, she turned to see where there was Gu Jiao's shadow!

Gu Changqing: not necessarily.

In Songhe courtyard, aunt Ling has come back to herself. Yao can frame her only by taking advantage of the old lady. It's impossible for her to reach into her yard.

Otherwise, where does she still use it in Songhe hospital?


She wants to see what Huang Zhong can find out!

"Lord! Old lady! I got it

Huang Zhong came in with two boxes in his hands.

Aunt Ling frowned. What's the matter?

Marquis Gu and old lady Gu opened the box.

The first thing they opened was the box given by Gu Jiao. In the dream of returning to the mansion, aunt Ling had been quietly seeking medical advice in order to treat her infertility. But aunt Ling was very careful. Every time she saw the prescription, she would destroy it immediately.

Gu Jiao forges another copy for her.

The old wine offering technique is very good, and I know how to make old ones. I have made all the prescriptions more than ten years ago.

In addition to the prescription, the old sacrificial wine also played two roles and wrote dozens of sentimental love letters.

The old sacrificial wine family was poor. Before he became famous, he used to earn a bundle of money by writing Fengyue Huaben. He was the best seller all the year round and wrote well!