The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 168

Gu Changqing came to the door, looked at the closed door, and looked at Gu Chenglin: "what's the matter?"

Gu Chenglin said, "Oh, I'm waiting for my second brother to have dinner with my grandmother. My second brother is changing his clothes."

Gu Changqing light way: "tomorrow morning will go to Ling's, you all prepare."

"I see." Gu Chenglin should go down.

Gu Changqing looked at the closed door again: "Chengfeng, are you ok?"

Gu Chengfeng clenched his teeth, put on his clothes and said, "I'm ok. Will elder brother go to grandma's for dinner in the evening?"

Gu Changqing said, "I'm going to the barracks. I won't come back tonight."

"Will you come back on New Year's Eve?" Gu Chengfeng asked.

The day after tomorrow is new year's Eve.

Gu Changqing pause, way: "should come back."

Gu Chengfeng is waiting quietly in the room to make sure that Gu Changqing's footsteps have gone far away. He throws his blood stained clothes into the charcoal basin and burns them down!

Bishui Hutong.

Gu Jiao also returned home.

There were many bruises and bruises on her body, which could not be concealed at all, so she had to tell the truth about what happened to her.

"The house in the music hall collapsed and I was crushed under it."

She didn't say that she was in the underground storage room, but even on the ground, she might fall from the crack and be pressed.

"Jiaojiao, why do you go to the music hall?" Xiaojingkong asked with his eyes open. His eyes are big, full of worry and sadness.

Gu jiaolei his little bald head: "take a look at it. It's a pity that the sugar gourd I bought for you is gone."

The basket is crushed.

Xiaojingkong plunges into Gu Jiao's arms and says wrongly: "I don't want sugar gourd! I only want Jiaojiao! "

Gu Jiao leans on the head of the bed and looks at the little guy who is afraid in her arms. Is this the feeling of being needed?

"I'm fine." She looked at a room of people worried about the small eyes, smile, "is really nothing."

This injury is nothing to her.

But in the eyes of her family, she was so badly hurt that she was not allowed to come down from the bed!

The old lady asked Gu Jiao to rest in bed, and she didn't worry about all the work at home.

It's just cooking——

Family sitting in the main room, you look at me, I look at you.

Or Xiao LIULANG cleared his throat and said, "I'll cook."

The whole family: "don't go!"

How hard it is to cook by yourself, don't you count in your heart?!

Gu Yan and Xiao Jingkong can't cook. Gu Xiaoshun is the only one left, but his cooking skill is just a little better than Xiao LIULANG.

At this time, the old lady missed Xue Ningxiang very much.

The rice made by Xiangxiang is delicious.

Small clearance: one more.

Gu Xiaoshun: add one.

Gu Yan: add one.


Finally, the old lady sighed and went to the next room.

Lao Jijiu was writing couplets in the room, and the door was kicked open with a clang sound.

The old toaster trembled with fright: "I have no private money!"

The old lady put a kitchen knife on his desk: "cook."

Old sacrificial wine

A quarter of an hour later, the old wine appeared in the next kitchen with a black face.

Is it true that a country's sacrificial wine has been reduced to the point of being a former enemy and a cook?

Forget it, he just can't bear that his lover and Xiao en Gong have nothing to eat.

It's not to compromise with the evil queen!

But why is the food so green today?

Garlic sprouts, celery, green vegetables, mung bean sprouts

As he took a kitchen knife to chop the wine on the chopping board, he silently said in his heart: rest assured, I will never let your head be green!

"Grandfather!" Xiaojingkong yells in the yard.

The old wine man put down his kitchen knife and said, "come on!"

The coffin is going to be unable to be pressed by the emperor

The old sacrificial wine made six dishes and one soup, which was more luxurious than Gu Jiao's cooking line-up.

Xiaojingkong can't eat meat. He made xiaojingkong's "Wei Wei Jiu Zhao" (bean curd wrapped with plain meat), Zhiqu Chencang (sesame and mung bean soup), jinnanmiao (fried bean curd wrapped), sanzuili (vegetable assorted).

Small clearance is a feast to eat.

Even the most annoying carrots are not left!

What he eats is not vegetables, but knowledge!

Only he has!

Small clearance head shaking, very proud!

The old sacrificial wine not only has a good dish name, but also has a good taste.

The old lady thought, "well, I might have taken a fancy to your cooking."

The old sacrificial wine was in a panic: No, we didn't!

The old sacrificial wine also stewed the tonic Soup for Gu Jiao.

Xiao LIULANG brings the soup and food to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao sat at the head of the bed, looking at him with bright eyes.

Xiao LIULANG was so excited by her undisguised eyes that he lowered his eyes and put the food on the table first, then moved to the small table where he usually put his homework on the bed.

He set the table in front of her and set the dishes and soup.

Her diet was light because she had to heal her wounds.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the colorless food on the table and said, "if I can't get used to it, I'll bring you some pickles."

Gu Jiao didn't speak, but opened her eyes wide and looked at him.

"What's the matter?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

Gu Jiao said, "aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Xiao LIULANG didn't understand.

Gu Jiaoding looked at him: "not afraid of being pressed down, can't you get out any more?"

It was really dangerous.

It's not the danger that she will be sacrificed, it's the danger that it will collapse at any time.

But he jumped down without hesitation.

He crawled towards her again in the darkness and danger.

Xiao LIULANG didn't think so much at that time.

I didn't think much about saving her later.

As if it was something he should have done, he didn't realize it was special.

Just be asked by her, on the contrary let him speechless.

Gu Jiao bent the corner of her lips: "the way you jump down is really handsome."

I used to think he was pretty, his face and his figure were pretty everywhere.

But the moment he jumped down, he was a really brave man.

Her little husband has grown up.

Xiao LIULANG was a little red by quarter, and handed her the spoon and soup bowl: "eat while it's hot, it's cold for a while."

"Well." Gu Jiao took the spoon and took a sip of it.

Suddenly thought of what, Xiao LIULANG to Gu Jiao way: "the scene is too chaotic, your basket crushed, some things did not find back."

Gu jiaohun didn't care and said, "it's OK. If you lose the sugar gourd, you can buy it again."

"It's not sugar gourd, it's..." in the middle of Xiao LIULANG's words, he saw the small medicine box beside her, and he frowned suspiciously.

Maybe he's wrong.


"Marquis!" Chang Jing returned to Hou's house.

"Why did it take so long? Is it difficult to save people? " Xuanping marquis is asking Liu Guanshi to play chess with him.

Liu is in charge of food. He's in charge of two people.

Chang Jing said, "it's not difficult to save people. It's difficult to ask about identity."

Those people were rescued and left. The Yamen couldn't even record their confessions.

But yamen is yamen, Chang Jing is Chang Jing.

One of the onlookers happened to meet Xiao LIULANG, who was selling tea eggs opposite the Imperial College.

"Students of the Imperial Academy." Chang Jing said.

"Name?" Xuanping marquis.

"I didn't hear that." Chang Jing shakes his head.

The tea egg seller only met Xiao LIULANG, but did not talk to him.

However, manager Liu frowned thoughtfully.

Students of Guozijian?

Can't it be the young master?

No, no, no, it's impossible. It's too bad!

It must be someone else!

For the next two days, Gu Jiao was at home.

On New Year's Eve, not only the academies and the Imperial College were on leave, but the shops on the streets were closed one after another. On the day before New Year's Eve, the major Yamen and political departments also took annual leave.

Marquis Gu happily went to his immediate superior's library, waiting for his performance appraisal this year.

"I've given so many gifts. How can I be an excellent one?" Marquis Gu walks with the wind.

Zhao Shangshu coldly threw the document in front of him.

He took it up and opened it. He doubted that he had read it wrong. He looked at it seriously again and wondered, "Mr. Zhao, are you wrong? Take other people's evaluation results as mine

He sent out such a valuable gift and got a bad review?

If it comes to the emperor, he will have to be disciplined again!

Zhao Shangshu's eyes were chilly. If it wasn't for the sake of the old Marquis, he would put this guy to justice now!

How dare you instigate his daughter to beat his son?

It's the opposite!

Marquis Gu was confused: "how did I offend the adults?"

Zhao Shangshu: Oh, you didn't offend me. It's just that your daughter is going to beat my son to see all the ancestors!

Marquis Gu didn't know that he was hurt by Gu Jiao again. He thought the gift was not heavy enough: "Mr. Zhao, what can we discuss slowly?"

"What a fart!" Zhao Shangshu directly blew up rude words and blew out marquis Gu.

Marquis Gu took the first bad comment in his official career, and his heart was blocked and wronged!

On the other hand, Xuanping Marquis also suffered the first shock after returning to Beijing.

Everyone knows that salt transportation is a big problem, so is mining.

Xuanping Marquis's men won a mine with difficulty. As a result, when it was near mining, they were caught in a dilemma. They accused one of Xuanping Marquis's family officials of improper style, bullying the local people and women.

The evidence was conclusive, and the emperor immediately dismissed the dog officer.

The official was recommended by Xuanping marquis. In this dynasty, the system of continuous sitting was practiced. If the recommended official did something wrong, the recommender would be punished at the same time.

How to punish?

You can't scold as you used to.

So the emperor took back the mining rights of the mine and gave them to others.

Xuanping Hou bares his teeth. What a pain!

After going down to court, Marquis Xuanping stopped the old man in front of him and said with a playful smile, "Zhuang Taifu, what did you do?"

Zhuang Taifu looked back at him coldly and said, "if you don't want people to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself. Besides, I'm the only official in the world. Don't you like Lord Xiao? Marquis Xiao has offended too many people. It's better to go back and reflect. "

Xuanping's hands were in warm hands: "why dare not recognize it? I can't see you literate scholars like this most. You have a son to do but you don't have a son to recognize. "

"Xuanping Marquis!" Zhuang Taifu was choked by the indescribable obscenities, and his hair stood up. "This is the imperial palace. This is the golden palace. Please be careful!"

Xuanping Marquis gave him a good look and walked away with a cool smile.

Xuanping Hou got on the carriage: "what's the situation? When I came back, he was in a hurry to add a jam to me? "

Qin Wei said: "it seems that it's because of Zheng Siye not long ago. Zheng Siye was about to become the Imperial College's sacrificial wine, but suddenly there was a rumor that he was immoral and disrespectful in the Imperial College. In addition, a bribe account book a few years ago was wildly circulated in the Imperial College and finally fell into the hands of his majesty. Your majesty has put aside the issue of conferring the title of Guozijian for the time being. "

Xuanping Hou squinted: "so he thought it was the Marquis who did it?"

The guard was silent.

"I need to deal with a small secretary?" Xuanping Hou took his hand out of his warm hand and picked up a snack on the table: "Chang Jing, I've been cheated."

Outside the carriage, Chang Jing clasped his fist: "go down and kill him!"

Xuanping Hou threw the snack back on the plate: "boring!"

Chang Jing was wronged.

Xuanping Hou put slow tone, coax children like to him: "you at least first check who that person is? Who's behind this? "

"Oh." Chang Jing went to check.

It turns out that the biggest suspect is a student of Guozijian.

Xuanping Hou was puzzled: "why is it the Imperial College again? Is the Marquis fighting with the prisoner of the state? "

"In fact..." one side of Liu Guanshi clear throat, "there is something I have not told you."

"What's the matter?" Xuanping asked.

Liu Guanshi: "the young master who doesn't want to recognize you is also a student of Guozijian."

Xuanping Marquis


On New Year's Eve, Gu Jiao got up early.

The medicine in the small medicine box was very effective. In just two days, all the bruises and bruises on her body were gone. She was able to move her muscles and bones.

This is their first new year's Eve in Beijing and the birthday of Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong.

She takes it seriously.

First, she went to the front yard to choose two thick and strong bamboos and cut them down to make firecrackers.

There was no gunpowder in this dynasty. In fact, the so-called firecrackers were just burning bamboo in the fire. Bamboo would make a crackling sound, which was very festive.

After making the firecrackers, she was ready to make breakfast.

In the cupboard, there are dumplings made by Lao Jijiu last night, including mutton stuffing, cabbage and pork stuffing, leek and corn stuffing. She cooked them a little, and there is also small clearance. It's meicaisu meat stuffing.

The family continued to rise.

Xiaojingkong is the first to come to the kitchen to find Gu Jiao.

"Jiaojiao." Xiaojingkong hugged her legs, and her head rubbed against her soft stomach.

Gu Jiao is rubbed by him straight smile, resist itch way: "go to call aunt grandfather to come over to eat dumplings."

"Well!" Xiaojingkong is a good filial child. He soon went to the next room to call the old sacrificial wine.

Soon, Feng Lin and Lin Chengye arrived.

Gu Jiao had said hello to them earlier. Today she came to Bishui Hutong to celebrate the new year.

Feng Lin and Lin Chengye are also here. This is their first year in Beijing. I'm not used to them. Fortunately, Gu Jiao called them here.

As soon as they entered the house, they felt comfortable as if they had returned to their own home.

Xiao LIULANG heard their voices and was about to come out to greet them. Then he saw Feng Lin scurrying in front of him: "jiaoniang! Here I am -- "

Lin Chengye: "I'm coming too --"

Xiao LIULANG, who was ignored by the two chiguoguo, said: "I'm not sure."