The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1892

When he came to Fenglei Pavilion, Ye Tian saw all the elders posing to greet him. They looked extremely respectful. Ye Tian\'s achievements today may have reached the peak of heaven, and he didn\'t even pay attention to the four major forces. elegant demeanor.

"The defense has been strictly guarded recently, and there must be no negligence." Ye Tian said: "If the guess is right, the ghost sect will not let it go."

"Pavilion Master, why be afraid of them!" An elder said: "With the current power of Pavilion Master, it is not easy to deal with them!"

"That\'s right, the pavilion master is so powerful, why should they take them seriously!" Several elders spoke out, with even more frivolity in their words, today\'s battle in Shenxianju, Fenglei Pavilion is the show.

"If you really want to make a move, the Fenglei Pavilion that Guizong can destroy in an instant." Ye Tian smiled and said: "Everyone doesn\'t know it, he is still arrogant here!"

The elders of Fenglei Pavilion were startled, they didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would say such a word, which made them at a loss.

"Okay! I\'ve said what I have to say. I can\'t say anything more about what you think and how you will behave." Ye Tian waved his hand and went towards the experts in Fenglei Pavilion.

All the elders looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

When he came to Fenglei Pavilion, Ye Tian came to the side hall and summoned Jian Yu at the same time.

The white-faced scholar stood aside, and Jian Yu also walked in from the outside: "Pavilion Master, what\'s the matter?"

"I didn\'t come here for anything other than to ask, what do you think of Xiaolongmei\'s strange behavior recently?" Ye Tian asked.

"This..." Elder Jian Yu shook his head: "No weird behavior, but he is very close to the Four Dragon Guards, and I don\'t know why!"

"Why didn\'t you report this matter?" The white-faced scholar frowned: "You four dragon guards are his confidantes, did he not tell you anything?"

"Elder Bai, that happened in the past. Now that the Four Great Dragon Guards are the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, there is absolutely no way they will betray Fenglei Pavilion." Jian Yu was resolute, with extremely serious eyes.

Faced with these words, the white-faced scholar nodded slightly: "It\'s good that you can say these words, and I hope that what you say is what you think in your heart."

"I suspect that Xiao Longmei has regained consciousness, Elder Jian Yu dares to try?" Ye Tian smiled faintly.

"How is this possible?" Jian Yu was shocked: "If he really regains consciousness and becomes the Dragon King back then, how could he hold back until now?"

"Some things may not be as simple as you think." Ye Tian shook his head: "If I don\'t try, I won\'t rest assured."

"How does Pavilion Master plan to try?" Jian Yu said repeatedly: "As long as I can do it, I will never sit still and wait for death."

"You dress up as a man in black, go to his room, and lead him to the back mountain!" Ye Tian smiled and said: "His consciousness has not recovered, so he must not have reached the peak, his strength is superior to yours, and you have the power to resist !"

"So what if we lead him to the back mountain?" Jian Yu was puzzled.

"Just say you\'ve seen it through!" Ye Tian sneered, and at the same time whispered something in Elder Jian Yu\'s ear.

The white-faced scholar stood at the side, waiting silently. With such thoughts, Ye Tian was naturally worried about Xiao Longmei, but that was fine, if Xiao Longmei was really hiding, it would definitely not be a good thing for them.

When it was late at night, Elder Jian Yu put on his black clothes and walked towards Xiao Longmei\'s room, his footsteps seemed crisp.