The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1891

"Of course I know this is my duty!" Zhao Xiaoqing nodded: "But this is by no means a reason for us to shrink back. Elder Fang has become like this, and it is all because of the Bronze Taoist Temple and the Dragon Ball!"

Li Xiaoyao didn\'t say much, and was even silent. If it wasn\'t for Elder Fang\'s calculations, he probably wouldn\'t be like this. At this point, he can only report this matter to the public.

In a bamboo grove, the white-faced scholar looked at Ye Tian: "Master Ye is really smart, slap him and give him a piece of candy. In this way, the grievance between Ghost Sect and Bronze Taoist Temple will become bigger and bigger!"

"Even if I do this, the ghost sect may not let me go." Ye Tian smiled: "I\'m afraid there will be a world-shattering battle then!"

"Since the pavilion master is not afraid, he naturally has the intention of the pavilion master. I am afraid that the pavilion master has planned a long time ago, so he is so indifferent." Bai Mian said bluntly.

"I don\'t have any plans, but people live for one breath. Wouldn\'t it be too unbearable to be scared away?" Ye Tian said bluntly: "The Dragon Ball is in my hands, but they are not sure, so naturally they will not make a big move. After all, it is better to make friends with a strong person than to offend a strong person."

"Could it be that the pavilion master wants to take the opportunity to show his strength? To make them afraid?" The white-faced scholar was surprised.

"That\'s not bad!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "It\'s exactly what I think."

The white-faced scholar nodded quickly, Ye Tian\'s words reminded him, and made him never think that Ye Tian walked so delicately, every step seemed to be within his expectation.

"By the way, do you feel that Xiaolong is not weird recently?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"Pavilion Master, why do you act like this?" The white-faced scholar was shocked: "Could it be that the Pavilion Master discovered something?"

"I suspect that Xiao Longmei has regained consciousness." Ye Tian laughed.

"How is this possible!" The white-faced scholar trembled: "If he regains consciousness, it\'s not Xiaolongmei, but the Dragon King who killed the world 30 years ago!"

"That\'s right!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "But I\'m just guessing, I don\'t know the specifics!"

"So that\'s it." Bai Mianshu let out a sigh of relief: "I thought he really regained consciousness. If so, I\'m afraid even my godfather can\'t control him."

"Although I\'m just guessing, it still doesn\'t feel right." Ye Tian smiled and said, "If he really regains consciousness and never shows it, he might be a ticking time bomb that might explode at any time!"

"How about this, I\'ll go and try him!" The white-faced scholar said, "If he shows any signs, I\'ll tell the Pavilion Master!"

"No need, I will try it myself!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "If he is in a state of amnesia, his strength has not reached the peak level. If his strength can be displayed at the peak level, he must have recovered his memory."

The white-faced scholar nodded slightly, but he didn\'t dare to say too much. Some things are like this, and it\'s not good to talk too much. He doesn\'t dare to belittle himself about such things.

After this incident, Jiangnan was like a bomb, shaking in the country, and many people came here for martial arts, wanting to join Fenglei Pavilion.

Ye Tian\'s strength was rumored to be miraculous. Even the four great sects may not be Ye Tian\'s opponent. After this incident was reported, it caused endless waves.

Many people talked a lot, and even almost deified Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian didn\'t care about these.