The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1592

"The old man has lost his temper, and his body is still very weak, so he can\'t speak easily." Ye Tian said aloud: "Let\'s not disturb him, let him rest well."

Everyone nodded quickly before they came out of the room, but Miracle Doctor Han\'s expression was not good. Everyone was happy that the patient was cured, but they were cured by Ye Tian, ​​which made them full of displeasure.

"Master Ye, old man, when will this illness be completely cured?" Chu Tianfeng asked with his hands clasped in his hands, "If Master Ye hadn\'t acted today, the old man might die."

"I give him acupuncture and moxibustion once a day. I think he will be cured within a week." Ye Tian said bluntly: "However, the old man should not be disturbed in the near future, otherwise it will be extremely dangerous."

"Master Ye, don\'t worry, I will definitely pay attention to this." Chu Tianfeng nodded quickly: "Master Ye came all the way to the magic capital, and he came to treat the old man without even drinking a cup of tea. I can\'t wait for such a great favor. Unforgettable, I will trouble Master Ye to stay in these few days!"

"No need, it\'s inconvenient to live in Chu\'s house." Ye Tian waved his hand: "We will find a hotel to live in, so you don\'t have to worry about it."

"How can this be possible? Master Ye came to Shanghai because of his grandfather\'s illness, and he has great kindness to the entire Chu family. How can we let Master Ye live outside." Chu Qian said repeatedly: "I hope Master Ye will not refuse. "

"It\'s really inconvenient to live here." Su Qingya said, "After all, he\'s not alone, there are a few of us, so naturally we can\'t bother you at home!"

Chu Tianfeng looked embarrassed, and didn\'t know what to say. Ye Tian came to Shanghai in person to see a doctor for his grandfather. They didn\'t provide enough hospitality. Wouldn\'t it mean that he lost his favor.

"Okay, you don\'t have to make things difficult." The white-faced scholar said, "Master Ye came to Shanghai not just to see a doctor for Mr. Chu, how could he live in Chu\'s house!"

"Since you don\'t want to live in Chu\'s house, everyone can\'t be absent from the dinner tonight." Chu Jingtian said: "Just now I have offended you in the room, I hope Master Ye will not be as fussy as I am."

"Of course not!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "You have never seen my medical skills, and you are quite fancy to the old man, and I can understand."

"Ahem, since there\'s nothing else to do, I\'ll go first." Miracle doctor Han coughed a few times, feeling dull on his face, and even wanted to crawl into a crack in the ground.

After all, he is also a genius doctor in Shanghai, and now he looks ugly in front of the juniors, so he naturally looks bleak.

"I\'ve heard it a long time ago. Master Ye is very powerful at a young age. He can already be called the number one person in the entire Jiangnan area. It can be said that he is invincible." Chu Jingtian clasped his fists and said: "Today, it is really not a small thing. His age is the same as mine. Rather, if the rumors are true, the masters in the industry may have a bright future."

"Second brother, what do you mean by that? What does it mean to be true?" Chu Qian rolled her eyes: "Master Ye\'s strength has been witnessed for a long time. Even the Dragon King was defeated by him. These are not just fiction."

"That\'s not necessarily the case, little girl, did you see that battle?" Chu Jingtian squinted his eyes: "But I won\'t believe anything I haven\'t seen!"

"Young man, you speak so proudly, it\'s a bit like your stubborn grandfather." The white-faced scholar smiled lightly: "But you can\'t cross the red line, or it will end badly at that time."