The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1591

"Of course it is true!" Ye Tian nodded: "If you don\'t believe me, I will do acupuncture now!"

"Little brother can have such good luck, I would like to see it." Miracle doctor Han smiled lightly: "Look at how little brother\'s acupuncture is."

"Miraculous Doctor Han, since you are at your wit\'s end, why don\'t you go to the cashier to get the money first." Chu Tianfeng said, "Master Ye must be safe and sound here, and the old man doesn\'t need to worry about you."

"Master Chu, do you want to drive me away?" Miracle Doctor Han frowned, "I was invited here anyway, so wouldn\'t this attitude disrespect me too much?"

"Miraculous doctor Han, please don\'t be offended." Chu Jingtian said, "My eldest brother has such a temper and is always so confident!"

"Chu Jingtian, you invited Miracle Physician Han, and now he can\'t cure the old man\'s illness, so what if I ask him to collect the money?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong with it." Chu Jingtian nodded slightly: "But Miracle Physician Han was invited by me, and his fate is naturally up to me to decide. Master Ye Ye has a way to cure the old man, and Master Han is also here. It’s better to learn how to do it.”

"Master Chu is right, I just want to learn." Miracle Doctor Han nodded slightly, and did not intend to leave.

But Ye Tian didn\'t care, he used the acupuncture technique in his hand, stuck a few needles on the old man, and then slowly got up: "Mr. Chu has a deep obsession, and he needs three needles a day to get better results. "

"Thank you, Master Ye!" Chu Tianfeng hurriedly clasped his fists together: "As long as he can cure the old man\'s illness, Master Ye will be my Chu family\'s great benefactor!"

Chu Tianfeng looked solemn, and his eyes were even more serious. Ye Tian came from Jiangnan in person because of the old man\'s illness, so he naturally saw it.

"Master Ye, has the old man\'s condition stabilized?" Chu Jingtian frowned: "It doesn\'t seem to make any difference after these few needles."

"That\'s right, the old man of the Chu family is still in a critical condition. Didn\'t Master Ye just say that a few needles will heal?" Miracle doctor Han said with a smile: "Is it just talking?"

"Why, are you quite happy?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I thought that the devil is a big place, and genius doctors will have extremely high medical ethics, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

"What do you mean by that!" Miracle Doctor Han frowned, "You\'re so rude!"

"Master Doctor Han, I advise you not to talk too much." Chu Tianfeng said, "I believe in Master Ye\'s medical skills. Master Ye said that if you question it, you will be cured."

Doctor Han stood aside with a hot face. Ye Tian was surrounded by the Chu family, so he naturally didn\'t dare to do anything wrong, but he felt a little unhappy. He was a miracle doctor after all, and he was invited by the Chu family, but now he was so neglected.


Just as they were talking, there was a coughing sound, and the old man Chu who was lying on the bed opened his eyes. Although his face looked quite pale, there was a trace of blood, and he seemed much better than before.

"Old man!" Chu Tianfeng hurried over, with Jingxi in his eyes: "Old man has woken up, old man has finally woken up."

Chu Jingtian stood beside him with horror in his eyes. At the same time, he glanced at Ye Tian from the corner of his eye. He had naturally heard of Master Ye\'s name, but he never thought that Ye Tian was not only strong in martial arts, but also so superb in medicine.