The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1577

"Little sister, what\'s wrong with you?" Chu Tianfeng was shocked, and looked at Ye Tian: "Master Ye, what\'s wrong with my little sister?"

"The Good Fortune Pill is not an ordinary pill!" Ye Tian said aloud: "This kind of pill can improve your cultivation base, and it has a considerable effect. Naturally, it is very extraordinary. There is too much energy in his body, and it takes time to refine it." change."

"The Creation Pill is so pure, you will definitely be able to increase your cultivation if you eat it, you should hurry up and find a place to rest, and it will be effective after a few days." The white-faced scholar said.

Chu Tianfeng nodded quickly, and led Chu Qian away with surprise on his face. He could feel the loosening of the bottleneck, which was enough to show that the white-faced scholar hadn\'t lied to him.

Looking at their leaving figures, the others were very envious. The Good Fortune Pill is not an ordinary medicine, and the Good Fortune Pill that Ye Tian took out is the essence of the essence. It is probably a coincidence that the two of Chu Tianfeng can get the Good Fortune Pill. Good luck.

"Pavilion Master, are you really going to the Devil\'s City?" The white-faced scholar said, "Although I have something to do with it, the forces in the Devil\'s City are intricate and complex. Going to the Devil\'s City this time may cause a lot of fluctuations."

"In the entire country, there are few people who can hold me down." Ye Tian said aloud: "Going to the Demon City this time will naturally not cause any disturbances, not to mention that the old man of the Chu family and you are friends of eight worshippers. Wouldn\'t it be too heartless if you don\'t take action to treat him?"

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!" The white-faced scholar hurriedly clasped his fists together: "I am quite grateful for Pavilion Master\'s consideration for me!"

"Old Bai, you are from Fenglei Pavilion, so I naturally have to think about you." Ye Tian said bluntly, "You don\'t have to pay too much attention to it. This time, I want to take Qingya there as well Let\'s go, just to relax, I will explain the company\'s affairs."

"I see!" The white-faced scholar nodded hastily.

As time went by, everyone came to the ferry from above Longzhou. At this time, there were lanterns all over the sky not far away. There was a slogan written on each lantern, which looked quite romantic. Most of the people who put the Kongming lanterns were young people. People even walk in the streets and alleys in ancient costumes.

"Xiao Tian, ​​why don\'t we change into ancient costumes?" Su Qingya said, "I feel that such a dress is too glamorous!"

"Okay!" Ye Tian smiled slightly, and walked towards the fashion store, and everyone else followed. Tonight is to watch the lantern show, so they can\'t be absent, especially when Ye Tian is present, they will accompany them with their bodies.

"It\'s not good, someone\'s life was lost, someone\'s life was lost!"

Before Ye Tian entered the clothing store, there was a burst of shouting, and not far away, a man was lying unconscious, and he didn\'t know what happened, he didn\'t even stand up.

"I didn\'t hit it, I really didn\'t hit it." Zhou Yuting said repeatedly: "He accidentally tripped over something, it\'s none of my business."

"Little girl, it was obviously because you got hit by him just now that he made this happen, but now you want to shirk responsibility. I think you should call an ambulance quickly. If something really happens, your future will be ruined."

A few people next to him said aloud, their words were more serious, their eyes were looking at Zhou Yuting, and they were even pointing.

"What happened?" Yang Zitao walked over holding the Kongming Lantern.